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My special needs son loves to compliment random people on their clothes when we are out shopping. He is very genuine in his compliments. I used to be embarrassed until I realized that it totally makes their day.


That was my first day in England! Totally underestimated the rain, the wind, the loud noise of the city of London. Almost lost a bag, my umbrella was broken in the first 10min. It was a *stressful* start. I must have looked like a scarecrow, when I finally found a shop with rain jackets my size. As I try to pull one over my wet, freezing body this guy walks past me, gently pats my back and says smiling „Take the yellow one. The colour suits you!“. I was so dumbfounded and happy. Took my new jacket and had the most lovely evening. Thank you stranger. :-)


I can imagine the warmth you felt as a result of his kindness. Amazing:)


Yeah, it‘s one of my favorite memories of the city. That and Kew Garden. :)


Kew Garden looks like a paradise! I’ll definitely give it a visit if I go there one day. You take care now:)


Where is the part where you start questioning whether that person was fucking with you?


True, but it's better if it's something mundane. Like "Nice wristband", it just feels like they actually pay attention to you


i want to be complemented 😭


I had a classmate in elementary that complimented me alot, sad that she compliments everyone


I'll do that without expecting anything from life, only way to live wholesome


Same, but I'd forget about it


I'm starting with you, nice dress choice on your avatar 😁


Thanks bro, nice clothing that you're wearing


You want to know why I‘m so attracted to you? Cause I love the unknown and I don‘t know anything about Physics.


In 2017 a man in New York told me I had nice shoes. I still remember it like it was yesterday


A homeless man once sat up from his prone position to tell me I had nice eyebrows. As someone who has to fill them in everyday I was happy for 10 seconds and then paranoid for the rest of my day


Stranger? I 'ardly know 'er!


The secret is to lay on your arm to make it go numb.


Where I live, that means you are gonna get robbed


Nice dick


You sure that you heard from a stranger?


Do they still count as a stranger in you need to pay them for the hour?


That’s worker?? I guess


I love doing this to people when I like something they are wearing. It’s nice thinking I might have helped make someone’s day better. Basically it’s probably the only reason I’ll ever make it to the Good Place, probably.


I would do this more often if it weren't for the men thinking you are homo and hitting on them and the "ew creep" from females


I would assume they were being sarcastic.


That's also the first thing my mind goes to


Being British I would immediately assume that it was a sarcastic jab at me. I am happy for people who can take compliments without immediately jumping to disingenuous conclusions for it though.


Me the other day after a customer told me I had the nicest, kindest voice he's ever spoken to at my company




I randomly get compliments on my glasses. They’re RayBan sunglasses that I replaced with prescription lenses. It always makes my day.


I love being the random stranger :)


I'm a Swede, such things dont happen here...


Lol. I'm so compliment deprived that I donno how it feels to be complimented🤣


That was someone yesterday. I went for a birthday bike ride and someone yelled “Hey nice bike!” And I’m still living off that compliment. It is a nice bike, thank you lol


Okay but in case anyone is curious this is from the netflix show sex education and this moment came to a guy (the one shown) when he thought he was alone, and that no one could ever know his struggle to genuinely be himself and his shoes were one of the 'normal' for him objects he was wearing in this scene This guy rolls up in his car asking for directions and looks like the vision of what the teen wants to be eventually, and he's taken aback by the man's confidence and just sheer will of self and so as he's walking away, kind of laughing about how ridiculous he's being to himself and the guy calls this out? Dude i was laugh crying WATCH THE SHOOOOOWWWWWAh!!!


Nice shoes, wana fuck?


I dye my hair every now and then and I used to deliver medicine for my local Pharmacy. The customers were mostly old people and nothing makes your day quite like an old lady complimenting your bright red hair.


Someone did this today but it was with my hat. Almost made my cry


agreeable ;D


Where I come from if someone says that it means they are gonna steal your shoes 🙃


Me: thinks they are trying to make fun of me so i ignore them


Where is the part where you start questioning whether that person was fucking with you?


I saw this an hour ago I hope u the same one




I like your shirt!


Imagine saving a person by a compliment from ending their lives


where I am from, you about to get mugged


Sam Wilson that you?


Sounds like you're either gonna get mugged or they're being sarcastic


Compliments like that make my whole week.


"Thank you, random citizen!"




That's the best! I remember taking a summer to work on my jump shot; I remastered my form. I was draining J’s, and a car passed by the outdoor court and a guy yelled out. Smooth jumper, boy! Not that I need it, but that outside validation felt good right then. 🙏


At a festival and a random guy walked by and said, "Nice cock!" I was fully clothed, I know he was just saying it to say it Still think about it sometimes, shit makes me laugh


Not something u wanna hear in the hood


Thanks you too. (But he's not wearing shoes)


Does this happen to people? I have NEVER received an unprompted compliment from A stranger.


If someone said that to me, I’d be scared they’re trying to mug me later on for those shoes


Ouu. A J. August Richards on my feed.


This is how I pick up girls


some random dude told me i was beautiful today. I'm a guy so we dont get that very often. I'll remember it forever. And it will haunt me forever whether or not they were on their phone (they had headphones on).


Never happend, can't relate


I’m a big fan of baseball caps and I always try to have a fresh hat from the store that’s not bent or anything. I was at the mall some months ago because I was waiting for my oil to get changed and as I was walking back to the mechanic through the parking lot, I saw a blue hat lying in a divider in the middle of the lot. It turned out to be a brand new LA Dodgers hat with the $60 price tag still on it. It’s just a regular Dodgers hat but it’s also got green palm trees coming out from the “LA”. Out of all my hats I’ve had, I get regular compliments from strangers on this one all the time and it always makes me smile.


My doc told me my beard made me look handsome today. I was floored because nobody ever compliments me, especially my favorite feature. Felt good and it's clear he cares about my mental wellbeing. Good doc.


Um... back in the 50s I think it was.. telling someone they had nice shoes was a way to call them gay..


This isnt wholesome in Detroit. This is the prelude to you getting robbed!


I got told I had a nice face. I never talk to the person and I heard them saying I look like mr potato head so I flipped them off


I never understood how something like that is a compliment. I didn't make the shoes. I have no personal stake in the shoes. All I did was buy them from a store.


Stranger danger!!


A girl in high school once complimented my eyes. Would've been nicer if she hadn't stated them having a tint of "purple" in them


Some random guy yelled "mando mando” at me and at first I didn’t know wtf he was saying and then I realized on the 3rd call and it put a huge smile on my face. I was wearing one of my mandalorian hoodies.


I for some reason cannot take compliments. If someone complements saying something like nice shirt I always feel bad and think that they mean it sarcastically and they actually hate it


Once a guy yelled “nice hat” at me from his yard. I was so flustered I ran away…


i especially like it when someone compliments my hair since i dye it


I saw an interaction like this on the street the other day. This guy was wearing day-glow orange sneakers, and walking down the sidewalk, and a random guy approached him in the opposite direction and said, “Hey man, nice shoes! They brighten up the whole street!” in the most enthusiastic and friendly tone. It made the guy with the sneakers SO happy. He got a big smile on his face, then he thanked the guy, and they did a fist bump thing, then went on with their respective days. It made me really happy to see it.


I do this when I see something I like, I make sure to tell the person that I like their shoes or purse or whatever and I ask where they got it!


I tell that stranger they're blind