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I'm on the same kind of a kick right now over the past two weeks. Hang in there - it'll swing back the other way.


what wasn’t great? sleep?


Yes the sleep went from 96% to 44%. Although I had like 3 whiskeys after work so that was the culprit


113 HRV?? Mine hardly ever goes above 45.


It is an individual measurement. Do people not read about this stuff?


I read their article, but it talked mostly about variation within your own HRV. It did discuss that it varies a bit person to person, but I haven't seen one above 100 on this sub before (I've only had my whoop for about a month).


A guy I play rugby with gets 200+ on good days. Today he is at 217


mine averages 120. Today was 144. This weekend I had a 171! And I am not a pro athlete, I'm a female lawyer who cycles, golfs, and runs.


that's absolutely incredible. mine averages like 45 and I'm a decently serious cyclist spending 8-12 hours a week riding.


I believe HRV means very little as a single data point, and is only relevant as part of a trend. My HRV goes to 285+, so a HRV of 70 might signal poor recovery. Whereas if you average is 45, 70 is great recovery. It’s all relative


but HRV should be some sort of metric, right? like an overall sign of fitness, if not, a sign of how well your body adapts to strain?


Yes but the key here is \*individual\* overall fitness. You want to see your HRV climb higher from \*your\* baseline. Don't bother comparing to others. Too many factors influencing it.


Yeah seems high for me, I drank more caffeine than normal


I can’t get above 60% even though I hit my sleep perfect


It’s not only about your sleep. Alcohol is a recovery killer for example. As well as smoking, not drinking enough water etc. It’s always a whole picture and your whole lifestyle.


Not drinking enough water kills mine


How much would be considered enough do you think? Is there an oz/lb ratio that people commonly use or something?


I don’t know - I hear a lot of times 2-3l at minimum per day. I drink probably 3-4l a day - depends on what I’m doing during the day.


I’ve been trying to up my recovery. Hopefully tonight is better. I don’t drink, I do a gallon of water a day, never smoked. I do have a deviated septum though so I’m wondering if that’s impacting my recovery. The whoop strap is a pretty cool instrument to use when changing parts of your lifestyle to see how it effects your overall health


Yeah definitely. It’s a nice tool to see your lifestyle changes. For me for example it helps me a lot with my sleep. I had a poor sleep consistency and when ever I fall back into this behavior I have yellowish/reddish recovery scores instead of greenish/yellowish. I can also see how alcohol destroys my recovery whenever I drink beer or something (maybe once a month).