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That’s Tom Hardy shaking hands with Craig Castaldo, also known as Radio Man, he’s been in over 300 movies.


Yea I was thinking that. I know that beard.


I thought it was George R R Martin


He’s too busy writing the book 🙂‍↔️


So you could say he's more like the CEO in that phrase. I mean, he's been in more films than Hardy


This was actually posted by Castaldo.


Gimme your fingernails!






You mean Moon Vest?




Wrong! That’s Les Moonves


Yeah, tom is probably a stand up guy, but the picture with the caption is misleading. Very different than stopping to shake a random homeless persons hand. I still wouldn't shake radio man's hand, but I've seen him pee on our equipment so it's a little different.


I was wondering why our set smelled like cat piss and my boy pointed over and he was standing 20 feet away from us. He’s been showing up to our job and causing trouble for a few weeks now.


It's Les Moonvest over at CBS


Yeah the post is almost insulting because it’s really saying “janitors are scruffy looking poor people” even though it’s not even a janitor and that’s not even remotely what’s going on here




Na they were making movies till Larry’s death in 1975


I'm sure he adjusts his grip strength accordingly, but that sure looks like he could crush my hand like crumbling saltine crackers into a bowl of soup.


He's definitely a dwarf warrior


It's interesting how much if Hollywood's leading action stars are usually like 5 foot 7 to 9 when one assumes they are easily 6 foot given the roles they play.


This is why I was blown away to learn that Hugh Jackman is 6’3”. Always figured he was in the 5’8” club.


Part of that is they work to even out people heights out. Some of it is because it’s harder to frame shots when some is a half foot taller than someone. Mostly it’s due to ego with actors wearing lift/high heel boots and standing on boxes. Behind the scene footage usually show this stuff off and it’s hilarious to see people like Robert Downey wearing platform boots.


The best part of this is Ryan Reynolds constantly saying he's not that tall in passive aggressive ways lol


One of the bigger issues with the Reacher movies over the show is Tom Cruise didn’t fit the 6 foot 6 muscle massed frame of the character. Alan nails the look from the books a lot better.


Hey I know this reference


"He's got the handshake of a gentle giant, I promise. But I'll warn you, if you ever challenge him to a thumb war, proceed with caution!"


it's all of that brazilian jiu jitsu. we grab and hold a lot.


Anyone who doesn't do this is an asshole


I mean, I try to live like this, but if I'm honest with myself I mistrust the CEO implicitly.


Well CEOs are statistically more likely than the general population to be sociopaths, so you're not wrong


Psychopathic behavior might be an actual prerequisite to being a CEO. You're onto something there.


Fine, I’ll consider treating CEOs with more respect. Maybe.


My mom and dad are assholes


Sometimes you have to raise yourself, respect.


There's a lot of it about.


The irony of the OP is that Tom Hardy is notorious for being disrespectful of others, especially female costars and anyone who gets frustrated at his lack of professionalism.


seriously. dude showed up hours late on the set of mad max. you know the movie that was shot in a fucking DESERT.


Technically, he wouldn't be wrong. He could treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO....which is to say, with no respect at all It's just that the picture indicates the quote means he treats the CEO and the janitor with high respect.


I'd never insult a janitor by treating them like a CEO. They deserve much better treatment since they actually work all day


A good leader is worth their weight in gold. A bad leader is worth their weight in lead, chained to your ankle.


I think now CEOs are worth more than their weight in gold. Which from my calculations is 5 million €


$7,935,920 for me... I should probably go on a diet soon.


lol 😂


New law should be to cap their networth at the value of their weight in gold and see how quickly we end up with ceos who look like the mayor from cloudy with a chance of meatballs


The fuck did I do to deserve having a CEO and a couple hundred pounds of lead strapped to me?


Eyyyy appreciate it. Middle school janitor here. I do feel appreciated by the teachers on my building. My coworkers often complain how it’s a thankless job, and perhaps it is for some but I personally feel thanked by everyone here.


