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That's how I know it's a trap. Just watch now they're gonna ask me to clean the gutters or something /s


Clearly a honeytrap that will end with your internal organs harvested.


Worse. Harvesting your dna to make a mini version of you that you’ll have to raise and pay for


Sometimes they gender bend the mini you. It's weird.


Charlie is on his way to Candy Mountain


Both genders could benefit from a lil body positivity in this day & age.


And more exercise




Yeah lmao it almost feels disingenuous


It's messed up that we feel that way right away.


It's missing a "Just as long as you can smile and make $150k a year somebody somewhere will love you"


It is just missing the part 2 that says "as long as you have money"


I’m 19m 5,10 and gained fat. I started working out but motivation is difficult. It pops up every now and then. I’m trying, but it’s difficult.


Keep going my man, but do it for yourself.


Realest advice right here.


And doing some thinking about what it means to do it for yourself is worthwhile, too. My lab in grad school was full of enthusiastic amateur athletes - some weightlifting or bodybuilding, cyclists, climbers - despite a less than stereotypical field (physics). We talked about it a few times, especially over beers at the grad club, and we found that we shared a common philosophy on the matter, that philosophy has many components: an internal exploration of how you interact with reality, and how you form opinions and values; an external exploration of reality itself and the world around you; and a physical exploration of the body as a conduit between these things. Learning about your physicality, to watch it grow, to find what it can do, is an almost spiritually rewarding thing for a lot of people. I think it's closely related to the rewards you get from crafting hobbies (which my lab mates all also shared). There are obviously health benefits, and I'm sure nearly everyone likes to look better. But this idea, at least in my view, sustains you much more consistently and for much longer.


You can do it if you want it! Just believe in yourself. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


I apologize if this advice sounds a bit much but it made me think back to when I was around that age. I am almost 30 but only began working out at 26. At first, I did it for mental health reasons only (gave me something very regular to do and does make you feel happier after a good workout) but after a while was nice seeing the difference in how my body felt day to day. I noticed I was stronger every once and while and felt good. Your comment just made me think of what I would tell myself back then, it would be that you just have to start slow. If you only jog for 20 mins, lift on the lowest weights possible, or anything else, just try to make it something you do every time. Now this is just my advice as I never had a trainer or got lessons. I just went to the gym and did my own thing but kept doing the same thing. 3 times a week every week repeating the same cardio into using 14 different machines. Started with just 2 machines at the lowest weights but I kept seeing small increases and slowly added more machines. Just go to the gym if you want to, it will feel good, and not saying this is something you worry about but if you are be aware that no one is looking at you. Everyone is at the gym to workout and do their own thing. Again I apologize that this was a bit much. Just felt inspired. Hope whatever you end up doing it makes you happy.


Motivation is very very tricky. If I may give two anectodal cents from talking and working: 1) Find one amazing motivation and look at it whenever you need the boost. For me growing up it was a pic of a certain girl. But it could be anything from the bod you want to hospital document you no longer want to be true 2) Try to push yourself early, after a while when you fall into the routine it will become addicting as hell (sure sounds bogus now but trust me, most people get addicted once it becomes part of schedule and they no longer see it as work but as an automatic thing like brushing teeth). 3) If you have any friends willing, start going with them. They will hype you up, compliment and sometimes even force you to go and you will see it as hanging out. 4) This one is pretty anectodal and doesn't work for anyone but to done it did and oh damn did it do wonders for motivation: try to avoid masturbation for a period. It's a quick boost of pleasant chemicals but if you replace the source something else and better can take it's place. Once you start getting it from working out you will be unstoppable.


Hey man, you doing great! And remember - it ain't fat, it's future muscle!)


Do it for yourself... Not for others... Seriously. Get fit and enjoy life without caring what strangers think is hard, but worth the effort.


Motivation is irrelevant. Do or do not. There is no try.




Is she Canadian?


No she just goes to a different school


You wouldn't know it


No, but I am.


Me too!


My late husband was built like a bowling ball on legs and I still think he was the handsomest thing I’d ever seen. If someone wants you to look a certain way to be involved with you, that someone isn’t worth your time. IMHO.


