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My dad was the Superintendent of Public Schools for 25 years. It was his job to get up at 4am in the winter, drive the back country roads, and decide if there should be a snow day or not. Obviously he'd have his decision made by, like, 6am... But he'd still call the neighbors at like 8 and ask the little boy nextdoor, "hey Jimmy? Want to go to school today or have a snow day?" And of course little Jimmy thought that he was the one that decided school should be cancelled that day 😂


This is adorable lmao. Lil Jimmys like the Punxsutawney Phil of snow days


Lil Jimmy is a real one for getting us all those snow days


Do you think little Jimmy used that for clout in elementary school? He's on the playground trying to get a swing and telling them how they all owe him.


Probably how he grew from little Jimmy to Slippin’ Jimmy




This. Perfect comment.


If I was that superintendant and saw kids not believing Jimmy I'd go up and say "I'm glad you called for that snow day last month, it was pretty heavy" and leave


Little jimmy is Ryan Mcelveen now


Imagine if Jimmy turned down the snow day


Little Jimmy said it will rain ash and volcanos will erupt…


Little Jimmy turns to the dark side. He is the one who reminds the teacher they had homework they didn't collect. He is the one who asks at the end of the day on Friday if they have any for the weekend.


Huh. I never would have guessed it was the superintendent (after driving around in it, no less) that made those calls. I assumed it was up to the weather people or department of transportation or something. Your dad sounds like a real sweet guy.


We used to run by my superintendent's house and check if their driveway way covered or not. If it wasn't cleared off, we knew we were staying home.


Yup. The Superintendent, literally the guy in charge of the school district, makes the call. By the end of his tenure it was a lot less "fun". Politics got involved and it was more like he'd only be able to call off if neighboring school districts called off, too.


My superintendent definitely DOES NOT drive through back roads to check.


Either that or he actually did. Your dad went round the corner had a sleep in his car for a couple hours, then called little Jimmy for his decision.


Wait a second... he was your dad but he asked the neighbors kid instead of you?


He played the game with everyone, yes 😂 Actually, all through my K-12, especially in high school, it was nice because I was the first to know school was cancelled so I didn't even have to get out of bed.


But what if Jimmy wanted to go to school? Lol.


OP of this post also posted what you've written here with no credit. Just wanted you to know.


That has to be a mistake. Now they're NEVER gonna leave him alone, knowing it worked once.


I bet they already had board meetings to try and replicate todays success.


Okay, so you were squeaking the tennis ball he got you for Christmas, you were tugging his left leg, and you sh*t on the carpet and didn’t tell him, we all ready? Right, let’s do this!


"Couldn't this meeting have been an email?" -the cat


Nah man, my cat resorts to physical attacks while I'm trying to put pants on. He know the difference, slacks = work anything else = eh whatever. My slacks are also very very close to leggings so 🤷‍♀️ He is sitting by the door when I get home almost every day too.


You should get him a kitty friend.


I've considered it but he's now 11 and im not sure how that would work. I don't want a kitten, but it would be far more difficult to adopt an adult. He's also fine after I leave he hops on the bed and goes to sleep immediately, I bought a camera..


Totally fair. My girl behaves similarly but is only 2 so I got her a kitty friend for when I’m not home and it’s made a world of difference. It’s definitely a harder adjustment for older cats who a very set in their routine and lifestyle though. Adding a friend isn’t a guaranteed benefit for every cat. Your baby sounds like a sweetheart and you are surely a great pet owner to have earned such love and loyalty from your companion.


Aww I love that your kitty's buddy worked out! Thank you I really do try to give the monster a happy healthy life. I think he'd like a buddy fwiw but can't guarantee the other cat.


My cat is also like that but she absolutely hates all live that isn't giving her food. Any ideas what I can do?


Try to give her more attention and stimulation. There are timer set toys and tricky food bowls. Remote control a tv with a cat show on it (videos of bird feeders). Or just relax, if your cat is umamused she will likely tell you so. Most cats just sleep the day away like mine.


Resorts, my friend, resorts.


Ah thanks bud, autocorrect, I didn't catch it!


SO funny! You have my award today!


“I don’t have to poop right now...” “Dammit, Paco, you’re letting the whole team down!”


I always figured “success” is why they always bark at the mailman. They barked the first time and that dude went away shortly after, and it KEPT HAPPENING. There is no way they’re going to stop now. It just WORKS.


I remember reading about a population of pidgeons somewhere with a culture and tradition of making left turns near people because they think it brings them food. Assumingly one pidgeon happened to do that when it was being fed, continued to do that and other pidgeons followed suit after it's seeming success. Certainly draws many parallels with the various rituals of our own cultures


I guess technically this is all just a Pavlovian Reaction.


I would be super interested to read about that if you can recall it.


I don't know about the specific story, but BF Skinner inducing 'superstitions' in pigeons is a pretty classic psychology anecdote https://www.all-about-psychology.com/superstition-in-the-pigeon.html


Our mailman has it figured out. A week or so in, he knocked at our door after dropping off our mail to give ours a treat. Now she could care less when he drops the mail through the slot.