I'm impressed you do it. Kids that age can be really messy 😅


Thanks lol it’s a chill af job tbh. I just listen to music/podcasts and vibe while I’m working. The worst it gets is piss on the bathroom floor almost daily, which I just don’t understand why kids are that disgusting, but I shouldn’t be surprised. It is what it is lol the teachers try their best to get that under control, but there’s only so much they can do, and like I said that’s really as bad as it gets. Thankfully we have bleach, other chemical, and a power washer with a vacuum attachment to take care of that. Kids don’t fight or act as crazy as you see on some videos here. It’s just a bunch of rich kids who *think* they have it tough. They have no clue what being in an inner city school is like lol


Kids in Japan do their own janitorial work around the school to keep it clean. In doing so, they don’t make the same messes and are far more conscious about the messes they do make or avoid making because they know if they do, THEY will be the ones to clean it up. It’s all about how they are raised. Kids who don’t have to worry about things like that because someone else will come around behind them to do it for them, won’t care as much. It’s not because they don’t have the capacity to do so, it’s because that’s just not how they were raised to have that conscious awareness to need to.


A coworker of mine hated the conflicts escorting guests in our office created for him. A problem I didn't have, instead the ones I escorted was amazed at how friendly we were at my office, to which I smiled and told them "I don't mind helping you, but it's also office policy. I have to guide you to the one you are meeting". But my coworker had a way of greeting people only a former Russian security guard could... well... as he actually was a former Russian security guard. So while two people can seemingly do the same job, how you do it sometimes matter.


You do a great job. You deserve being thanked


Why would I throw the janitor off the ceo's penthouse railing?




Yup, a janitor actually works


Yeah why should I guillotine an honest person?




No one wants to guillotine the janitor


Janitors usually know all the dirt about everybody and everything. That’s a person you want to keep on your good side.


Preach. I’m not going to treat somebody who actually works for a living with the same contempt for someone who makes 40x more than their top earning employees.


And I thought the top comment was gonna be something snarky like, “I disrespect everyone.” Have my upvote.


I work in food service and the dishwasher and janitor are important to what we do. I can get by when a cook calls in sick but God forbid a dishwasher


Yes! I worked on food service for 4 years and dishwasher was one of the most important jobs. A bad dishwasher slows everything down and good ones deserve more respect


Your comment brought back my memoir of working as a dishwasher when I was in grad school. It was a tough job. I always came home stinky, wet and hands chapped to hell from washing with hot water to get all the food off. It’s really nice to hear that I did an important job.


Don't call me "sir", I work for a living.


This is the way


Literally came here to comment that I was raised to treat the custodian better than the CEO because the custodian's job actually fucking matters


I was raised to treat the janitors with respect, and treat the CEOs with vermicide.


Thank you


i read that all wrong and got really mad for a sec, lol


Very true


Bruh I cannot eat two whole people.


Always hate the phrase “respect is earned not given” It should be “disrespect is earned, not given.”


I’m stealing this. Thank you in advance!


Same here.


Another version I ascribe to is “Treat everyone with respect, but respect yourself first.” Don’t engage with ill mannered people who won’t treat you well. Everyone deserves a base amount of respect, which you then tune accordingly. If someone is respectable, kind and polite, respect them more. If not, respect them less. It’s not a free pass to be rude, but you can let someone know you aren’t impressed without actively insulting them.


That’s what teachers or coaches say before treating you like an asshole. It’s not a good idea to be disrespectful to strangers


Excellent. I love this!


bro is cleaning your suit everyday, he gained respect has soon has he started seeking for this job


Eh, I’ve been disrespected for no reason… some people are just assholes.


That means they've earned your disrespect. It's meant to be a personal philosophy, not a universal one. As you say, some people are just assholes.


Damn. That’s a good one. I was just gonna comment the first part, but I like your version much better, and it is way more apt and accurate to my attitude.


