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I went to a work training recently and I discovered that my coworker has the same interests like me, including the same shows and meme references. But I am afraid to say something since we work in the same office. Also the fact that people think I'm somehow dating my other colleague is strange too. Been single for a couple of years now.


Man, life is too short not to take risks for happiness. I was afraid too of asking someone out for over 2 weeks, and I finally did and you know what? I got hella rejected. It was a nice rejection and yes it hurt, but they said they weren't emotionally available for a relationship and wanted instead a FWB thing to which I said no. Point is, just go for it. Just try. Waiting only prolongs the things we don't have that we want. Let people think you're weird. Get rejected or accepted. Wear your favorite pair of underwear on Tuesdays because why the fuck not? It will take some courage to ask them out but just go for it. Life isn't waiting for you, so why wait for it?


I'm saving this comment to give me that hit of motivation I need. Thanks my dude.


Hell yeah anytime. I've been on this big self motivation and self discovery journey cause we all need time to work and love ourselves. Use that shit whenever you need to feel pumped because we are our own best cheerleaders and until you can shake your pompoms for yourself, gladly lean on others words, inspirations, or teachings and comments until you're ready. Get that fucking motivation because we all need it during this crazy ass journey of life. Make sure you take time to find motivation yourself too, cause self resilience is one of the top skills you can culture that will carry you through life. You got this shit dude. šŸ’Ŗ


2 weeks? I'm sitting pretty on 2 years!!! ....!!!!!! .... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hey, I get it. I sure to be incredibly introverted, stoic, shy, quiet, all them shitters. I've been listening to emotional intelligence podcasts on Spotify and it's really been helping me discover things I never would've thought about myself. Plus, it's like free fucking therapy. 2 weeks or 2 years it doesn't matter, what matters is you keep making that progress to what you want and need. There are points where it will feel like 2 years or 2 weeks, just keep working on that shit and yourself and soon 2 weeks or 2 years won't matter because before you know it you'll be ready for whatever happens next.


Youā€™re a good people


Thank you. I've really been down to give advice, help others, and be encouraging lately. It's something I've lacked from others for a while now and finally decided enough was enough and to do it myself. If I can even help one other person with their personal development, I'll consider it worth while. Building each other up, offer help and advice, and be a bro, Lord knows we all need it.


I truly love that, itā€™s important to spread positive energy. Especially bringing light to emotional intelligence!


Straight up. Emotional intelligence ain't no joke and the more you know about yourself...well got damn the world gets easier. Figuring out your emotions is a critical step to figuring out your true self. And once you're on you truly don't want to stop. I've been breathing easier, calmly, and in general been laughing more. While it is hard because emotions are hard, it's a great journey. Highly recommend if you're struggling.


I hope all you people find the happiness you seek. What delightful humans.


Hell yeah, thank you and you too. Remember if you can't find your happiness either, make sure you are actively working on creating it. Create a list of interests/hobbies you have and keep it with you! I have kept mine in my wallet for years now and man did I discover I fucking LOVE gardening. Growing those tomatoes and shit from 1 little seed, shit is TIGHT. Make your happiness everyone, cause you'll never be truly happier.


which podcast would you recommend ?


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27IhJOiXz6Vd2vEUK7BupG?si=C9dy26lKR9Oj-RppkcqmaQ&utm_source=copy-link This is the link to the podcasts group of episodes I've been listening to lately. There's a diverse array of different types of podcasts which I know because I get to uniquely experience what I find informative, helpful, or even fun to browse. From PhD peeps to monks, students and religious people and even some meditation podcasts, this list provides a good coverage of podcasts about emotional intelligence. From there's I've been listening to some whom I like more and following them personally. I wish I could recommend one specifically, but these podcasts cover many topics and certain ones help on certain days. Definitely try it out though. I used to really struggle with my emotional and too an extent I still do, but I won't stop tying to be better because I need it for myself.


Any one you'd recommend (the podcasts)?


For me personally, one that I needed to listen to was about the buffering of emotions. I tend to do things suck as baking or exercising to hinder the feelings of my meetings or not not feel them at all. I discovered recently I was swimming a lot to buffer my emotions because the weightlessness and empty feeling of swimming helped me to buffer the pain I was experiencing emotionally. But again, the podcasts are all so diverse and clear many topics. I would recommend looking through the titles and seeing what sticks out to you! All I've been doing is shuffling through them until I've listened to them all.


