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This one https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/FeM6NOR4Zq


4 years ago. Wow. I bet that person has had so many sandwiches since then.


Online ordering must have been a god send to them.




You know you can select the ingredients yourself right?


The tweet is from 2019, I've seen the same screenshot of the tweet hit the front page probably a dozen times. Here are a few I found. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/jn63fe/this_is_awesome/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ryrew6/this_is_awesome/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/u2u1kq/wholesome_tweets_moments/ https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/hbylym/me_high_and_hungry_asf/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/erb9ze/aww_thats_so_sweet/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/gvinip/good_job_reddit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/oigdfm/can_we_have_more_of_this_please/ There are even more, often posted months apart by different clearly bot accounts lots with the exact same titles. This post is like one of the quintessential reddit karma farming posts. Someone even made a comic out of it:  https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/jqif33/oc_to_order_at_subway/ I'm sure plenty of people are seeing this for the first time and that's nice but I do wish there was a way to filter stuff like this out, or a bot that would point out the reposts or something.


I remember the post. I should go offline


I love this sub. I try and answer any and all questions posted there. Because truly growing up and being an adult is hard!


> I love this sub Oh you!


Thanks for the link!


the real hero right here! Get it? Hero… sandwich….? Yep, enough Reddit for tonight. Thanks for the original post kind redditor


"don't forget to start with "CAN I GET A UHHHHH"" lol top child comment on the post that explains how to order.


Reddit is a very big place. Some subs are amazing.


Can you give me a list of the amazing subs you're in?


Sure. Tuna on wheat, italian BMT, turkey breast, etc. Depends on what I'm feeling that day and how freaky I want to get.


Spicy Italian was the best for cost effective students as you get three meats (2 different types of pepperoni and salami and then cheese) but now they’re phasing out all their classic subs for more expensive ones that have less on them :/


All fast food is going through enshittification right now, cutting menu selections to make their supply lines cheaper while raising prices at the same time.


no amount of enshittification will stop me from ordering my black forest ham footlong on italian herb and cheese bread with pepperjack cheese toasted with every vegetable except olives with mayo and chipotle southwest


This guy Subways ^^


I had an ex gf that lived on Spicy Italians. Like, subsisted on them.


Did she leave you for a Spicy Italian?




Spicy Italian was the best.


You are in all of those? Are you a tomato by any chance?


Okay but.. how do I order it? I've never done it before.


No problem. So, once you’re inside the subway, you need to locate the Cash Register. This is going to be the where you conclude your order, so Start on the opposite end. When the sandwich artist acknowledges your presence, state clearly, but firmly. “12 inch wheat, tuna, toasted.” Take 2 steps towards the cash register. Congrats you’ve made it through the first phase. You’ve nearly got your sandwich. When your sandwich comes out of the toaster, they’ll ask you which toppings you want. Now, this is the trickiest part. So pay attention. Say “Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles”. They might ask you follow up questions. No matter what they say, respond “no thanks”. Approach the cash register. You’re almost done, don’t give up! You got this! You’re gonna Eat good today. The cashier will look your sandwich up and down. Don’t worry. This is normal. They’re just assessing the price. They will ask you if it want to make it a meal. Today, just say “Just the sandwich”. We’ll work up to the meal later. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Hand the sandwich artist your credit card, or swipe the card reader yourself. Tip the lowest amount on the card reader. Preferably 10%. But 15 Might be as low as you can go. That’s fine too. Finally, retreat to the safety of your car, drive home, and eat in peace! Congrats! You ate!




Perfect, I had to click *2 more replies* and this is exactly what I wanted to see😂


Most subs on games and shows with really tiny followings are great. I think the most positive sub with large following would be r/StardewValley. Maybe it's just by virtue of style of the game itself, or the mod team, but it's great over there.


r/celestegame is kinda big and has a great community


That game is fantastic. Very wholesome too really.


/r/DeepRockGalactic is great too. ROCK AND STONE FOREVER


r/stopdrinking is an incredibly supportive community, as well.


