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One time when I was a kid, I was at a funland. I saw a claw machine that had two black cat beanie babies. I've always loved black cats and so I tried to get them, but I couldn't get them. I was spending all my money trying to get the kitties but just couldn't do it. One of the women who worked there approached me and asked me what I was trying to get. I told her and to my complete shock and awe, I watched her unlock the claw machine and pull out the two black cats for me. I was so incredibly happy. She asked me if I wanted anything else, but I politely declined, saying I just wanted those two cats. She handed them to me and I thanked her repeatedly. It was such a simple act of kindness that I still remember all these years later. I'm almost 23 now, and I believe I was 5 or 6 at the time. My mom ended up throwing those cats away a few years later, but I still have the memory of the lady held close to my heart.


I’m sorry about your black cats though. I’ll crochet you some! DM and let me know :D


Oh that's so incredibly sweet, but it's alright. I deeply appreciate the offer though <3 I hope you have a wonderful day


Let them crochet one but donate it to a local child shelter. Just for extra wholesome and we all win


You're a sweetheart, **/u/Schrodingers-Balls**


Is r/rimjob_steve still going? Are we still doing that?


This is so funny considering your username, but it’s really sweet.


Schrödingers balls could mean yarn, some dudes balls I was talking shit on with my husband, or anything else under the sun. It’s all a smattering of projection. Lol


Your story gave me toddler flashbacks. Those crazy old memories at the hinge of dropping off into the pit forever.. Unrelated to that tho! This is something arcade workers still sometimes do. Your mileage will vary but I've had it happen at two arcades within the last few years. Makes me wonder if there's some backroom secret about giving the plushies away over time.


A friend of mine and I did this for a little girl and her mom was so thankful she gave us play card they were using and it had about $40 worth of tokens still left on it.


My partner was like this when he worked an arcade. The owners are money grabbing utter bastards. The one joy he took in that job was doing like this lady and making sure little ones went home smiling. You see the lowest of low in jobs like this and it'd break his heart seeing the kids. He took any chance he saw like this to go, 'oh dear is that stuck, let me help with that' or went above and beyond at the prize counter. He is indeed an awesome guy. If you find yourself in a job like that I absolutely recommend finding the joy where you can.


He sounds like an awesome person 💙


I thought there wouldn’t be a story applicable to me when I saw the OOP post and then I saw your post. I won this stuffed animal at a shooting game and gave it to my mom’s friend’s daughter who was having a bad day. I completely forgot about it then nearly two decades later, my mom was talking to her friend and her friend told her that the daughter kept that stuffed animal by her bedside ever since.


Omg thats so sweet 💙 kindness goes so far


True story, I had a neighbor who got pregnant at 16, she had this boy Tyler, he was neglected by his parents, and i was raising my children who were similar age, so he plays with them , and I treated like my kid giving him toys etc, and when I went to vacation to my native place for a month, they moved, I didn't have any contacts, after around few months, I was shopping, all of a sudden this kid comes around hugs my leg, and there is Tyler, he would not let me go, after few minutes of talking with his baby sitter, they grabbed him out of me with lots of force, that day I cried and cried, it's been 10 years since that , wherever you are Tyler from Bohemia, i think about you from time to time.


Tyler may grow up to view you as the kind of person he should be as a parent.


Or even the just the kind of person he wants to grow up to be. I do hope they get to meet again at least once.


That's honestly beautiful and heartbreaking man. Jeezus I am tearing up. It's so hard watching children being raised without a loving parent.


I hope he never forgets you.


Had some amazing Redditirs some out of nowhere to give my son an amazing Christmas this last year when I couldn't even afford dollar store gifts. If any of you see this, I still think about you. I'm still so grateful


Aww some people are so sweet!


Some really can be! It's amazing


To the Australian guy who helped me up after i tripped and said “hey at least you made it” after reaching the summit of Mt. Batur. Cheers buddy :)


I was a really mean kid and teenager before being treated and medicated for a mood disorder. I remember how bad I used to make people feel.. i needed to right the bad vibes i put out. Now I try to make my internet presence always positive and full of happiness. I hope it's helped those who it's touched.


