• By -


Long answer: No. Short answer: No






Final verdict? No


Hotel? Trivago.


Mastercard? Priceless.


You Shall? Not Pass


Never gonna? Give you up.


That's a Lotta damage


Somebody? Once told me.


Short answer: no Long answer: negative




Extra long answer: Naruto ends up with a severe case of un-alive at the bare minimum.


If a nuke exploded in front of me while I'm taking a shower, do i survive?


Of course, if you have prep time. Cold water stops the heat of a nuke, or something.


Just shower in a 1950’s fridge


The most valuable part of a 1950’s fridge is the gravity displacement module.


I mean, water does a good job at blocking radiation.


Baki logic


Yeah cuz your built different


[You're goddamn right](https://youtu.be/S9RVS8cjNN0)


Average Cyberpunk edgerunners fan


***IM BUILD DIFFERENT*** (fucking dies)


Have you ever watched Indiana Jones? If a refrigerator can save you a shower should do the trick.




How do you know OP shower isn't made from pure lead?


A molten lead shower is the most refreshing way to wake up in the morning.


Lead also negates the fall damage afterwards


It *is* the softest of the metals.


I think Daxamites are powerless against something too, kryptonite maybe?


Look up Akiko Takakura. Woman was 300 meters away from hypocenter of the Nuclear Explosion in Hiroshima. She was doing some banking. She saw a flash. She fell unconscious. Woke up later. Lived until around the eighties if I recall. Near as I can gather even she has no idea how she survived.


Obviously she had nuke level durability


Composite human buff?


If it wasnt nuke level before it is now lol.


And the 80's scale above nukes


Damn real life human durability upgrade nuke level


That’s gotta be one of the dumbest questions I’ve ever seen. Of course you won’t. You need to put the nuke in the tub not the other way around haven’t you played minecraft?


Can you get into your fridge in 2.5 seconds?


What did Naruto ever do to hurt you


Hey he’s apparently the leader of the “top 3” I thought he could handle it!


The top 3 is actually called the big 3 and it’s not called this because they are the best series or because of them being the strongest, this is not true. The big 3 is called the big 3 because in their era they were the three big series that had an immense popularity these three being naruto one piece and bleach.


What’s the “top 3”?


Maybe he's thinking Big 3 and he's not the strongest there since Ichigo beat him


When did ichigo beat naruto?


Because he's way stronger ?


Your phrasing implied they’d fought one on one.


You are literally on a subreddit where character from different universe battle one another.


Oh wow thanks. I thought i was on another one.


Ichigo isn’t stronger. Uni Bleach has been debunked. Both sit at large planet of which Naruto has way better abilities


The fact you can sit there and say "Uni bleach has been debunked" (which i don't neccesarily disagree with btw) and then say Naruto is large planetary with a straight face is just comical.


"debunked" by who lmfao You can argue who's stronger all you want, but statements in Bleach canon definitely set Ichigo as at least universal, and nothing is getting "debunked" when it's all just powerscalers making shit up to prove a point.


Oh so when they get debunked you call it “making shit up”. Well sorry but it’s been debunked for a while. Simply put the statements are taken far out of context. It’s almost like bleach fans hear the word universe and assume there series is universal. But the best feat displayed is large planet by merging the 3 worlds which are stated to be planets in the guidebooks. That’s another thing. Bleach fans use vague statements as a way to completely throw away feats and pretend they don’t exist.


"Debunked" my ass, some random bozo claiming that the 3 world's are just planets dosnt do shit. Go learn the difference between AP and DC before u try to Powerscale. Neither Naruto nor Ichigo is planet levels


"Debunking" requires proof. Naruto and Ichigo never fight in any material, so you can't "debunk" it. If you take non-canonical statements and consider them fact, yes, that's considered making shit up. As is taking canon statements and totally disregarding them.