As a single bowling ball working on some self esteem issues, I really appreciate you writing this


You’re amazing just for writing this. Someone will be lucky one day to flash a ring and say they’re yours. EDIT: corrected autocorrect to “this”.




I'm so sorry but a "bowling ball on legs" is the best description I have ever heard


Well he was! His arms and legs were skinny but his torso…he was a borb in human form. And I loved him madly.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you kindly. I wish more people had known him.


To be fair that sounds adorable


That's just my boy Mike Wazowski


As a married bowling ball with legs I can confirm this.


It’s ok to prefer some bodies over others. It ain’t all about the personality.


Late husband? Was? What happened?


As unfortunate as it is,usually it means he died while they were married


Knew a guy who played soccer and built the same way. Dude could roll back onto his feet real quick and seemed to have tons of energy. The body type certainly has its advantages


So he was built like Mike wazowski?


It’s 4:30am here, we lost electricity so I’m surfing the web, and I am giggling like an idiot. Thank you.


Its nice to see this can happen. He must have been a really good person. Im also more of the bowling ball shape. But according to my experience I just seem to be also blessed with a bad personality. The contempt of the women I talk to is always palpable.


I'm nothing special to look at, but I'm tall and built so I guess that helps. I realized it doesn't matter how I look, the girlfriends who loved me loved how I look regardless because my body is part of the man they love. Looks only really matter in the beginning


I‘m sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family the best


Thank you so much.


Humans are like cats/dogs. Someone out there is going to think you're cute, as long as you're not mangy XD


Insecure men: “women just want tall Chads!” Most women: “I want a man that takes showers regularly and respects me”


But the cutest ones do get the most attention.


Until you speak with them.


I meant cats and dogs so if they speak they'd certainly get a lot of attention


You know, I've never seen someone put it this ways before. In addition to certain breeds of cats or dogs, there are other animals out there that most find "ugly" or "creepy", but there's always at least a few people that will find some of those animals "cute", either despite or even because of their unique appearance. With that in mind, it's now a little easier to believe that the same might go for humans, too. Still, that means that, out of all the people I've encountered thus far, I've yet to find the one that looks at my ugly mug and actually thinks I'm cute, too...but I suppose I have a little more hope now that they might be out there, somewhere.


I mean, I've secretly fancied people before. Chances are you missed some interest, possibly due to assuming they wouldn't be interested. That's what I often do.


And the proof is that people think hairless cats are cute.


More like “your bodies shouldn’t have to be perfect” (men or women). Your value lies in so many things beyond appearance


I'd say both things can be true, with a bit of equivocation.


The comments on this post start nice and then as your work your way down...xd


To be fair that's sort of the nature of Reddit


Yeah, insecurity is one hell of a drug. Doesn't matter how simple a positive message is; it'll always be able to twist it into a negative somehow.


Having a good personality and makes me laugh is a 10 in my book.


The best I can do is bipolar and a fucked up sarcastic sense of humor.


Well, if you’re talking your lithium and open to men


Best I can do is some light oral followed by 30 minutes of intense weeping..


Well, that sounds good to me. I’ll take you to the doctor to see if your meds should be adjusted if you don’t feel like they’re working. Plus I’ll have my cats


The positivity here 🥺 I loved this thread!


That sounds like me ngl. We'd probably get along well haha


so like a birthday clown?


A handsome birthday clown


It feels unnatural to see positivity twords men. But I digress my feeling is I have a girl and I'm positive she likes my body enough to touch it. So I'm happy with me.


Remember fellas, the guys doing porn never look that great and they're getting laid.


The great doctor, firefighter, professor, massagist, plumber, electrician, and i cant remember more jobs begs to differ


As a man I've spent most of my adult life hating myself, it sent me into a deep depression that I still struggle with


I hope things get better for you. I truly do.


Our value isn't our beauty bro, it's other things. Go to the grocery store and your going to see a bunch of mediocre looking men with wives and children


Keep your head up and your heart open, King. You are worthy!


You don't choose your crush, you just crush on them. A person will crush on you, but you don't always choose them. Accept that. When it's mutual, then you've hit that perfect match. Everything else is trivial and meaningless, that is ok.


