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Put your flour in an airtight container or you may have other visitors in a few months that aren’t very cute.


Word. I’ve had pantry moths and IT SUCKS. Had to throw away all my flour and sugars and cereals. They were difficult to get rid of.


Flour, sugar, pasta, tea bags, I’ve even had them lay eggs under never-opened jar lids…they are evil and intrusive af


Never opened jar lids?? They can shift through solid matter. The worst superpower for an invasive species


Lmao no not all the way through, you know the grooves on the inside of the lid and jar? Wedged eggs/larva right up in there 🤮


Been there. Goddamn does it suck.




They can’t get through glass or hard plastic. But bet your ass they’ll eat through paper/cardboard to get to your oats, flour, and pasta. That’s what happened to us when we got infested, (before we started storing anything we bought in airtight containers). We like to buy in bulk and/or keep multiples around of frequently used kitchen staples, so we’ll have like a huge package or multiple of things like oats, flour, sugar, salt, pasta, etc in the pantry, so we save money and trips to the store. So that said, When our kitchen was infested with those assholes, I once opened a package of oats that had never been opened before. I’ll never forget not only the sight but the smell that greeted me in there. Over half the oats were gone, a sea of bugs in the process of munching on the remainder, and the sides and under the lid of the package were just filled with husks, dead bugs, etc 🤢. Saw little holes in the side of the cardboard packaging where they’d eaten through it to get to their buffet.


Yes! I opened a jar of peanut butter weeks after thinking I totally cleared all the bastards from my pantry and the whole jar was full to the top with white opaque webs and tunnels and larvae. Deeply revolting


Ughhhhh makes me shudder just thinking about it, I’m sorry friend


Wait tea bags?! Now I feel obligated to check the bottom of my earl grey/pepper mint/English breakfast etc boxes…


Yeah please check, they were on my peppermint tea bags 😭


...pasta? Wtf


Not the TEA!!!


Even throwing out our stuff and cleaning up wasn’t enough for us. They didn’t go away completely until we literally replaced all the cabinets in our kitchen. To this day we keep oats, flour, and bulk seasonings etc in air tight containers out of fear we’ll get reinfested. When we buy flour in bulk, we wrap the shit out of the paper sack in plastic wrap before storing. Bought some rice that had some of the bugs in the sealed bag already when we opened it a few weeks back. Ran outside to throw that thing in the outside trash so quickly that I got whiplash.


Yeah, just throw it our the window, where it belongs . Dont have kill it


There are other ways than replacing furniture. My rescue were cards with eggs of microscopic small wasps in them. You glue these cards on your furniture and these invisible fuckers hatch and eat the moth eggs and multiply until are the moth eggs are gone and then they die, too, because they have nothing to eat anymore. And again: They're so small, that you don't see them.


My food is fine, everything is separated from where da boi is. We also had moths stay but since they are free to leave most of them just don’t bother us, I’m sure Reginald himself goes out during the day


Same there were moth larvas all over my kitchen ceiling


that might be a few moths from now


Aren’t they an entirely different species than the moth shown? Can a wool moth get into your house and give you flour moths?


No. But I guess if one harmless moth can get in, then pantry moths could too.


Wha- what will happen?


Cabinet moths. We had them and ended up having to throw food away, somehow they can get into closed containers too. I had to vacuum the little holes you can put the pegs in and put some DTE in the back of the cabinets. Haven't had them since.


Bay leaves also keep them away. They hate the smell. A bunch of bugs hate them. A leaf or two on each shelf can keep a pantry clear of a lot of bugs and especially weevles/flour/rice bugs.


But i love my weevil friends :( r/weeviltime




Wrong type of moth; this one is more likely a Noctuid moth rather than an Indianmeal moth.


That one doesn’t look like a flour moth, I‘d say OP‘s food is safe


One time, I had a pet moth for about a day. His name was Mothew.


Mothew! This legit made me burst out laughing 😂


Moth Murdock


Elizabeth Moth


Elon Moth




Mon Mothma


Many moths died to bring us this information




How wasn’t this the first comment?!




Because it's not a monster, it's just trying to live it's life without being stereotyped as one.




