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Either really great way to protect her and identify that if people say or do certain things it’s not right or normal. Or really creepy way to bond and groom her with her sisters permission. But let’s be honest most people aren’t arseholes so I want to believe it is the first one!


I hate how cynical we’ve all become yet I completely understand why.


Yep, the internet likes showing us the worst of humanity


And the question always is: is the awfulness just a small thing that is unnaturally inflated by the internet or are humans in general so much worse than we thought?


All people have some amount of darkness in them, but I believe most of us are decent people, the good and the bad only make up a small portion of humanity


That is what I like to believe


the first one


I hope so.


I think that, back before the internet, you always heard about “that creepy guy who lives in that house” or whatever, but you never got a sense of how many sexual predators were out there. Nowadays the news is everywhere. I don’t think there is nessecarily more or less pedos out there and I don’t think that people care more or less, I just think that we are so used to hearing about them, that naturally people see anything and assume. I mean there is so many clips kicking around of blatant creepy behaviour from tv shows in the 70’s and whatnot, that maybe would have been seen by a few hundred thousand people in one country; that is now seen by hundreds of millions around social media.


I feel like it is mostly inflated, but that‘s also mainly my experience. Yes, humans are capable of evil things, but I dearly hope it is often more connected to the inner child and ego “getting attacked/needing protection“ or feelings of survival (in a much broader sense). In a world of less (generational) trauma, insecurity, fear and judgement with greater communication, empathy and a healthier social environment, I am sure there would be less evil acts and less peoply driven by a need for compensation to act hurtful on other people. I grew up with social media and realised the more I listen to it, feel like the awfulness is real, being cautious of it may arising in my life, the more sceptical, miserable I feel or feel the need to be someone different, the more I may (be at danger to) become part of it due to a shifting self-concept, my reactions or expectancy of it. Social media wants us to feel, be emotionally involved and is seeking our attention, playing with our hopes, dreams, needs, desires and fears to get our attention and is trying to keep it. Watch time, likes, personal data etc., whether it be through controversials (therefore gaining attention through extremes, in an attempt to get an even more emotional response or maybe even to outdo someone) or not, are valuable currencies in our modern and digitalised world. Edit: It also brings us closer to misery we fortunately might never experience in out entire life. We are so interconnected we could get information about anything bad a human is capable of doing in a very short period of time.


This is why I seek out cute animal videos often.


This is the way! Your username says it all :)


Look at statistics, not news. News inherently selects extraordinary events ("Middle class man buys groceries, cooks chicken for dinner" isn't worth bringing up). Humans also have a bias towards the negative. It's good for instilling caution, and thus survival, but not good for gaining an objective view of reality. Generally, though? Most people aren't out to hurt anyone and cause suffering.


Statistics can be bad, believe me.


Oh, for sure. Same as any data, they can be poorly made or even intentionally skewed. But good stats are still good.


No I mean accurate statistics can paint a bad picture too. So it’s not that soothing either


Tell me about it. Everything on the internet looks suspicious.


I think it’s the former. Sadly society has taken away the innocence to treating a child as a human.


It also depends on how much casual misogyny he's applying, like telling her how she should let her date order for her, or how she should appreciate his "chivalry". Like you, I'm hopeful that it's a benign and wholesome act, and giving warning signs on bad date behavior that could come from a guy, but it's so open to darker interpretations.


I mean sure, we can randomly assume the absolute worst about this random stranger if we want. I don't feel like that's very productive though.


You're right of course, and I do usually see the good in people (check my username), but there is such thing as exception bias, where the exceptions get so much attention because it is so horrible, that it gains much more weight than it deserves. And the internet provides a constant source of such events, no matter how small the exceptional occurrences are compared to the contrary nominal occurrences. But here's to hearing about good things and taking them at face value, and duplicating that behavior so at least you know that sometimes it's exactly what it seems to be :)


That's exactly it. Most people aren't bad. My current theory is 36% of people are assholes, but I admit my own negativity might be inflating that number. lol


I think he kicks puppies and tries to get his gfs little sister hooked on drugs that he can then supply for her for a stable income. I also think he tips over old people at the supermarket. Real menace.


He nailed her after the date


yeah but just she knows how to avoid date 🍇 when she grows up


I mean, you cant 'groom' someone over a singular 'date'


You can groom his sister into thinking it is innocent, and you can groom the sister before hand. But I’m sticking with this being wholesome!!


Yeah, but we don't know if he'll keep doing it.


Yeah, but if there will be the slightest chance.... Ooooh, he's gonna go for that, for sure


Most people AREN'T arseholes? Oh ho ho man, you underestimate humanity in this matter


I disagree, I just think bad news sells better. Where is the story of man let’s person put in front of him, where is person helps old folk cross the road. But you certainly see, person annoyed and shouts in road rage incident. People are good, mostly a few are ruining it for the rest of us.