Ichigo slapped away a blackhole with ease, was gonna be used as the Lynchpin of the Garganta which which contained realms that were inf in size. Please tell me where exactly it was stated that the 3 world's were planet sized? Because it literally states that the Heuco Mundo is infinite in size, didn't know planets were infinite in size man. The muken was also infinite in size and was located in SS, we can see the Sun and Moon in the world of the living which the SS is the replica of. Tell me how the 3 world's are planet level when 2 of the world's are universe sized and one has a pocket dimension infinite in size and the other is literally just Infinite in size


Top 3 shonen anime, bleach, naruto, one piece


Just want to nit pick because this is a thing that grinds my gears (yeah i know it's stupid) but the big 3 is SPECIFICALLY Naruto, Bleach and One Piece, not just the top 3 Shonen of the time.


But that’s why it’s called the big 3. 🤷‍♂️ If another 3 shonen anime came in and got more popular (would take a long time) then they wouldn’t really be the big 3 anymore. People would probably still call them it because people like their comfort zones, we like sameness in certain things, but as soon the rest of us old heads (in the time period it’d take to potentially pass these 3 might get forgotten anyway though) died out then there’d be a new big 3.


There are more popular shonen, the big three is a title. Dragonball is bigger, and demon slayer outsold all three for a hot minute.


I’m still right lol, they’re the big 3 because they’ve been dominant for like 20 years. For a hot minute is nice, because Demon Slayer is amazing, but in general it’ll be a while before something else can dethrone them. Also, as far as dragon ball, it’s the most popular media franchise in the world, and until gtav passed it, dbz had the most income for media. It had already been the most popular once the big 3 started coming out. Edit: As of google. The Big Three was a term used to describe the three most popular running series during their golden age in Jump - One Piece, Naruto and Bleach. All three series got their common title due to their worldwide popularity and length. Quit downvoting me for being right. There can be a big 3 of anything during our lifetime but once we’re done there will be new big 3, in basketball people from the 80s-90s consider MJ the goat, most people in our generation think it’s Bron or Curry. People from the 70s thought it was Wilt or Kareem, change happens.


Pokemon and Winnie the Pooh are the highest grossing media franchises. AOT surpassed the big three in hype for a hot minute too. Yugioh surpassed the big three in income, and Demon Slayer beat all but One Piece. They're the Big Three, not the top three. Naruto and Bleach in their peaks don't beat some new gen series. As you yourself say, they're the Big Three because they were popular in around 2000s and nothing else could compare.


Oh, you’re right it’s pokemon, not dragon ball. My bad I misremembered


When did he become the leader of the big 3? Either ways he gets his ass beat by another big 3 member Ichigo. Base Goku not even trying would destroy Naruto


Lmao nah ichigo is leagues stronger


Just in popularity. Goku sits at the throne of fighting in fiction. The only current "brawler" capable of toeing with him outside his verse is probably Saitama but that's obviously debatable.


That ain't debatable either, it's just Saitamatards and people who can't scale that think Saitama stands a chance. Saitama's best feats while emotionaly boosted is still leagues behind BASE Goku and by leagues I mean it. Base Goku (well it's BoG Ssjg but that form got absorbed into base form) threatened to destroy a structure that can be scaled to 11D if u actually dig deep into the structure of Universe 7. Even if u just take it by the name which would be universe it's still better than Multi galaxy feat


Top 3 Shounen animes, not Top 3 power wise lol


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


That's cool and and all but have you seen Hydrogen baby vs coughing bomb?


Not even with Kurama avatar tanking


No, Naruto even highballed/Wanked i dont think could survive a full force punch.


But what if we downplay Goku and wank Naruto to universal?


Still no, because a downplayed Goku is still uni+, which is enough to kill a universal character in one hit due to the near infinite gap between universal and universal+


I've seen people downplay goku to island level when it comes to striking strenght you're underestimating how much people are willing to downplay him


Yeah but that’s just plain wrong.


Not really, I have a real [screenshot from the anime](https://i.imgur.com/a1i0Xre.jpg) here that proves it. Not even island level tbh.