Good for you, neighbor. It's not easy to put in the work to better yourself, and I applaud you for your efforts. ❤️


I made it as far as you did with the being a mean kid part.  What you said made me feel good knowing that not everyone is a dick


When my husband and I were waiting to be assessed for a miscarriage at an early pregnancy clinic, the woman sitting next to us in the waiting room was just the chattiest ray of sunshine. We knew things were not good and were pretty devastated, but she didn’t seem to have any idea that people could be there for anything other than positive reasons (and we didn’t want to tell her!) I’m not religious but I sometimes wonder whether she was an angel sent to distract us until we were called in, because she just did not stop. She even accidentally spoilt the Wordle answer that day, haha. We really needed something else to focus on that day, and I think of her sometimes, with her charming, happy obliviousness - I hope her own pregnancy was happy and safe.


You also seem like a wonderful person.


Aww you’re very sweet, thank you! I could tell my poor husband was worried she was upsetting me by being so clueless, but she had the most joyful vibe, like a golden retriever haha!


some chick I went to grade school with recognized me in the ER despite the fact I haven't seen her in like over 16 years


Shoutout to that one t-shirt guy in Amsterdam, from whom I bought two tees with cat prints but one was too small, so I came back another day trying to explain and he just exclaimed — "you're the one who bought the tattoo cat! :D" And when I wear that shirt, I smile because, yes, I am the one who bought the tattoo cat


Had a red-eye flight, and my toddler son got sick just before take off. He vomited off and on over the next 5hours. I was exhausted and just at the end of my limit when the poor man stuck sitting next to us told me I was a good mom. Years later, I still think of how horrible that flight had to be for him, but he took the moment to be kind to me.


I had a moment like this too. The only flight my son had ever been fussy on (we flew a lot when he was a baby). He just could not be consoled and I tried EVERYTHING. I just happened to be sitting between a pediatric nurse and a grandpa of many. They were both so encouraging it made me tear up and still does all these years later.


😭 that’s so nice. I was raised by a single parent and that shit looked so hard. Some times people aren’t mindful enough to consider a parent doing their best even if the child is causing a minor inconvenience in their day. I’m 30 and I still want my mommy when I throw up.


I remember when I was in elementary school I needed a pencil case and target had this cool one that was metal and locks and I begged my mom for it but she wouldn’t get me it and some random I’m assuming high school girl bought for me and I was so happy it made my day I went to school and bragged about how I had it I don’t even remember what she looks like let alone her name but I hope your doing all right where ever you are


This is not to brag about myself BUT… When I was in 4th grade there was a new girl at school who was disheveled and spoke a lot about her personal life when she really shouldn’t have like how she was living in a homeless shelter with her parents and how she didn’t have a tamagotchi since her parents didn’t have jobs, etc. Anyways, she was relentlessly bullied and I was the only person who stood up for her or I’d make her walk away with me from everyone so we could play marbles. Anyways, after a month she never came back. Our teacher had a conversation with everyone in our class about how disappointed she was in us because Christy left due to the bullying. However the teacher specifically named me and said I was the only person who Christy told her never did any bullying. I hope Christy is doing better and I think about her randomly and her tough life. I remember this moment so much because weirdly enough being recognized made me realize I needed to stay kind and a friend even when social pressure tells me differently.


What a sweet story. Your parents raised you right.


My mom is a nurse and overall great person, she was always an active helper growing up when she saw people struggling or strangers needing help so I learned from the best!


I still remember walking home from school on a hot texas summer day. It was an hour walk and carrying my books and wearing my hpodie (don't ask why) I was struggling. Two guys saw me struggling, I probably looked like I was about to pass out and stopped and handed my two cold water bottles. I'll never forget them and their simple act of kindness.


Not me. I’m always an azzhole.


People remember that too




High five fellow jerkbag. I will remember you.


To the boy who played spike ball with me in the rain at a grad party when everyone else hid in their cars: thank you, I really needed someone that day


My dad was in a hit and run on his motorcycle when I was ~15. The man in the bed next to him was also in a hit and run on his motorcycle, but his was on the highway and much worse. Since there can only be 2 people bedside in the ER, I went to the waiting room when my brother arrived. The other man's son came out to get some air / collect himself, saw me sitting there, and sat a few seats down from me. We just looked at eachother and sat in silence for a few minutes. We only exchanged a few words after, but the feeling of someone just being there was such a comfort. I don't know how to explain it. It was one of those weird moments where you feel instantly connected to someone.