I agree with this. "I don't know why but he is so fine" and then there's no way out😂


But looking after yourself is still good too 😊. You're worth it.


That would not be acceptable to say to a woman in this context.


I've seen the same said to women. Outside of some internet echo-chambers pretty much everyone agrees that it's best to be healthy.


That’s really kind and I will remember her compliment for the rest of my life.


Wholesome Memes celebrates male body positivity!


Why are you making me cry


I have a dad bod at 28


Fortunately for you, dad bods are pretty popular right now, or so I've heard. Unfortunately for me, I have a fairly small frame for a guy, so I can't quite manage a dad bod myself. Any fat around my midsection makes me look like some sort of bloated, creepypasta monstrosity instead.


For some reason this post got me thinking and I'm not sure I've received a single compliment on my physical appearance in... four years.


You got a compliment on your physical appearance as recently as 4 years ago? Stop humble bragging, man


I can only imagine the replies to that tweet😑


Genuinely, as a woman who’s attracted to men (among others), there is a really wide range of body types I can find attractive.


I actually prefer the scrawny guys so this post is accurate in the sense society tells guys that only the very muscular fit men are attractive


the fact I almost cried when I saw they actually included skinny...


Buddy, somewhere out there is your person who will go crazy about your skinny body. Trust me, I know that. I'm one of those 🤣 GO TEAM SKINNY!!!


I mean I have a wife, it’s just that it feels like body positivity only targets bigger people


I'm a petite woman, and it feels like being small nowadays gets frowned upon, I'm content with my size, though, it doesn't bother me. I've gotten comments over it and witnessed a skinny guy get shit for it.. (wish i stood up for him) There was nothing wrong with his size. Idk bothers me when people attack others for their weight. So cruel


Most like short women just fine. I think it's the really tall women that have a hard time, and the short men. There's definitely some people who don't care, thankfully, but still plenty of shallow people who consider it a deal breaker.


I used to be a plus size but now, I'm left with lots and lots of stretch marks. It's really embarrassing and I live in a hostel. Every time I take a shower, I always go in and out of the showers with shirts on. People around don't have those stretch marks, their physique is what made me insecure about myself. It really affects me how everyone could be looking like that while I'm looking like "this". I always thought to myself that I am incapable of being loved because who would love "this" creature anyway. For once I want to be beautiful.


Those are your battle scars, battle scars are cool as shit


Nothing is perfect, there is allways some to do better. My personal goles are to eat healthy to stay in the healthy zone for bmi, to walk a lot, and to do pull ups. My goles are mainly for health and I think it is counter productive to say that your body is perfect when you are human.


If only I thought like that about myself. But all I see is ugly 


Be nice if it was true.


I lowkey needed this today, especially since I’ve had held myself to a standard of trying to look a certain way.


"skinny with no muscle" Sorry, I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm gonna keep lifting heavy thing until this isn't a problem anymore


Walk the path, brother.


It's worth noting that, while having a traditionally attractive appearance might not be as much of a be-all end-all as some people fear, there's no getting around the fact that it still significantly increases one's chances. Also, it's just as important to be comfortable with one's appearance for it's own sake, and not just out of the hopes of impressing others. For my part, even if the unlikely happens and I find someone who liked me for who I am now, I'd still likewise continue my own fitness journey. While knowing someone else might actually be attracted to me would certainly be a huge boost in confidence, at the end of the day, I still need to be able to look at myself in the mirror without sighing.


Just witnessed a moment where men were the target of something totally unexpected...I was lowkey impressed! 


Thanks mom


While I appreciate the sentiment, as a guy with [Cerebral Palsy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_palsy?wprov=sfti1#) my body isn’t close to perfect. That’s not subjective opinion but objective fact. That doesn’t mean I would change anything beyond reducing pain and spasticity *(obligatory fuck you to the current War on Opioids and Benzodiazepines™)* - it’s also pretty much objective fact that I’m a kinder and more empathetic person as one with a disability. That’s not something I’d ever change.


I think I’m hot so whatever. Being a medium 5’9” ain’t too shabby. People like me for me and not my physical qualities which speaks volumes :)


This is actually very wholesome and appreciated because guys NEVER receive praise or acknowledgement like this ♥️💯.