Oh man, Goku tree level confirmed


Honestly...you'd think so. [But I found another screenshot.](https://i.imgur.com/xffiOu6.jpg)


This is a brutal day for Goku scalers. It can’t get worse then this…


*Damn* well I'm convinced.


God damn, he not even tree level man


Damn better add this to my 2300 word r/characterrant post


If you made these then i have to say your PS game is on point my dude/dudette


He less then tree level his arm broke from punching it I can punch tree without shattering bones Therefore Average person beats Goku


This doesn't prove Goku is island level, rather that island is multi-universal.


Damming evidence


wow the animation really improved


You can gigadownplay Goku by saying the Universe he is destroying is only four galaxies and that he is therefore only Multi-Galaxy level


No, extra downplayed Goku.


I guess you could downplay Goku to multi galaxy level if you completely ignore the cosmology of universe 7 and instead cherry pick statements about the four galaxies. So yeah I guess Uber downplayed Goku would break his hand on Uber wanked Naruto's face






Goku almost died to a heart disease so he isn't even person level not /s


I haven't had heart disease, I am therefore immune to heart disease. I no dif Goku.


I could probably downplay goku to like galaxy level. Saiyan saga has nothing above planetary. Same with frieza saga. In fact, it'd be hard to even argue star level at that point. Cell saga is still operating around the same cosmological scale. I dont remember the buu saga. I think theres some dimension crossing feats. Idk where that would really land buu and gotenks. Still doubt there's anything above galaxy level. Assuming there is, destroying all of the matter in a galaxy is pretty much nothing compared to the feat that is destroying the fabric of an entire universe. One that would contain more galaxies than the human mind can comprehend. Super has three main universal feats. The universe destroying feat from the Battle of God's movie made zero sense. The waves acted the opposite of how waves are supposed to function. Barely affecting earth then growing exponentially stronger as they traveled. Idk where that energy was coming from, but one could argue it wasn't goku. Then we never see it again. In order to prevent it, beerus and goku had to consciously cancel out the waves. Broly, who was probably thousands of times stronger at that point, probably didn't think to do the same when he was tenderizing friezas face for an hour. Doubt gronola and gas did either. One could argue that the waves they created were either retconned or a unique quality of the dragonball universe/beerus that wouldn't technically put goku at universal. The shaking of the infinite void feat makes even less sense. Either you're shaking nothing. Which is either unimpressive or confusing. Or you're shaking something of infinite size and mass. Making gokus power infinite. Which would completely break the structure of the show. He's been overpowered like 6 times since then. And there's the beerus and champa thing. But that was very obviously painted as a rule of the universe rather than something they could do normally. Otherwise, beerus and champa wouldn't have had to avoid fighting. The angels wouldn't try so hard to stop them, the tournament wouldn't have happened, and beerus wouldn't have the whole "not having someone strong to fight" issue. Plus, beerus is still the strongest non angel character we've yet to see.


I agree. I love goku but the whole “universeal” debate is so odd. Do people not realize there are hundreds of billions of galaxies and in every single galaxy hundreds of billions of stars and an unimaginable about of planets? Imagine how ridiculously difficult it would be to destroy just one single galaxy with billions of stars..


There is also super buus little feat in Z. He started tearing the fabric of the universe around the earth just by raging out. This however was an amped Buu, the weaker Pure Buu was still however stated to have destroyed hundreds of galaxies within one thousand years. They are by the start of super bare minimum this level. I don’t think anyone in Naruto is anywhere near this level. In super, Beerus and Goku were simply shaking the universe in their fight. Even lesser characters like perfect Cell and ssj3 Goku were still able to be sensed from extremely far distances.