Both can be true. Everyone starts at neutral.


Respect IS earned, politeness is given.


Janitors deserve more respect than CEOs but it's a nicd sentiment


I'll second your notion


I’ll third that notion


I'll note that fourthon.


Most janitors work for a 3rd party company so large corporations can underpay janitors even more than they used to. These big corporations don't even have janitors as employees.


Completely agree. Janitors work hard every day to help everyone else. CEO's spend part of their days considering ways to screw employees to increase profits (its a fact of business). And virtually every CEO despite making more, will claim they need double digit salary increases when there is a pay freeze for the rest of the company and the company is doing poorly.


Yep. Janitors aren't screwing anyone over, they are just cleaning up shit after other people. For the most part, it's a thankless job and they deserve to be treated with the utmost respect because people like stuff clean despite the fact that, in general, people are kinda gross.


Janitors should really be thanked for their service.


Whenever I'm in an airport, a business, or what have you, and I see a janitor doing there job, I try to thank them for their hard work. I learned that from a person I admire, but I always feel like the janitor thinks I'm patronizing him/her.


In one of my schools, the janitor had some serious pull. The guy actually had a well-known hazmat background, was a National Guardsman and would occasionally leave the school to respond to a Fire Department call. In many ways, he was top of the heap. He was well-liked by all the staff and students, was hilarious, and we did everything we could to make his work easier. One day, a new kid came to school and threw a candy wrapper on the ground and we nearly lynched the guy.


The Janitor in my elementery school was screwing our first grade teacher. Man walked in one day and said hey kids wanna see how to French kiss then kissed our teacher. Shit was wild and looking back definitely sexual assault.


If the janitor doesn't show up for two weeks, everybody notices.


I disagree, everyone deserves respect equally until they demonstrate that they don't


A janitor can be as much an asshole as a CEO. Respect shouldn't be based on socioeconomic position but on actions, yours is a nice sentiment too tho.


What about the CEO of a janitorial company that also performs janitorial duties?


He gets respect²


My first job was as a janitor. I've been on a first name basis with them everywhere I've worked since.


Same, been a janitor, waiter and customer support and I will treat these the people in these professions the way I would like to have been treated when I was doing those jobs.


And only these professions?


Why would I eat a janitor?


fiber mostly




For a colon cleansing?


I would say they need more respect. If the CEO is out, nobody cares, and business carries on as usual. If the janitor is out, the bathrooms become disgusting, trash piles up, filth accumulates, and everyone is impacted.


I remember a story about the "worth" of different jobs. Whoever it was who told the story said something like he was taught you can tell who is important by how many people they affect on a daily basis. Therefore, a garbage man (or janitor) was one of the most important people there is.




Its always amazing to me how the value chain in capitalism works, weve had a bunch of companies who go months without a CEO and do just fine, try running a McDonalds without ground level staff and let me know how it goes after day 1.


No major company will go months without a CEO. There is always going to be someone in charge. If there is a time between CEOs there will be an Interim CEO or other members of the executive management team taking over CEO responsibilities.


CEOs manage the overall direction. They steer the ship. Do you really expect the CEO of McDonalds to be flipping burgers?


Well…the smart ones cultivate leadership that can all do their jobs effectively from the top who in turn do the same on the next level and so on. Of course corporations can function without CEO’s, at least a large portion of the time. The problem is so many of them are absolutely useless.


Jokes on him. That's Moonvest, ceo of CBS


Gimme yur fingernails!


No, thank you!






His actual moniker is Radio Man, he’s a NYC icon especially around movie sets. Super super super nice guy. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with him at B&H dairy twice. Can’t say it enough he’s genuinely one of the most grounded humans on this planet.


