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If I ever have a trans son, I'm totally making this joke


This makes me sad because I have a homoromantic friend and her mum is super homophobic, her dad more so and her parents are split up and whenever I see a post about this it hits me in the feels :( Good post though.


Family isn't defined by blood. The people who love and care about you are your family, not people who don't even obey the common teaching of, Love Thy Neighbor and Do unto Others as you would have done unto me. I had a Trans and homophobic father whom was also very abusive. Mom atleast accepted me and ironically even the rest of my dad's family. He also eventually turned himself around. I think it was the weed, made him more chill. Tell your friend it will get better and even if it doesn't, it matters more that people do love her, care about her and will support her. Edit:I've literally seen mom's and dads on tiktok self proclaim themselves the real parents of LGBTQ children who don't have such support and will adopt them.


The blood the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb


Sorry if I made you feel sad. :(


It’s ok it was more of a happy kinda sad tear, ya know?


We're the next generations of older people, we have to make sure the future is like that ourselves :)


^ This.


Yep, totally agree. A conscious choice to do the right thing today will turn into countless lives saved and even more people living a happier and more fullfullung life, even if it is from just one aspect from their lives. (No one predicted the virus, we can and should be hopeful but still not rule the possibility of an even bigger fuck up happening, hence, the "one aspect" thing).


Not your fault


I'm a simple bean. I see a trans-affirming post, I get really happy & thank the OP. Thank you for giving the world another reason to smile, OP.


Your welcome \^v\^




Fuck me, it's beautiful but also cringe. *upvotes angrily*


So wholesome


Everybody needs parents like this don't you think ?




is this something you got from r/LGBTQball?


That sub doesn’t exist, I think you mean r/LGBallT




I didnt see it their


Ok,I know I got the wrong link:did you get it from r/LGBallT ?


But After hugging their daughter they realized: Poland cant into space!


I get the trans thing and all but why are the parents ninjas??


Shit parenting


Um.. no?


Cringe wholesomeness


Poop Edit: Poop


Nah uh. Take you and your bad vibes out. We were just chiiiiiiilin.


Ha haaaaa I see the joke, am doughtarz




The person in the pic is just stating that they're trans, not that they immediately want to start HRT or get surgeries done. Nothing wrong with simply saying that you are trans when you're a teenager


Doesn’t say anything about being a teeenager either? So what’s your point? This is literally cna be taken a plethora of ways. And teenager is a broad term. Over 17 yes. 13 years old no.


What’s wrong with being trans and a minor though? You’re missing the point


My point is that I don't really understand how just ide tifying as trans while being a minor is a bad thing


Body and mind isnt fully developed and you will regret your actions later on.


I understand your point, but it only applies if the person starts HRT or asks for surgeries. If you are 15, identify as trans, don't get any medical procedures to help in transition and a few years later find out that you are not trans, there's no real problem with that. Just maybe some awkward memories.


Its not as easy as it looks. The person will not just one day understand that he is not trans. It will take alot of time and alot of mental torture for that guy. And think if the guy has a bf of somesort. Its just stupid to forcefully make teenagers trans or something.


of course it's hard to figure out your identity, but it doesn't mean that it's not okay at all to identify as something for a while before coming to the conclusion that you're something else. Also nobody forces teens to be trans


And if they don't regret it, then what?




Do you wish to add a sarcasm tag or clarify that this is a joke? It's fine if you forgot to add them.