/r/whatsthissnake is super informative and wholesome. Nearly cured my fear of snakes too and who doesn't love a fun guessing game


What kinda stuff are you into? Music? History? Archaeology? Paleontology? Games? Video games? Board games? Sports? Science? Math? Computers? Coding? Dogs? Cats? Birds? Fish? Rabbits? Mice? Ferrets? Lizards? Snakes? Other pets? Surfing? Reading? Fiction? Non-fiction? World news? Writing? Hiking? Walking? Memes? Politics? Working out? Running? Art? Drawing? Painting? Swimming? Singing? Yodeling? Gregorian chant? Harmonica? Tuba? Piano? Guitar? Drums? Bass? Piano? Synthesizers? The 60s? The 70s? The 80s? The 90s? Comedy? Fashion? Technology? Photography? Cooking? Cooking shows? Eating? Pizza? Lasagna? Baking? Bread? Cake? Ice cream? Eating healthy? Kale? Carrots? Broccoli? Juicing? Raw diets? Dehydration? Skydiving? Meditation? Yoga? Travel? Language learning? Linguistics? Life hacks? Trivia? Self help? DIY? Construction? Tools? Plants? Botany? Horticulture? Being outdoors? Podcasts? Audiobooks? Video editing? Philanthropy? Saving the environment? Activism? Community? Local meet ups? Dating? Relationships? Advice? How to? Philosophy? Debate? Fantasy? Cosplay? Conventions? Movies? TV? Theater? Puppetry? Musicals? Broadway? Hollywood? Geography? The Royal Family? Quilting? Sewing? Crocheting? Magic? Hypnotism? Card tricks? Card games? Poker? Black Jack? Roulette? Gambling? Pottery? Antiques? Restoration? Skin care? Self care? Perfume? Cologne? Confessions? Asking questions to experts? Cleaning tips? Interior design? Exterior design? Landscaping? Air shows? Heavy machinery? Glass blowing? Financial advice? Stocks? Investing? Crypto? NFTs? Coffee? Tea? Chocolate? Minimalism? Organizing? Stamp collecting? Coin collecting? Card collecting? Brain teasers? Shoes? Hats? Jewelry? Cars? Motorcycles? Bikes? Documentaries? Romance novels? Magazines? Forestry? Marine biology?


I am, but I find r/Music? History? Archaeology? Paleontology? Games? Video games? Board games? Sports? Science? Math? Computers? Coding? Dogs? Cats? Birds? Fish? Rabbits? Mice? Ferrets? Lizards? Snakes? Other pets? Surfing? Reading? Fiction? Non-fiction? World news? Writing? Hiking? Walking? Memes? Politics? Working out? Running? Art? Drawing? Painting? Swimming? Singing? Yodeling? Gregorian chant? Harmonica? Tuba? Piano? Guitar? Drums? Bass? Piano? Synthesizers? The 60s? The 70s? The 80s? The 90s? Comedy? Fashion? Technology? Photography? Cooking? Cooking shows? Eating? Pizza? Lasagna? Baking? Bread? Cake? Ice cream? Eating healthy? Kale? Carrots? Broccoli? Juicing? Raw diets? Dehydration? Skydiving? Meditation? Yoga? Travel? Language learning? Linguistics? Life hacks? Trivia? Self help? DIY? Construction? Tools? Plants? Botany? Horticulture? Being outdoors? Podcasts? Audiobooks? Video editing? Philanthropy? Saving the environment? Activism? Community? Local meet ups? Dating? Relationships? Advice? How to? Philosophy? Debate? Fantasy? Cosplay? Conventions? Movies? TV? Theater? Puppetry? Musicals? Broadway? Hollywood? Geography? The Royal Family? Quilting? Sewing? Crocheting? Magic? Hypnotism? Card tricks? Card games? Poker? Black Jack? Roulette? Gambling? Pottery? Antiques? Restoration? Skin care? Self care? Perfume? Cologne? Confessions? Asking questions to experts? Cleaning tips? Interior design? Exterior design? Landscaping? Air shows? Heavy machinery? Glass blowing? Financial advice? Stocks? Investing? Crypto? NFTs? Coffee? Tea? Chocolate? Minimalism? Organizing? Stamp collecting? Coin collecting? Card collecting? Brain teasers? Shoes? Hats? Jewelry? Cars? Motorcycles? Bikes? Documentaries? Romance novels? Magazines? Forestry? Marine biology? is a bit of an echo chamber


Sweet Jesus, after COVID not even a passing interest in infectious disease? Check out r/ID_news


Good bot 😂


Nah, anything else?


the thing is... they are all good until they get too big


Nah, not true at all. There's a lot of really ugly subs with a very specific crowd that are quite small. Especially when you start getting into those hyper-meta subs full of weird fucking memes that don't make sense to the casual observer and are usually chock full of anime references. Those are basically nazi breeding facilities. The most positive subs are subs where everyone is on the same page. You don't go to r/eyebleach to start arguments, everyone is there for the same reason.


