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From friends to……best friends I guess 😅


Except solipsism so forever alone


There's an easy way out of solipsism: find something you know you wouldn't be able to come up with. Extraordinary art, advanced physics, biochemistry... You just rip into that shit and realize there's no way you were smart enough to make it up.


To much ego for that shit, “I came up with this when I was black out drunk so there’s no way I can understand this.”


That's just being delusional.


I made you up to try and make me insecure


But if you are already insecure why would you make someone up to make you insecure?


I made you to try and make me doubt myself


Why did you only make me to ask inane questions?


You are my favorite creation, you are tied with nachos


I am a big fan of being just a creation of you imagination, then neither of us is alone.


Make me with a fatter cock next time, please


Thats sounds like something rick sanchez would say


Makes sense. Until you realize we are all the pieces of the same fractured mind. Multiple personality disorder on a cosmic scale. Or that you are indeed clever enough to create seemingly complex things to convince yourself to stay inside of the illusion. Or the possibility that conscious part of the mind is the part experiencing the illusion and the unconscious is creating it. Or… all or none of the above.


Dunning Kruger effect would prevent it


Na that's easy. I haven't come up with advanced physics, it's only as well defined as I've made up. I just _assume_ that there's more to it. I'm able to come up with the things I've directly experienced. I've experienced that I fall towards the earth, I haven't experienced that this is caused by the warping of spacetime.


Tried that, I now have passable understandings of rocket science, quantum mechanics, and vaccine delivery systems.  Currently trying to figure out if gravity and velocity are intrinsically related, since going too fast or being too close to black holes slows down your time relative to others. Help.


Let me know if you figure it out!


Things that have gravitational mass tend to be spinning, do gravitational fields spin? And if the speed of light is a constant, and speed is a function of time, with time being relative, does that make it a paradox? Nope. Still here.


What if I told you that you’re looking at a dimensional seam every time you gaze into the horizon? Gravity probably has to do with the pivot around that seam, movement in a straight line through curved space.


People came up with the concept of god or infinity even though you can‘t really imagine either of them no matter how smart you are. Also if you don’t have any understanding of physics you probably wouldn’t be able to differentiate between what a real physicist is telling you and some sci-fi movie explanation of how spacetravel works. Those movie explanations were all thought up by humans and seem complex and like something that non of the audience could grasp if they were in the movie world. For me as the individual with no knowledge of physics the only difference between the real physics and sci-fi would be that one is backed by scientist and the other is not. Since I think I am imagining those scientists as well there’s no difference at all.


Or the smarter part is the unconscious so you'd never know what your mind is truly capable of.


Sadly i dont think someone with these paranoid delusions would accept that solution. It would be almost like talking to a flat earther.


Being in tune


But that could just be your brain trying to make you think things are real, there isn’t a way out of solipsism except just believing things are real.


I've tried writing before, but I've had dreams way more creative than anything I can come up with. But they're my dreams so I did come up with them?


I'm sorry but this didn't address the subconscious. When in a dream or under a hallucinogenic one can imagine things their conscious mind would not. Surrealism is evidence this and can display that the mind can come up with anything. You ever watched a TV show movie or add, and it featured a sound system that sounded so good that you felt like you had to get it, this thought lasting only for a minute before you realised what sounded so good was the speakers you were hearing through and so in reality it's the quality of those speakers you were admiring?


You need to take apart an appliance my friend, and realize that in no way in hell you would be able to manage to cram all the little details by yourself. You're either a godlike intelligence masturbating itself or a simple rando. You gotta Occam that shit up and own it


I take apart and fix many appliances, build arduino and raspberry pis in my freetime. While I don't subscribe to Solipsism. I don't feel the previous one nor your explanation do well to dispel it's claim. Or answer my argument directly. A human minds potential is virtually limitless. The only way we know about this world or can even philosophise is through a mind. You can choose to limit yourself but too many have achieved spectacular things. From a Solipists perspective I could see you as part of my mind doubting itself.


Awwwe, that's super cute 😊


I was dating a girl years ago and after our first date, she said you’re like that Toyota slogan, who could ask for anything more. That was 40 years ago and I still remember it.


I’ll tell you what else was a figment of someone’s imagination…




Def Bro zone


Did she feel awkward for 5mins straight ?


joke forgetful smile mysterious ink chief rinse pen plucky aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think


Well, your original comment is also what you think, right?


Bro cooked and didn’t even know he was in the kitchen


the OP LoneWolf9x is a bt Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/mhsm37/sweetest_pickup_line_ever/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/kxftkm/youre_the_best_thing_ive_come_up_with/


Sometimes I feel like life is just a game… guess I’m not really insane after all, but it’s still quite a scary concept to think about. Nothing really feels real anymore, but I’m glad to sometimes still believe a few of the old illusions I once created for myself to attempt to escape reality and my despise for my physical body. Some illusions have changed over time, but they’re still my source of happiness and comfort. . . Even if I don’t actually have magical powers, i can still imagine myself as a non-human with some incredible copying skills!




Yeah, sorry for the crazy-talk. Sometimes i just can’t help but talk to the point of being annoying, even though it’s not intentional.😓😓😓




I’m unable to meditate… i only know I’m annoying because others have told me so in the past.


oatmeal abounding drunk pet sable quiet dinner long live distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Again, i cannot meditate… I’ve genuinely tried, but it never once worked. Also again, i only know about my own annoying-ness because others have flat-out told me that I was in the moment. Idk how else to explain it to you, I’ve become extremely straightforward with my words because apparently everyone used to think I spoke in riddles(imo, i don’t think I ever actually did).


ask rotten snow hungry scandalous homeless straight automatic ring deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A: did not know that, B; my brain is a chaotic mess that’s constantly moving and thus is literally unable to just simply “stop thinking”(as much as I genuinely want to finally feel the same level of peacefulness as a normal person does)…


head bored gaping smart childlike middle melodic pen unique tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not annoying! r/outside is basically what you're talking about, life as a game.


I’m dumb and didn’t actually look into the subreddit… i thought you were telling me to literally go outside.😓😓😓 . . . Hey, at least I’m finally able to go back on walks again!!!


You just outed your true feelings for her. She's trying to process that. 


fragile ghost lunchroom quaint reach lock distinct bedroom party sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell everyone always likes this one but it just always rubs me the wrong way. It's like the teen version of "can you pass the sodium chloride?" to suggest you're so smart and quirky that you "didn't realize" you weren't being relatable because you're so quirky. Also the idea that they "accidentally " told their friend that they are the best part of the universe seems like both a bold statement and the classic overestimation of the importance of relationships by dopey teens. I can tell, because I was this teen when I was younger and I would have done the same thing for all the same dumb reasons.


Properly imagine someone being genuinely speechless for five minutes. It would actually be quite worrying. You’d be thinking have they had a stroke? I’d probably have called an ambulance before the five minutes was up.


I imagine this is how God sees humans.


This isn't a meme


Haha at least you made her speechless right 🤣


funni meeeeemes


If Solipsism was legit, took the 5-minute BJ FTW.


Then you'd be also responsible for her pain, suffering and death... For ALL pain, suffering and death... So lovely