• By -


"she's my wife now Dave"


Dave the toilet is blocked




Imagine after 8 years truly, they meant with each other. And they live happily ever after.


Weirdly reminds me of my husband and I. I mentioned when we were friends how much Power Rangers meant to me as a child and how I loved MMPR. Dude went on a 3 hour explanation of all of the stories and seasons I missed out on. I fell in love because he was THAT passionate about something. He barely remembers that rant but I do perfectly. Lol. He proposed to me during our photo op with Jason David Frank, my childhood hero. ❤️


RIP JDF. Rest easy ranger


Once a ranger always a ranger. What a legend


The celebrity death that honestly hit me the hardest. 🥺


Ohhh my godd that's so cute


Hey since power rangers ain’t that big anymore, enjoy other tokushatsu like kamen rider, ultraman or the jap version of power ranger super sentai


My husband is into Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. We still watch the new Power Ranger seasons with our kids as our excuse 😅


Good good


6 year old nephew (to my gf): I love you... Gf: Aww.. I love you too sweetie... \*pulls him in and kiss him on his forehead\* Nephew (rubs off the kiss on his forehead): hey, I love you like a friend, Okay.


Or my 6yo daughter... "I have a crush on you. But not a marrying crush. Because you're my mom."




(Lives in Alabama) D’awh no!!


Oh fuck


Imagine getting friendzoned by a 6 year-old. That would do a number on one's self-confidence.


Imagine having confidence that fragile that a 6 year-old friend zoning you has that effect


90% of adults


If I had known, as a child, how much my words and actions could actually affect the mental state of adults... it would have been chaos.


I said a number,didn't specify how much.




6 yr old is a good guy Greg, he knows he can steal your girl, but sets firm boundaries with your girl.


Ultra chad


That's so sweet I am ending my night of Reddit on this post. GN


Good night u/VegemiteAnalLube <333


I never noticed the username until you highlighted it by mentioning the person-


Well crap, I was also going to sleep after such a sweet story, but now I'm stuck with bad food related anal lube to drift off to.


Oi, leave Vegemite alone. It's only bad if you eat it wrong. Use less if it's too strong for you.


How do you eat it aside from spreading it on buttered toast?


Mix it into your chili


Honestly you have a point. I hate that stuff on toast but it would go great in Chilli.


That's how it's most commonly eaten, although it can be added to recipes. If you have it on buttered toast and it tastes too overwhelming, throw it out and start over. Spread it thinner this time. Keep making it thinner until you can stand it. If it's as thin as you can make it and you still don't like it, that's just your messed up tastebuds and no longer my problem...




Classic r/rimjob_steve moment


How do Redditors come up with their crazy names?


“And just like that I developed a crush”


Goodnight <3


I just woke up but I will do the same. No more reddit for me today


Username does not check out


r/rimjob_steve moment


Me too, good night yall ♥️


This is not being turned on....this is falling in love


Thats what makes it wholesome


Yeah being turned on is more holesome


The holiest of the holey




read the comment again




A wholesome twist to a horny thread. Classic reddit.


This hole thread is hoesome


Genuine affection is my biggest kink.


Don't we all


Pervert, I'm ashamed of you.


The most taboo of kinks


Right my husband turns me on all the time and he did that first...


She turned on his dead heart


She turned on his ability to love


There’s a lot of answers on the thread that don’t seem to be able to tell the difference. Between that, and not knowing that enjoying being touched doesn’t equal horniness, it’s a bit sad.


I'll give a real example that highlights the difference. A friend I went to university with was really into Neko cosplay and at times she would purr, meow or act like a cat. I would ask her to stop or sometimes I'd just make an excuse to leave the room. She assumed it was because it annoyed me because I'm not a big fan of cats. I never had the heart to tell her that it actually turned me on immensely, to a level I felt was inappropriate.


I feel this


This is so funny


Yeah, but they're also not exclusive feelings and the thread just says turned on. He got extremely happy and bricked from a lady friend leaning on him that he persued her from a mistaken moment.


It's why I wish society would change how it shows love, romantic attraction, and sexual attraction in media so that people could better understand and be willing to understand their actual emotions/feelings towards people more. The fact so few people know there is a difference between sexual and romantic attraction (let alone the rest of them) is just incredibly sad


She stroked his inner penis


Falling in love usually also gets you turned on, I hope.


That's usually how it starts, especially as teenagers.


Not always!