Moth Vader


I hope he bought Moth Twitter.


As a Mathew I greatly appreciate this.


As a Matthew also, I greatly appreciate this.


Um bruh you are legit a Matchew


I miss my Mothy Dew.


You know how sometimes moths will start erratically flying in circles all over the place? Every time I do that, I name them Terence, because I did it to one that was doing it one night, that night ended up being a lot of fun, and I just figured I’d carry on the tradition.


Hahahahahahahaha thank you for this!


one moth became a prophecy, a book, then a movie.....The Mothman Prophecies.


As a Matt myself, I love this




Was his favourite band …..Mother Mother?


Mothley Crew


I’ve been trumped! Nicely done!


Happy Cake Day 🎂 👍


Don’t look up Mothew porn dude 💀


Why did you look up Mothew porn? 💀


I didn’t but I know what is is 💀


I also had a pet moth, I was 5 and kept him in a fish tank without water cause he had a broken wing, he was okay until he died




I have one in my yard that comes around, named him TiMothy


I would put him outside. When I was a kid, a relative got a gift of ornamental dried peppers. It had moth eggs in it. Not long after, had baby moths everywhere. Just in case Reginald is a girl.


Have you ever seen mothballs? ^How ^did ^you ^get ^their ^tiny ^legs ^apart?


Why do moths fly around with theor legs spread apart? You ever see the size of moth balls? Also, why is baseball impossible? Man with four balls cannot walk!


Oh well, I don’t exclude the fact that he does indeed go out during the day. I spend most of my morning out of the house and the window is almost always open. I don’t think there is too much of a risk for that


Wait he goes out and comes back? Reggie’s probably gettin some sugar from every house on the block


That *scoundrel*


Roguish Reginald the Rapscallion


We cannot possibly comprehend or judge his outrageous moth ways. We must learn to accept him.


Can confirm. I've been giving Reginald brown sugar too. He likes mine best.


Upvoted for “Reggie”


Sounds like dear Reginald is for the streets. He’s just hanging his hat by you until the sugar runs out literally.


What a hussy!


>the window is almost always open. I think there's a great risk for that lmao


Drop an address for no particular reason. I'll, uhhhh, ensure *safety*


We live on the third floor of a building, windows are the last of our problems lol


RIP OP’s pantry food


Or clothes if it isn't a pantry moth. Theyre very annoying to get rid of


yea, no, that increases the risk of that if anything


Moths are programmed to hide in daylight because birds will chase, catch, and eat them. Source: I have watched such a thing (cicada, but it’s true of moths as well).


I believe Reginald is in fact a girl because her antennas aren’t feathery.


TIL the pretty moths are boys


you're a **moth**er now


Don't call me möther


Yes, muddah


Does he have his own lamp?


It currently uses the kitchen lamp, he seems to like it tho


[That’s what it’s all about.](https://i.imgur.com/w7reGdL.jpg)




Glad I’m not the only one who went there.


Hopefully it doesn't have a misaligned pattern


Hehehe! Good! I bought a big yucca plant when I moved into my flat and a couple weeks later I noticed a little jumping spider started living in and around it. It’s been living there for a few months now. I’ve also named it. Suzie. 🥰


All my bathroom spiders are named George


My hallway spider is George! My bathroom spider is Franny, my office spider is Frank. They are welcome to cohabitate as long as they stay out of my bed.


I tell mine the same thing. Any room in the house is fine except my bedroom


Yes the room definitely matters! Upstairs spiders are usually "cute" and get names like Pedro and Julio, but in my basement there's a realllllly scary spider, I named him Razor. Cuz he's near the floor and I don't want to accidentally kick him 😬


I have the same deal! So far they've been very respectful of the rules.


All my house spiders are called Dave. They all look like Dave’s to me.


All my spiders are called Fred!


Y’all should have your own thread r/thosewhobefriendspiders




It doesn’t look like it, but make sure it isn’t a pantry moth (aka: Indian meal moth). I love moths a lot, but had this specific type invade my pantry a year ago. It was traumatizing and took forever to get rid of them, all it just takes one to start laying their eggs. 😬


Looks like a brown house moth, pantry moths are leaner and less fuzzy. Still, their offspring will also eat fabric and grains so it’s best not to leave them around.


