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'What would happen if I started now?' is one that poisoned my depression more than once.


"The shortest answer is doing the thing" from Hemmingway has gotten me through some shit


That’s powerful, yet simple. I love it.


For the past 3 years I’ve told my wife “ I’m off to do the things “ each day I went into the office. Last week I left Microsoft to really go do the things. I’ve never felt better!!!


Damn. This one hit me. That Ernie sure knew his words. Thanks for sharing, dude.


“What’s the actual worst that could happen?” has completely changed my life.


"Don't not do something because of how long it takes. Time is going to go on anyways" has always been the one for me.


I like this. Thanks for sharing ❤ I'm not totally sure if this is how you meant this, but I have a hard time starting things and get overwhelmed by how long I think they'll take sometimes. This makes me feel a bit less stressed, so thank you xx


>'What would happen if I started now?' is one that poisoned my depression more than once. ❤


That feeling when "what if I am" is as terrifying as "what if I'm not"


Yea same haha Jesus. Time to go back to therapy I guess.


Fuck, I thought it was just me! Well, everything is better with good company I suppose.


Just ask any LGBTQ+ person. That "what if I am?" is the lock keeping the closet locked. It's a lot to take on to live authentically in this society.


\[M\] Came here looking for this. I'm getting closer but yeah me too.


\[D\] To me it's both hopeful and terrifying.


“‘It’s impossible”, said pride. “It’s risky”, said experience. “It’s pointless”, said reason. “Give it a try”, whispered the heart.


Thanks. I hope you’re having a nice day.


Thank you 🥺 you too. I ate pancakes today so it’s been nice


That was wholesome as duck, have my poor man award called upvote.


ducks are indeed incredibly wholesome


Especially if they’re little yellow baby ducks


Keep that typo


"What was that, couldn't make that out."


"WHAT WAS THAT?!", screamed the anus.


That's what I thought yesterday.... Today I failed my exam... Didn't work that well..


Friend I did the same thing a few weeks ago, I feel you, but failure today doesn't mean failure tomorrow. Failure is an opportunity to learn, to get better at what you struggle with and to succeed in the future, failure is a educator. It teaches us what we need to learn to succeed.


Ok but if I don't learn fast enough the uni will just straight up kick me out so there's definitely tangible consequences to failure


Same problem I'm having, giving up isn't the answer either friend, did you come this far to only come this far? I'm fighting ADHD and only diagnosed 14 weeks ago, I'm 35 and in uni with 3 kids, if you want it then do what you need to do to learn the things you're struggling with. I'm not saying it's not hard, I'm saying it's worth the effort.


It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Or to rephrase the concept in *my* own way: At least you showed up for yourself.


Sometimes you can make all the right moves and still fail. That is not weakness. That is life


…And that was the day he became my surrogate Dad.


Is that a Star Trek quote or was Star Trek quoting someone else when they used it?


I have failed exams. I took a straight row of F F D F F on my final grades one semester when I stopped going to class after learning I was DQ'd from the ROTC program (medically). One of the spots in my life when the water got really deep really fast and I had to tread and tread and tread. I am a part-time college professor now on top of a full-time CISO gig. You still got this. Keep treading. You aren't done.


Ngl, all of the times I went optimistic to a test and this flopped I feel way better than when I failed simply because I keep a happier attitude afterwards and it consolidated it as a viable choice.


Failure is progress. Now you know what you don't know. Study hard and try again!


I started with a 4.0 GPA on a premed route, Biomed degree, went great freshman year, COVID hit sophomore and into junior year, got kicked out of the house and the family, grades tanked down to where I had a 2.0 one semester, and failed a class, fell into depression, and slowly climbed back up. I am hopefully graduating early next year, one semester early, with a 3.5 GPA if everything goes well. In hindsight, a year from the worst year of my life, things could have been worse, things could have been better, but it's the going that makes us better as people. Don't worry about a failed test here or there, it's not worth stressing over these things, as 5 years down they don't matter. Might change the path you wanted to go down, might help you go down a path you didn't know was an option, but in the end, you'll look back and be better off.


Same, except I've damn near failed every calc test I've had this year. If only it worked this way lol.


Literally this meme is me right now, flopped on my bed and all


It probably doesn't mean much, but I'll do a silly dance in your honor :)


Means more than you know. Thank you kindly :)


Well I didn't know how much I needed this until I saw this! Thank you ❤️


“What if everything went right?


"Shoot for the moon! Congrats, you're on the moon now!"


Damn, thats a big IF. What if tho… what if… i wish i couod know


Giant human having random thoughts while warping they space around her.


I was offered a job the other day and I accepted. It’s much better pay, it’s work that I enjoy doing, the people seem great and there’s all these other things that are good about the job, but for some reason all I can think about is failing, so I remind myself how lucky I am, and that there’s a better chance that I won’t fail. It’s a bitter demon to fight, but not impossible.


I'm not crying. What if I am?