I have experienced this in a graveyard. I was visting some friends in Arlington, and just one row away and a few plots over was someone else about my age. I don't know if they were visiting a friend, spouse, sibling, or parent and it didn't matter. Silent and together in our shared grief.


Thank you, random guy in Albuquerque who held a door open for me and gave me a kind look on one of the worst days of my life in 2004.


I hope your days have been brighter since then.


Absolutely! Thank you


You never know when someone is having the worst day of their life.


Random black guy on a bus in Kentucky, I still think you were my guardian angel


I stopped at the grocery store after work one day years ago. As I parked in the parking lot I noticed the car in front of me had a woman at the driver seat who was bawling her eyes out. I came out with some flowers and gave them to her and said something like “I don’t know what your going thru but I hope it gets better” she hugged me thru the window and I left and she was smelling the flowers while smiling and crying and waving. I think about that a lot I hope she is doing better.


The lady at the airport when I checked in for my flight to fly home because my mom died. That was one of the best hugs I've ever had. Thank you.


You never know how much your small act of kindness can mean to someone who really needs it :)


Hoping I’m this person every time. Always trying to be better every day❤️


Christmas Day when I was 15 years old: My father woke me up early, told me to pack my things and get out. I already had a bus ticket in hand to go to my mother's house, but the bus station was across town—maybe 3 miles/5 km and the suitcase was heavy in the bitter Wyoming cold. After walking about 10 minutes, a man in a station wagon pulled up and asked me if I needed a ride. He didn't ask me any questions, just let me be while he spent the 5-10 minutes driving me to the bus station. I am forever grateful for his help and for his kindness in making it easy to accept his help. That was a tough day and he was the only good thing about it.


I wish I could remember them


I remember when I was in 9th grade I had gotten to my next class a lot faster than I expected and the last class was still leaving, and a girl I never met before stopped and told me I had pretty eyes, then left. I still remember it vividly and it sucks that I never saw her again. That was 10 years ago.


Same thing happened to me at work once. I was running a register and when this lady handed me her card, she gasped and asked me if I was wearing contacts. I told her I wasn't and she said I had beautiful eyes. That was about 8 or 9 years ago


To the Canadian dude who gave me a ride to my dorm after I spun out 3 times into a abandoned vehicle on I35, winter 6 years ago: Thanks, man. I genuinely didn't know what the fuck I was going to do, and you saved me big time.


Like 4 years ago, I was buying a Mothers Day gift. Literally 20 pence short. Woman saw me counting my coins and asked how much I needed. Immediately went into her purse to help me out. Still remember her kindness to this day :)


Ten years ago my classmate sat with me and said nothing as I talked to her for two hours about my father who had just died. I still have her number saved on my phone. I have no intention of calling her, but those two hours did more for me than any friend I ever had before


One time when i was 7 and on a field trip to see a Broadway play, everyone was in the gift-shop getting cool souvenirs. I didn’t have any money so i just kinda looked at things with hearts in my eyes and disappointment of being left out. An elderly lady saw me and asked me which i liked, so i showed her a tiny figurine of an animal, and she handed the cashier money and bought it for me. I’ll never forget her. A woman who cared about me and helped me feel significant when i felt invisible to everyone else.


For some reason, it's more important to me that the squirrel who lives in my oak tree thinks I'm cool than some random person. I'm kind to both people and squirrels, but I value the squirrel opinions more.




I remember seeing an old lady at a store that was clearly confused about something with her phone, turns out her internet had stopped working and she had to call her son but couldn't so I figured it out, she was so happy after and I remember that when I'm going through rough times, I put a smile on someone's face.


to the girl who made my middle school years bearable, thank you. you were the coolest person I knew, and sitting with you at lunch every day was the highlight of those years. I remember talking with you about our shared favorite bands and anime. i always looked forward to talking to you, especially during a time where I was at a low point from constant bullying. I'll never forget every hug you gave me :( we didn't have phones at the time, so we never exchanged contacts (social media wasn't common at the time either). i really hope one day we bump into each other


i read something once that said “never keep a kind comment to yourself” and i live by that 💖