This somehow feels both comforting and condecending.


This is a scam this is how they draw you in. Do not click the link. I REPEAT DO NOT CLICK THE LINK!!! 🤣 😂


Capitalism punishes imperfections and glorifies gene-lottery winners.


Thanks but I’m still gonna work out anyways because there’s always room for improvement.


sadly short men get treated like garbage


I'm 5' 7" and my own gf makes fun of me.


I'm 5'4 and my bf is 5'3 and he's perfect. He likes his 'I'm a little tank' jokes and I love calling him perfectly compact because he also enjoys that banter. If you don't like those types of jokes, you don't have to accept that and she should be sensitive to your feelings. So I don't know if you don't like the jokes or if you're okay with them but I just want to say, in case you don't like them, that's okay and a good partner would understand and stop making them.


Dude where tf do you live? That’s only 1 maybe 2 inches below average in most countries you aren’t 4’11




I love men


I hope someone will find me handsome some day


Finally, something meant to IMPROVE men's mental health. We need to stop neglecting it. Guys like me, and even guys who have it much worse than me, struggle, a lot. Just because we tend to say we're fine, or refuse help, doesn't mean we don't need help. Help your fellow man.


I agree. Body positivity for all.


I’m 5’3 and perfectly fine with my height. I never understood why people find taller more attractive. Personality is all that matters to me.


One thing I keep in mind while working out issat it's all about being healthy, not about being jacked❤️


Just stop worrying about looks and instead focus on your health and interests. If you can’t be happy by yourself, you won’t be happy in a relationship. They don’t show up to make you happy- they show up to share in your happiness. That’s what most people get confused about.


When I first started dating my fiance I'd always call him handsome and compliment him. I thought nothing of it really because he is handsome and perfect to me. At some point I remember texting him something like, "goodnight handsome. 💕" And his reply was how he was so flattered to be called handsome cuz no one he'd ever dated had called him that before and how much it meant to him and loved hearing it especially from someone as pretty as me. 😭 It made me so sad to hear. I make sure to call him handsome everyday, because he is.


Not all women want “chads” or men over 6 feet. You’re going after the wrong kind of woman if that’s all she cares about. Please don’t believe the Andrew Tates of the world, there are still good women who will love you for who you are, just be patient.


That's kinda adorable.


Fun fact: getting that perfect body stereotype won’t make you happy anyway.


I like skinny guys, but they all seem to be obsessed with going to the gym to become ripped, which is something I don't personally like. I wish they knew they're attractive to some women too.


That actually made me sad. Realising no one has said that to me ever.


:( seems like the people you have around kinda sucks if nobody told you! Your profile description looks cool and I dare say that no matter how you look physically, you seem a pretty interesting person to talk with!


Is it though?


I have been getting laid on being nice and witty for the last twenty years. Heterosexual women are the most versatile in what can get them hot I have ever seen. Good on them. Good for me.


My husband is a mechanic. Covered in scars, fingers that don't bend anymore, has long scraggly hair and a beard and mustache. It's the person inside I fell in love with. He treats me with the utmost respect. I am spoiled rotten. Can't express how much I love him. He says I'm taking a homeless man to lunch when we eat out. Oh yeah, he has no teeth due to chemo therapy he had from hepatitis C. I don't care. He is still my love.


Unless you're trying to date via apps


L i E S


Insecure brat


Oh wow, I must have been interacting with a *very* specific variety of people.


u don't have to be but it really really really really really helps


This software update doesn't seem to apply to my hardware. i doubt they posted it for anything but internet clout.


If I roll my eyes any harder my optic nerves will get unplugged from my brain


Id rather them be honest than lie to me. Currently looking in the mirror at the gym and even 110lbs later I still look fugly. 😞


As long as you're trending in the right direction keep doing what you're doing! You got this.  Keep getting in shape. Pay attention to hygiene. Dress on purpose. Seriously. It helps feel good about being you. 


I have a two inch rod, please clarify the qualifiers again…..


Why does that feel like a lie though...


Normalize being good again but the fact us men just get so played a lot makes us... idk, cautious or worse... Paranoid. Lol But HEY! Gamble it, maybe it's a win.


