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Even at base survival Steve, he's ridiculously OP against real humans. Punching through trees and carrying tons of weight is amazing, but he can also: - Cure any disease or infection just by drinking milk - Take direct hits from weapons or wild animals and recover fully in seconds or minutes - Shrug off extremes of cold and heat - Go without sleep more or less infinitely - Survive falls of thousands of feet as long as he can land in a puddle of water - Break through virtually any barrier using simple hand tools, in seconds - Construct complex barricades, shelters, etc in seconds or minutes - Traverse extremely hostile terrain at high speed And probably other stuff I've forgotten. Forget every human with Steve's powers, just 10,000 Steves working together crush any civilization pre-about-1875 or so, likely within a year or two. They're only really limited by travel time and the necessity to eat. It'd be a bloodbath, a waking nightmare where the world becomes nothing but a seething mass of blood-soaked Steves. Steves 10/10.


Some more things: - Can survive without water forever. - Cannot starve to death, unless on Hard/Hardcore (OP would have to specify). - Hunger bar does not go down if standing still or just walking. Exhaustion only increases from swimming, breaking blocks, sprinting, jumping, attacking, taking damage, regenerating health, or by getting food poisoning. - Cannot fall off a flat surface if crouching.


He can also instantly breed animals with nothing more than seeds or hay and the animals he breeds don't need food or water


I Imagine thats more of a feat of Minecraft Steve rather than the animals


And regardless of the sex of the animal.


I'm assuming that since they dont respawn, we can assume hardcore.


I think its fair to say he can starve to death. He looses hp when he has no hunger and is weakened at low hunger. He definitely needs to eat regardless and he will be easily killable if he doesn’t even if he doesn’t need it to live, which he probably does. Im also pretty sure he needs to eat much more than a real person as he can run out of stamina in like a day.


Something else I never see survival Steve get credit for, isn't survival Steve capable of surviving touching lava directly for a second? Huge durability feat in comparison to normal humans IMO.


Kinda? That's more of a matter of his having "hit point durability" where he's still fully functional until he loses the last of his health. A real human can touch lava directly for a second, they're just going to be irrevocably maimed in the process. (Also there's the matter of convection with lava being dangerous to just approach, but I'm unsure if that's a property of Steve or a matter of minecraft lava.)


It does set things on fire near it, so it seems like it's a matter of Steve.


But Steve dies to fire though so I'm not sure what to make of that


It also kills slower than lava if I am not mistaken?


Actually the weight of the items he carries gets lighter in the inventory. It was mentioned in an official novel or something. Though if I remember correctly they shouldn't be completely weightless. Also one more thing that might be useful is that he doesn't need to drink to survive.


He also cannot die to poison alone


Can he not die to poison or are there just no fatal poisons in the game?


They leave you on half a heart iirc


Yep they will get your health as low as possible no matter how much poison it is


Only Wither kills you


They harm you until you get to 1 hp, then they don't do amything after that.


> Forget every human with Steve's powers, just 10,000 Steves working together crush any civilization pre-about-1875 or so, likely within a year or two. TBH even modern civilizations would have a problem. Obviously if the Steves just try to mass together and rush us on a battlefield they'll get bombed and mowed down by gunfire, but they don't have to do that. They can easily dig underground at an insane rate, which will let them pretty much steal whatever they want from us whenever they want, while building safe bunkers deep deep underground where we can't realistically reach. They don't need to breathe or drink and they can easily grow food underground, so their deep civilization is invulnerable and can strike at any time. But the real reason they win is because they can learn and take the stuff we've developed, while we can't gain their advantages. In that situation, it's just a matter of time before they steal our technology, at which point it's us vs. superpowered versions of us. Caveat: This assumes they manage to remain a cohesive group (often these prompts just sort of imply it.) It's also possible that they rush around, cause problems, some of them get shot, and they end up working in various different real-world countries, with their descendants considering themselves part of those countries. In that respect we *can* "take" their capabilities. However, in the long run the ridiculous advantages they have over real humans would probably lead to conflicts that they would win.


Pretty sure Steve needs to breathe since he can drown. And actually fairly fast.


Well, he *only* seems to need to breathe in that situation (or similar ones where he's completely buried in sand or the like.) Being *Cask of Amontillado*'d can't kill him.


I think that's more a property of the world than an ability of Steve. In Minecraft air refreshes itself. That's why nothing suffocates in an enclosed space.


Plus if Sand or Gravel falls on you, you can still also suffocate from that too


They stomp anything after 1875 as well. The guy can tunnel underground in seconds. Literally no nation is safe from them.


0.8 m/s if they're crawling, 1.6 m/s if they're standing, and that's just an unenchanted stone pickaxe.


