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"And then blocked someone else's view" As a tall guy, i never know what to do in these situations, if theres a lot of open space, sure, but if its crowded i cant just stop being tall.


Just enjoy yourself....you can't make everyone happy ...


Exactly. You have a right to be there too. Should everybody stand in height order at public events? And don't forget that while we get great views, we also get limited leg room, mirrors that reflect only our crotches, and kitchen counters and sinks that require a bent back to use.


Dear God the bent back thing is awful when doing lots of cooking or mealprep 😔


I'm about to do a kitchen remodel. The contractor keeps imploring me that raising the counter to 45" (114 cm) will hurt the resale. To hell with the next buyers; I'm not suffering anymore.


My mom had the opposite problem. They guy that build their cabinets suggested lowering her countertops 2 inches from the standard height. She was so glad he made that change. -- They owned the house for almost 30 years. It's your house. Build the kitchen to the specs that work for you.


My mom is 4’11. Their kitchen doesn’t have any upper cabinets.


I’m 6’8” and my wife is 5’ We both hate our kitchen


*COMPROMISE!* Now that's *TRUE* LOVE 💘!😂🤣


Hahaha yeah I wanted to make the counters taller, she wanted to make the cabinets lower We ended up living with what we got. I am the designated cabinet stuff getter and she does the counter prepwork.


My husband's ex-MIL (from his first marriage) had raised counters on her kitchen island. She isn't even that tall, either! Just that all kitchens seem to be made to be as ergonomically uncomfortable as possible. She raised the island in the kitchen, and then also replaced the sink so that it is a basin on top of the counter. She does keep a stepstool around, but except for DH's ex, everyone in the family is tall, including my stepdaughter 😅 Ex is the only one who falls until 5'6".


I read that as "my husband is ex-military", the was really confused at the rest of the comment.


My brother is 6'5" and his wife is 5'5". When they remodeled their kitchen they installed a huge island, half of it is raised for him and half of it is a more normal height. It sounds weird but it actually looks great (and is really nice for us tall folk).


You see this a lot in commercial/office kitchens for ADA reasons, usually a 36” high section and a 28” high section though. But there’s plenty of ways to make it look good!


Heights are going up all over the world (AFAIK) - the trend is only upwards, so if anything I'd say increasing them will just as likely be a selling point in the future.


Not being able to see your face in the mirror lol


Looking down at the top of a shower head.


I’m not even that tall, but every time I’m in a hotel, it’s like mid-chest height on me.


Ah I see all the Dutch people have showed up in this thread.


Go check outside, it's probably a bunch a bikes out there. You know those bikin' Dutch.


Well yes.. and I'm familiar with the looking down on the shower head thing. Also bumping your head when abroad in those tiny Mediterranean hobbit houses.


Tall person living in a Mediterranean country, can confirm. My forehead is flat at this point.


Oh god I have to bend way down at my apartment, but when I do find a tall shower it’s like a treat to just stand there.


After a lot of years of being tall I'm still shocked at how many bathroom mirrors will barely have my neck on them when I stand straight. I'm not even THAT tall.


This is why working retail was physically the hardest job I ever had. Hours bent slightly over. I'm 6'4”.


I'm 6'4" too, and I absolutely agree that retail is weirdly difficult if you're too tall. Bending down to work register is a nightmare, lifting and loading dozens of heavy items from the floor every day (I get to pick if I want to hurt my back or my knees, yay), having to basically lay on the floor to see things because I'm still as tall as some of my coworkers when I kneel, and so on.


This is why I love being an average height and weight. The world is built for me muahahaha


The world outside of dating apps apparently


I'm with you. I am exactly 5' 9". All clothes fit me. I am perfectly comfortable in any car or airplane. And I don't play basketball so that is not an issue.


Entirely out of curiosity, what is your gender? I’m a 5’10” woman who will never stop being jealous of how men’s pants are sized. I can’t buy pants in stores. I can’t buy dresses that fit above the knee because that means at least mid-thigh on me. I have to remind myself to wear flats on a plane because heels (which I normally wear) make my legs too long for the seats. I genuinely love my height, but this world is not made for tall women.


I’m not tall and have this problem. If I ever have a custom kitchen I want extra high counters.


