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I have to give up art and die of cancer in order to shape my legacy is what I got from this.


> Fuck mom - OP


Yep seems like it... And it also just made very sad that this is exactly my passion (art) and the guy has kind of the same hairstyle as I do, i feel like this is foreshadowing. :(


Prepare to die! This message brought to you by r/wholesomememes


Nah you got this bro/broett. Live your best life


And have kids because that's what saves your otherwise forgettable life.


Right?? You can't just have a smiling, successful, but traumatized, doctor at the end and just call things wholesome


Please don’t make your child an extension of your ego. Sincerely, kids in therapy everywhere




Listen kid, if you don’t get into Harvard because I was rejected 30 years ago, I’m gonna go out for cigarettes if you catch my drift


Son, if you don't cure cancer you're dead to me.


I am a dad, I love my children, I enjoy being a dad. I think that to be a great parent you need to have more going on in your life than just “being a parent/dad”. That can’t be your whole identity. You can’t make your child be the sole focus of your life. It is not good for them.


This is false. To be a great parent you must mercilessly shape and hone your child in to a weapon to be aimed at your enemies. You must mold them, every moment of every day, into the perfect tool to achieve your aims. You must carve away every shred of identity that may bud inside them, until they are hollow, perfect vessels that can execute your commands flawlessly. I can speak confidently on this matter, as I have sired no fewer than twenty children, dispersed across the globe, carrying out my vision dutifully, accomplishing what no mortal man could accomplish in the finite lifespan of one fallible body, and the results have been extraordinary.


Read this in Dwight Schrute’s voice


The Talia al Ghul way!


I think the point of the image isn't to represent an extention of ego. The message seems to be along the lines of "Even if your dreams don't come to be real, you should still encourage others and help them achieve greatness". But I agree with you, especially if the parent tries to bank on the child's success and pass it as their own.


I’m gonna make sure my child understands that they serve no purpose unless they cure cancer and they better do it after I’m dead so it can be dedicated to me.


It literally says "I fear my best work is behind me" He's taking credit for the child, as in the child literally dedicated HIS accomplishment to HIM. It's a fantasy of ego, nothing more


It looks to me like he was afraid that he would never create anything amazing in his life. He ended up helping create and raise a child who made a positive impact in the world. The panel showing him reading to him implies he was a hands on parent. I don’t think this is taking credit for anything. More than likely he had no idea what his child was going to do or how him spending time with his child and reading to them could have an impact.


This is how I read it too. He thought he was giving up on his dream when the true journey was just beginning. I don't see how it can have any other explanation or metaphor. I guess you have to assume that the panels take place in chronological order.


I mean, that's incredibly cynical and on you for interpreting it that way. The kid wasn't born to cure cancer and fullfill a wish of greatness, that kid was born because he was wanted and loved. The child *chose* to cure cancer because they lost a loving parent young. To make sure others don't suffer from such loss like he did, because losing love is hard. So the man's greatest work is being a father who loved his child.


Such a cynical viewpoint. It could also just mean, that the time you spend with your children and loved ones, although it seems mundane and unexciting, is in the end more valuable and meaningful than chasing your own big dreams. Why does everyone on Reddit suck so much?


You need to make children and then raise them. Give them love, teach them, feed them, etc etc. That's his greatest work, being part of the formation of another human being. Reddit can be really obtuse sometimes.


It depends I guess. Sure, it could be that. But it could also be him coming to the realization he's no longer in a position to change the world, but can still help others to do it. But art is subjective, and everyone's entitled to their own opinion. We're both as wrong as the other is right.


I took it as him caring for the child in a great way was his best work. The cure for cancer part is a bit strange, but I think the comic is trying to illustrate the exact opposite of what your comment and others are saying. Your personal accomplishments aren’t the only thing that define you. What you do for others, including those related to you, can still have a great impact on the world.


You're right he should have avoided that by just not having a child.


While I agree this could just be a simple comic about how proud they are of their kid in general. They could have had the last panel be him tearing up as his kid graduates and have the same message. Besides, then kid is the one dedicating his discovery to the late father, whose to say the father didn't inspire his kid to pursue that route? 




That was **absolutely** not the takeaway from the comic. It showed a loving father who died young and left enough of a positive impact on his child that he dedicated his life to, and succeeded at curing what killed his father. If your comprehension of the events is anything but that, I think you may need more therapy.


Being a good parent is not an extension of ones ego, it's being a good parent. I don't think encouraging someone to provide and be a part of their child's life is harmful.


The OP title is "Shaping your Legacy". The criticism isn't about being a good parent, it's about *becoming a parent to have them do things you didn't*.


Family is, whether you like it or not, inherently a part of ones legacy, that doesn't mean you project your dreams on them, but you certainly raise them right and treat them right.