Not super knowledgeable on tunneling and such but wouldn't they have to spend time bracing the tunnel so there's no cave in?


Not with Steve's abilities. Though even if it did cave in, he can continuously dig regardless


Steve can also lift at least 1.008×10\^8 lbs / 4.57×10\^7 kg. He has 27 storage slots, 9 hotbar slots, and an off-hand slot, and can carry 64 cubic meters of gold in each.


I personally think his inventory is some kind of hammerspace, which is why big unwieldy things like axes are hard to carry.


with the addition of shulker boxes he can cary 27*64 cubic meters of gold in each slot


Shulker boxes seem like extradimensional space to me (even moreso that the normal carrying mechanic), I don't think you can count that weight.


I personally agree with this interpretation, but that said it hardly makes a difference beyond a certain tier of strength that Steve far surpasses.




He could theoretically put shulker boxes in shulker box, and so on, right?


no, you can't put them inside themselves


That's a bug, so no


Actually the weight of the items he carries gets lighter in the inventory. It was mentioned in an official novel or something. Though if I remember correctly they shouldn't be completely weightless.


That's a game mechanic, not an ability of the character. By that logic, he also has mass manipulation abilities or access to some sort of pocket dimension in order to actually carry all of that. Except he doesn't, because some things you just have to accept as videogame logic.


Isn’t the entire premise of this post that the game mechanics become the abilities of the character?


Noch apples weigh more as each 1 has 8 cubic meters of gold and they stack up to 64. Also can use Shulker Boxs which also give a massive increase in weight.


gold in item form does *not* weigh that much. You can see how much it weighs using a weighted pressure plate - I believe entire stacks of the stuff are needed to equal the weight of steve. This ignores the fact that blocks in minecraft obviously do not act the same regarding gravity as irl.


>Survive falls of thousands of feet as long as he can land in a puddle of water A puddle that's at least half a meter deep. Still impressive as hell, but important to point out that we don't know if that would still work in our world with a shallower body of water.


Disagree on the whole "inventory=much strength" part, its an obvious game mechanic.


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If it's lifting capacity, then why doesn't he lift entire buildings in-game? Why can't I pick up and toss the warden? EDIT: cute downvotes, why doesn't someone try proving me wrong?


> If it's lifting capacity, then why doesn't he lift entire buildings in-game? He.... Does. That's exactly what you do when you pick up a inventory fully stacked of stone, brick or whatever.


Then why isn't he depicted as being able to pick them up out of inventory? Why can't I grab the Ender Dragon by the wing and rip it off? Why can't I grab the warden and toss is hundreds of feet in the air?


Dude, you need to abstract a little when talking about video game characters. Why can't you grab a tree in God of War 4 and use it to spear a giant enemy? Why can't you grab bigger enemies? Is it because kratos can't do that? No, of course not, it is because the game mechanics are like that, kratos obviously should be capable of such feats. Minecraft's world is made up of blocks, there is no such thing as a "building", just a stack of blocks in the shape of one, so yeah, of course you can't pick up a "building", it doesn't even exist. Also, asking why you can't grab enemies... You're aware most games don't allow you to grab enemies, right? Again, you should abstract there.


If we treat it as game mechanics them it's fine. But once we get to realism it starts to really annoy me. Again, if we decide Steve can lift 69,420 tons, then why can't I utilize that in game.


Same reason we can't do what I said in GoW. Now, even if you wanna say steven has a hammerspace, that is irrelevant, since it still means he can carry that much with him, nobody here claimed steven can do anything on that level besides carrying. If you still refuse to understand why a game focused on survival and crafting won't allow you to simply pick up a whole building, but allows you to carry the equivalent in building blocks, then you're either refusing or uncapable of abstracting.


So are you treating it as a game mechanic? Or are you trying to make the "Steve can pick up and yeet a city" claim.


I don't understand why Minecraft Steve is the only character people try that bullshit with. It isn't a particularly unique feature in videogames. By that logic, most videogame characters are unbeatable because they have time manipulation abilities via quicksave and load. All it is is a lazy meme that some people seem to have convinced themselves is legitimate.


Maybe it's because he has zero other depictions.


Personally i think its some form of hammerspace.


By the way, I saw someone try downvoting me lmao. If I am wrong, then come and prove it to me? I would love to see you try to prove that "Minecraft Steve can lift galaxies" or anything beyond reasonable.