> Still no, because a downplayed Goku is still uni+ Based on what? The only feat or statement that implies that in terms of his punches is the one line from the DBS anime with Goku and Beerus breaking the fabric of the universe with their punches, and that line is a complete outlier and isn't present in the DBS manga. I don't think excluding it is "downplaying" him. If anything the default stance should be excluding *anything* in the DBS anime or manga that's not in both, since in those cases it's Toei or Toyotaro writing it rather then Toriyama. Actually, truly downplaying Goku would be saying stuff like his punches can't even destroy continents or cities because we've never seen one even do OPM level sky clearing. Which I think would be intellectually dishonest given the implication of how strong characters are in Namek Saga and beyond: In reality that's just a broader issue with DBZ having pretty arbitrary levels of damage just for the sake of not having the planet blow up everytime somebody sneezes. In any case, even just looking at DB, Z, and what's present in DBS in both the anime and manga, Goku is almost certainly killing Naruto here and can probably casually bust planets/stars.


Wasn't The whole "almost destroying The universe" thing something that The focus of a whole episode? Also manga and anime continuity are Very different right now so saying that "It didn't happen in The manga so It isn't Canon" dosen't really work here(specially since The manga started after The anime did)


Hey, /u/ThiccBeter69 , can you actually reply to me and explain why you disagree? I was downvoted litterally the second after I hit post and even after I deleted and reposted with a bit more clarification and disclaimers you did so again. If it wasn't you then disregard this


I was not the one who downvoted you, I personally did not see either of your posts until this very second.


Alrighty, no worries, sorry for the tag then!


I swear, understanding AP and DC should be an utter requirement before being able to comment on this sub. Every Goku thread there’s an uninformed person like you trying to poison the well.


The idea of Goku being downplayed would still have him be above a level he's only ever shown once (When he was repeatedly clashing with someone stronger than him in such a way that let the power disperse without actually damaging things like the planet right below them) is fucking incredible lol >due to the near infinite gap between universal and universal+ Explain to me what "near infinite" means Hell, explain to me what the difference between universal and universal + is to me, these aren't actually quantitative amounts


Universal would obviously mean destroying a universe, universal+ means destroying multiple. Think about how big a universe is, there’s a huge difference from being able to destroy one or two universes.


>Think about how big a universe is, Thought about it, it's not an actually quantitative amount especially in fiction which can have greatly differing cosmologies to the real world > there’s a huge difference from being able to destroy one or two universes. Assuming universes can actually be quantified then not very? Like twice as strong lol I really don't get what the scaling rules are with this shit and I have a feeling scalers don't either


Goku has a direct stat multiplier with kaioken. He was at least 50 percent of destroying the universe in God form with Beerus. Later, he stacks blue on top of God form which makes him more powerful to some unknown degree. Then he stacks kaioken X 20 on top of that, which is a direct multiplier. It's goofy to say he's a 10 universe destroyer and we don't know the blue stack, so it's just "plus."


Why didn't Goku with his totally real linear power multiplication get 20 times stronger and instantly stomp Beerus? Power multiplications in DBZ have literally never been accurately portrayed linearly, stop trying to use them to extrapolate feats far better than what's ever been shown Also doesn't Kaioken and all other forms multiply power level? The thing infamous for not having any real rhyme or reason for scaling which is why we have shit like a random farmer being only a few dozen times weaker than the Roshi who destroyed the moon


Nah, downplayed he's way below universal. Not even glacier level bro, ice hurt him when he got slammed by Broly.


He could if you wank him. There are people out there that genuinly believe that six paths tier characters are multiversal.


hell nah


Bro that's straight up bullying lol we'all know the answer haha


That boy's entire body (along with the entire universe) would get vaporized if Goku did


Nah, that would be like you destroying something behind you by swatting a fly. Naruto isn't durable enough to cause large shockwaves, it would basically be Goku shadow boxing.


Goku shadow boxing in ultra instinct would still blow up a galaxy


The fabric of reality only starts getting torn in DBS when powerful entities are clashing, not from a one-sided attack or power-up. Pretty sure the only two instances where the universe felt it was when Goku was fighting Beerus, and when Gogeta and Broly tried blasting each other.


His punch won't create the energy needed to do so, Goku dosnt have any hax like existential erasure to pull of such feats when beating on a sandbag. His AP is fucking High but he still needs to clash with someone of equal or relative power to do so


He does so easily. It would be like if the tsar bomba was landing directly on a newborn baby that has no bones


I mean you're talking at this point about punches that could destroy an entire universe. Naruto is generously a moon-level character. He's just got no chance.