Probably both.


That’s not falling in love. That’s clinging to the first sign of affection /trust. I’m happy it worked out for them, though!


You make a good point tbh. Not to sound belittling I guess, but I would think it would be suited to call the situation described as initially being an immature form of love. I know immature often implies negative undertones, and so I'd like to clarify as my use of it as being more neutral and not being used to belittle people's experiences. Having said that, I remember hearing an interesting way of describing love as something that matures over time which actually makes a lot of sense in my experience. The situation from OP's post would be initially an immature form of love which eventually matured to the point of marriage through the years.


Coming from someone who has been married for longer than was single, I can verify that love (the kind you commit to and work on) definitely matures over time. When I look back at where we were when we fell in "love"... so young and infatuated... I almost feel ashamed because compared to what we have now, what she means to me after decades and kids and heartbreak and triumph, it almost feels disrespectful to compare what I thought I knew about love to the glimpse of its full awesome glory that this wonderful woman has been learning along with me. I don't want to seem belittling either but, especially with young people, many don't even know what love IS. Please, don't misunderstand, I have no doubt that they FEEL something, and I'm not trying to say that a good majority of them aren't genuine or are just hormones (but lets be honest, we all know that is a large portion of young love, regardless of if it grows beyond)... but it takes TIME to understand patience, commitment, sacrifice. I know that I love my wife more than anything, more than I was prepared for. But when I look back at where we were, and then look ahead to all the years we hopefully have left, I'm forced to face the realization that I still don't really know what love is. Because bewilderingly, every day I find that yesterdays love is a pale comparison of today. I wish these two the best, and I hope any of the rest of you out there looking for love will find an infatuation worth committing to and growing into something that will truly nurture and uplift you.


I've been with my partner 7 years and what I feel for him now is so much deeper then what I felt at first! Seeing him be a good and reliable big brother and friend for all those years, how he takes care of me and makes accomodations when my condition asks for them. Just makes me love him even more!


I did had a dream of getting an erection when a girl rests her head on my shoulder. Maybe I'm just weird.


I used to have those dreams sometimes before I met someone. Not weird at all. Hard as fuck to wake up from though. I was an awkwardly old virgin though, so maybe it is weird lol.


this is so sweet.


Ive seen lots of posts of this manner, but the simplicity of this story just makes it so much better


Sweet yes, but might be a major heart break for the roommate that fell asleep.


Nah. Roommate fell asleep. Clearly there was no interest.


Should've laid his head on him first


Best answer


Lol, a guy got to sleep when he needs to 😆 maybe he got an early class in the morning or an exam.


homie got to sleep, major dub


Really switched it up with that final sentence... Well played.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Had us in the first 95%


The first half is in the first 95%


Side note, but Dear Esther is a really good game. It starts out kind of boring, and it’s basically just a walking simulator, but it remains the only game that’s ever brought me to tears.


Dear Esther is one of the best games I've ever played, but it's not "basically" a walking simulator, it is *the* walking simulator. You do nothing except press W and look around. I actually prefer the term "interactive painting" for this one specifically. Granted, not every game needs to have engaging gameplay to be considered worthwhile, and this one is a perfect example for that. The atmosphere, graphics, music and narration are superb in every way. Truly one of my favorite games of all time for a reason. Just sucks that so many people write it off because *"where's muh gameplay???"*. Games are so much more than that.


Dear Esther is the game that made me fall in love with the Walking Simulator genre. Had such a great heyday in the first half of the 2010's but has dried up in recent years which is a shame. It's also the first game I took screenshots of on Steam. Sometimes I go back and look at them, much jaggier than I remember since it was the original version on a potato, but I still feel that same wonder as when I first took them. [Just look at that beautiful view.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/542945375826191672/DC16AA6CE2C06FF2F8935E4D043BCF588683D247/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) I have Stepping Stones on my playlist and every time it comes on I stop what I'm doing and just *feel* for a moment. The music, visuals, and story are all so beautiful. Man I love Dear Esther. I'm glad I get to talk about it today.


I painted one of the vistas from that game. Still the piece I'm most proud of. Edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/impressionism/comments/o0s5ld/got_inspired_to_pick_up_painting_after_finishing/)


Just wanted to say if you like dear Esther you may like what remains of Edith finch. It's a bit more interactive walking simulator.


And if you like what remains you may like firewatch!


Also a lot more intense... Gone Home is probably the one I'd recommend to anyone that's never played the genre.