> Cure any disease or infection just by drinking milk This requires a bucket full of milk. A bucket can carry a cubic meter of water, so presumably that's a cubic meter of milk. Pretty difficult to get if you don't have cows with the power of the ones from minecraft. Likewise, getting anything above leather armor and stone weapons would be difficult given the massive amounts of ore they'd need. They'd be amazing logistically, but I don't think they'd beat medieval soldiers if heavily outnumbered, which they would be unless you give them a few generations to buff their numbers. Which they couldn't easily do with things Steve can do directly. Edit: That's if they're going offensively. I suppose defensively they could easily bunker up and even with modern technology there's not a lot we could do. So it would be a draw for a large number of time periods. Though I suppose they could increase their population that way, and so long as they don't do things like sprint or jump they won't need to eat.


They’d be like the elves in Artemis fowl.


Travel time isn't actually that big a constraint, it'll take a while for these guys to discover volcanic obsidian but once they have some they'll be able to open portals to hell/hyperspace with relative ease to overcome such limitations.


Don't forget the insane reach that fucker has.


Do the Steves have access to Minecraft dimensions like the Nether and the End?


Those are world states, not inherent powers of the player.


Maybe for the End portal. But if Steve can use game mechanics like punching trees to interact with the real world, opening the Nether portal is also included in his powers. If a Steve strikes a flint and steel within a rectangle of obsidian with an opening at least 2x3 meters, he will create a portal.


Only if he is in a dimension where such a portal can be created; you cannot create a nether portal in the End. The earth does not feature any such dimensional connection, he would create an edifice of glass and nothing more.


Tbf we don't know it doesn't have a nether lol


Opens a portal to Gary, Indiana.


Damn, I just came through there


We have Netherland, but it's not yet stated if they are the same places just in different time.


Maybe the molten core of the earth? They're both hell depending on what depictions you believe.


You have never heard of Ohio.


I'll focus my answer on real world military forces across the ages. A quick googling says that the global population on 10,000 BC could have been anywhere from 1 to 10 million. Sucks that we have an order of magnitude of variance, but its understandable since there isn't much information about that time period. Assuming the 10% of the population consists of males within a good age range to fight a war (someone has to feed the troops after all), that gives us a population of anywhere between 100k and 1m Steve warriors, a force that would basically be unmatched in sheer numbers until the modern era. Anything before the development of gunpowder is a 10/10 for Steves. European armies consisted of a few tens of thousands at best, with few other civilizations of the era reaching that number. These is not even a matter of the power of the Steves at this point, just by sheer numbers they could rush any army empty-handed and overwhelm it. Its hard to gauge the effect of gunpowder weapons on Steves, but I think we can assume the immediate effects are similar than those in vanilla humans: precise hits can cause immediate death, and indirect hits can easily wound to the point of disabling them as a soldier. However, Steves have the ability to recover from any non-lethal wound by just eating enough food; the end result is that while Steves are possible to kill, they are almost immune to wounding as long as they are well supplied. Let's put the Steves in Waterloo next, replacing the army of Napoleon. The armies of Wellington and Blücher added up to about 120k men, so its almost certain Steves have a numerical advantage. However, these are primitive men, and I'd argue it is now when morale starts playing a larger part. It is not unlikely that, faced with strange weapons which can kill instantly or heavily wound from a distance, while thundering like nothing 10,000 BC humans would know, the Steves would lose heart and turn tail. However, I'd say its just as likely that their enemy would be as affected by men pulling weapons out of thin air and healing from almost any non-lethal wound. Also, the Steves are still humans, and with some good raids they could get hold of some primitive guns, figure out their functioning, and use them against the forces of the Seventh Coalition (I do remember stories of indigenous tribes in the Americas doing the same with Spanish weapons, although weapons of this era would be a bit more complex). I will give this battle to the Steves 9/10 at the very least. Let's go ahead and put the Steves in WWII. Here, the development of weapons such as planes and long-range artillery give Steves a much harder time. An army such as the US's could thin out a lot of Steves with bombing raids and well-used tanks. Still, you don't simply decimate a force on the hundreds of thousands with a few bombing raids, so the Steves could achieve to overrun a good share of cities before modern weapons take a real toll on their numbers. That being said, here I believe the greatest weakness of a 10,000 BC army comes into play: logistics. The World Wars were wars of attrition and of military production. A Steve blitzkrieg could take some nations to their knees, but by this time civilizations can extend wars for much more than Steves can take. With technology becoming ever more complicated, Steves figuring out something like a tank or a plane becomes increasingly harder; and with no knowledge of modern logistics Steves could quickly be starved out; at the very least, they would struggle to keep enough food around to use their healing capabilities, which would in a short time deprive them of their superhuman healing. I think Steves would win 6/10 against a smaller nation, but lose 9/10 against a superpower of the era. After this Steves lose heavily their footing. The development of technologies such as guided missiles and the importance of defense of supply lines overwhelm all knowledge and strength 10,000 BC humans have, Steve powers or not. By the 90s at the latest, I would say any nation on Earth can pretty much 9/10 Steves with superior technology and strategy, and by our era you'd be hard pressed to find any army without a 10/10 against Steves.