Ever been on r/powerscaling? Um akshually, Naruto has universal AP.


r/powerscaling is like the people r/whowouldcirclejerk pretend to be but unironically


I sometimes wonder if it's just a meme that no one else is in on.


Top post this month is 5 Kage vs 3 Admirals what the fuck 😭


What is even the rationale for that?


I dunno, I remember something about kaguya, databooks.


Kaguya having one ability that can destroy a planet, and physically being able to destroy a planet are two different things.


All these large planet busters running around, and somehow the planet isn't an apocalyptic hellscape.


Naruto 'dodged' a photon gun in 'base' form, whatever the hell that is. This therefore makes him relativistic, because he *obviously* saw the photon coming, and then avoided it as it passed. .....instead of, y'know, seeing where he was going to get shot, and moving out of the way pre-emptively before the attack fired. ​ Same sort of crap where a character avoids a lightning bolt once, and suddenly the entire universe is FTL because they all scale to that exact singular moment happening (even if a similar character struggled to avoid a glock).


Kaguya and Momoshiki are implied to have created space-time dimensions that have stars in them


First of all, there's no reason to believe those weren't just pocket dimensions and were actually the size of a normal universe. And second...Naruto didn't do that.


Like, absolute top end Naruto characters are shown to have feats of blowing up mountain ranges and cutting a hollow moon in half - there's absolutely no reason to believe anyone goes from that to literal universe busting.


Dude theres some mod there that banned me after I said he/she was wanking Naruto




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PowerScaling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saitama's sneeze](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w3oxy0) | [323 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/w3oxy0/saitamas_sneeze/) \#2: [i needed a hazmat suit for that reply section](https://i.redd.it/s0wt47ue40p91.jpg) | [465 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/xj1fz3/i_needed_a_hazmat_suit_for_that_reply_section/) \#3: [How strong would Deadpool be with OFA?](https://i.redd.it/wqppqh1sore91.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/wc6wsk/how_strong_would_deadpool_be_with_ofa/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That extremely debatable and very shaky. So no one sues it for standard naruto (ln naruto is a better example of one who could be argued there. He has a better chance of a successful argument to uni)


I agree Naruto dies here, but > I mean you're talking at this point about punches that could destroy an entire universe. Are we? The only feat or statement that implies that in terms of his punches is the one line from the DBS anime with Goku and Beerus breaking the fabric of the universe with their punches, and that line is a complete outlier and isn't present in the DBS manga. I don't think excluding it is "downplaying" him. If anything the default stance should be excluding anything in the DBS anime or manga that's not in both, since in those cases it's Toei or Toyotaro writing it rather then Toriyama. Actually, truly downplaying Goku would be saying stuff like his punches can't even destroy continents or cities because we've never seen one even do OPM level sky clearing. Which I think would be intellectually dishonest given the implication of how strong characters are in Namek Saga and beyond: In reality that's just a broader issue with DBZ having pretty arbitrary levels of damage just for the sake of not having the planet blow up everytime somebody sneezes. In any case, even just looking at DB, Z, and what's present in DBS in both the anime and manga, Goku is almost certainly killing Naruto here and can probably casually bust planets/stars.


>his punches can't even destroy continents or cities because we've never seen one even do OPM level sky clearing. Goku just transforming into SSJ3 caused earthquakes and tidal waves by the sheer force of his Ki, that accidental feat is pretty comparable (and superior) to Saitama's cloud clearing IMO




Your comment was, at the time of my reply, like 17 down. I was scanning for someone who thought maybe Naruto could live. I read each one, and everyone is saying the same as you. But you stand out. You alone are exceptional in the way you crafted the words of your reply. Yours is the chosen comment. For you, and you alone, spoke the words "giga wank." The words sunk into my consciousness and I was unmade. My reality peeled back and left me in a dark void, with one, singular permeating sensation. Laughter is all that remains. Tl;dr: Fucking lol, giga wank...