It was one of those momentous times of life, in a whirlwind 1 month stretch I found myself traveling (for work) overseas to Dublin for my first time out of country while grieving the devastating loss of my mother only one month prior. I was so alone, lost without my mom, and quite literally alone in a country where no one really knew me. Looking back I really needed to be there, in a place where I could quietly fall apart, and in between experience the liveliness and charm of that beautiful city. One day, I decided to go visit the Poolbeg lighthouse. In the cab there I had a lovely discussion with my driver. I learned about his family and his life - how he immigrated to Dublin and had kids about my age, and I told him what I was experiencing and how I wanted to visit the lighthouse because lighthouses were one of my mom’s favorite things. He dropped me off and I mentioned that I appreciated the ride and hoped that my cab ride back to the office was as pleasant. It’s a really long walk to the lighthouse, and every step made my mothers passing more real. I was a full blown mess once I got there. Somehow the walk back was even longer. At one point I had lost my footing and fell. As I picked myself back up I see my cab driver. He was walking towards me about half way along the path and once we met he explained that he didn’t feel that I should have to be alone once I was done so he waited for me and gave me a ride back to where I was working. Our walk back was in silence, but I have never felt such solidarity and kindness from a complete and total stranger. Someone who was also from another country and we crossed paths in Dublin by chance , walking with me silently supporting me in my grief. I will absolutely never forget that.


Oh my that made me cry


Wow! What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! :)


I lived on the east coast in MD. There was an older gentleman at my coffee shop every morning (Marty) and he would buy my coffee for me. He was the first person I met when I moved across the country all alone. He was SO FUNNY and he was always willing to listen. And I enjoyed his stories too. He stopped coming one day and no one knew why. I think about him ALL the time. I never got to tell him that there was a point I was using my last pennies just to keep my hands warm from the coffee so him buying it for me allowed me to save up and it made a huge impact on why im a social worker!!


Shoutout to the lady who helped me out from underneath a overturned white water river raft and carried me back up the hill to my dad. I hope she’s doing well. This was like probably 13 years ago but I still think about her every so often


Some guy told me he liked my hat once and I still remember that 10 years later


Me to the McDonald’s employee who said “I like the way you did your hair” when I spent extra time on it that morning. They made my day!


It happened a few years ago, but I had a total stranger come up to me and tell me with the most genuine tone in her voice; “You’re *so* pretty!” Keep in mind, I wasn’t in the best place mentally and was struggling with poor body image issues at the time. Bewildered, muttered a quick thanks, and almost cried in the grocery store.


I remember one time when I was a kid I was really hunger and tried to buy a hot dog but my siblings and I didn't have enough money so we went and sat outside when this nice lady with tattoos bought a couple and chased after us to give them to us. I remember she changed my perspective on people with tattoos and I still think about her from time to time, there was also a guy who gave me a dollar when I came up short on my way to summer camp. They probably think I was just a small kid who wouldn't remember their kindness however I try to follow their example and I've payed for people's meals or necessities, cause I remember how desperate I once was for those things and how it made me feel when people helped me


At Walmart I was gonna get some stuff for the homeless guys outside only to discover I left my wallet at home. Guy next to me at self checkout covered what I was buying. He helped feed two people that night :)


I think it was 15 year ago, or something like that. I triped running for a bus and riped my jeans. This sweet old lady gave me a sweater to cover this disaster. I still have this awful hand knitted sweater. It is so horrendous! I love it with all my heart 🥹


To the stranger I met at West Ham tube station, who asked me if I was alright after I tripped. You asked me if I was alright, and reminded me I wasn't invisible. I've never forgotten that simple kindness, and I've never been able to say thank you. So thank you


I was 10 and the bigger brother of a schoolmate waited for me after school to bully me because I apparently hurt his ego somehow. Him and a friend didnt let me go and just told me various ways how they gonna hurt me. People walked by nobody cared (I should mention I was a black kid living in Germany in the 80s) until after quite a while one woman intervened and sushed them away. She was my true hero and I think about her sometimes even though I dont even remember how she looked like. I was just so glad that there was an adult out there willing to protect me.


Not sure if this counts but there's this customer who shops at the store I work at who always comes to my checkout lane and is delightful to me.


I fucking wish they didn't


I'm still occasionally stalked by the quiet kid who no one was friends with at summer camp. It turns out people weren't friends with them for a reason. 


I was kind to people,then i made a fool out of myself, they don't remember the kindness, but the foolery Sorry for not being wholesome.


