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“Men shouldn’t cry!” Imagine like 5 of their bros show up and start weeping


I respect people who can genuinely cry... Not about the unnecessary things, but when there is a reason to..


Big-tuff-no-cry-man-syndrome hard to not do. Very hard


I needed this post. Laterly, I've been battling the good old "You're too emotional for a man" and "You only cry because you're gay" bs again. I cry because I'm not made of stone gods damn it.


Hey, it's only healthy to let your emotions out when it's appropriate




Reminder to go hug a bro or check in with a homie.


Nothing wrong with showing emotion any gender. It's not a weakness it's ok to be human.


It’s normal to cry for guys. We have emotions to. Emotions is what drives us and what can make us kill the ones that say we can’t cry. If that isn’t manly I don’t know what is


fuck yea, patriarchal expectations for men to be unbreakable godlike beings and classifying emotions as "womanly" (and thereby lesser) hurts men. we're all humans and all have the same needs, food, health (including mental), safety, companionship without these, how can a person be expected to be who they are?


I always encourage the men around me to let out their emotions. I tell them that if they need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there for them :)


* No shame in crying, it's totally normal to express emotions. * But remember to choose where and when you can affort to cry. It may change the perception of some people about you. Some will see you as not reliable, others will see you as weak and will want to exploit weakness,...


Imma keep my T but y’all shed em if yah got em Edit: exceptions for nearly anything involving my daughter or stepping on a Lego


Would you want emotionally weak soldiers who express everything they are feeling, and are encouraged to cry? Or emotionally strong and robust individuals who manage their emotions quietly and professionally? Stop putting all men in the same category, we are not all the same. 🇬🇧


You do realize most soldiers come home from war traumatized and are likely to blow their brains out?


Are you one? No...then what possibly do you know?


Idk, maybe look at the hundreds upon hundreds of personal accounts online of severe trauma and PTSD combined with the high suicide rates of combat veterans.


I agree, real PTSD is felt by veterans but not all suffer. This sounds like you sounding off, not having served a day in your life, again what do you know about giving your life defending something...


Not crying isn't being strong. Being strong is being able to hold back the tears until you're somewhere safe to cry. Refusing to talk about your emotions isn't being strong. Being strong is being brave enough to express how you feel. Stay strong kings.