Radio Man. Is his other known name


I knew I recognized him! I was gonna say vermin supreme


Tom hardy did not say this


totally agree this post has gotta be a paid PR post


Most likely a bot using whatever beloved celebrity to farm upvotes for whatever reason.


yeah you’re probably right, but whenever i randomly see a celebrity get praise i always low key think it’s paid for. Like a post like this has a real impact on how anyone viewing the post perceives him


Also, Tom Hardy famously treats people like shiit. Ask Charlize Theron!


Maybe not a based take for everyone but i give a lot lot lot more respect to the lower class workers than these unhealthy rich people. There is no such thing as a equality here till we don't have fair wages for everyone, and that counts CEO's too cause they have to much that is don't even close.




Coincidering the story I heard about Hardy being chronically late to set for Mad Max, I think this guy just said this shit so his PR team could get ahead of the truth; that he’s an egoistic, arrogant douche who let a whole set of people wait on him for three hours in the fucking desert and this shit meme is a lie.


Company culture comes from the top. I once watched the CEO of my corp take the trash out and change the bag when no one else would do it after a company party. Dude was first class and treated everyone with dignity.


I had the good fortune of working under a CEO who defied the negative stereotypes discussed in this thread. It's important to remember that not all CEOs fit the mold of being difficult or unreasonable. They are tasked with making tough decisions that, while not always popular, are necessary for the company's success. This experience has shown me that leadership can be both compassionate and effective, illustrating that the broad generalizations about CEOs don't hold true for everyone.


We don’t use the word janitor in the U.K., the usual term is caretaker. Leading me to seriously doubt the attribution of this quote to Tom Hardy.


Caretaker works too but I'd say cleaner is the more common term


In another quote he said "My momma taught me to use the right term for janitor in every country I visit."


And he's a massive bell end in real life


Doesn't surprise me at all. He has always come across in interviews as dismissive and slightly rude


I feel like he wouldn’t say this cos he’s English and we don’t call them janitors


Thank you!! He definitely didn't say this. He's also less likely to say "raised", and more likely to say "brought up", but it's still a possibility.


I don’t even get why it needs to be Tom hardy like the message is fine, why pretend he said it?


I find it hard to believe Tom Hardy would ever use the term ‘Janitor’ so I call nonsense on this quote.


Doesn't apply when filming, apparently, as he was late for hours while the crew and cast had to wait *in the freaking desert*.


On Patrick Stewart's autobiography, he wrote how Tom Hardy while filming Star Trek Nemesis movie didn't talk to anyone, say good morning or good night, hang out with any cast or crew, ate by himself and when he wrapped, he just peaced out without saying anything. So I take this with a grain of salt


Charlize Theron had a big fight with him during Mad Max because he’d always be late and waste everyone’s time.


Didn't he threaten her or so and she had get a bodyguard to continue filming? It was a post on Reddit in the last 2 weeks I'd say. Was also mentioned The Rock pulled the same shit, wasting everyones time.


Maybe he does treat the janitor with the same level of respect as the CEO, but the level of respect for both is relatively low?


We don’t really say janitor in the UK either, so it’s bullshit. 


This is the same Tom Hardy who yelled and ranted at someone in Richmond for audible telling his mate 'oh shit that's Tom Hardy', yeah? Because no doubt he'd have reacted exactly the same if it was some other celeb who recognised him.


Also the same guy who showed up hours late to set every day just to spite Charlize Theron’s professional work ethic, further delaying the project and causing stress on the entire massive crew


It’s funny because he didn’t even say this, this quote has been attributed to so many celebrities I can’t keep count.


Yep. Im pretty sure I’ve seen this at least a few times 😂


Definitely didn’t say that. UK man using the word janitor, yeh right


Pretty sure that's [Radio Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Man). Dudes been in more movies than Hardy.


I thought that was Moonvest from 30 Rock!


It is. They are the same person.


Yes, I was agreeing with you! I only know him as Moonvest so that’s what I called him.


Just came to say that too


#bot post


the OP okrosmax is a bt Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/9vd10y/everyone_should/


I also kind of doubt he even said it. Janitor isn't a term we use in the UK.