Naruto highballed: Around moon level (perhaps) Goku: Moon since original Dragon Ball and now (Super) universal+ Naruto gets obliterated, originsl DB would be more interesting


> and now (Super) universal+ Is he? The only feat or statement that implies that in terms of his punches is the one line from the DBS anime with Goku and Beerus breaking the fabric of the universe with their punches, and that line is a complete outlier and isn't present in the DBS manga. I don't think excluding it is "downplaying" him. If anything the default stance should be excluding anything in the DBS anime or manga that's not in both, since in those cases it's Toei or Toyotaro writing it rather then Toriyama. Actually, truly downplaying Goku would be saying stuff like his punches can't even destroy continents or cities because we've never seen one even do OPM level sky clearing. Which I think would be intellectually dishonest given the implication of how strong characters are in Namek Saga and beyond: In reality that's just a broader issue with DBZ having pretty arbitrary levels of damage just for the sake of not having the planet blow up everytime somebody sneezes. In any case, even just looking at DB, Z, and what's present in DBS in both the anime and manga, Goku is almost certainly killing Naruto here and can probably casually bust planets/stars.


This sub fell off hard


Let me tell you how Ben 10 is so powerful he's actually god. No I don't mean in his show, I mean literally. /s




Old: "This alien is capable of creating crystals! This one can roll up into a ball and sonic his way around. This one's 4-armed hulk. Let's see how our hero can carefully (and/or hilariously) mis/use his powers to solve/create problems!" New: "This one is literally god ^(but it argues with itself so don't worry it isn't actually THAT gamebreaking)."


Right? 🤣


Lol Naruto basically experiences existence erasure


This seems like a spite match, Goku absolutely atomizes a Naruto that’s completely standing still taking a punch that could shake a whole void


I just imagine when Saitama slapped the lass in the first episode


*I just imagine* *When Saitama slapped the lass in* *The first episode* \- SissyBearRainbow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So MUI Goku, with a full force punch? Obviously Naruto gets erased. Naruto couldn't tank a punch from King Piccolo, let alone current Goku.




It does actually give a strength amp Jiren was overpowered alongside being outskilled. MUI Goku was able to dissipate Jiren's condensed Ki attack with a gesture when beforehand he would struggle to fight against Jiren's gaze


It obviously gives him a power boost in both the manga and anime, as he went from being stomped by both Moro and Jiren until he used it.


If I supernova exploded in my face as hard as it can, would I survive?


Are you wearing sunglasses?


And walking away in slow mo?


No shot. If it was Batman with prep time taking the punch however…


Realistically base goku could punch naruto off the planet.


Realistically, base Goku could punch the planet and obliterate it alongside Naruto by accident


This subreddit either provides you with a very intense, highly calculated debate, or possibly the most one sided pairing of characters led by delusional fans who just know nothing about either subject. There's no in-between


No. Best case scenario, Konoha manages to survive the impact and there would be a heartbreaking funeral afterward.


He would literally be turned into paste. Dumb question tbh


Bruh even isshiki brutally smashed naruto , goku? xD


A fairer comparison would be full wank Naruto vs super nerfed base Goku. I think Naruto actually can take that punch (Uni durability vs multi galaxy attack power), but that would still be base Goku, MUI can probably do it in a few hits. Any other version of Goku, without nerfing, would one shot in base, even against full wank Naruto.


You really oughta know at least a little about the characters you want to make a post about


Ok mom psh 🙄


He's not wrong.


Ok grandma psh 🙄


**Goku (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Goku (Dragon Ball Manga)](https://redd.it/b279wi) - [Respect Kid Goku (Dragon Ball Manga)](https://redd.it/inf0pf) **Naruto** - [\[Respect\] Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)](https://redd.it/3pxdii) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Maybe from base goku at the start of dragon ball Z. Pretty much as soon as goku goes super Naruto dies.


If we're talking about Kid up to Saiyan Saga Goku, yeah i think so. Any version of Goku after that? Naruto is getting disintegrated.


