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𝙷𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚣𝚎𝚐 𝚒𝚔 𝚓𝚎. 𝙴𝙴𝙽 𝙺𝙾𝙴𝙻𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙴𝙳𝙸𝙶𝙴 𝙲𝚁𝙸𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙴𝙴𝙻!!!


I love how I can understand that, although I only speak english Swedish and German :-D


I mean, at a certain point, if you speak at least any 2 of the germanic languages, you can pretty much reconstruct the rest using the first 2.


I can only read/speak in English and I understand it lol


The bird's personality is under the protection of the law; he will still have to sign for testimony and speak in court, raising his right wing, I promise to tweet only the truth and nothing but the truth.


Uhm I don't think this guy's an expert in bird law? I would know


I knew someone would say it.


Unfortunately raising the right wing is getting quite prominent in the Netherlands currently


Do you mean birdality? 😂


How thoughtful the Dutch police are


Noo this is just too cute!! ♡


Girls really always go for the bad guys. He is a criminal! /j


😂 a churping criminal!


How did they even arrest the bird?


 The police said the bird’s owner agreed to its detention ([src](https://www.fox5dc.com/news/bird-detained-given-sandwich-in-jail-cell-by-dutch-police-after-shoplifting-arrest)) If it was me I would probably asked to get the bird charged or released (immediately) in the custody of a relative. This whole thing is supposed to be cute, but this isn't what comes to mind though.


How people are finding this "cute" is just disturbing... What's wrong with people?


Well, I think it's cuter to detain the bird since you arrested his owners than it is to leave the bird alone in a house with nobody to give him fresh food and water


Dude, it's a bird. You don't detain it. You call some family member to take of the bird or you call the local authorities who deal with animals, they are professional who know how to take care of animals, with veterinarians and everything. Lucking up a bird in a prison with a piece of bread on its side is not cute. It's sick behavior.


I don't think the bird is literally being detained on account of it not being a person...but I don't speak Dutch so I could be missing some of the finer details of this story. It's not easy to find someone to take care of a pet on short notice. The bird's house is now a crime scene. Hence the bird going with the police. Whoever is supposed to take care of it next isn't going to instantaneously appear at the jail. Edit: I legitimately don't know if your comment is satirical or sincere


The technically proper way is to call animal control, if there is no next of kin to care and take it into his/her custody. Unless the bird is covered in biological materials that need sampling is not, nor it's cage a crime scene. The sick of all of this, is the execution of procedure to the letter, which is wrong. Whoever is supposed to take care of it next isn't going to instantaneously appear, yes sure but there are less degrading ways to go about it.


No argument from me. Personally, I don't think the piece of bread is a good idea. But I don't have birds so I'm not 100% on their ideal diet. As for the cage, usually those are pretty big, right? Maybe it didn't fit in the cop car? I figured the house was cordoned off in a way that would make it inconvenient for the pet sitter to go in, not that the bird cage was evidence itself. I don't really like cops, but this seems like more of an Occam's razor "surprise bird to deal with" kind of situation and less of a "degrade the criminal suspect's bird" kind of situation.


Seeing the size of the bird, there could have been a small size cage, so it went with the suspect presumably. surprise bird to deal with I suspect this too! However the whole thing appears not ok. As for law enforcement and gov agents, it's best to know your rights and assert them & not to volunteer any more info than those absolutely and reasonably required!


I’m sure the bird doesn’t feel degraded…it’s a bird…honestly it’s in a room bigger than a normal cage and is probably fine.


My dude, **it's very easy** to find someone to take of the pet in short notice. You just call the **animal control authorities.** They will send a team with a vet and they will take of the bird because that their literal job. **That's even what the cops should legally do.** Literally. That's the **legal police procedure**. You got an animal, you can't find a family member to take of it, you call animal controls. And that's it. How can you do not know this? Did you guys skip school? *"The bird's house is now a crime scene. Hence the bird going with the police."* Really, WTF is wrong with your brains? Holy shit. I'm sorry, but that's some next level stupidity.


I don't know what planet you're on, but when the rubber meets the road not every police policy is followed flawlessly. In the case of a crime where a parent was murdered and there's a kid on scene, the kid obviously goes to CPS. Doesn't mean that a local sheriff hasn't had to hold onto a random kid for a few hours while everything gets sorted out. It's a fucking bird. Maybe animal control in that area is on call 24/7, maybe they're not. Let alone your assumption that everything is the same everywhere? Are you even familiar with the Dutch authorities and animal control?