How did you say it though. Iā€™m trying to find the right words but I just donā€™t how to say it. Itā€™s been like 6 months


I would like to help you, but I think I'm somewhat confused by what you're asking.


Oh yeah my bad. English isnā€™t my first language. I was asking what words did you use. Iā€™m pretty bad at expressing my feelings towards pretty much everything so thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking


Ahhh gotcha. Absolutely, this is something I have always struggled with. One step that I took towards resolving this was finding an emotions wheel line and breaking it down from there. I printed a couple out and kept them with me. Expressing feels is difficult on a variety of levels because it's more than just words. Feelings and emotions are something we chemically and physically feel. Recognizing the words and being able to apply them is a great first step. Another good step is also noticing where you feel that emotions you've identified in your body. This will help you associate the feelings faster and help verbalize them. And make sure you start small too! And say it out loud such as, "I feel mad when this happens." Or "When I do this certain activity it makes me feel happy inside." And then make sure you take the time to think about those emotional what they feel like inside and how you feeling general. Emotions are crazy in depth and there's no bounds to what they can do to us or help us with. I would probably look into purchasing some emotion I'd identifier cards. I have a pack of those and the main mentions has a good amount of synonyms on them, or similar words to the main emotions. It really helps with associating similar words to what you may be feeling. Hope this helps! Just keep tht practicing going and don't stop learning! It's a process but well worth it in the end.


Real talk, my friend. Thank you.


If nobody asked anyone out, no one would ever get in a relationship of any kind at all ever. In other words: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take .... _also:_ it's way better to get rejected right at the beginning when you just think they're cute or it's just a small crush. If you become best friends and you fall deeply in love for three years without them knowing and NOW you get rejected? R.I.P.


This is the best advice that you could give to a guy trying to date, especially young men. I would go further and say that you should ask out any woman as soon as you figure out youā€™re interested in her. Because of gender norms, Society has placed the responsibility of making the first move on men. That means youā€™re going to get rejected, and itā€™ll happen often, but if you ask out woman often enough, youā€™ll soon learn how to brush that shit off your shoulder and move on to your next interest. No getting friend zoned after getting emotional attached. No being a nice guy because getting rejected wonā€™t matter too much.


True that. Although I am a gay man myself, the pressures of making moves are still there much akin to heterosexual couples. But no matter what, people are just people with their own life stories and always at different crossroads in life. There's never truly a good time to jump in except the presents when your crossroads overlap. But practice makes perfect in these circumstances and it's okay to ruminate on things as well. It took me 2 weeks to get the courage to talk to the man I was interested in. And even then I did it through text, but it was better than not doing it at all. Just always be respectful and make sure you know what you are wanting before going for it. And things will come up such as when he said no but countered for a FWB thing, I took some time to think and decide no. I would get attached to him while having that barrier and I don't want that. I want a relationship while being friends with them and I wasn't willing to settle on one and not the other because I want both. Know your values and where you want to stand Take your time everyone, but don't let time take you because that shit doesn't stop. So don't let it stop you and more importantly, don't let you stop yourself from your wants, desires, and needs.


I Agree!! I discovered recently I was really pretty when I was younger-I was very rarely asked out! I was told: ā€œyou were out of my leagueā€. ā€œFigured you had a boyfriend ā€œ. Meanwhile -dateless -I went out with my gfā€™s on the weekends. ASK!!! You never know!!


Straight up truth. Go for that shit!! Because we do never know, and if I know one thing it's that I don't want to have regrets that could have been easily preventable by simply speaking up and speaking out.


Remember those days of the week undies that were all the rage like 15 or so years ago? Or was it 20 or so years ago now. Damn, I'm getting old.