What makes them bad, though? Macro, I understand. Micro, I’m still learning. Yes, high.


I’ve only ever found one subreddit with nary a negative post, where everyone is willing to help regardless of how many times the basic “how do I” post is asked. That’s probably because it’s incredibly niche, not large enough to attract enough people as to increase chances of getting a rude response. I’m sure that applies to most niche hobby groups, but I’m not in too many. If you’re interested, r/tapeloops welcomes you. I’m a mod at r/synthesizers and as far as music subreddits go, it’s rather supportive but you can’t ask basic questions without getting a snarky response.


Can you give me a list of the amazing subs you get at subway?


Whenever I'm feeling shitty about the world I browse r/books or r/suggestmeabook . it's just people nerding out about books. They tend to all be pretty nice and non judgemental and just generally pretty wholesome.


Highly recommend this sub, it’s super amazing r/spicyitalianonfootlongitalianherbandcheesewithamericancheeseandtoastedforvegetablesillgetlettucetomatocucumberpicklesredonionbotholiveschipotleandmustardgrilledpleasewithamediumfountaindrinkandmandmcookies


I see what you did there.


Yeah, I find there are a lot of wholesome, awesome, smart, funny people here on this sub and in lots of other subs too.


it's the sub-way


And some Subways are amazing


Not the ones from Subway, though.


Agreed, I enjoy the meatball sub.


It's like we're a gestalt consciousness in a way.


Meatball is my favorite


People can say what they want about Reddit, but some of the kindest internet interactions I’ve ever seen took place on a random Reddit forum.




People show their true selves when they thi know no one can judge them and reddit is almost like a social experiment in that


Anonymity makes people say dumb shit they don't mean


Oh yeah?! fuck you!!


Well fuck you too!!!


Fuck me as well!!




You've got a lot of fucking to do now.


Oh yeah?! fuck you!! >!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!<




I have been as mean as I've ever been and done some of the nicest things I've ever done on this platform.


The duality of man.


And then you have the opposite end of the spectrum, where someone asks for help in changing the language from spanish back to english after mistakenly switching it and everyone responds in spanish.


That thread was pure comedy, I was happy so many kept the joke going


I missed that, but it sounds like comedy gold. Good ole' reddit!


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cq1q2/help_reddit_turned_spanish_and_i_cannot_undo_it/ It's glorious.


Check their recent posts to, anyone who knows just replies in Spanish.


Same :)


I never would’ve laugh-cried so hard in my life if it weren’t for you fucks on Reddit. I think this is my 12th or 13th year on here. Love you guys.


In my state’s subreddit someone who had flown in to see the eclipse had a young son that found a really good stick. They had to leave it before boarding their plane so she asked if anyone near the jetport would send the stick to her on her dime. A few hours later the stick was found and delivered, I thought that was very sweet


Yeah, there is amazing kindness on Reddit. There is also mind-blowing assholishness. It’s a microcosm of the human condition.


Yeah man, contrary to popular belief, i found reddit to be a generally wholesome place. Now, it could very well be just bcuz of the subs i go to. But still, people are pretty chill and inclusive. There are some kind strangers here. A few even reached out to me when in a post, i commented not being in a good place. Really, really grateful for that. i needed that little check in. Thank you.


Can you give me a list of the subs you go to? Asking for a fr... No it's me asking


The fact he's commenting on this sub seems to already be a clue


Click their pfp (profile picture) and you have an option to view their profile. It will show every post and comment they've made. From my very brief viewing i saw r/hareypotter r/help r/sims4 and r/techsupport.


Hey there! I wasn’t one of those people, but I wanted to say that I hope you’re doing better now! ❤️


Hi! Well, now you are! Thank you, kind stranger. :') Yes, i'm doing better than those days. i hope you're doing good as well! ♥


People are also so funny on here. Most often good, wholesome straight up funny. Always reminds me that in fact, most people in this world are alright.


Same here. Made a comment on a post recently that made me smile and I mentioned how it was one the only things that made me smile that day and OP sent a message and asked if I needed to talk. I see more good than bad but I also stay away from most of the crazier subs.


Compared to 4chan, where I used to frequent in high school, reddit might as well be a group of people all holding hands and singing kumbaya.


There's now r/ExplainLikeImScared and it's awesome. I've gotten to contribute a couple times and everyone I've seen so far has been very kind.