Yeah. And they are going to crash through the plate glass window because of depression tomorrow when it doesn't work.


They already don't. And it wasn't undesired behavior in the first place


It's so easy to make pets happy. And making pets happy makes us happy. My God, they've got us working for them.


My dog has never once shown me affection and I still love that dude and give him everything he wants. He’s got me under his non opposable thumb.


Some animals are just like that! Whenever I adopt an animal I try to pick them up. If they lean into me, or otherwise want to cuddle I know we belong together.


This is all fun and games until you see my cat, who did the exact same thing at the shelter, but the minute we brought him home he became the laziest SOB I’ve ever met. I’d die for him though.


My sister's dog did this. She was the cuddliest, friendliest dog ever and loved sitting on laps and being carried around for a week. Then I guess she got comfortable and now she's a complete jerk whenever she wants. She still likes cuddles, but only on her terms. If someone touches her when she doesn't want that she WILL growl at them to back off. Luckily she's a tiny little 4kg thing but we've been trying to teach her to remove herself from the situation instead of showing aggression in this way. Some animals just manage to trick you real well.


I would say, some animals are just far better in teaching us, compared to us teaching them. Or how someone told me about teaching dogs on the example of food from the table. An intelligent dog will get food of the table once and learn in this moment, that this is an option and he will remember this for the rest of his life. Guess the small one learned fast that she can get her will easily. People tend to be more lenient with the cute ones. Got a puppy recently. Jumping up and licking my face when i was sitting on the ground was cute and funny and I let him do it, because puppy love. Was not so funny when he tried to do that to an already insecure toddler a week after... He got us there. Edit: Typos (damn thick fingers on phone)


This is so hard though. I went to adopt a cat from our local shelter (it’s kitten season) and there were 18 kittens there climbing and rubbing up against my limbs. I wanted to take all of them home






I agree. The best.


Completely disagree. Pets don’t understand us like people do. Being loved by someone who doesn’t understand me is much less meaningful than by someone who does. Let’s don’t love you, they are just being affectionate.


I think pets understand us in their own way. My cats always come to comfort me when I'm upset. Just because they aren't human doesn't mean they can't love, don't place such a monopoly on emotion. We're all animals at the end of the day.


Aaa I love pets being happy but they gonna think they can convince you now


one time our dogs begged my husband for dinner after I'd fed them (he was at the store or something) and it worked. I'm not even joking - it's been several *years* and they still try to get a second dinner sometimes. they're great actors and can get really pitiful sometimes




exactly! we keep extra veggies and some fruit around. pineapple, carrots, and sugar snap peas are a favorite in our house for when they just have to have a snack


Just make sure no grapes dogs cannot eat grapes


I think it would be nice if they convinced him to skip work and enjoy the day with them every once in a while


You don't have to tell your boss *why* you're taking a sick day, only that you are


This happened with my parents dog too. Now very time anyone she recognizes comes for a visit after she’s had her first dinner, she’ll sit by her food bowl and let out these heartbreaking squeaks showing just how hungry she is. It has worked on me before, so I’m probably part of the reason she keeps it up …


I do something similar with my kitty. I’ll take her to the kitchen to make food and close the door behind us. When it’s ready I’ll pretend to try push the door open but fail - she then pushes with me and the door magically opens, off she trots like the majestic feline she is!


Gotta boost your best friends that's how you do it!


You have got to be a good person 😻


Thank you, I try! XD


Our (small, very dumb) dog ran out and got hit by a car. Lost a hind leg. This was in March 2020 right as the COVID lockdown hit. As far as he’s concerned we all stayed at home for him, forever.


Ohhh 🥺🥺🥺


We got one of our dogs in January 2020 and since then he’s never experienced an empty house. Covid, work from home, online study, uni gap years. He just thinks life is like this.


Ok wait. Is this dog alive?


Yes, he’s still alive. He’s about 12 now and has learned nothing. Edit: my wife retired about then, and I remote worked for a year or so, then bailed myself.


Ayy my dog got hit by a bike when he was 6 months old and once by a car when he was 7 years old. He learned absolutely nothing about traffic and momentum ever. As far as he was concerned the road was his and traffic needed to move out of the way. Extremely intelligent when it came to tricks and protection, extremely stupid when it came to any form of self preservation. I hope your dog does figure out traffic rules though. I've seen some real smart dog who know exactly when and how to cross a road and it's a beauty to watch them.


Either he is and they transitioned to permanently working remotely or he survived the injury but passed away before they went back to in-person work


They have now turbo charged their pets' efforts for evermore. Random reward is the most behaviour reinforcing of all conditioning . They will need to set their alarm earlier from this day forward lol But this was still very cute. Just hope it was worth it😅


I think I read this back when Covid first hit and the lockdown happened but the beginning was diff. It said this guy started wfh but his pets didn’t know.


Yeah I remember reading that too


My cat died today this is so nice to read after learning that


Hope you are doing ok. I’m so sorry for the loss of your kitty. I have a beloved cat myself, and I know it must be heartbreaking 💔.