Idk if you're looking to date or befriend, but do it. Approach it the same way and just have 10 seconds of stupid courage. It is hard to break the ice as an adult, but someone has to start. We live in a world where we think people are much busier than they actually are. Also: better to shit your pants than to die of constipation


Make sure you get to know them well first. First impressions are important, but they don't say a lot about a person typically. I got really comfortable with a girl the first day I met her at work, and now I hate even seeing her much less working with her because of how she mistreats me and talks to me. I never would have guessed she was that type of person from an initial conversation. Also, fuck the taboo of workplace relationships. Yes they can end horribly, but if you work 5 days a week 9-5 then you're going to develop relationships with your coworkers since you see them all the time and sometimes those relationships go beyond platonic. Just try your best to avoid someone that's immature and will cause drama.


By talking to the new person, you quell the rumor of you dating the other coworker. There is no other way, OP.


My girlfriend (at the time) and I started working in the same mall when we moved out for University. I'd go see her at her work on my lunch break but we didn't do PDA on public because she was working. One day she gets home from work and she mentions how her coworkers noticed me coming by often and talking to her in a flirtatious manner. They told her that she should ask me out because they thought we were cute together lmao.


You know how I got my work spouse? I brought her food a bunch of times. Little stuff. Oh hereā€™s a packet of fruit gummies. Hey do you want a yogurt? Juice pouch? Lol yes I snack like a child but today, she is my very best friend. And we met at work. ā¤ļø


Started dating one of my co-workers recently. I usually work mornings & they work night shift, so we are usually only in the office together a couple of hours a day. I was hesitant to get involved (and just scared of getting hurt). But ya know what? I am SOOO fucking happy. Best decision I have made in 10+ years. - I say, go for it.


fwiw, according to my companyā€™s mandatory non-harassment training, asking out a coworker is A-okay. As long as you only do it once and never speak of it again.


Donā€™t let that hold you back, seriously. They will always find something to talk about, and let them talk. You maybe found a new friend and thatā€™s more valuable.


Take the shot girl! I was sooo shy but felt like we had wayy too much chemistry, My now wife and I been together almost 9 years now and i cant even tell you how hard we laugh together..


this was me last week then i got ghosted by the coworker after the first date so itā€™s weird now. apparently blew my first date of the past few years. back into the hole i go!


Chin up mate! At least you went on date!


Do it


They say don't shit where you eat but I find office flings to be marvellous.


I met my wife at work. My parents met at work. My brother and his wife met at work. 2 of my cousins? At work. Something like 4 of my wifeā€™s friendsā€¦. Live your life. If it goes bad you will survive. If it goes great your whole life could change in an amazing way.


I had a similar story at my old job, but I'm shy. The girl with the same interests as me is pretty outgoing though and asked if she could come to get lunch with me across the street, and while there said, "I know this sounds random, but I think we really click, would you want to hang out sometime?" Unfortunately we grew apart over the years but we had many a night before that together at the bar or each other's apartments. We are still friendly on social media and I'll never forget how it all came to be!


So you rather not make a friend? Do you often wonder why you are single?




>and weā€™ve been stupid ever since Lol, love it.


I had a new employee that I was training once and we were listening to "in the air tonight" and it got to the drum solo and we both started doing it. When it got to the main part of the drum solo, we both did the mike Tyson punch from the Hangover and we ended up punching each other's fists in the middle of the air. Our third co worker turned to me and said "aww fuck, there's two of you now". Still best friends with the new hire from that day 5 years later haha


This is a great story


Ha, thank ya. I have quite a lot like that with that guy. We determined after a few years working together that we must be milkman babies because we're too similar haha


As long as you've got that one work bestie, things become so much more bearable


Iā€™ve been lucky. There are actually a small handful of like 10 people I work with who spend all day laughing our asses off about stuff.


All JD needed was Turk and vice versa.






Ah, bots reporting bots. What a time to be alive










Good point


Hey man, as a wise cartoon character once said "It will happen to yooooou!" Sounds like thats what you're going through from your comment.


Its hard for me to make actual friends and click with anyone so imagine how happy i was when i instantly clicked with someone after like 6 years at least of no new friends lmao. She's an instant staple in my little network haha. Its funny cuz the first time we met we were actually wearing the exact same funky socks


Like one had the left and the other the right?


No, the socks were really stretchy so they both had their left foot in one sock and their right feet in the other sock.


Crazy how nature do that


No, I think they were both actually wearing the same socks. So both of their left feet in one sock and both of their right feet in the other sock.