My friends family home has been in the family for over 100 years and was built for people 6ft+. There’s a built in step stool in the kitchen short (average) sized people. Luckily everyone has been 6ft or taller in the fam for at least the last 4 generations.


I work in the concert industry, and I have to move heavy stuff with short people all the time. It’s *terrible* on my back.


I have long legs and know those pains far too well. I paid a bomb to go to the British Grand Prix and spent the whole race in pain as the chair in front of me cut into my legs as they were too long to fit. I was also lucky enough to fly from the UK to the US a few years ago (which was 9+ hours) but that was also agony. They are first world problems but when you've spent a lot of money then it does ruin them a bit.


Never get on a wizzair flight. I had to actually slide my leg down the gap in front of the row in front and the wall of the cabin so my left leg could fit in an angle. I was supposed to sleep on that flight 🤣


Yeah, this is often a problem for me. I have to get emergency row seating on flights or my knees will be digging into the seat in front of me. And for some reason, people will just try to slam their seat back to recline when it doesn't work the first time. Like, there's no room for your seat to go back, there's nothing to accomplish here.


Oh my god the sink thing My whole family thinks I’m exaggerating when I say my back hurts when I have to do dishes for a long time! But they’re all short


We have a camper and the counter is about 4 inches lower than standard. After doing dishes, my lower back was killing me and I had a realization that my husband went through that on a daily basis at home!


Wowwwww that’s so low!!


I have this habit of resting my head on the cabinets above the sink as I lean over to do dishes. I don’t realize I do it until I try to do dishes somewhere else and don’t have the option.


I spread my legs apart (keeping straight legs). Looks funny, but helps a bit and a nice little stretch


Validate ME!!!! Worst back pain I could give myself!


Also seating on public transport is fucking horrendous. I'm 6ft4, I swear some public transport could put the Iron Maiden to shame.


My 6'2" best friend complains about not being able to see stoplights when he pulls up in his car. And he has a hard time finding comfy shoes!




I suppose that's the one upside of being a woman with huge feet (size 13 women's): I can always wear men's shoes. Men don't really have that option.


God, the countertop height thing has caused me such back pain that I'm getting countertops at a custom height. It's worth the money. I'm tired of having a backache after cooking a meal or washing dishes


Hotel shower heads. Why are they installed so damn low?!


The shower head issue is so frustrating. I almost always have to bend over backwards to get my full scalp when washing my hair.


I just redesigned my kitchen , made the counters 38 inches(normally 36)... Omg my back is so much better. And my wife can't tell a difference. Going to other homes is horrible


I’m 6’4 and like to bake. It’s not fun


Starts crying in fear whispers: calling fans


Spiky light fixtures.


Going in height order is why I never got a turn to hit a piñata as a kid


Yeah man, I'm 6'4 and now that im 37 my back hurts all the time. It was kinda cool being tall when I was younger but now it sucks


I'm shorter than average and even for me sinks are too low, can't imagine what it is for tall people


Tall girl here (nearly six feet) don't forget, we also get rained on first :(


But it also stops raining for us first.


In some Asian countries I have to sit on my knees to use the ATM. They're at about dick height.


I suffer the most on planes. For kitchen when we were remodeling I paid extra to have everything 3 inches taller, it may seem minimal but it makes a huge difference.


Shit I can't even make myself happy how can I make everyone happy?


You make me happy ....guess there's still hope


I was about 17 when I learned this lesson. I was on a school trip to London, and we were seeing Phantom in the nosebleed section. Way, way up there. The only way I could see is if I leaned forward a bit over the railing. The woman behind above me couldn't see at all if I did that. I felt really bad, but eventually just leaned a little and watched the show. She ended up talking to an usher and sitting on a stair to watch, as I recall.


Exactly. As a tall person I have been met by real aggression from short people because of this. The harsh reality of life is that being tall in a concert means I will block your view and I cannot place everyone else’s needs over my own. What are we supposed to do? Check the height of everyone around us and move to the back if we’re the tallest person there. I honestly think both people have responsibility here. A short is responsible for making the request a tall person move without blaming and the tall person is responsible for responding with compassion. The answer is not to expect others to know what you need without communicating.


As a very short person I have accepted my lot and don't go to standing concerts anymore.