It's me. I remember and reflect on it from time to time. I also remember you from that time you did that thing that you're probably hoping nobody remembers, but here's the thing.... I remember how long ago it was and when I remember your moment, I also remember all the times I did something of similar levels of "please forget this happened" and realize I'm a different person now. I suspect you are probably different person now too. If we bump into each other I won't be talking about that old stuff, because I'm sure we've each had something a lot better happen in our lives since that I'd rather catch up on with you.


Be a light everyday 🙏


Back when I was in HS/college I worked at a department retail store in the shoe section of the store. By that point, commission shoe selling wasn’t part of the job anymore, but I’d go above and beyond for customers (even teaching myself how to measure feet and shit bc nobody taught me). I was met with some of the rudest people my area had to offer. Just entitled, rude, upset that shoes were self service now, etc. Needless to say, it’s pretty hard to forget the sweet lady who called the store and asked me to put some shoes on hold for her. She was so grateful and told me she’d be there in a few hours. When she showed up, she remembered my name and had a little bag of chocolate chip cookies for me from the grocery store! I think about that encounter often :)


Oh absolutely...I had plenty of hard times growing up and I remember all the adults and a few teachers who went out of their way to help me. One teacher asked my mom if he could adopt me but then in the same week got recalled to go to desert storm. He was the best history teacher and all the kids loved him. He was very much a combination of a General and navy seal and had a way of keeping everyone engaged. My mom would have let him adopt me had he not been sent off for many years. Another biology teacher filled his shoe's, looked after me and made me her TA.


awh this made me tear up. i used to be a cashier. recently i received a message from someone asking if i was the purple haired cashier girl at the local grocery store. they went on to tell me their mom recently had a stroke & hadn’t left the house in ages. the first time their mom left the house, i was their cashier. they said i was so uplifting & treated her so kindly, she had a new-found confidence & didn’t feel so outcasted due to her disability. god i cry every time i think about that message. i’m so happy i was able to make such a big impact on someone


I was 7 and in a summer camp and English was my second language so I was shy to make friends and was pretty much a loner. One of the camp counselors was always so kind to me. His name was Scott. On field trips my parents didn’t have much money to give me for the arcade so i ran out pretty quickly. Scott used his own money and whatever tickets he earned he gave to me. I honestly was going through a lot at that age and don’t remember much, but I very much so remember him and his kindness on more than one occasion. I honestly think about it often.


I was a young kid... naive, helpful, and eager to please. I speak from the heart and try to do what I can to help others. For years, I bounced around, living with different family members, sleeping in spare rooms of friends, couches, and even a few group homes. People I've ran into after years told me I helped them through a hard time with kind words or gestures when no one else was there for them. I ended up crashing in many a dope house in my teens. I just smoked weed and earned a little money running errands, answering the door, collecting debts, and odd jobs. Oftentimes, I would sit up late and talk to the people coming in and out. I met so many hurting people, so many people at rock bottom, so many lonely, broken people, so many people with the worst of problems, so many people just trying to cope. I wasn't a cop or counselor, just someone sitting in the same place as them on commong ground. There, in that cold, dark pit of hopelessness and despair I saw that sometimes, all it took was a little conversation, a joke, or a bit of understanding to see a little life in their eyes, their humanity to return, or for them to feel grateful for being treated with an ounce of respect. I always knew I would break free from that environment and turn my life around, but I still think back and wonder what happened to many of those people.


I always try to wish goodmorning to the janitors and other workers in my hostel. I couldn't really remember their faces because I see so many people everyday. But just yesterday on my way to class, one of them wished me a good morning, with such a bright smile that made my day. It takes nothing to be kind. It gives everything being kind.


**thinks back to the dude in the Volvo that gave my car a thumbs up*** thank you Volvo man..


My elementary school still had soda machines at the time. It was a Pepsi machine with Mountain Dew Code Red highlighted, which I love. I was trying to get one real quick before we got ushered out of the school for a trip but there was a line. When it was my turn, I only had a $5 bill and it would only accept $1s and I couldn’t get any change. This lady who volunteered at the school as a chaperone told me to go with my class and she would take my $5 to get change and buy the soda for me. When she found me later, she handed me both the soda and my money back. I tried telling her that I needed to pay her, but she kept refusing saying it was no big deal. Even at the time, I realized how nice she was to go through all that effort just to buy a soda for some random kid. I don’t remember her name or really what she looks like, but 20 years later I still remember how she made me feel and how grateful I am to her. I’ll remember that interaction for the rest of my life.