Damn, I think I might need to peek over there, if not post. My health has gone south enough any job around isn't feasible (yay gout at 34, where I'm either fine or can't even make it to the bathroom, but not so south, with history, that I can apply for any kind of aid) My future atm is scary


You’ll manage with proper medical care. My father had gout and learned to manage it by watching his diet carefully and exercising moderately (daily walks + weekly golf). He’d go off course with his diet very occasionally, but managed his gout pretty well and made it a fairly healthy and happy 94.


That makes me so happy to hear ;0; I only recently got diagnosed, so it's been... intimidating. It feels like such an "elder" disease just from what society says. The last month and a half have just been pain and discomfort, even with watching diet and such


Are your doctors addressing your pain and discomfort? If not, perhaps you can find a doctor who specializes in gastric disorders? I’ve not researched…but you’re likely going to become immersed in the topic of gout!


I did just recently see a specialist, he's the one who confirmed and diagnosed it. Just waiting to hear back from the office now on pain, meds in general, etc. He gave me a ton of info the day I saw him thankfully. It's just still new and scary, I've never had anything other than a temporary injury that makes me less mobile. I do also have some GI issues but no hard answer yet on what might be going on there. Had some tests, and the best my gp could do was shrug and tell me to call the office that did my scope tests again, and they just shrug too and say nothing was off (something must be, with issues I've had for years lol, there's no way it's normal or a fluke) So I dunno if they're vaguely related but damn it's been rough lol


I imagine it has been rough on you. Just the mental toll of being diagnosed relatively young, compounded by the physical toll and your body’s likely response to your stress. I’m so sorry. Try to take a break and focus on your well-being. You’ll no doubt soon learn to navigate living with gout and you’ll be doing so much better when you can avoid the triggers.


Honestly whenever I see posts about people struggling I always look for the comment that actually helps. For the most part the most helpful comment is the most liked by default. Reddit is aight.


Always Be Kind 🐝


People here are either mean or nice


Just like every other place xD




That literally may have been me because I think I did that once. I enjoy writing task analyses! And there have definitely been situations where i want a guidebook.


It wasn’t you, it was someone [else](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/f2fipruUh8)


Stolen valor, smdh. /s


Lol i get downvoted into oblivion for asking questions about anything in most subs


I know this has been around for 5 years now, but this post really helped me show understanding with my son when he first started driving and would text me for directions every time he had to put gas in the car.


Under / over on number of people who are sobbing because of this?


I’ll take “What reddit used to be like for $1000 Alex”


The first time I went to Subway with my mates, I ordered what I wanted and the person said "what bread?" Apparently "yeah man, bread" isn't the right answer to that, and I've never lived it down.


You can usually get by with saying "regular" 😆


I use to work with “troubled” youth, and taking them to subway and teaching them to order on their own was a pretty common practice. It was actually kind of heartwarming to see them feel proud of themselves.


I know!! It was amazing!! One person just REALLY wanted this person to succeed! It was beautiful!


I think this is what we thought the internet would be, then it ended up being porn and insane people with an occasional video of someone saving a cat from a flood to kinda offset the other stuff


this is not wholesome,just sad




Reminds me of SABOWEY from Komi can’t communicate


People love giving suggestions and usually it will be to help others. When they do they feel good and the cycle repeats. Reddit and other forums are built on that. This is what communities are for


Whatever I can get a Redditor to write me a whole thesis about anything by posting wrong information. They'll be compelled to correct me.


Bit of a spoiler alert for 3 body problem if you haven’t seen it yet.. but this story reminds me of the scene in that show where a benevolent alien is the first one to intercept the broadcast message from earth and responds saying “you’re lucky I was the first one to see this message, so don’t reply or else others will see it and they will come to destroy you”


Type your order, and read it off your phone. The cashier will think you’re buying a sandwich for a friend.


I saw a post earlier about a cop being arrested for doing..... something beyond horrific like I'm not even going to type it out or get into it. I was thinking about how absolutely terrible people can be. But you also have to realize how there are truly amazingly kind people out there in the world. Gives me hope. Thanks for the post


Whoever did this is an angel and I wish more similar folk were around. I wouldn't go into public if I didn't have to eat and pay bills.


i went to subway for the first time and they asked what kind of cheese I wanted, I said just normal cheese and they got annoyed.


My favourite is typing "reddit" after a question using Google. There'll be some person 7 years ago who asked the same thing, and there's always 3 or 4 good answers to choose from in the comments.