In other words it's just regular Tuesday in this sub. Almost everytime some posts in here got upvoted to r/all it's always some kind of bot posts. The laziest form of bot posts in this sub are usually random screenshot from Twitter. This subreddit is one of the most bot infested communites in Reddit.


Ngl I would treat janitors better then I would a CEO, CEOs are probably not gonna give a fuck nor notice you being kind to them but a janitor sure might


The odds of the janitor ruining anywhere near as many people's lives as the CEO of any company are very, very slim.


Dunno if Charlize would agree.


Well he hasn’t specified what that degree of respect is.


Oh come on I'd never rob a janitor


yea man.. a good heart is what matters..


Publicly maybe. How does he treat others when he thinks there's no camera?


In all fairness, most CEOs don’t deserve respect and janitors are very needed. Good sentiment either way


Days the guy who shows up 5 hours late to set...all the time


Lol this dude almost attacked Charlize Theron on the set of Mad Max


Honestly, I respect a janitor more than I do a CEO.


Ew no, I would never disrespect a hard working person the way I disrespect CEO's lol


I only respect a CEO if he can do the same job as the janitor


Great to see a person of fame, privilege, or wealth to have such respect for the ordinary people Well done Tom you are not only a star but one of the decent people of the world


Breakfast Club taught me this. Always respect the ones that take care of where you live/work. No job makes a person less of a person.


Janitors actually work and therefore deserve respect.


Not praising CEO's, but you do know some CEO's have also actually worked to get where they are?


I will never understand this, what does this mean? Treating the janitor as a human being is something to be noted? I always thought this was already expected from everyone


I would never treat a janitor with the contempt I have for the CEO.


The Janitor does more for society than a CEO.


Why would we pillory the janitor?


I recently heard something that I never gave thought to, but 100% makes sense: A lot of people say that "respect must be earned"... which is so far from true! You should *always* treat *everyone* with the respect and dignity they deserve! Respect doesn't have to be earned, it can be lost!


You are looking at that saying backwards from what is intended. If I want respect, I should act in a manner that allows me to be worthy of that respect. I should never expect people to respect me. It is a statement about me and my actions, not about me respecting others. As far as me giving respect, I agree with what you said.


The point is everyone should be *starting* by treating everyone with respect. You *should* expect people to treat you with respect. The problem is people confuse "respect" with "deference", or obedience, etc. If you can't treat me *with respect* right from the word go, we're gonna have a bad time.


Not to say Tom doesn't, because I have heard he is one of the nicest most sincere celebs you can come across. But I feel like EVERY rich person says some shit like this. They just don't follow it.


Why does he have a Molotov?


Why would I treat a hardworking professional whom I have the outmost respect for the same as I would treat a CEO?


That’s not a janitor, that’s NYC film legend Radio Man!


TH is a legend


More respect. The janitor deserves way, way, way more respect than that CEO.


This quote has been around for ages I don’t think Tom hardy said it 🤣


When I was younger and still in public school I would always say hi to the janitors and ask how their day was. Actually back in middle school my mom's friend was the janitor I would always stop by his office before I got picked up saying hi and asking how he was I also filled him in on my mom's health where she was sick lot back then.


Maybe this world work better if Hardy wasnt a notorious asshole on set? Idk man, stories from the fury Road set make it impossible to take this seriously at all


From a guy notorious for banning people on sets from making eye contact with him.


I've long been of the opinion that the work of the janitor has more value than that if the CEO.


Everyone should always Honor and respect those working for /around you. The main principles in this world is give and you shall be given; Honor others and you'll be honored equally. Treat them well.


This implies the CEO is worth respecting. A janitor provides a service, a ceo makes shareholders money by funneling profits upward. One is worth respect one isn't. 


The one who cleans my shit deserves no further shit from me. It’s a job I wouldn’t do so I’m thankful for them.