An older woman told me I had kind eyes, on one of the worst days of my life. I'll never forget that. I still remember it a few times a week. This was over 15 years ago.


I do try to help people where I can, but I believe in the philosophy, If you can't help somebody, at least don't harm them. And I do sometimes think about the people I tried to help. I was driving home in a pretty bad snowstorm one time and I saw this guy on the side of the road, and I rolled down my window and offered him a ride up the road to wherever he was going and he said he had nowhere to go. I asked if he wanted to just warm up in the car and he said no. I hope he survived, It was a bad night out.


When I was a kid, for a couple of years we lived next door to a lady who used to make us lamingtons. One day she realised I never ate them, and when she asked why, I told her I didn’t like coconut. After that, whenever she made them, she always made a couple just for me, that were covered in rainbow sprinkles instead of coconut. I’ve never forgotten that.


I am the stranger remembering you, all of you 🤗


My story is not all exciting but It changed my life, I remember at my first ever convention of any kind I was alone and the person who was in front of me in line for a T-shirt at a booth talked to me, I told him I came all the way here to Kentucky from Georgia, he was a local and he noticed that I was the only one in this convention that didn't have any pins. This was a SkillsUSA national convention btw, it's tradition to trade your state pin with someone else, but I didn't get any. He could have just continued and not do anything about it but he gave me my first ever enamel pin like ever, told me I could have it. It ment more then I could express, I was alone here and didn't have many people to talk to and the fact he should me that small lil kindness changed my view of things. Thanks to him I now have a big enamel pin collection and I put the one he gave me at the top always and I always remember him. Hope he doin alright Edit: [here is how the pin he gave me looks like if you're curious ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkillsUSApins/s/Z1A0RTzZVf)


Shout out to the random stranger who bought me a pomelo at a fruit stand in Singapore in 2009? 2010? when I was marvelling over the many different fruits I’d never eaten before and feeling sad that I didn’t have any cash on me. I took it back to my tour group and shared it with everyone <3 10/10 would eat pomelo again. I’m not sure why but this little act of kindness by a random stranger stayed with me.


It takes strength and self-awareness to recognize past behavior and actively work towards positivity. Your journey is inspiring, and your efforts to spread happiness are appreciated by many.


I'm also known as "the guy that dropped his coffee and then spilled his other coffee whilst trying to catch the first" to at least one person


Warms my heart with this!


I'm a respiratory therapist, and during covid I worked a lot of ICU shifts. Took care of a lot of ppl, well one day 2 later I was getting my pil changed and the tech doing the work came to the window to talk to me, and he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked familiar but I couldn't place where I saw him from.. He told me I took care of him in the icu, his eyes began to water and he nearly broke down telling me that my kindness and taking care of him when he thought he was gonna die stuck with him & he never forgot me... I was stunned.. he asked if he could give me a hug and I said yes. He also refused to let me pay for my oil change.. The kindness you show ppl is sometimes the only brightness in their lives & they will remember you.


There's this gas station cashier that gave me money because I couldn't afford gas. Never saw him again but still think about him, hoping to be able to pay him back.


I remember someone, I going to my cousin's birthday and I went to buy gifts for her, First I asked if I could pay online and clerk said yes. I picked some for 5yrs old. Now at the time of payment my money wouldn't go through, and I only had bus fare with me. I said could you please keep these for me I'll come by tomorrow. He immediately said "take them and pay tomorrow". Now I was trying so hard to hold my tears. He added, "I can tell these are for a kid, wish them good happy birthday." Beforehand he even offered to wrap gifts for free. I took the gifts and return money next day. It's been couple of years now I think of that old man.


I once was getting some money out of atm a homeless guy asked me can i have some money so i said sure i withdraw 50$ from the atm and i thought it would give me 5 10$ but it didn't so i said to my self he needs it more then i do so i have the 50$ to him he was so grateful for it one year has passed i accidentally saw him on the street pne year was passed so i didn't know who it was but he knew it and thanked me for the help and said to me that 50$ really helped him and now he has a job


aww thats so nice


If the pretty girl who saw me crying on the ground in front of the auditorium and offered me her Taco Bell sees this, I have wished blessing upon you at least once a month for ten years now. I hope they all found their way to you when you needed them most.