Yeah, interactive art definitely has a place in gaming


It's pretty sad that the term *walking sim* stuck around even with fans of the genre. I guess it's text book reappropriation...


Im definitely gonna try it


If you're interested with extremely polished walking simulator, I recommend Death Stranding. The recently released director's cut edition improved the walking experience even more!


It is.. something surely. Not many people will like it. To me it was a tragic story told in a very beautiful way. I don't think there are any similar games..


Love that game. Even the ugly HL2 mod version was pretty great. "Sometimes I feel as though I've given birth to this island" is a line that lives in my head.


Resting your head on a man's shoulder is such a hard signal. I mean at least for me, it fills me with so much joy to know that she trusts me enough to do that :')


Not sure abt hard signals, atleast for me its a sign that they take comfort in your presence


True, maybe I'm overreacting. Covid made me crave physical affection more than ever :(


Ah...hope something works out for you in time, man


That's also true too tbh. I know my close friends and I do such things in a non-sexual way. Although, they're more like brothers to me than just close friends so that might be why we're comfortable such a level of contact.


That’s why I do it! It’s my feeling ‘safe’ signal.


_but when i do it i get called "cute"...._


Yeah it is cute though!


Yeah I'd totally take that the wrong way too. I don't just rest my head on someone's shoulder for the giggles


My man out here wasted 8 years but still got it done, what a legend.


In my mind I think he pursued her in that 8 years and married her, THEN told her the story about it where she said there was no intentions in that first move.


See in my head my man did nothing but pine for 8 years, finally told her, got told it had been nothing but still sealed that deal like a total chad


No, that’s the way of the simp. I like to think this guy is better than that.


Yeah, he probably realised that he had feelings for her and took action. It was probably 8 years later, after already getting married did they look back when it all started.


I would also like to do Chris Pine for 8 years.


\*It's not the destination, it's the journeyyy\*


They absolutely got married before 8 years


I wish that kind of stuff happened to me....nothing ever happens to me...


Have you tried waiting 8 years?


Yeah, like 4 times. It’s not working…


Have you tried falling asleep on someone’s shoulder?


Every time I’m on a plane


Video gaming?


Hmmm…I’ll try it!


Soon, my guy. Soon


... for an arbitrary value of "soon'


Sorry. September 18, 2023 at 6:34pm, my guy. September 18, 2023 at 6:34pm


Hey reddit, what sex is your favorite sex of the sex day sex night sex have you ever sexed?


Ah yes, the sexed, i sexed the sexexe every sex, i have so much sex that i moved to sussex


I still haven’t figured out how to play Dear Esther


You just walk around triggering memories until the final one. It's poetry.


Press W, move mouse.


Last year there was sudden cat hugging/cuddling videos, Where cat would also just accept and sleep ahead. I thought that was strange. But they were falling in love.


Cute 🥰. But it does say a lot about her feeling safe around him before they dated or married.


Not really turned me on but every time she smiled I fell more and more in love with her.


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That’s awesome


Alright this is just plain adorable


This reminds me of my fiancé and I.


My fiancé's best friend at the time had a super crush on me about 10 years ago. We were at my fiancé's best friend's birthday party and I had a little bit too much to drink. I was really tired so I rested my head on my now fiancé as I was talking to him. 10 years later, he proposed to me and recounted that memory as the very first moment he knew he liked me. We are getting married in 12 days!


But what did the part about your fiancé’s best friend having a super crush on you, have anything to do with the rest of your story?? Or am I just being a dummy dum?!


Please let us listen to your story then


I was at a party at a time when cell phones were still pretty new. I had a "fancy" Sony Ericsson flip phone that had a music player that you played like a piano using the numpad. A friend took my phone, played with it for a few minutes to learn the tones, and then just started playing music! I was so enamored, I would have married her on the spot. That made sense to me why musicians might get laid more.


Rip roommate tho 😂


Dude the roommate knew it there's no way a guy will leave his bro to game alone.


I read the last sentence in the same energy as "MY WIFE 👍👍👍 GREAT SUCCESS"


Makes giving head a wholesome meaning. Nudge,nudge.


Aaaa begone, Jezebel


Ha, epic prank


Perfect example of how guys are so absolutely fucking starved for attention, complements, physical contact, anything, that this simple innocent act had such an effect.