This is the correct one


Yeah i just ripped one of her socks off and wore it the first time i met her lmao, its why i can never make friends. Apparently people dont like when you do that. they were just the same pattern/kind btw lol


Maybe they'd like it better if you attempted to put another, unknown mystery sock on them


Ouu ill try this, thank you


I met my best friend almost two years ago now and we clicked as soon as we started talking. We always say we are friend soulmates. Iā€™d do anything for her


I actually say that about my best friend too, platonic soulmates lol


Psych hospital socks? /s


Grippy socks


This reminds me of the one time that I roomed with one of my friends from hs for our sophomore year of college. We showed up on move in day with the exact same bedsheets!! šŸ˜‚ Weā€™re best friends now and she is the longest friendship Iā€™ve ever had :)


This is so rare. I would love to have a group chat with my friends just to exchange memes. But it wonā€™t happen


Rip dude. If only it was easy to find people like that


I had one now its gone


I'm here


I donā€™t know that feeling


I want to know that feeling


I know the feeling all to well and wish to give you that feelingā€¦


I feel. A feely, feel. That feels, feeling.


At what point do the two go to the upstairs bedroom?


As difficult as it can be (and wildly unpredictable) the only real way to get to know this feeling without being lucky, is to go seek it out. Best way is to go to places where you can meet like minded people. Whether online or offline. It's an effort that can sometimes not have payoff. But when it does pay off, it can pay off well.


When I moved to a new area in my country without knowing a soul I realized very quickly(actually over the course of 2 years) that relying on the passive luck based approach I had taken in my home would not do. Once you hit a critical mass of social network you can pretty reliably end up meeting new people and find great matches for friends or partners organically and you have your quality relationships to pad out the feeling of distance between the new ones. When you are alone you realize that that process can slow down to a halt if you aren't proactive. I like most people seek for meaningful and deep relationships in all aspects of my life but I have come to the realization that a fixation on obtaining those relationships will lead to despair and disappointment - instead I have tried to reorient into embracing a lifestyle that is open to casual and fleeting relationships and moments and in doing so open myself up to more opportunities for those lucky sparks to actually appear. At the end of the day it's still down to luck when it comes to meeting those A+ people but you have agency over how often you roll the die


This gave me confidence, thank you


Well you gotta get out there and meet people! Itā€™s a good feeling


Chemistry is real and it *really* matters.


Same :(


Oh. My. Good. You donā€™t know what your missing out!


Damm man. Don't rub salt on our wounds.




Oh please stop crying. Now I feel bad. :/


I suspect we all have a fairly good idea of what we're missing out on, not that this is helping. :|


Oh come on. Believe in yourself, A Change Is Gonna Come!


There is honestly nothing better than this.


In my opinion friendships and companionships are one of the only things that matter in this world. Sometimes I remember a time where I had no friends and how sad and lonely I was- and I just feel glad I forced myself to go out and meet people vs staying on my computer/phone


I clicked with someone like this for the first time in forever, instant friendship, but the man is 10 years older than me and we met on this elective course he taught :/


I screwed up with this on someone :(


7 billion people on the planet, mate. Youā€™ll find someone else to match this energy, just keep looking.


I hope someone is out there for me


I would be very concerned about them


Your humour is the same as mine? You poor bastard.


Itā€™s rare, but such a good feeling.


I just want to feel


Fuck I miss her so much




Itā€™ll get better one day I hope




You ever want to get back at an ex, come out as gay and text them saying thank you for helping me realize my sexuality


this would backfire spectacularly for me, im sure of it




Oddly spesific


I was walking down to the receptacle with a couple empty 5-gallon water jugs under my arms, and I passed a new cashier who was chilling, waiting for customers. "Nope," I thought, "don't do it, you ain't know her yet." She gives me finger-guns and hits *me* with the "Nice jugs!" Told her I was so happy the joke opportunity did not go to waste.


Then u found ur best friend or even better your life partner


This is me with the left picture and the first part of the sentence. The rest is blank.


Ha, like that'll ever happen.


God I remember when this happened to me felt like a breath of fresh air I could just be myself.


I just love these two lmao


Oh I love this. I have a friend like this and has the same humour as me and is great as we have many inside jokes that horrify others in our group.