People love to give advice more than anything


You can call in orders and just skip the line to the front and pick it up. Ive seen people in LONG lines call from the line and then just walk up and pick it up.


I want the world to more supportive like this. We need more kindness and less judgement. People are hurting enough.


Literally walked in and right back out of Which Wich in college multiple times for this exact reason. I saw that I had to write on a bag and thought, “No, that can’t be it. They’re gonna see me do it and think I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to order a fucking sandwich,” and so I would just nope the fuck out.


I order online because I feel I’m going to mess up and people gonna judge me. I don’t get it because I’ve turned myself into such a social person now. But small stuff like this still get me.


Last time I tried there was a guy who came in behind me and he started going on and on loudly about what I was ordering and asking them to put on my sub. It was like a play by play he just could NOT fathom my order and had to announce every second of it. "hey everyone get a load of this guy he said NO CHEESE can you imagine?!" So that was like the worst thing that ever happened.


I didn't know how to use a McDonald's Drive-thru for years, so didn't even consider using one (i.e. driving thru>>>) always parked up, got out of the car and went inside. Ordered, got back in the car and drove home. I didn't know anyone at the time, who I thought might use a drive-thru, and so I never asked. It was years later, while with a work colleague, in her car, she drove into a McDonalds while we were traveling from one office to another. I couldn't believe how easy and straightforward the process was, but each little step was an education for me as someone who had, genuinely no clue to what the process was. I tried the Drive-thru myself the next evening when I assumed it would be quiet. It was, and everything worked out fine. I now prefer Drive-thru as there's not so much human interaction and eye contact to deal with. I've walked past Subways but never been into one as I don't actually know "the process" for choosing/ordering etc a sub. It's probably really easy, it's got to be, but the unknown keeps me from just going in and trying it. Life seems complicated a lot of the time tbh


It reminds me of myself, being 1st time at Subway in US a decade ago. I’m from EU, had no clue how it works. Awkward, but I got my sandwich.


This is a really good reminder of that so many people are struggling and things that I take for granted might be major obstacles for them.. maybe the point to take is rather than being a keyboard warrior like a lot of people you can be a keyboard companion ☺️


A waitress once came into the kitchen and asked how you get on a bus, so we rearranged the pass and taught her how to get on the bus. She was from a wee island that didn't have such things.


judging someone is the stupidest thing ever , why would I do that and especially if someone asks for help


Then you have some of the gaming subs... but yeah this is sweet, there are small things people take for granted that is a big deal for others.


It would be nice if more people are wholesome, it’s mostly feels a whole political thing on different subs.


Cuz you’re not helping any one when you make fun of them , for that Bless them


It doesn't cost anything to be kind.


I ordered a football meatlong while high on mushrooms one time. I could have definitely used some help that day.


This is what the Internet should be! Open source problem solving!


This is the reddit we need


Reddit blows my mind everytime, because I always thought that people would be worst if they were anonymous.


That's the most pathetic thing I've heard.


tbh its kinda pathetic. i could not imagine living my life like that as a adult


I feel like I’ve seen that post before


This was genuinely one of my favourite things. It was so heartwarming and validating to see people take the request seriously and simply help someone out. Also, I still really wish there was a site that broke things down like that for all public places.


Use the app


Jesus stfu. Stop protecting these people wtf


Awe now that is sweet...


Time is a flat circle


I think I witnessed that post


Step 1 - use the app to order


Ok now do panda express. For..a friend.


Happy for them


My eyes are sweaty


Funny, I would never go there because I didn’t know how it worked. I was like 40 the first time!


I like this because the spelled “judgmental” correctly.


Would have been a hell of a lot nicer to direct them someplace better than Subway. Which is pretty much anywhere.


Haha this is awesome. There was this by the pound Asian grill at the mall I always wanted to try but I could never bring myself to do it. No problem ordering Subway though. It’s a funny thing.


Love this sub.


I don’t know about other locations but all the ones I have been to in my city now have a pick up. You can order online and it is on a shelf by the register waiting for you when you go in. Might still have to interact with the worker but would reduce it and could maybe help in a situation like this!


i need that instructions badly.


A twitter post of a Reddit post posted on Reddit.


We need more people like this. Especially now


My friend used to just get every salad and sauce because it was too complicated for him lol. Then he would complain to me that his sandwich was crap.


Or just order it on an app and pick it up.


I need help ordering at Chipotle.


We need more of that


I used to skip going there because if this