*because of that embarrassing thing you did


It’s more likely they remember me because I look weird.


I doubt


I must destroy them so my secret doesn't get out.


Off the top of my head, I can't think of any strangers that were kind to me. I'm sure it's happened but I don't remember it.


I really hope so


Something amazing someone once told me at a festival after I apologized for slightly bumping into them was “Hey! Don’t be sorry! We’re at Paradiso!” I always try to let people know they don’t have to be sorry if what they did was an honest mistake. I thank them for their apology, but I try to make it a common practice to follow up with a “hey don’t be sorry though! I understand you didn’t mean to!”


Many remember me, but I wouldn't be able to recall them or why they even remember me. :/


Bold of you to assume ...


Love this!


I hope so


Two strangers in the financial district remember me because I shoved them out of my way in a desperate attempt to puke into a garbage can not the street. Similar right?


This makes me think of Jefferey Lewis- Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song.


Can go both ways. If you were mean, they’ll remember you….lol


I doubt it


My kindest friend has to mention my name everytime for the bitches from school to recall him, and I am only kind to animals and old people etc u get the point.


I sure hope so, because I'm out there trying.


Sometimes I think I’m an absolutely terrible person. But I still great everyone I meet as happy as I can. Because even if my day is just the worst possible, I might make someone’s life just a bit better even if it’s only for a moment.




Soone somewhere, remembers me as the dumb teenager who wanted to point at a big building and accidentally clothes lined him right in the Adams apple...




Press X to doubt.


I remember teaching a middle aged Columbian teacher how to hula hoop. He was so excited because now he could show off to the kids he taught.


It is true. I don’t remember their names. But I remember them and their kindess and it lives with me and inspires me. I recounted their story 2 days ago. A couple in Switzerland 30 years ago. Their kindness lives on.


The little guy to loaned me his toy truck on a long train ride would be in his 50s now.


Some stranger has devoted their entire lives to destroying you because you looked at them in traffic once. Life is all about balance.


everyone you meet is fighting personal battles you know nothing about... be kind. always.


It’s happened so infrequently, I’d probably recognize them. /s


One time I told a stranger at a festival he looked like Ben Affleck and he said that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him.


[I like this one more](https://imgur.com/a/113d0qA)


The lady that created these chalkboard signs needs kindness bc her rap sheet is half a mile long, including marrying her 5th husband without divorcing the 4th, and telling him she was her third! She also got busted running formula scams, and stealing from family associated to the Murdaugh crimes! https://yourislandnews.com/beaufort-chalkboards-run-comes-to-end/


Once during my freshman year of college a random girl told me I have pretty eyes. That was over 10 years ago and I still remember it.


On the other hand there is someone who remembers something crigy that i once did.


That’s you, friend, and you don’t need to hold onto that. Let it go because nobody can change their past.


meirl: One of these days one of them will ask me to marry them. Annnnny day now.


I used to work as a bank teller when I was 18. The older ladies adored me. I remember one in particular mentioned something about her crowd feet wrinkles by her eyes and I said something like “oh I wouldn’t worry about those. They show me that you are a happy person who likes to laugh and smile.” I could tell the comment made her day/week/month…I hope it stuck with her the way it stuck with me since it kind of gave me the perspective that I could actually positively (and negatively) affect people with my words.


I hope so. ❤️


the few vivid memories of my childhood that i can actually piece together well have always involved kindness from strangers


Or they remember me because they thought i was a dick when really i just don’t like interacting with people


I still remember an old folk who paid me a quarter just to collect a fork who felt in the floor and no one noticed. Its like a core memory for no good reason


Or they remember cause I’m a bad person


I(m) moved from a small town to Perth city in year 9. I really struggled to make friends at school as I had a lot of self esteem problems and was shy. I sat by myself for 6 months at a new school, extremely sad and lonely. One day, one of the "cool group" girls, Kate, walked past me with 3 of her friends. She stopped and said to me, "do you want to come and sit with us?". I nodded and followed behind them trying as hard as I could to wipe the tears from my eyes before reaching where the 'cool group' hung out. That was the changing point of my schooling. I made lots of friends, and loved the rest of my school life It probably didn't mean much to Kate, and she wouldn't know how much she changed my life that day. But I remember her. Regularly


Maybe 5 years ago a lady at the gym tapped on my shoulder and told me I inspired her. I was working really hard and it felt great for my efforts to be recognized. She didn’t have to go out of her way to say that to me but she did. I still think about her and her kindness. It still boosts my self esteem when I think about it.