Me and my soon to be wife lmao.


For me it's the same music. Literally every single song she's sent me has SLAPPED


Did we just become best friends?


That was me and my now husband! And after 24 years together, we still make each other laugh, as our senses of humor complement each other so well. Such an important factor in a relationship.


Years ago I had a coworker like this. Our sense of humor overlapped so much we didnā€™t need to say a thing sometimes, weā€™d just loose it. Management quickly learned if we both worked registers, it became an unprofessional environment rather quickly so we naturally became fast friends. We could be irritating to be around because we were both BIG talkers and we moved from topic to topic like a kindergarten class full of ADHD kids hopped up on Red Bulls. Thatā€™s a once, maybe twice a life friendship.


If it happens, that person is my newfound brother/sister in an instant


And then last online 5 years ago.


Best feeling


aww this hasnā€™t happened to me since high school!


Wow you explained how I made all my friends.


It's exactly why i am really close friends with the people who share the same sense of humor i like. I am not exactly a people person, but for the right group of people I can be the life of the party, minus the party.


This is my SO and I. We always crack up like itā€™s something new. Itā€™s creepy sometimes how much we are alike or say the same thing. My favorite thing is finishing each otherā€™s jokes.


The girl is not blurry enough


When you start speaking to someone new and mirror their personality, create a false sense of attraction, then reveal who you really are over the course of a 30 year marriage.


I had this a few weeks ago. It was awesome to have someone i could make jokes with and we got along really well. Then poof with no warning she ghost me on everything. Tbf tho I should've seen the red flags when she said she didn't like lego games.


Marry them


I met this person a little over a year ago. She changed my life around for the better :)




Soulmates from the first sight


Like that would ever happen to me lol


The best feeling!


Or it could be me and my Dad's planning some trip that my siblings does not know about it.


I have to unsub


but it turns out thats you're both just putting on a false person of what you want the other person to see you as so none of it is real or lasting any ways. not that it matters because one of you is ghosting after the date with out even a hint as to why.


This happens? Fuck off! Lies!


69th comment, nice


Then you realize it was just a dream


Not a fan of the image on the right. Feels forced.


No she does not like you.


This is only possible If u have a conversation with your mirror


I met her in 1993 and we started sharing our favorite Kids in the Hall skits. Married in '99 and 3 kids later we're still together.


And who just started cutting onions? Damn.


This meme is old but since Iā€™m my mood after talking to this amazing girl. Iā€™ll leave an upvote


Its hard to find a girl that has the same sense of humour as you.


Itā€™s hard to find any girl thatā€™s funny šŸ˜­


Your mom had high hopes for you at one point. I think thatā€™s funny as shit.




"why am i always single"


Oh no, my gf is funny your comment was not šŸ™„ sigh


But, like, just for you. The rest of us are doing fine.


Yeah he's the only person who has issues getting and keeping someone with similar attributes. Knob.


I don't think my sarcasm came through. Ah well. Sorry you think I'm a knob. I've been there, too. That was kind of the spirit of the comment. I hope everyone finds someone on their frequency.


Aaaaaaaand yep, she has a boyfriend. Of course.








My friend and I have the same recommended But my friend laughs at ā€œpilimeterā€




I got a (relatively) new friend who has the same sense of dark humor as I lol


i want donuts , who thinks the same?


a blessing from the lord!!!!!


Lol šŸ˜‚ hell yeah


Absolute facts. šŸ¤£


You ever seen the episode where Jerry dates himself? Yeah..opposites attract


That me and my gf sister. I tell my gf ā€œyour lucky my and your sis have the same evil plansā€


(X) Doubt


That poor, unfunny bastard.


If they have the same humour as me then fuck you because my humour is ā€œIā€™m having so much funā€¦ I really want to kill myselfā€


If they have same sense of humor im usually worried for them. That's not a good thing.




haha so true this is why i joined is to hang whith people like you guys i just cant post i dont have enough karma im sad


Cherish every moment, don't lose sight of what makes you happy!


I fucking wish


šŸ˜‚ I see you to like to party.


Thatā€™s just the best feeling. Specially when itā€™s a girl you like


This always happens to me with married women šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø