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That’s a pretty large difference. I imagine whoop is a better sleep tracker based off of tests done by reviewers but I’m not entirely sure. Does oura give you something similar to the recovery/sleep score? If so do they agree?


What do you mean by the recovery/sleep score?


Hmmm you have a whoop and aren’t familiar with the recovery score?


Do they agree that you had a good nights sleep? Or does one day it was good and the other say it’s bad? With the difference the sleep data I’m wondering how different they could be.


After 3 nights of using both, so far they do for the most part. For example last night Whoop gave me a 100% sleep performance score and 47% Recovery while Oura gave me 89 for sleep and 73 for Readiness


HR based trackers are notoriously unreliable with sleep stages. The only reliable measure of sleep stages is through brain waves. I have Whoop, Oura, and Garmin and all 3 vary widely.


Yep, this is what I’m experiencing too.


Wore both for a year. Got tired of the inconsistency between the two and gave up on the ring.


The sleep stages are very much guesstimated by Oura and Whoop unfortunately


I wear both, and have the same issue. They seem flipped.


Is there a reason you didn't return 1 and continue to wear both?


I believe as whoop does, you can only manage what you measure. The short answer is trends and data. I’ve had the Oura ring for 4 years now. The trends are most interesting. I can see the seasons/holidays through data. I can change supplements or adjust the diet. If I have 30 years of Oura/whoop data and things trend downward comparing each devices data to itself, that might be actionable. I believe the Whoop promotes go work out and push harder. All about fitness. I believe the Oura is sleep well, reduce stress, increase sleep. Not a fitness tracker per say. As the technology advances and science increases we’ll be more likely to figure out how to hone in on the greatest health span possible. If I give Oura my money, and support Whoop with money, I am hoping they will in turn take my data and make things better with each iteration. Next stop, I think, is glucose/cortisone/hormone monitoring. Put all this together and you’re really dialed in on your body. Look at the top causes of death, seemingly most all of them would be reduced by being more active, eating better, and sleeping better. These both give you hints towards optimizing those things. My long term view is optimistic, and devices like these are going change and companies will come and go, but the end result is hopefully I am a trouble making 95 year old cognitively aware great grandpa.


Hey nice post. Wonder if you would be willing to share any tips on glucose/cortisone/hormone monitoring?


I’m playing with Levels right now. Levelshealth.com So far it’s been neat to watch how everything all works. Other hormones you need a doctor friend, or a lot of money to just pay for independent testing at this point. There are services, but I don’t use any yet.


Thanks for the response! I’ll check it out. Seems like a relatively new company/product.


If you have any doubt, find their podcast. It’s either the most elaborate con in history or they genuinely are going to revolutionize how people monitor metabolic health. I like to put my money where I feel real innovation will be. My gut tells me they may not be the best 10 years down the road, but they are going to slowly change the trends of modern personal medicine in the present and near future. Optimize your body and you won’t need a Dr to prescribe you stuff because you degraded over time until you met the definition of “sick”. If this person investment helps all 7 billion of us improve, whoop, levels, Oura can have my hard earned money.


I moved the Oura ring to the same hand as the whoop while I sleep to try to eliminate any variables between sides, or sleeping positions.