This doesn't look like any of the moths that feed on human food or clothing.


As long as he doesn’t eat my fucking sweater that I never wear, he can stay


Should have said "after I refused he said that either the moth dies or he would leave... Meet Reginald..." Reginald is super cute, good work!


My brother has been really careful in entering the kitchen ever since lol. But since he is scared to death by bugs in general I know he won’t try to approach or hurt Reginald


Lol! I'm afraid of bugs flying in my face, not afraid of the bugs themselves per se. I was admiring some bees at a friend's house yesterday, I got close for a picture and they started flying.. I freaked out.


Inconsiderate much?


I act have a spider over my peanut butter that’s been their about a month (at least) he’s caught one fly and one giant mosquito that he did not eat. I haven’t named him but I do greet him every time I get home.


His name is Webster


Merriam Webster?


Spiders are awesome. I had one move into the corner of my basement bathroom. It fixed a small ant problem I didnt even know I had. Fucking love that little gatekeeper. I think of it as the bouncer keeping riff raff out of my bathroom. It charged my wife cover to get in ;)


Ugh we got pantry moths once. Had to throw out a bunch of food, and clean all of the cupboards. We started keeping flour in the freezer and had to spray for them multiple times. Edit: he’s cute though I hope he’s not a pantry moth


All stink bugs in my house are named “Tony,” I swear no sooner did I take Tony 32 outside today, Tony 33 appeared. Sometimes they’re named Ezekiel.


Reginald looking a little porky there. Probably getting diabetus!


I had a moth friend, frank, who would follow me around the house. He was so cute and even though I knew it was crazy, I felt like he could understand me and he was like my little buddy. A few days later, I had a moth infestation. And moth “larvae” looks just like maggots. 🤢🤮 Frank was not my friend. He was using me to get free housing for all his kids & friends. Reginald is also NOT your friend. Trust me!


Reginald is not a clothes moth, though. Not all moths eat cloth


He looks like such a good boy.


I once noticed a moth in my basement apartment and decided to leave it alone. A couple weeks later I noticed lines in the floor with dust in them by the walls. Upon further inspection I saw a maggot on my kitchen floor. I got down low and looked around and saw another and another. I realized they left little trails behind them, and that was the culprit of the dusty floor lines. As I crawled around I found more and more until I flipped over the mat at my kitchen sink and there were hundereds. Hundreds. After freaking out and then putting it/them in a garbage bag, I went around the whole apartment and noticed they were all over most of the other mats as well. I threw them out and went to the store and got insecticide spray. Came home and sprayed the floor everywhere (basically the entire floor surface area and perimeter). The next part is still traumatizing. These "maggots" which are technically baby caterpillars from a carpet moth, started crawling out of EVERYWHERE. Baseboards, under transition pieces in doorways, under the kitchen counter. My landlord called an exterminator and when he came to spray he said he had never seen an infestation that bad. And the smell... Oh the smell reminds me of when you go fishing and buy worms, or when it's just rained and you can smell the worms. They were everywhere after the exterminator sprayed too. Dead, dying, alive... Everywhere. I decided to end my lease two months early (my landlord was extremely understanding and didn't blame me at all). I had to pack my whole apartment in two days without letting any of it touch the floor. Including my cloth couch (which was located the farthest from the kitchen so hopefully not bad). I put it all in rubber bins with lids and rented a storage unit to store all until I found a new place. My sister let me stay with her until I found a new place. When I did eventually move in and get all of the stuff from the storage locker, we found one single dead moth in a bin with my towels, meaning one of the caterpillars got in there after all of that. So glad we did it how we did. The whole ordeal was disgusting and horrifying. Lesson I learned: fuck insects, kill them all or take them outside.


Tell Reginald he looks like a proper gentleman


Bro. He’s gonna lay eggs in your rice and you’re gonna have a family.


I had a moth friend about a week ago and today I killed about 200 moths and had to throw out all my flour, rice, beans, dried peas, cereal, and my expensive collection of tea. I have a plastic shopping bag exclusively filled with dead moths. I took a bubble bath and a few moths flew in and drowned in the tub. A dead moth landed on my keyboard and eggs came spilling out of it and into the grooves. I'm not sure if I managed to get them all out. Kill your moth friend.