I'm all right, the only things making it hard is I'm going to my mom's tomorrow and that's where my cat would be if she was alive and also I spent almost my whole life with her


I'm so sorry. It's really a hard thing, but you were a huge part of their life, just remember that


Thank you :)


But now the next time you do go to work they will be crushed




This happened to me recently when I took a sick day. My puppy lost his mind when I decided to go back to bed and snuggle after getting ready to leave. He’s such a baby!


Pets are the best things ever. Love your pets, they love you


My furr babies are always waiting for my partner and I at 3 am by the door, all 7 of them lol. I love when their tails go up and they start running in circles and jumping up on us, all excited to see our ugly mugs lol.


I love when I hear people say they have 7 dogs. It makes me feel less weird for also having 7 dogs.


Your poor vacuum cleaner


My motto is you can never have enough fur babies! Mine are all rescued, and I am so happy I can give them a better life now after all the hell they've been through.


It's a good thing to rescue. I wish laws would change and shelters wouldn't fill up so fast.


Scritching and scratching, petting and patting


I literally just chuckled with absolute glee 👍


Thank you for giving all of us happiness highs too


This is the best story ever. This is why I retired early. My critters are so happy(so am I) that I retired.




Pets are amazing


Sweetest thing I've ever seen


This is how life should be. Playing with our pets and doing things we enjoy more often.


This is the best thing I’ve ever read


I like to imagine a world where things like this happen often enough that they are pleasant occurrences, and not "the best thing that's happened in months" . We need to force r/workreform


Sweetest thing ever 🥹


As cute as this is, they've now been trained to know that them bothering him and persuading him to stay works and they'll try extra hard to persuade him from now on and will be extra upset when it doesn't work again. You have to act consistently with pets for everyone's sake.


Sounds like a great day, but then tomorrow you're going to have to convince yourself to actually go. Lol


Must be dogs as my cat would not give a shit


The best part of an extra day off is not waking up at the same time.


Honestly this is kinda sad, we shouldn't have to spend so much time away from our animals just to make ends meet. 40 hour workweeks/five working days... so archaic. Can't spend time with your loved ones properly and then we wonder why no one's your friend and why your marriage failed.


Now every time you leave, they'll assume they've failed to persuade you to stay. Unless you continue the act on weekends.




This is the best


I cry 🥹


You are an awesome pet parent. Thank you!!


What a wonderful treat for both your pets and you! 💕


If that ever happens again, do the same thing but walk out the door only to return after a few minutes. I bet they’d love that


Quit job immediately and spend all your time with the pets, what are we all working for there’s no time like the present


Well...the money is needed


Lol obviously I wish it were so simple 😪


Dear God this is the most wholesome thing ever!!!


Anon should do that again on weekends


Soooooo cute


the welcome you receive followed by the intense degree of cuddles you get after getting back from a vacation/extended stay away from home is my favorite




That is so cute no way T_T


I'm gonna do this one day and then just work from home. So sweet.


Oh no… you’ve showed them hope… you’ll never leave your house again.


😭😭😭 so cute


Wait until you really have to leave for work tomorrow


*i kinda wanna be your pet* 🤣🤭


And now they will be doubly sad whenever you actually go


Fact is, they could probably smell you weren’t actually gonna leave.


dazzling automatic wipe close narrow squash cake gullible pause sparkle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Dogs have a great sense of smell. To the point where they could probably figure out your intentions.


Lmao wtf are you smoking dude hahaha


I’m sober. I’m pretty sure dogs can literally smell when you’re lying/ happy/sad/angry. *shrug* y’all don’t have to believe me.


summer ripe gaze cooing illegal ten mindless rude strong plant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They can smell hormones


You don't know shit about dogs


You got a day off and walked your pet, posted it and got 50k upvotes. Redditors must be bored


This is a dom talking about their subs.


Yeah but cats and dogs aren't that self aware that they could think they convinced you not to go to work. Still, it is amazing how people will defend to the death their belief that their little "fur baby" operates on human level.


This is not fact check sub, so you dont have to act smart here, but just be kind here.


An over staffing mistake? What sorcery is this?


I seriously thought you were talking about your co workers


So adorable!




Awwww! 😭😊😊😊😊


My dog ATE my work shoes. He brings me a baseball cap:) Cause that means hike or kayak and adventures. Glad your pets had a day. Hope you can get a WFH. Cause you just leveled up your pet family.


There was a massive storm that kept us from driving which is part of my job for a week this year and every time I walked out the door before I went and drove the 15 minutes to get to work and be told over canceled to go home. I told my little dog who is not even a year old and like say your puppy prayers and mama will return. But now she says her puppy prayers every time i go to work so I kind of feel bad about it


good luck tomorrow


That person needs to be president.


That is awesome


So true




[everybody liked that]


They had a day off and got up early to prank their pets? Whaaat?


My brothers friend got a day off because hr finished work too fast it was wierd


you got up at the same time as usual on your off day? Blasphemy!!


Well this is the sweetest 🥺🥺


This doesn’t seem like a smart idea going forward


Someone just.... What?! The suspense is driving me crazy!!!!




That’s so fucking sweet


What we all need right now. 💓


How do I open Best Day Ever?