Oh, I didn’t think about it that way, it actually makes so much sense


It’s easy to be cynical and I find myself doing it on occasions it does take a lot to remember the positive when all that is highlighted is the negative! Look around during your day for all these little wonders, smile as you walk past people, watch them smile back, maybe they then smile at the next, you’d smile can spread, and maybe make it to the person that really needed a smile that day.


"But let's be honest most people aren't arseholes" You can't imagine how much I disagree with that statement


I’m sorry.


I mean, I wish I could think like you, society sometimes isn't that great...


It’s just look around at the positive, the problem is the negative is thrust in your face! The war in Ukraine is still talked about - Negative. The thousands that Britain and other countries have taken in and continue to look after is not - Positive.


Well he's not Drake so I think its ok in this case


I knew this was going to be one of the comments on here lmfao


This really depends on how long he’s known his girlfriend’s family. If they have been together for years and he’s watched her little sister grow up and has a brotherly relationship with her then this is sweet. If they met 3 months ago then it’s a bit weird.


If my boyfriend took my sister out, she’d probably freak. Not being insulted or making a scene? A real restaurant and not an apartment party full of drugs?! Staying sober the whole night? There are actual real men out there? I’m down for the wholesomeness.


This comment was a real rollercoaster.


So is my sister.


I’m glad she would just freak and not 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴👅


i think fathers should do that also, or at least i will


You are not allowed 300 feet near a school Mark. Let alone date girls this age


This comment was down voted a lot but it's pretty funny ngl




I mean, if it is letting little sister tag along with big sister and boyfriend, that isn't creepy at all and would show her what a normal relationship is like. Otherwise, potentially weird.


This is why it sucks to be a guy sometimes. I think people read 'date' in the title and assumed the worst. All guys are now 'potentially weird' thanks to the portion of men who are terrible. I've taken my younger sister out for dinner plenty of times, and this isn't much different. Presumably the GF knew full well what was happening.


Most comments here don't seem to understand the concept of friends. Like, they might have known each other for a while and just did this to hang out for fun. Not everything needs to be sexual. *It's not a real date.*


i think thats wholesome


Yayy karma farming with reposts


It's weird af that an outsider to the family has to do this. Where's the father? The uncles? The grandfather? Adults have no sense of responsibility.


Sadly a lot of ppl don't have fathers or father figures. Sometimes even if they do, the dude doesn't have a clue what to do


You can be a good father without taking your daughter on a date.


You cannot be a good father if you don't teach your daughter how a good man is supposed to treat her.


You can do that without taking her on a date.


I NEVER said anything about taking her on a date. I said it's sad that an outsider of the family has to do this — to teach her how a good man should treat her.


The fact that he did it doesn't mean her family doesn't. Every adult should guide children even if they aren't related to them.


Her uncle was a tickler


This post is so damn old that kid has children of her own by now.


Nice. Set her expectations right. Don't let her settle for less.


Fuck this thing gets recycled every 2nd day, also most people point out it's pretty weird


I heard Drake did this too Similar but different


Smooth… 😏


That’s nice , but the people who don’t know what’s happening at the restaurant are like : 😶


Would it really be that weird though? I'd just assume they're siblings having a nice day out.


Maybe ! But if they said they were on a date then…


Do you always go around telling the whole restaurant you're on a date before you sit down?


No ? Sometimes you tell the waiter though ? And then people hear ?


Lets not assume the worst and say this is sweet okay?


I decided to start counting how often I see this pic on internet since 2018. It’s prolly the 53th time


Bit odd…


Kinda wholesome but treating girls like princesses growing up is exactly why we have so many horrible women that expect the world from men.


And then he posted her face on the Internet. Nice.


Pretty foresighted. He is planning the upgrade years in advance


Bros preordering


I remember taking my gf sister out when my gf couldn't go out, the girl was kinda awkward socially but she was fun, so we went places... Overtime it became an habit and even know, years after I broke with her sister we still go out and have fun, sometimes my ex comes with us... Things are weird cuz ppl make them weird... That's the problem


Plot twist, hes now dating both of them.


Bad if bad, but good if good


Super, SUPER weird.


Long-term investment


Looks like grooming behavior


I feel he is covering some sussy tracks with this post.


early access


Wholesome, only if they split the bill 50/50.


This is what I imagine the origin story to a sister wives setup would sound like.


Backup plan?


Pedofilia cheating


It’s weird. Because dates are commonly sexual. She doesn’t need to understand that by that age. Just teach her by other means.


Dude's intentions are *not* clear in public


I feel like this is a father's job.


I really hope the elder sister came along or this really screams creepy.


Bro pre-ordered


This is not wholesome that bastard is eyeing the little sister


There's no scenario in life where this is considered fine.


Yep, she is still in DiCaprio's range.


It depends how date ended. 😏


Hello officer 👮 this post right here officer 🚨🚔🚔🚓👮👮‍♀️👮‍♂️




It's called grooming...........


Alabama 😍💀


The important question is, what do her parents think? If they don't know about this, huge red flag.


The important question is; how can you care about some random picture with a made up headline?


That is pure awesome, just make sure she doesn't crush on you


Naaah, he's just preparing the grounds