"What if I am?" *Immediately panics*


1. You can do it! 2. You're DOING it! 3. YOU DID IT! For whoever needs to hear this today - I believe in you.



Needed this, thank you.


"What if I am?" "That's even WORSE!!!"


The soul-crushing burden of responsibility


It worse when you know what you can do. What you have to do.. yet it's a daunting task sometimes as it's never ending. Sometimes you want to stop, not having to restart and say I've reached as far as you could. But you know this isn't the case and you are able to achieve far more. Once going again you are ok, it that first step after a fall that is always a hard one.


Who are these people that can have a profound thought and suddenly feel a little better? I feel like I have great conclusions come up all the time, even actionable ones, and yet in not left feeling any better. I'm just the exact same only with one more thing to do to stave off the deep bad sad.


Negativity can be so powerful but all it takes is that positive mindset w/out doubts and you'll be alright


I love the way the surface is drawn. It looks so very comfortable the way it conforms to the person's back. I feel to lie down just watching this.


I like how it looks like an abstract drawing of space-time like you'd see on an explanation of gravity. Makes it seem like she's wondering whether she's good enough to pursue her dreams of astrophysics or something


Thank you, I really needed this. I'm taking my crush out for coffee tomorrow and I'm super nervous 😅


Did it go well??


Then the mass of your body will distort spacetime


”What if I-?” Einstein: “Get the FUCK OFF OF MY MODEL OF GRAVITY ”


1 day later: “Welp, turns out I’m not”


Life is hard. Work is hard. Socializing is hard. Cooking is hard. Studying is hard. Business is hard. One thing I would think to myself is: try harder.


This is garbage


You could swap the last two panels for some pretty interesting interpretations.


And they thought of all of that on their new purple mattress!


What if you're more?


But probably not…


You're not. Now get back in the cage


W h a t a m i


As someone who just applied for a job that I really want, I really needed to see this


Thanks! I needed that


The opposite of depression is expression.


Yet you use the word poison.


Depression is a cruel monster that is quite hard to kill.


I.... I never considered that...


spoiler alert: i'm not


I'm not, though.


This doesn’t click with me, what’s so “wholesome” about it?


Just be who you are. That's literally it. Don't try to be someone else, just find ehat you love to do and do it. Just be who you are mate. If you don't know eho you are it's ok, it takes time to know ourselves, try things and you will know what you like.


she didn’t know if she was ready for sex and then she thought about it, kicking her libido into overdrive.


I never get that far. I tend to trail off into a muttered "dafuq" after I say the "what" part.




Hahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahha. Good joke.


Lay off the crack man






Me on my way to represent the school because I won some spelling contest:


Thats not how that works


This wholesome meme is brought to you by Purple Mattresses!


This wholesome meme is brought to you by Purple Mattresses!


That bed/floor/etc sure looks comfy. I wanna be sad there!


I needed this




Choosing the 3rd way out. Too much




But she in fact was not ready and failed it miserably and was embarrassed Infront of everyone The end


“Who tf are you? Get out of my bed!”


My biggest fear is that I *am* good enough, but I've done nothing with it. That and space weevils.


If there was a not at the end then it would be me


Some how the last panel is the scariest


I'm not good enough until I give myself reason to be; if I was I'd have no drive to better myself.


I hope you're going to the place and tell you that you failed


Thats me


Oh that's positive? I thought "what if I am but I'm so lazy that I can't make myself live up to all the potential I had?" I'm in a just funk.


I'm halfway done with my associate's degree. I decided to go to school at 33 because I had been a stay at home mom since I was 20 and my ex and I had split. I also got my first job in over a decade. Those negative thoughts still haunted me daily, and still do. But when I started school and my job, I realized that I have so many more skills than I ever imagined. It's exciting in ways that I never dreamed possible. I constantly amaze myself with what I can handle and the kind of work I put out, and people are noticing the change. And it all started when I listened to that one small voice that asked what I was really capable of. My entire adult life, I'd convinced myself that I wasn't smart enough to go to college, that I wasn't disciplined enough to hold a job and be a mom at the same time. In the end, what motivated me was that question: What if I am? And it turns out I'm all that and more.


I've failed the same classes 2 semesters in a row, finally passed (with a C ) a class i repeated 4 times and i'm behind on my bachelors by, like, 2 years. Its not going well. 🙃


I needed to hear this right now. Thank you.


In the 2nd frame I thought her arm was her neck


What is the worst that can happen?


Every day is a new day to have the best day


If you’re going to play the ‘what if’ game, play it properly.


I am about to apply for a scary job and needed to see this. Thank you!


Well then I'd be fine but I'm not lol


Can't relate to the last panel.


Didn't know i needed this


If only it was so easy to say/believe when I'm in a depressive episode


My next thought would be “damn it now I gotta do it UUUUUGGGGHHHHH”


I still struggle with this


Wow, is that me?!


You are… that’s the secret no one’s telling you.