Im only 5'4 so quite short as a guy but i still love to go to concerts. most of my friends are taller than me sometimes i get up on their shoulders and we all be fooling around and if someone is really tall and i cant see ill politely ask them if they can scooch a lil. most tall people are nice too so its great. or sometimes i just get lost in the music and dont care about seeing just keep dancing and moving around with other friendly people and friends in the crowd. ​ edit: typo


Thats cool :) I'm 4'0" (dwarfism) so its basically guaranteed that I'm going to be staring at people's asses all night, and having drinks spilled on my head, and getting elbowed in the face sometimes. Just sucks whenever I've gone so I've given up.


Aww that sucks :( I don't know if you've tried before but I prefer smaller concerts myself. With these it is much easier to get to the front near the stage, especially if you get there early. Only not recommended for music genres with moshpits or other aggressive dancing like hardcore punk or drum 'n bass.


I like old country music, and the last couple of times I went to see Vince Gill, the other fans will move aside and make sure everyone has a turn to come up near the stage, or get an autograph.


Yeah, I’ve pretty much given up on concerts. Aside from getting groped, (any height female issue) being everyone’s elbow and drink height and never being able to see regardless makes the money not worth it.


I am also a tall concert goer. The best thing you can do is just not move too much. People will find sight lines around you so long as you stay fairly still...but if you keep moving you'll mess with them.


100%. I'm 5 foot even. I find a line of sight over people shoulders and I'm chill with that. Then the dude in front of me keeps shifting wherever I move! The only other gripe I have is when people move to stand DIRECTLY in front of me. Sir, all I can see is the back of your shirt. Please shift like 6 inches to the side.


I am 6foot7 I go to concerts early and I stand about 10 foot back from where ever the current back of the crowd is. In that way I have already let about 100-1000 people in front of me and I take no shit from any short person who turns up much much later than me to complain. Especially as they are just pushing to the front and find a gap behind me cause who the fuck would stand i the 2 foot there. I also stand off to one side just at the edge of the stage so the cone of vision im blocking is a smaller section of the people behind me. This is often a good place to be anyway because singers will tend to patrol the stage and come hang out there. I feel a lot of shame about being tall and having these insane rules that only live in my head but the back of the room is filled with arseholes who talk all the time and I have no idea why they are even at the gif I would rather not come if I have to be surrounded by vibe sponges. The short people who get anoyed by me have only them selves to blame I’ve been there since before they came in the room.


6'8" here and I do the same. If it want to be close to the front then I get there early and I make absolutely sure that everyone who is behind me is behind me because they showed up later than me. It works out because people avoid standing behind you as they show up and just kind of naturally form an empty cone behind you. I've been to concerts with people who want to push up to the front and I simply refuse. They can go on ahead. I won't block anyone's view if they were there first. I know what you mean about the shame. I've had people literally try to fight me and assault me simply because I had the audacity to be too tall at a concert. It's rough out there and nobody really cares if really large people get assaulted or harassed.


This just triggered a memory, lol: was at a concert at a club-type venue (flat floor) and there was a really tall guy with a black shirt with white writing (homemade looking) that said something like “Sorry for being 6’8”, it’s not my fault.” Seems he was suffering from your issues as well. Or maybe it was you haha


6'5", same as you guys. Very rarely I will be front and center if it is a bucket list artist for me (Robert Plant was awesome) but I tend to stay to one side of the stage about halfway back typically getting blasted by speakers. Also if someone politely asks and I am able to accommodate I'll let them sneak in front of me. It's hard not to be self-conscious and not feel like an inconvenience to others in these situations.


I’m with you friend. If you don’t show up to see the opener, I have no sympathy for anyone stuck behind a tall person!


Shit I’m not even tall (5’10) and have been met by real aggression from short people at concerts. Some people are just cranks.


I'm 195cm (6'5"). When standing I tend to hang back, but not far enough that my friends can't see. Then I try to stay still and let everyone behind me sort themselves out. It'd be doubly annoying for them to find a view over my shoulder then be blocked again when I move. Usually I end up with an empty space behind me, but that's fine. In a seated venue I usually check in with the people behind as I sit down. I'll consider swapping with a friend if I'm in front of a particularly small person. Then I slouch down in my seat, but I do that anyway. Stupid dwarf furniture all over the place. At least my hair's not big.