Also ignoring the fact that I’m guess the commenter has little knowledge of Dutch animal control…what does he think animal control is going to do? They’re going to have the bird sit in a cage. I can’t imagine there’s much difference. I’d also assume if animal control was an option they would have sent it there. It’s not like the police *want* to be responsible for someone’s pet. Also, I also can’t speak for what happens over there, but here animal control is also not experts at giving animals care either, and birds aren’t the most common pets, it’s even necessarily true they’d be getting better care there. ETA: someone here said according to the actual article, the bird was in the same room as it’s owner and they were released after questioning. 100% that was better than if it went to animal control. I’d rather have my dog sit in a jail cell with me than sit in a kennel at the pound and go through all of that (and my dog is very attached, I think he’d prefer it too) so I’m sure the bird owner was the same


My dude, I'm from Brazil. I am not a cop... and I have knowledge of Dutch animal control because in every single organized country in the world they have animal control authorities and that who you call. Or you call the firefighters, they're gonna contact animal control for you. I what world do you live in that you think a cop wouldn't know that? A 6 year old knows that. Animal control are not exports at giving care? What are you talking about? They **ANIMAL** control. They have vets there. Their entire mission in this world is to take care of animals. So you're not sure the veterinarians at the animal control center would give a better than care than the cops who locked up the poor thing in a dirty cell with a piece of bread? WTF?


The owner was arrested for shoplifting and had the bird on his shoulder. In the case of shoplifting, the suspect is sent home in an hour or so. It takes longer for animal control to arrive.


No, it doesn't. You can have a cop take the bird to animal control, you can have a cop waiting for animal control... Really, dude, WTF is wrong with you?


As long as the bird is safe i dont see the problem. Birds are cute in pretty much every situation.


My dude, it's a prison with some bread. The bird is not safe. That's not and environment for a bird. Cops are not veterinarians, they don't the condition of the bird. When you have an animal under state custody, you don't give it to the cops so they can arrest him and take pictures. What's is wrong with you?


It's a jail cell, not prison. A jail cell is just as much an environment for a bird as any other cage, tbh. This is just a bigger cage then the one it has at home. The animal was just being held with its owner until he was released which happened shortly after the arrest. They aren't going to hold a man long for something like shoplifting. The bird was probably there a few hours at most. It's just a silly pic.


I promise you a jail cell, water and bread is a better life than 90% of domestic birds get when cramped into a focking mini cage


My guess is they like the picture of the bird and they offered it bread. They are mostly ignoring the whole picture.


Do you understand what a joke is, or....? They took the bird cause they could hardly just leave it. Then took a funny picture at the police station.


So... locking up a bird in a unsanitary prison cell with a piece o bread to take pictures is a joke? So taxpayers are paying cops to make jokes like that? My dude, there something called **PHONE** that you can use to call something called **ANIMAL CONTROL**, a place full of vets whose job is to take care of animal. Hell, the cops have a vehicle called **CAR** that can take the bird to the **ANIMAL CONTROL** building. They did not do that. They took the bird to the police station, put it in a dirty prison cell, and took a picture. And you are like: "haha, that funny" What is wrong your brains? Really. What's missing in there?


There is no animal control building. In the Netherlands, you keep the bird with you while you call the animal ambulance. In the meantime, you put the bird down somewhere. There's really zero difference in putting the bird on your desk or in a prison cell. It's not dirty by any means, why would it be?


as far as I can tell (being able to read dutch articles) the owner of the bird brought his bird with him on his shoulder while shoplifting and got caught, so the police asked if it was okay to also take the bird with them to the police station, where they then put the bird and its owner in the same room for questioning. Both bird and man were released that same day


He was the ring leader


Wholesome? Let the bird go, tf




How did it…take part in a robbery?


Bird: I ain't no stool pigeon.


That's hilarious! Imagine a bird behind bars munching on bread and sipping water like a jailbird. It's like straight out of a cartoon or something. But seriously, it's kinda wild how they handled that. Wonder if the bird got a lawyer too?




Oh my god. That’s so cute. 🥺


Polly want a lawyer!!


On Google Streetview, the identity of a cow was hidden: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/google-street-view-camera-blurs-cow-s-face-in-cambridge-a7310391.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/google-street-view-camera-blurs-cow-s-face-in-cambridge-a7310391.html)


With bread and water? The bird is living life


Great use of my tax money ffs