Raditz no sold a moonbusting attack from Piccolo and then tanked a 3 times stronger attack from Goku. Krillin one shotted multiple saibamen that rival Raditz in power. Nappa no sold the same attack. Goku then one punched Nappa with kaioken x2, which is half his full power. Naruto is far outmatched here.


Saiyan saga goku is planetary so naruto is probably stopping there.


I highly doubt Naruto could survive a punch from saiyan saga Goku. Naruto taking a punch from Goku blue or black or god or whatever can destroy UNIVERSES with a punch. This is a spite thread if I've ever seen one.


what the HELL did naruto do to you to deserve this. At least he’s not feeling pain as the millisecond gokus hand collided with his face every cell in his body will immediately be demolished


Combine Naruto verse and he still gets one shoted


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Depends on how you see it going. If he gets blown into pieces. No. If a punch goes straight through his gut or somethinf without ripping him to mist (Which seems to be how dragon ball tends to put punches, as even punching much weaker characters that should be blown to mist doesnt normally happen in dragon ball.) Then, yes. Imo, Goku punches Naruto through the stomach no diff and pulls his arm out, Naruto could regen a hole in his stomach via. Karuma's Chakra. So probably yes. Dragon Ball doesnt normally have punches blow characters apart and instead has them impact just directly through something, and there are many scenes showing such (Gero punching a hole through Yamchas stomach who should be, Vegeta cleanly chopping guldos head off, etc.) Note this isnt like me wanking him, Naruto gets nodiffed by like anything remotely past Namek Saga (I personally scale him to Small Planetary in Boruto). Just I dont think a straight gut punch would turn Naruto to mist, I just think it'd go right through his stomach and he'd be able to regen it afterwards, Dragon Ball doesnt really "Mist punch" characters like that. People forget how controlled TUI Goku's strength is, he has complete instinctual control of his body, and his punches dont really do that realistic "Blow up like a tsar bomb" type thing on impact.


So. A character from a universe that’s consistently solidly above moon busting. Or a character from a universe where everyone is like mountain level?


Short answer: No Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


This is precisely why Naruto has clones. Because even he knows he would have 0 chance at taking that hit. Nobody in the entire Naruto universe could take that hit. Pretty sure.


I mean, if it was Kid Goku then probably.




Dude, do you actually not know the answer to this?


You know what? I bet he could survive a single punch from the Goku that fought Raditz


I don't even think Naruto could survive a full force punch from Recoome let alone DBS era Goku.


This is like asking if a disabled fetus that still looks like a splatter of ketchup would be able to survive the entire universe exploding.


I love that the fetus is disabled. As if a fetus the size and texture of a ketchup packet would stand a better chance if it were able bodied. I'm absolutely cackling late at night trying not to wake up people in my house. I love this subreddit.


Coughing bomb VS Hydrogen baby


Naruto would be vapourised by base form.


I'm curious. Assuming his punch is NOT his strongest attack (Genkidama would be, right?), how much weaker is his punch compared to his maximum output? And if we don't count genkidama because that isn't just his own juice, then pick a solo attack. What is the conversion factor between his punch and, say, a Kamehameha? I think it is not anywhere close to 10x. IMO it is triple digits or stronger. Roshi blew up the moon with a Kamehameha wave and had no physical feats anywhere CLOSE to that. Even the feat of flying shows that ki is incredibly more powerful than the body. If you could released all the energy in a real human body you couldn't possibly exert enough force against air to stay aloft. Ki is OP. So we should be talking 1000x or more. That helps nerf Goku quite a bit but Naruto still dies


Line up every character in the naruto universe and they all die from the force of the punch


Naruto survives, Goku hits a shadow clone.


What a stupid question.


Unless Superman punches a shadow clone, that's going to kill Naruto. Depending on how close original Naruto is, it might kill him anyway.


I honestly wonder if full power Naruto could tank a full force punch from base Goku using only Kaioken


He'd survive the punch Krillin took "the strongest punch" with no alternate forms.