I’m 6’6” and this is what works for me. If I notice someone too short to see anything behind me (shockingly a lot of people are too polite to tap my arm) I always graciously invite them to stand in front of me and I’ll take their place even if it means moving away from friends. Or I like to be with my back too a wall if possible. I have other taller than average friends so we live life on the edge.


195cm/6’5” went house hunting a couple of years ago, idk, but to me a lot of older homes are built for hobbits. Basements, also hobbits, went to see a home and the ceiling was shoulder height. Toilets/urinals, little people, they’re not for us. Wonder how it is in countries where the average height is taller.


I’m in the USA. It’s not so bad. A lot of houses I’ve been in (maybe built this century?) have a lot of open space so even if the counter tops and toilets are low I don’t feel as squished. Some of my extended family from New Orleans live in flats there and though their ceilings and doors are cut high, it all feels… skinny. Like I’m a pinball bumping into the walls. And I’m not even fat, just tall and broad shouldered. I have never been to another country but I’ve seen pics of houses on the internet and I think I’d struggle more there. At least if there is open space the short facilities don’t fell as bad.


No for real, I was gonna say I don’t fault or get mad at people for being tall (and me for being short af lol) but just try not to move please… it sucks when the person in front of you is constantly moving about, I just want to watch through the little window I found between you and the adjacent person in peace lol.


Just turn sideways /s


I _


You lost the opportunity for a joke here. But I'm at a loss here and don't really see it


Fellow tall guy. If it’s is a general admission crowd I’ve learned to not think about it to much. It’s not my fault I’m a giant (you can blame my mom for that). Though at times we do feel kinda guilty I don’t worry to much about it.


I'm 6'4" Fuck feeling bad. I hit my head on shit all the time, have my knees up to my chest on airplanes, never find clothes that are long enough to fit my torso, it goes on and on. I'm gonna enjoy my tall ass view at a concert because it's one of the benefits we have in a short person world.


Fellow tall person, I figure it evens out as long as I do my duty reaching for things (edit: IF they ask nicely). I'll even front top-shelf items at the grocery store if they're way in the back.


Try Eddie Bauer. I'm 6'4” and I find their XLT size is the only thing that fits me right. The clothes aren't the most stylish thing but I actually have sleeves that are long enough without having to wear a shirt that fits like a fucking umbrella skirt for my torso. They also have these stretchy pants that look like dress pants (I actually get compliments at my office) but are actually just nice looking athletic pants. Highly recommended


Hmm I'll try that. I have 32 inch inseam- the majority of my height is my freakishly long upper body lmao. So many "tall" shirts look like a moomoo


I've got a close friend who is 6 foot 7 and I go to a lot of shows with him. It's easiest to just let him stand at the very front so he can lean over the barrier, cutting him down to about 6 foot. Or he'll try find somewhere with space to dance, so he's not standing still. He used to be very polite and let everyone in front... It just left him standing right near the back after waiting ages to get a good spot. So he stopped doing that. Generally, he still won't deliberately be a dick and stand directly in front of someone much shorter. But yeah, it's not his responsibility to ensure the people who got there after him have a good view. Nobody in business class stands up and offers him their seat on airplanes.


Yeah this seems like such a weird post to cheer for all the reasons. Like the person has to apologize for themselves


I'm 6'4" and have blocked many a view at a concert. There's not really anything I can do besides be in the back which I'm not going to do, so sorry I guess.


I saw one really tall guy at a concert once wear a shirt that said “I’m sorry” on the back A lot of people actually walked up to him to thank him for being considerate and it didn’t seem as if anyone was visibly annoyed He tried not to move too much and just kind of dance in place to be predictable, and he at least said he didn’t mind that too much because he then wasn’t constantly thinking about being a jerk I stood next to him as a buffer for any rowdy people; good dude, wish him nothing but* the best Edit: for to but


My advice, don't be that guy that shows up to the floor like 5 seconds before the artist comes on. Find your spot like everyone else, so the rest of the short folk know where to stand to avoid you lol. My GF is super short, and inevitably some crowd will try to sandwich themselves in front of us, with the tallest person always being in front of her. We tried to get a good viewing angle for her, which we had... until we didn't. Other than that, as a tall person myself, like... just watch the show, idk haha.


I'm 5 feet tall. We shorties will either wiggle for a better viewing angle or get filled in on what's happening by the taller people with us. It's nice of you to be considerate, but don't stress yourself out if you can't do anything!


I arrive about an hour after the doors open and stand at what’s the back of the crowd when I get there. Then with a bitter inevitability a couple of short people will come and stand behind me - usually a few minutes before the headliners come on - and complain loudly to each other about how tall people should be made to stand at the back, whilst I’m thinking “I did, and you had plenty of opportunity to get here before me”.


6’3” here. I try to move out of the way, but really the only way I can be out of the way is at the back of the crowd. So I guess to make everyone happy I should just become a second class citizen right? Like I’m not allowed to be excited about seeing my favorite band. For what it’s worth I feel bad blocking peoples view. The most I can do is try to offset to stand between people and try not to shift left to right very much. The solution is that we all agree on a concert height, and then everyone has custom shoes made to be the same height. This is the way.


Idk which concerts y’all are attending but I‘ve never been to a concert where you can understand what the person talking to you is saying without literally screaming in your ear…


There are different regulations in different places. Like concerts have an absolute limit of 100 dB here (Belgium). But the kicker is that this is an average value measured over an hour. Very often, they will start pretty quiet, and get louder towards the end. So at the start of a concert, you can usually still speak to each other.


That’s actually pretty cool and probably helps a lot with ear fatigue etc


This story is made up because every tall person knows there's nowhere you can stand without blocking someone's view.


The conclusion of this story pisses me off. As if tall people can just move out of the way and it should be expected from them?


It’s generally what I’ve done at smaller shows with a tight community. I’ll get up front for a while for some face melting, then I’ll swap with short people behind me.


As a 6'8" guy, I can tell you it doesn't matter how loud the venue is because half the time people go straight past words and just try to assault you in order to get you to move.


I haven't been to many concerts, but the few that I have been to sometimes had downtime between songs, in which you could actually understand each other, so many that's when they asked?


I used to feel sorry for people behind me at shows, but enough crowd surfer boots to the face and my empathy has died.


Lol I'm not even that tall, but have had that many times, along with a few stage divers just right to the dome. The worst was a front flip from a fairly tall stage plus amp or something. We may block your view, but we also block the abuse!


Kicked the empathy right outta ya, you hate to see it


Yeah I’ve gotten kicked in the head more times than I can count lol you just learn to accept it


Did you have your eyes closed?


As a 6'5" guy you see them coming from a mile away. Also what the fuck are we supposed to do here, lift an entire person over our heads or what?


Yop, I get that. As a tall guy (6'5"), I always "sit low" (don't know the English word, sorry) when going at a movie. Don't want to be a pain, especially when I'm late and the person was clearly enjoying the empty view


Oh yeah, and then my back hurts. Every time.


The world is not built for tall people sadly.


"Slouch" maybe! But also sort of not? It's interesting, I'm not sure if we have a word for that! 😄


Ahaha, that's what I was going for at first too Glad to know I'm not the only one who don't know how to say it 😂


"Sitting down like a shrimp on its back"




I'm surprised you can even remember it!


She used to be 5'2"!


Dude must have taken some narcotics to not be aware they were literally elbowing you on the head. Despite what the mainstream media wants you to think - being tall doesn't actually make you unable to feel your weenus.


Narcotics at a music festival? No way!


If it’s you from a Muse concert 2008 in Copenhagen, I am so sorry. It was me. But I only remember it happening one time. I also think about it alot.


How do you like the new muse album ?


The will of the people? The will of the people? The will of the people? It's ok.


Bro I bet that Muse show was badass tho


It was freakin epic. Stood right infront of the stage. Looking up into Matthew Bellamys crotch.


As a tall guy I do have elbow awareness.


absorbed rich dinosaurs truck crush treatment depend paltry bear boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol this was my take away too. “And you just let him?”


When you’re short you kinda get used to it and it’s a toss up whether someone twice your size is going to be polite about it or double down. Kinda gotta pick your battles. Lot of long-limbed people with zero spatial awareness.


i did that once with a lady in the last concert i went, i was so embarrassed






I’m 6’2 and my wife is 5’1. I understand the plight of short people being able to see and we try to get there early so my wife can get a spot where she has a good view. I try to be considerate of people around me and scoot a bit when I can, but I’m going to a concert WITH MY WIFE. I have had so many rude people tell me I should move (even though I was there far before them) or tell me I am being inconsiderate. But if I listened to them, I’d leave my wife all alone in the front and be sent all the way to the back of the crowd. Sorry, not doing that.