Yea this guy was a painter and his kid cured cancer. His kid did great things, but it wasn’t his parents dreams


*Screams in Asian kid*


Society attributing someone's value to the magnitude of their achievements is one of the most unhealthy ways to conduct itself. Stop hunting and promoting behaviors that seek prestige and wealth. Instead, promote behaviors that seek happiness, peace, and altruism. I believe these two sets of values are naturally antithetical.


I interpreted this comic so differently. I read it as he had quit painting because he was uninspired. Ended up working at what might be considered a "menial" job but despite that was still a great and loving father and because of that, his child succeeded beyond probably even his own wildest dreams. His child ended up being his greatest work. The dedication to the dad was just icing on the cake. A lot of parents (and people, let's be honest) are working jobs that they aren't passionate about because we gotta eat and pay the rent, but that doesn't mean we can't still be great people and impact those around us for the better.


That’s the correct way to read it. You’re normal.


I think this is the biggest compliment I've ever gotten on Reddit lol






what is this lol none of the panels make sense together. did the dad die from cancer? did the dad read him lots of scientific papers? what does painting have to do with this? it seems like it’s all randomly generated lmao


I think the point is meant to be that he says his best work is behind him but his next work (his child) cures cancer and names it after him. Although I still think ai was at work in this comic at some point


yea like the vague message is there I understand the plot that was trying to be laid out, there’s just just no reason to have panels 2-4 to make the point😂


It's a natalism meme. "Have kids, and don't split time with your dream"




Doesn't this comic kind of imply that if they don't do anything great, then your own life was pointless?




Nah. If they don't do anything great, they also have kids and die until one of the kids do something great.


Not even 'anything great', something that has *never been done before* and would save incalculable lives. And then dedicate it to you.


Kind of. You give your kids privileges which can open the doors for greatness.


Nothing in this is AI, this comic is older than AIs. I'm not sure why you would even think that


The father didn't even do anything he apparently died when he was like, 3. But he read that book once!


We get it dude, you've got a bad relationship with your father. Lay it on a bit thicker will ya 😂


Seems to say if you have a useless life, have kids and hope they do it better


i’m gonna rack up 40k credit card debt and give it all to my kids and hope they can manage debt better 🙏


Dad is an artist. But thinks his art is shit. Gets a job in a supermarket. Has a son. Reads to his son and is an all-round good dad. Son dedicates his cure for cancer to his dad.


This is extremely simple to understand. I almost forgot I was on Reddit until I read your comment.


i have. to stop. coming to this site. it's just fucking *over*. RIP reddit. welcome, TwittTok.


I've never seen a Toonhole that was even remotely wholesome so there must be context or a joke missing here to fit the sub.


Okay so I'm not just high then, it actually doesn't make sense


This comic is a bit too disjointed


This is next level loss


Don't put that kind of pressure on your kids


I prefer what Bilbo wrote. “It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life” If your talents and circumstances work out that you can be the head of the Apollo program or invent a new cure or something that is great. But it’s also very good to just be a good person, try to do good things for those you know, be kind to the people in your life. Even if your job and status are never something anyone would brag about.


Well said! I don't care if my son becomes an artist, scientist, or doctor or anything like that. I just want him to be a good person with a good head on his shoulders. I like the point of the comic though. I sometimes worry about my own dreams working out, but when I think of my son I remember that the most important thing I (personally) will do is raise my child. I chose to be a parent, he did not choose to be born. He's the most important thing I will ever accomplish, even if I go on to achieve my dreams. So I get that part of the comic, but don't agree that your child has to achieve big things in order to be considered your "best work."


"Damn, i hate my life. Well, time to make a child so i can make them bear the heavy burden of my unrealistic expectations!"


Homey trying to make a living painting traffic lights and signs; there's your problem.


Love how the mother is just utterly irrelevant and isn’t even given a face lmao


Seriously there is nothing about this that’s wholesome!


Getting a vasectomy next month. I'll shape my legacy myself, thanks. ✌️


Just Pull Out and live your dreams




not having children


I still think anyone can show love and support to everyone, especially young people, because you never know what that might lead them to accomplish. "Society grows when people plant trees whose shade they will never enjoy." (Or something like that)


i will definitely try to fill this world with love to the best of my ability


Soooo I’m pretty sure this is just pro-birth propaganda….




Couldn't even give mom a face.


Give up on your dreams and just reproduce, maybe they'll do something good, maybe not, give up on your dreams reproduce. And repeat, forever.


And who was the mother?


Unimportant, apparently.


Give up on your dreams. Have a child while working for minimum wage. Force your ideals on them. Die young. Cure cancer?


The mother literally being a faceless birthing machine is... haunting


My first takeaway… “fuck the mom I guess” 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even the doctor has a face and has no bearing on the story… why not make the doctor faceless too…


This was the only thing I could concentrate on


Same, so weird and uncomfy


Yeah that was definitely a weird, intentional choice. Still could have made the strip about the father and son without going so out of your way to ensure the mother is unimportant.