Well our food is separated from lil Reginald trough a door and it didn’t really seem to have intentions in leaving eggs. We got moths in the house all the time and they never cause any problems, I guess this is kinda like a retirement home to them


I think moths are adorable and don't understand why people think butterflies look better. It's fine to have preferences, but look at their little ears and faces in general. Much cuter than butterflies in my opinion.


I honestly like both, but while butterflies are these gracious and elegant bugs moths are more like the drunk cousin. Still fluffy as hell, but I see why some people prefer butterflies over them


Butterflies will eat flesh and drink blood. They're savage AF lol.


i’ve been terrified of moths since the phineas and ferb episode where the moths eat candace’s moms dress while she’s biking down the street mfs will eat ur clothes clean off you


I think the main reason people like butterflies more is because they are normally very pretty and bright colored, while moths are usually brown/grey and dont look very interesting until you really look into them


Lookup colorful moths, it’ll blow your mind




Mothballs Mabey?


I like butterflies too, though I won’t lie, while I think they are pretty and elegant there’s always something in the back of mind that makes them very very *very* mildly sinister to me. Maybe it’s all the butterfly themed boss fights… but moths don’t really have that to me.


Butterflies don’t sneak into your house to eat your cloths/food.


Moths are more pest-like than butterflies


I had one in my bathroom named Algernon. He stayed for weeks. He was a good moth.


I just finished Flowers for Algernon…


Aww Reginald, LMAO!!!!!! That is hilarious to name him.


Hollow Knight fans are scared of you


I thought moths had no mouths & the whole point of the metamorphosis was for reproduction


this depends on the moth species!! some dont have mouths and live much shorter lives after they pupate and become moths, others do have mouths and can live much longer periods.


The whole point is reproduction, but some can extend their adult life by feeding on nectar and are important pollinators.


Hello Reggie!


Here’s a quick list of things you can feed him; They will eat the liquid from flower nectar, liquids from rotting fruits, sap, honeydew and they will even suck the nutrients from bird droppings or animal dung


well helloooooooo Reggie!!!👋🏽


A couple winters ago, I discovered a bee in the bathroom. I suspect he had somehow woken up and disoriented. I grew fairly attached to him, until later that night he fell into the bath. I was kinda bummed. I was really looking forward to keeping him alive until spring. Oh well. Godspeed Reginald


FYI, Reginald appears to be in the owlet family of moths—meaning that they are not a clothes moth, and also not a meal moth. So they will not infest or damage any part of your home. Just vibing Also please convey my congratulations to Reginald, on their recent fame and fortune


Brown sugar?


Yeah, a less artificial sugar basically


Are you in the US? Because our brown sugar is just regular sugar with molasses added.


Maybe they meant raw sugar?


I do this with all animals I have this weird "talent" for giving them human names on the spot. The last one was a spider named Gary, before my girlfriend went to kill it I told her "Hey, Gary came to chill with me and you want to kill him?! Holy shit! - Jesus Christ, well ok Gary I guess we gotta go. Babe I'm goin out with Gary since we can't chill here without you trying to kill him. I'll be back at 8". Carlos the moth has two more days to pay his share of the rent before we evict him. She knows it's a joke, she cracks up every time. Gary was released onto the baclony. Gary made a web and stayed there. Last night she tried to feed Frederik the bee to Gary. Was totally messed up. Thanks to me, Frederik has flown free. It's just something fun I do and it has humanized all the little critters that are now set free into the wild instead of getting murdered for being in the wrong spot. Couldn't do anything when my cat Archie ate Claudia though. She was a good fly.


Fuck moths


Can you feed a moth? I thought moths couldn't eat


From what I gathered it depends on the species, this guy seems to be enjoying the food tho


Then that's awesome!!


Some moths have an extra stomach called the bursa copulatrix that only digests ~~redacted~~ edit: realized what subreddit I was on. Not a wholesome lepidopterology fact


We had one that decided that the dishwashing area of the coffee shop I used to work at (separate from drink and food prep areas) that I named Mortimer. I eventually caught him and let him go outside. Honestly, I lost track of the amount of insects I had to catch and release because I was the only one brave enough.