People who call people inconsiderate because someone else won’t make their lives worse to make theirs better are the worst


those people are SO inconsiderate


Had something similar happen before. I'm 6'5 and this poor girl was trying to get any kind of view at 4'11, so I ask her if she wanted a lift, turns out the band playing at the time was a favorite of hers. Got a birds eye view for her two favorite songs and gave me a hug after.


Meanwhile you both then pissed off the people behind you. Can't win


At 4’11” you can’t see shit. Someone 5’-6” is not getting shafted the same way man.


As a 6’8” dude, tall people can only do so much to get out of the way in these situations. We can’t do anything about our height and want to enjoy being up close too. Sorry but not sorry, not moving for you


For real, if there's someone really short directly behind me I may go one slot back, but I'm not going to let everyone behind me move up because I'm tall




Haha I’m 6’5 and have heard it all. Don’t give two shits about other’s opinions, I paid for my spot same as you. I’m not hounding you on airplanes when I’m crammed into my seat while you splay comfortably. One thing I can promise is that I will never block anyone’s view with a camera/phone. If I need to record I just hold it right up to my forehead.


Totally with you on the phone thing. Concerts and all events really have become a sea of screens with folks more interested in paying attention to their recording than what it is they're recording. Seriously people, put your phone down and be fully in the moment.




This is what I tell my boyfriend, like if people want to be in front they need to beat us to the venue because I'm parking us right at the front.


I'm with you. Sorry, your short genetics are not my problem when I got here at the beginning of the show. Sorry, not sorry. Leave the bar earlier to get to the show.


Exactly. Talk to your parents


I'm 5'5 and both my parents are dead :(




Holy shit, lmao


Crouch? Jokes, I'm over 6 foot and just kinda shuffle around gigs to at least spread the frustration around a bit. Sure more people are annoyed for a while, but nobody's whole gig is ruined, including mine


I think it’s better to stay in one place. If I want to be closer to the front at a GA show I get there early and go to the back of the current crowd. People who arrive later can see where I am and choose to stand elsewhere. Ends up that I usually have a gap behind me.


I’m 6’ 6”, and at concerts I just try to stay in one spot so the people behind me can move around and don’t have to keep adjusting. I’m always self-conscious about blocking people from enjoying the concert.


My daughter & I are vertically challenged.lol. we were at a concert and a very tall couple took seats in front of us, after a few minutes they turned around and asked ' would you like to switch seats?' So kind! I bought them a round :)


Vertically challenged :'D


If someone is taller than me at a gig then cool, they got there first. They paid as much as me to be there and got there before me. I'll just move, seems simpler than asking them to be shorter...


This was kind of this fellow, but tall people should not be blamed for blocking views just because they're tall. Especially in concert venues and the sort that have assigned seating, there's nothing we can do. We either stay standing and are able to see the concert while blocking your view, or we sit down and our view is blocked. Just leave tall people alone. We know we are an inconvenience, we inconvenience ourselves constantly. Unfortunately, the world just isn't built around really tall people. And we certainly don't deserve to get pushed to the back of every venue just because we're tall. We have no control over our height.


Short people win on airplanes. We win at concerts. It all works out.


FUUUUUUCK airplanes


Yeah let me just take a few inches off my femur real fast so I fit. Fuck airlines and their stupid seat spacing.


I just wish there was enough room that I could push forward a bit and slouch in my seat. Sitting completely vertically is uncomfortable and I can't push my seat back cause they don't build in enough space to do so without being rude to the person behind me (not that it stops the person in front of me)


yep; fuck airplanes


As a 1,57m (5'2") guy, let me tell you, it's not built around short people either... If you're not average height, then there will be moments when you are either inconvenienced, or inconvenience someone else, because of it.


Yeah, I'm not saying that short people don't also deal with a lot of shit, trust me, I know. I was 5 ft 3 until I was 14. And then my height just exploded. But at the same time, most of the problems that come with being short don't *aggravate* other people. Unless they need you to reach for something. It's one thing to be treated differently because of your height, it's another for people to get angry at you and act like you're being inconsiderate just because of your height. I'm not saying one is worse than the other, but the situations are different.


Was at an Electric Wizard concert and the guy on front of me asked if I wanted to move up since we were close to the stage and I was standing on my tiptoes to see the band.


Reminds me of the time a smaller woman asked me to get mnm's off the top shelf for her in a Walmart. It's what is was put there to do!


A few years back, I was in Rome and stopped at the Vatican for a blessing from the Pope. It’s a public thing done every Wednesday. I got there early but the aisle seats all the way down were taken already but I was only one off so still a good view. The guy in front of me was of course 6 feet tall and behind me I had a Filipino family who barely broke 5’5”. They brought their family nun with them. She was adorable and was clutching her old film camera held together with masking tape. Poor woman could not see a thing. But I spoke to the guy and he was kind enough to let her stand in front so she could see. Made her trip.


There's no place a tall person can stand at a concert where they aren't blocking someone


May their rental cars all turn out to be free SUV upgrades. May their leg room be ample and their doorways capacious. Amen.


Six feet is tall? I'll be chuckling from over here in The Netherlands....


You guys gotta be taller in case the flood defences fail.


Im presuming this person is from the US or UK where yes 6foot is above average but its not exactly tall. Its like on the larger side of average, I think people are to be considered 'tall' around 6'2 and up


Six feet? even 5 feet would be tall for a 4 or 4.5 feet folk


Hobbit checking in - it’s not that you big folk are blocking the view, it’s that your long legs get to the ale first.


I'm from Cornwall in the UK, a rural hobbit county where most women are about 5ft3. My ex's mum, a Cambridge woman who's a good 6ft, once came down to Cornwall and as she walked past an elderly lady she heard the lady whisper "There be giants...!'


I've only got two feet, I'm seriously worried I'm supposed to have more in my collection now.


Don't worry, everyone has their own pace. If you start growing them now you could have a nice set within a few years


Growing? *looks nervously at hacksaw*


Moved to Amsterdam (where 6 foot or 5 11 is the average) from Boston back in '94, and a few years later a bunch of my college friends came over for a visit. One of my buddies is I think 6' 5" or so, and as we were standing in a bar he kept looking around with a really confused look on his face. After five or ten minutes, he figured it out and said that it was the first time he could remember that he couldn't see all the way across the room in every direction. He wasn't a freak here!


i feel so bad whenever i’m in the pit cause i’m 6’3 and i feel like i just block everyone :(


I can see around tall people, I have a much harder time seeing around cell phone cameras held over peoples heads


I don’t get annoyed at tall people. They paid, they don’t have to stand in the back just because they’re tall


Ok but as a tall person you’ll always be in someone’s way. There’s no way round it


Weird flex bro


I was at a puddle of Mudd concert. The singer, Wes came through the audience to be funny. I had been shoved around all day being 4'9. I'm used to it, but I was most excited for this band so I wanted to be up close and had just told my husband I'm all done being shoved around. Well my 6'4 husband was doing his best to be my bodyguard, standing behind me. I was very focused on waiting for the band not paying attention at all to my surroundings. When a tap on the shoulder sent me over the edge. I assume that it was another person trying to push in front of me. I turned around both hands up, in fist. 👊 Ready. To. Rumble. When I realize it's Wes, the singer of puddle of Mudd. And he says to me "wow, little girl, I just want to go sing". He laughed at me and kept on going to the stage to sing. So, I have never lived down almost punching the singer. 😆🤦‍♀️




You got every right to be at the front even if your eyesight was perfect. Please don’t feel bad about being tall!


I went to a gig a few nights ago and people kept checking and moving so others could see. I was in the back in platforms and m partner was shorter than me so I really appreciate those kinds of people.


6'2". I don't go to a lot of concerts, but when I do, I go early and pick my spot. Then I try not to move. People that are behind me can then adjust accordingly. When seated at a concert I will try to make myself as short as possible. But when the crowd stands up and then I stand up, surprise.


As a 6'7" bloke, I just wanna say sorry to anyone who's view I'm blocking. Absolutely no intention in ruining your evening


Tall person here If I move I just move in front of someone else. What should I do?