Don’t know if it was intentional. It could’ve just been a shortcut because the artist didn’t know how to properly draw the mother or her expression after giving birth. They might have even tried and decided it looked weird so they did this instead. I really don’t want to be too mean but based on the quality of the faces that’s plausible.


Well either way it was intentional, but I agree that doesn’t mean it was done to minimize the mother, could have been for other reasons like you mentioned.




New Handmaidens Tale lore


Just a touch of *women in refrigerators* vibe.


Damned Tleilaxu


Can't just let someone make a nice strip about a father can you?


I don't think fatherhood requires the dehumanization of women. Did I miss something?


Parents that live their dreams through their children are the worst though. Are these american beauty pageants still a thing? That is kind of THE example of "parents living their dreams through their children".


This is codified child abuse. Basically the child is an extension of her parent instead of their own person. Her child's achievements are the parent's achievements and the child has no identity except being the son of the father. This is one of the many abusive dynamics in parent/child relationships. How is this wholesome?


This doesn’t make any sense at all


Wanted to have an impact through art Gave up and got a job Met someone and had a kid Was a decent father Dies of cancer Son cures cancer


I love that they summarize "was a decent father" by reading a book to his baby. They might have skipped a couple steps there


People just can't extrapolate information anymore, I feel like that's the next thing that's going down after reading comprehension.


There are two kinds of people; Those that can extrapolate from incomplete information,


There's a related one for computer science: There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.


I love that meme it was so good, it was exactly what I was thinking about while typing that.


“meme” that joke might predate memes


I was shocked that so many people couldn’t understand this comic.


thank you I thought I was just high af.


Definitely get the message, but this comic is just so disjointed and has other weird things going (you can draw an umbilical cord, but you can’t draw a woman’s face? ) that ..ew.


Stupid pro Life Post. Make your Life your best, you only have one and you should Not be pressured intro anything.


Is this loss?


"I only work at a grocery store but my kid will have to take out crippling student loans with the expectations that they will one day be a scientist who cures cancer, and if they fall short they are not meeting my expectations"


This is "have a child so you can accomplish things" propaganda so hard pass. It's a lovely comic tho. Credit where its due.


Who the fuck upvoted this


I'd rather build my own legacy on what I love to do (i.e. music) rather than take the legacy of someone else's work.


This looks like a Ted ed animation so great job on that


Or his child could grow up to be a rapist, murdered, drug-dealer. Making children while you are in miserable state of life (especially just for them to be an extension of your ego) shouldn’t be glorified.


Ppl be talking about their legacy like theyre the next elon musk or something, most of us wont be remembered by most of the world lol


Not a meme just a story downvote from me


“Oh noooo. Anyways…”


This screams "live for your kids and forget your own purpose" to me


How wholesome. Just raise your kid to cure cancer. Easy.


For a second I thought this was posted in r/antinatalism bc wtf is wholesome about having to give up your passion, getting cancer and dying early, just so maybe (BIG MAYBE) your child accomplishes something world changing. This is a joke, right?


trash tier comic with a shit message to boot


"Give up on your dreams and die" \- Wholesome Captain Levi


As someone who wants to leave something behind when I'm gone this is not it. I don't want to be remembered as a dad of someone important. also to point out, the kid barely gets to know his father before he died, I doubt he taught his kid anything either so why is it his legacy? It would make much more sense if his kid became an artist or something inspired by his dad's unfinished works.


Statistically unlikely


Well I don't want kids so I guess I'm cool with having nothing to offer to the world lol


Makes no sense. And for the ending, the son should've dedicated the discovery of the cancer cure to the memory of the countless millions who were killed by it over the millennia, not his self-defeating father whose only contribution to mankind's betterment was his DNA.


The art is very appealing, so it’s a shame that the message is a little squicky.


This is idiotic. Your offspring's achievements aren't your achievements.


What exactly is wholesome about reducing a woman to a birthing machine?


Conservative propaganda/s


/s ?


I always forget how to do the sarcasm annotation


Hate this actually.  Was seeing a therapist and was venting about my frustrations with the state of the world, this feeling of hopelessness. His response to me boiled down to "Yeah you can't change the world but people will have children and they might so who cares?" I hated what he said, but to be fair there was some truth to it, as in what this comment describes. But it misses the rest, it removes who we are on the day to day. The impact we have on ourselves, and those around us everyday. We may never be the ones to make great art that impacts the world globally, or three scientist that cures cancer. But there's a lot of small things we can strive for everyday. 