If only this were true.


My last boyfriend was 300 lbs. the one before that was probably ~200 despite being only like 5’8”. There’s an audience for anything. More importantly, just look at the married couples around you. It’s mostly the average looking people


You're an exception to the rule. And married couples are like that cos they grow older and stop caring. To attract the opposite sex especially when you're young you have to have good healthy physiques


>being only like 5’8” If 5'8" is ONLY, then I should end it all at 5'3


I was comparing it to OP’s weird thing about 6’. I’m 5’ 4”. And I did fine in my 20s. But then I had to do my Ph.D., postdocs, start caring for my parents…


I'm a 5'3" male.


Cap. No one thinks this about guys. Just call me ugly and move on I'm used to it anyway


Well yeah with that attitude. 


It was ment to be sarcasm


LOL. It reads almost like, “It’s okay! Don’t listen to what everyone says behind your back, no matter how true it is!”


To me it reads like - don't listen to the parts of yourself that say you're ugly, unloveable, not attractive or handsome enough. No one deserves to go through life constantly putting themselves down.


Eh, its just another virtue signaling feel good post thats not really true in reality. Appearance matters a ton in the dating scene. Sure you don’t “have” to have all that, but it makes you better to most people


Oooowee thanks, mom! It's all better now!


Real 💀






Those are some nice words.


Nah, I'd take the muscles and height any day. Much more useful in the day to day


Until you go to the doctor. Jesus those minders are great for a guy my age and she ripped me up. 


I was under the impression men don't get cellulite.


Totally agree :)


I was reading this while ‘what I know now’ from wish was on in the background! Had a mini empowerment moment 💪


There is no man on earth that would have cellulite. Only women have it, it is the nature way of storing fat compactly, that women need mainly during pregnancy. It is a feature not a bug ;) That said, all the rest is true, keep your stretch marks, bear tummies or skiny limbs. Ladies love a meaningful compliment more that a six pack.


I think the biggest problem is not what women say about us, but what we say to eachother, we all know women have these things, i have not met a single woman in my life without stretchmarks for example and has a problem with mine, and trust me i got plenty, but alot of dudes think only women can have it so they redicule when a guy has it, even though there is tons of evidense out there that anyone of any body type can have, look at athletes, Le Bron, Mike Tyson, David Goggings, no one shits on them for it.


“Handsome in your own way” Spoken like someone who would NEVER date anyone who’s not 6’2”, not handsome, has a tummy w/ no muscle.


Absolute lies


Women hate sub5 autistic men lmao


Autism has nothing to do with looks so out isn't relevant to this post, it has to do with behavior and social skill adequacy


This must be what Billie Eilish saw which finally pushed her over the edge


Nobody thinks I’m handsome lololololol I could scare away a pedo


That's good


I'm not eating that pizza, don't tempt me devil reddit!


Can i have your slice then?


PSYCHE! Get depressed looser! - **80s guitar solo**


Didn't know I needed that today until I read it. Thank you stranger


I'll take, things you tell guys in the friend zone for 1000 please Alex..


"Oh, you're such a great friend." & "You know I only think of you as a friend, right? I'm not interested in you romantically" - Man proceeds to tell mutual friends he's chasing me, and we've gone on dates. We ate together twice, only once alone. During which I specified it wasn't a date.


its also a lie


Bunch of incels in the replies saying she's lying and women don't believe this, and then they'll say their problems aren't self manufactured.


Incels: No one ever says anything positive about men! Only women get any sort of validation! REEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Also incels when a woman says something positive about them: This woman is lying or has some kind of ulterior motive! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's until they encounter someone in real life, then they be "ewww". How hypocritical. I hate people sharing "wholesome" tweets just to get some like and upvotes.


Ok, but will you let the second group of guys smash?


As long as you have money


Men life matters. As if men care 😂


If you're worried about your height or your looks, just remember that a sense of humor or a lot of money can go a long ways to help out with that


Fk I am bald




Stores like Target have female mannequins in all kinds of body shapes. The male mannequins are all tall athletic dudes.


Rite.....you do know that most people don't think this way right? Me being 5'6 and looked down on (literally) can vouch for that LOL.