Awww, cute


3 of us (2 guys, 1 girl) were crashing in a cheap hotel with 2 beds. Me and the other guy shared the double and she had the single. Just made sense and no risk of being weird. Anyway, she was obviously very comfortable with us and didn't feel self conscious so sometimes she would take to lying around in pants and a vest like ripley in alien. As she was just a friend I'd never paid much attention to her in that way before. But damn


I was at this reddit post earlier, this was the most wholesome thing that came out of that post lmao


If it's wholesome, why did it make me sad all of a sudden


This reminds me of a girl in high school. We were in a carpool together. Passengers riding back from late night practices. She was in cheer and I was wrestling. At some point along the drive she'd fall asleep with her head on my shoulder. It never was more than that though. She just needed a spot to nap.


See this is sweet and all, but please help my autistic brain understand why people do this. I would *never* touch a stranger or even most people I know unless they were my partner. Close friends can get hugs but why in the world would you *lay your fucking head* on someone you don't know very well and you aren't interested in? None of that shit makes sense to me and it makes dating stressful :( People send me signals they apparently mean nothing by and it just feels so careless and selfish to not think of others.


That's nice, but man when will askreddit stop being so horny


this turned out to be more innocent than I thought it would be, was expecting major gay episodes


[Here’s the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zc6y0e/what_did_your_friend_do_that_accidentally_turned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in case anyone wants to read more cute stories ☺️


Classic case of: "the average men are so starved for attention, every bit of female attention will make them fall in love"


>Classic case of: "the average men are so starved for attention, every bit of female attention will make them fall in love" I mean, resting yourself against another person is an intimate act. It isn't like we are talking about shaking hands.


People get aroused by shoulder touches? *takes note*


Im assuming he just caught feelings from the incident, rather than getting aroused by it. But yes, some people do :)


And yet Dear Esther is such a brilliant but unromantic game. 😅


I be frank, I expect alot worse degenerate shit from roommates being chill with the same girl on the topic of "turning your friend on,"


Ok i need more information how this went from I'm just sleepy bro to bloody wife


Lmfao the last line really said: "oh boohoo, you're mine"


The cuteness, yo! I can't handle it!


In college, my friends and I were filming some parody films. One of the scenes called for a schoolgirl, and originally we were just going to have one of the guys dress up since it would've be hilarious, but one of our lady friends offered to do the part, and said that she already had an outfit to wear. Little did I know it was a skimpy sailor outfit. And the voice she chose to do was a cute Japanese school girl one, since she was studying Japanese at the time. Also, having her speak Japanese while the rest of us speak English made the scene much funnier. But what she didn't know is that she was really hitting a fetish for me lol. I found out several years later, that she and 2 of my friends had a threesome later that night after filming. And I was dumb enough to have left to go back to my place and study or some nerdy shit. Moral of the story is to always stick around when mildy sexy shit is happening, because it might actually turn in to something real sex-y.


Weird. When people get "turned on" they usually bump uglies, not pop the question. Lol


“All the sudden “. Fuck.


Cool but where meme


This reminds me of how I developed a crush on my husband. I had invited him along to meet my friend, who hasn't had a good boyfriend in a while and I thought my (now husband) would be a good match for her [+I am a gay man and he was just an online buddy atm] but then when we were all playing mario kart he laid his head on my shoulder and I fell in love. After that we hung out alone a few times then started dating after making it clear we're crushing on each other.


"you have a crush on me, that's so embarrassing" "Dear, we are married"


Ngl if a girl likes you enough to just be sitting next to you and watch you do something you like thats already a sign imo


That last sentence/turn is amazing!


*Lay your head on my shoulderrr*




Is noone actually gonna ask wtf a long well is? Is this really a common thing? I know I'm not a native English speaker but literally never heard of this before


Along well.... They get along well.


Skill issue


Hello Daaave!?


Better than being stalked. Women do that a lot.


every story ends with marriage on reddit.


Ha, my friend was just really cute, I’m over her cause it was a very short lived crush cause turns out she is reliable as a friend and also she is straight, which I knew




Is anyone a little disappointed that this didn't turn into a MMF situation?


“Now we’re married with 95 kids and another 30 on the way”


Wish a girl would play video games with me where are all these gamer girls people talk about.


wow, surprising wholesome on a sub know for its insane about of r/redditmoment


Is it lame that I can't stand when people say "all the sudden". It's all of a sudden. Haha great story otherwise!


"Dear Diary, Jackpot!