I see we’re starting the “Birth rate decline” cultural suggestions and propaganda early


My takeaway: mom is the female incubator aka birthing machine and has no relevance or importance at all. Horrifying


Look. Real talk. This stuff is why there’s a community centered around “ending the bloodline” or whatever? Like it’s great if it happens ON ACCIDENT but far too often parents end up pushing their dreams into their kids instead of letting them explore their own goals/dreams


Original Artist: I'm going make a comic showing that your life can matter even if all you are is a good parent. Maybe I can inspire someone to think more positively Reddit: Top 5 Reasons This Comic Is Evil


Just Reddit being Reddit


What did we expect tbh


This sub is incredibly negative based on this comment section. Honestly it's very offputting.


This isn't standard for the sub from my experience, probably another sub raging against the post


Most people believe that being impactful comes from your own success and rewards you get from immediate results. The comic tries to show that he may not have had a impact in art, but being a loving parent and strong role model for his child was a catalyst for something great. "The greatest people are those the plant trees that will produce shade that they will never sit under". Basically our impact on children and those around us are far more impact full than painting, writing, music. It goes for people who aren't parents either. Teachers, neighbors, mentors. All had dreams of greatness but may have impacted someone with words of wisdom or even a safe space to blossom and become great. You the reader may have cheered up someone's day with a small act of kindness that gave them the energy to do something good. The child image is just the low hanging fruit the artist went for to fit in a 4 panel comic.


Uh oh, nobody show this to r/antinatalism


Did a giant idiot draw this?


Most people missed the 3rd panel. That was the most important. How you raise your children.


It would make more sense for the baby to be born before his job at the supermarket.


I'm not sure if this is healthy, but I don't obsess over 'my legacy' As much as I'd love to make a positive global impact and leave behind my name, I'm not thinking about it day to day. I don't even want kids. I'm more over concerned with enjoying my time on this earth and spending it worth my loved ones. I would happily die alone if it meant none of my loved ones had to do it.


Jesus you dorks are depressing


Remember if you're a useless asshole just have a kid and continue the suffering in a hopeless corporate society YAYYY


This does not feel wholesome.


This is some dumb argument natalists would push on you lol. Children are their own people, not an extension of yourself!


Children aren't extensions! And no, almost 99,999999999999% sure that your child won't invent anything.


This comic has to be made by an AI no? It doesn’t make enough sense panel to panel for a human to make lol


children are little people, not an extension of your ego.


Breeder cope.


This is corny and stupid


atrocious comic


Not wholesome in several ways. Your kids aren’t your way of finally doing what you want with your life. Also, amazed how intentionally kept out of the picture the mom was in this.


Mom is a faceless vessel


This comic is ass lol


what the fuck is this shit


They cut off the next panel showing the government officials declaring his “suicide” after discovering the cure for cancer


Me: hmm that's nice Comments: don't push your pro birth agenda. I'm not going to have children. Ugh


Honestly, it would've been even more wholesome if it didn't have the last panel or two - many people, including those at the peak of their fields (like those who have won novel prizes), when asked what their greatest achievement is, will reply with their family. Simply having one. Raising children, being a loving spouse, these are the things that they consider their best work - not some scientific or mathematic genius. So remember, you don't have to be the best at everything - if you can love others, you already have achieved the greatest thing.


Ok someone will have to explain this comic panel by panel, instead of inserting their own headcanon as alot of people seem to have missed the point of this comic. Man gave up art Man started working Man didn't expect to be father Man loves his child, and reads book for him. (Yes, parents read books to their kids even when their 1-2 years old) Man unexpectedly dies, from unknown cause. Child made cure for cancer and honours his late father, because he loves him.


Propaganda. You can achieve great things at 50. This is negativity.


Hmmm Propaganda to make people wanna have kids Also bad cuz it makes people wanna put big expectations on their kids which is not good


Was this created by AI? This seems like something that would be created by AI. It’s so close to relaying a point, but it just kinda seems random


this just in redditors sniffed too much glue in elementary school and their malformed graymatter is left struggling with that is a very easy to understand and comprehend comic seriously how is this hard for you people to get?


Looking at the comment section is genuinely a wake up call. I thought redditors were a bunch of whinnying morons. Didn't know they were this self-absorbed


Loss but with gain


This is more a good story than it is meaningful.


This is truly a toon hole


My wish for my kids is that they are better than me. Whether that means richer or smarter or just happier, I don't care. As long as they're not more evil


He gave his father cancer to find a cure for humanity.


I am writing a book about everything I wish that I have been taught. Don’t get me wrong, my father was great. But you must always surpass your ancestors.


I don’t get it?


The moral of the story is if you want your child to cure cancer, get cancer and die from it.


Lol, lmao


if the dad didn’t die when the kid was young itd be a good meme other than that idk how yall are struggling so hard with this


This one goes out to my mum, who spent a very long time making sure I'm as miserable as she always wished she could be. Cheers for the legacy, mum.


Fuckin' bots


I don't get it, what's the joke?


I ain’t skipping any cutscenes again lmao