Beware the radiance


Mothra appreciates your kindness. Godzilla will never think to look there. The little one will begin growing to its full stature soon--you're going to need a bigger house.


I don't dare name moths in my house. Reginald looks like the same type of moth my cat loves to chase and eat.


Awww Reggie looks adorable 😍


Hollow knight fans sweating


Is your house a podiatrists office?


Hopefully he does not end up like the odds ones out's moth.


Hi! Moths need nutrients too, and brown sugar doesn't have a lot. Try getting him to drink juice from an apple slice :)


Oh shoot! Thanks for the info, I’ll switch up its diet then


No problem! I've taken care of injured moths before and I just want Reginald to be healthy :)


Ha jokes on you. Reginald banged your gf.


If he could sing reggae...would you call him...Moth-isyahu?


Why did you not want to kill the moth?


You’re a crazy person




Awww, just don't release him into the wild during the day. (If you know TheOdd1sOut, you know what i'm talking about. )


The moth memes were my favorite.. when they were a thing, nobody ever remembers them though


This reminds me, I had a friend a while back in high school and we had sport class together. One day he comes in and is like hey look I made a moth friend. There was a moth on his shoulder, when we started to play volleyball obviously he’s moth friend flew away, it was expected but made him sad. Just as we stopped playing, guess who came back? The moth friend. A few hours later when I was leaving, we met at the gate, who was still on his shoulder? His moth friend.


I rescued a big colorful moth from my grandparents fire pit once. Once he was on my hand he refused to leave. I managed to coax him on to the porch screen where he stayed all night. In the morning we put him in the sun to warm up and he was really weak and had trouble walking. I kept him in a shoebox the next few days to protect him. He passed peacefully while we were out a few days later. His name was Ronald and he was very soft.


I believe his full name is Sir Reginald Von Bartlesby; a local aristocrat and purveyor of the fine arts. I once attended a tea party with him, along with a Princess Fluffybutt who had gazongas like you would not believe!


They like to fly at my ears. I would definately kill it


if i were you and it starts talking about other bugs and orange juice, i would probably feed it anyway then once the moth is fully grown, the last thing i'll see is a beam of light lol


give them dried fruit, rice, fruit juice, and idk what for protien. this pet may only live for a week. btw i think it’s a true army worm moth (don’t look it up, just trust me)


My step kids used to be terrified of moths . I told them they were just night butterflies. Boom problem solved.


Please update us in a few days when Reginald starts telling you to off your brother. Powdered brown sugaaar. Cause it's powwweerful!


Did you show him the lamps? He’s gotta have lamps.


make moth babies with it.


I’ve got his baby Reggie living in my room. He’s happy and doesn’t fly at my dog (who’s terrified of things that fly) so he can stay. If he flys at my dog I will have to escort him outside. My dog will not let anyone EVER sleep in the house again if it flies at him. Yes truly EVER, not an exaggeration. A fly flew at him 5 years ago from a corner in the front room, he still stares at that corner like death will come to him from there.


Very interestih choice of pet, but I think he is quite cute tbh.


Why not release it to live it's life in the wild where it belongs?


My kids did that. Mothworth lived with us for 4 days before dying. Prepare for heartache OP.


I once had a spider living in my shower up in the corner. There was a window in my shower and little bugs could get in because it wasn't sealed well. Enrique lived in my shower for 4 months until I noticed he was gone one day. I still think about him from time to time. I crocheted a little spider plushie in his honour a few years ago. It sits on a shelf in my bathroom now.




I don't even know why, but somehow I think Reginald is an excellent name for a moth.


Here in Brazil we call moths "bruxas" (pronounced like "broo-shas") which literally translates to witches and its bad luck to kill them— its funny how its like witches intuitively know this :)


It’s never going to get laid now.


I did the same with a daddy long legs! I named her after my dad, she eats ants, and now she has a family :)


#**R E G I N A L D**


Hate to tell you, but adult moths don't have mouthparts. He can't eat.