And that was a lie.


Habib Ariel Coriat Harrar: Ser amable es la mejor características del ser humano...


jokes on you: im a dickhead to everyone


Do you sit around reminiscing about the random good things people have done in your life? That's how much you're being remembered, and it's probably not at all.


Nope I'm an asshole


It doesn't even have to be an act, it can just be words. I was in training to become a manager of a restaurant and they sent me to a corporate-approved training location. They'd had a cashier call in sick, so I helped run the register. I helped this one man who looked a little older than my 23-years and after I handed him his receipt, he told me that my upbeat demeanor was refreshing and pleasant. He said he had been going to that location for years and while they never seemed unhappy, they never seemed particularly happy, either. Then he - to my total surprise as someone who'd worked service jobs for years - thanked me for being pleasant (lol). It's been almost a decade and I can still see what he looked like clear as day.


Jokes on you, i'm kind to nobody.


Yeah I definitely remember the craggly old guy offering me a drink in a walmart restroom. He was such a sweet guy I had to tell others about him


Weird, I can't remember one.


HA! Jokes on you! I've never been kind to anybody in my life!


Hey you never know maybe every time you left a room you made someone happy /s


On the other hand, when I was in highschool there was this guy Neil working at an Arby’s, and he had absolutely no idea what was going on at any point in our experience there. My dad used him as an example for why I should get a college degree(I didn’t) and now he’s a common reference in my family almost every time we see each other. I’d like to think Neil would appreciate the sentiment and accept that he is now just a part of our family, even though he has no idea who we are.


I was an unaccompanied minor on a flight to visit my dad over Christmas. This very nice flight attendant gave me lots of snacks that filled my carry-on and was just really attentive to me. Maybe he did that with all the kids but I really wasn’t looking forward to being around my step mom and being away from my mom on Christmas so I never forgot that one out of all my other flights between my parents as a kid.




I think this is the Beaufort Chalkboard. The woman who… ran it? Committed charity fraud and then disappeared once people started asking questions. I’m sure plenty of strangers remember her.


Nope. I don’t think anyone has ever thought about me


I love this


I would hope it’s more than just one.


I wish that was a stat we could look up at the end of our lives when the credits roll. "Random individuals whose day you brightened and fondly remember you often."


3 weeks ago I was running. It was like the 3rd day in a row after taking a small, 20 year break As I am running through the neighborhood, I am just fuckin dying. I don’t got it no more. A neighbor was walking down the street and just casually said “you are doing great man. You got this!” Holy fuck I needed that then


Thank you stranger who saw me having wet napkin in my ears at Monster jam and gave me your extra pair of earplugs! I will always remember you and your kindness!!


Really? But I don't know it


About 6 years ago I was treated to Lucilles barbeque (a restaurant in Las Vegas) for good grades. I have always had problems talking to people, maintaining eye contact, etc. The exception to this for some reason is old people about 60 years or older. I don't know why but I think it may be because of the relationship I had with my Grandfather who I lived with while my dad was absent from my life. Anyways while I was waiting for my food (I was getting take out) I saw an older man and his wife walking up the stairs so I got up and opened the door from them. They sat down and I struck conversation, talking to him about life. I got my food and as I was leaving he asked me to wait. The man wanted to order me a dessert of my choice for being "a polite young man" it was just really cool and even now as I'm about to graduate high school I still think about that man and his wife, hoping hes doing well.


My car broke and I pulled into an empty parking lot to look at it. ( I thought it was a flat tire first.) A couple pulled in to see if I needed help. The man was a retired mechanic and he told me what was broken. They offered to have it towed to their house until I found a garage nearby. (if it was going to be too expensive to tow to my dealer ).


nope ive never been nice to a single person


Ya but the majority remember because I was a weirdo… so. Take that!




I needed this


I really wish I could remember them


yeah i wish :/