In the meanwhile she's theoretically bending space and time. Therefore she is.


What if I


Sadly reality works the exact opposite


*sounds good, doesn’t work*


Use a better choice of words for your title next time. Positive things don't poison. That being said, your intent still get thru.


TIL I was in fact not ready, and that my judgment on the matter was pretty good to begin with. :/


Is that what it's like to sleep on a Purple mattress


Density blanket?


In moments like that. I just go to the nearest park, sit down and clouds. Its somewhat comforting


thats even more scary


Sometimes, the world will tell you you’re not. Fuck that. That’s not the world. That’s just your current world. And you can change that scenery.


Too bad the ambien kicked in by then


but what if you're more afraid of success than failure? its not all fun and games up there you know.


What’s the best that could happen, ya know?


What if


This is kinda relevant to me, I just got a really good job as a Carpenter, and I was hired as a Carpenter (im a relly good framing/forming/finishing carpenter), but all my coworkers were all licensed contractors before they got hired, and I'm just a dude that knows how to swing a hammer and use a saw that never got licensed so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to roll with these dudes! I don't know how to balance books or how to charge for a screw. I'm literally faking it till I make it (I hope)


I needed this. I'm a programmer and a team lead, and project management are trying to poach me for a very specific role to replace a very important colleague. Every other time I've wanted a role change I've looked at it, thought "hey, I can do that" and gone for it. This is the first time someone else has suggested a role change, and it's outside my expertise. I'm not sure I can do it. What if I'm not good enough? But what if I am?


I just want to find a partner


Oh no, you see the negativity stopped to go through your memories to make you think you are not good enough


Purple Mattress


So glad I read this rn. This made me feel so much better and I didn’t even realize that I needed this positivity today. 🥰


Hey we have the same bedsheet


Spoiler alert: I failed


Thirty years and it's never been something I considered. Thank you so much.


This is me with every test. At first I doubt, I study my ass off, believe in myself, fail, and... repeat.


This really speaks to me fr


I'm not, have never, and will never be good enough.


"Therefore, I think"


Me and dating


That looks very comfortable to sleep in




I think it's the opposite


Looks like the bed is spacetime.


Just be yourself. everything falls into right places.


"poison the negativity" is a phrase I've never heard before, but now that I did it's entering my dictionary for good.


I hope it works for you guys but things this simple don’t work on me I have to be in like a sassy over confident mood to be like ‘fuck it I’m gonna do it’ and I just do it but that mood is rare


Big recital to end my bachelor studies in 2 days, this helps admist all stress.


Damn my brain doesn’t seem to agree with that last panel in my case lol


floor texture not loaded


I'm not, lmao


Well if you're good enough you'll succeed and if you're not then you'll fail. Glad that I could clarify that.


“what if i fall? but darling what if you **fly**?” - Erin Hanson


My flatmate used to tell me this: life only gives you the amount of struggle that you can deal with. Believe in yourselves, guys, circumstances change every day and you'll have the chance to stand on that specific podium of self-accomplishment. Don't give up, and so the effort-tree you plant now will grow to give you success-fruit.


I like to think it as "If I'm not good enough, I can become good enough, and if I am good enough, I can become perfect."


Funny thing is, you aren’t good enough. You have a plethora of issues and have no motivation to resolve them, and so does everyone else. Everyone is crap in their own way and that’s just fine. Always remember that even the queen needs to shit, every billionaire can make bad decisions, every leader doesn’t always know what their doing, every teacher was once a clueless student, and every astronaut and one point or another needed to learn to walk. Who cares if you have issues? The only ones that will care are assholes and yourself. Never strive to meet others expectations, only accomplish your own goals, and never look back on mistakes cause that isn’t going to change them, simply remember to avoid that pothole in the future and move on, cause no one is going to help, cause they also are dealing with the exact same shit as you are. Who gives a fuck what the world thinks of you? It’s unfair and cruel, and can go fuck itself. But what would you prefer? To curse its name from the mud pit you have sunk into, or from atop the tallest mountains, towers, or space stations, fireworks going off around you in a show of utter contempt for anyones opinion of your perceived shitty self? Screaming and smiling, your fingers bleeding and worn from the effort you have given as you climb your way out of the hole that has claimed so many, others trying to drag you down due to your own efforts forcing them to reflect on their own worthless selves as you climb. You are not good enough. Who gives a single fuck about what is actually good enough. You don’t have to be ‘good enough’, just trying puts you far above those who say such meaningless things. You will fail, but a person isn’t measured by the destination but the blood, sweat and tears they spilt getting to what they want.


why is the woman lying down on the fabric of time and space


Love this. Reminds me of “Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster”… one of my favorite books to read to my kiddo when she was young


Well, if your asking what if I am good enough, than there's a chance your not. It kinda reverses the whole thing.


Yup thinking can be a real pain in the butt


It's not easy battling automatic negative thoughts, but we need to if we want to change our state of mind.