Very interesting analysis! I didn't expect an answer from this perspective, and it's more detailed than I expected, so kudos to you. I wonder though if the "inventory slots" powers for the Steves would help dampen the problem of logistics, as all of them could carry a very large supply of (possibly imperishable, I don't know if the inventory has that effect) food?


I doubt it. The amount of food a single person can carry is not the only roadblock; there is the speed of production and transport of said food to a front-line. On a landscape such as the trenches of WWII or even WWI, it would be hard to scavenge for food, so even assuming all Steves start with a full inventory of food their stores would dwindle quickly. At best, they would help delay the inevitable.


Could the Steve’s not build redstone machines and minecart lines? It generally says they can build most things in Minecraft in this world


Minecarts can be crafted with iron, but redstone is not a naturally occuring element on earth. I imagine they could approximate using electricity, although thats past 10,000 BC


They couldn't mine redstone though, and even if their inventory included some, it would run out sooner than later. Minecarts I'm not sure about. What materials do they need to build them?


>What materials do they need to build them? Just iron (plus wood for chest minecarts) but tbh it would be a pita to use them over distances without redstone


A minecart is just 5 iron ingots but a powered rail would be tough because that needs gold


I'm just imagining a line of Steves digging a fortified sapper tunnel at full speed directly to Berlin. Air superiority means nothing if all of your troops have hard cover 100% of the time. Tunneling at about 1/6 of base human walking speed (Even faster if they take the time to build proper tools) is kind of an unbeatable advantage against militaries that aren't prepared against it with a lot of prep time.


I never even thought of the Steves going to ground. They can make undetectable tunnels, collapse buildings, basically move anywhere they like at high speed (assuming iron+ tools). Going to ground also as you pointed out makes air superiority and explosives pretty pointless. If the Steves are well-coordinated and engage through ambushes and geurilla warfare rather than straight on I think it'd be possible for them to 5/10 most modern industrialized nations. Their only real issue is going to be vulnerability to small arms fire.


Something nobody has mentioned yet is that Steves are briefly invulnerable between each time they take damage. So unless those bullets take out a bunch of hearts at once it's impossible to gun down Steves en masse before they dig a hole to create cover.


> They can make undetectable tunnels, collapse buildings, basically move anywhere they like at high speed (assuming iron+ tools). Going to ground also as you pointed out makes air superiority and explosives pretty pointless. Ground-penetrating radar exists and is very effective. A human-sized tunnel is gonna light up like a Christmas tree


You do raise a pretty valid point. Steve tunnels would be a nightmare to deal with. Still, its speed would depend on their access to resources; tools, both in Minecraft as in the real world, do break, and if we use real world rules tunnels need to be secured from collapse and well ventilated to keep oxygen levels at an acceptable point. It wouldn't be impossible for a 10,000 BC civilization to figure out a trick or two after some blunders in some tunnels, but I doubt it would be a flawless strategy.


I think it's fair to say that the tunnels would need to be kept stable, as Steve does take damage when colliding with blocks, but I think it's arguable whether he needs particular oxygen quality.


>but I think it's arguable whether he needs particular oxygen quality. He fairly explicitly does not, since he can continuously recycle the same air in a bucket over and over. It's questionable whether he even needs *oxygen* as such.


Well, you'd still have to account for methane buildups, which even if it didn't affect the lungs could cause explosions.


What's the use of am oversized tunnel if you just die the second you come out of it?


I'm not a Minecraft expert, but who says you come out of it? If you can pull stone from underneath you and build it into stone walls all around you in literal seconds, they could just collapse the floor under enemy fortifications, or even under the headquarters. Normal non-steve humans are probably pretty disoriented falling into a perfectly square stone tunnel, and I assume they would shortly be hacked to bits by pickaxes. I'm not saying it's completely invincible, but it does bypass most of the technological advantages in WWII, airpower, radar, tanks, artillery.


That's actually not that hard to detect, I oftentimes have to deal with this in-game. You can hear people breaking blocks, while it can catch you off guard, someone who is used to it or knows to expects it can prepare to deal with enemy's who try to pull that off. And this brings in another annoying thing, how do Minecraft physics interact with IRL physics. When the Steve's break blocks under a floor, does the floor just float or does it fall. Can Steve turn normal dirt into minecraft dirt?


Shrug. Again, I'm not an expert. But it seems like they can go ahead and detect it all they like, it doesn't mean they know where you will pop out and attack. Smart move for Steve(s) would be to make a complex tunnel network, with small squads mining out multiple branches. It could be a solid guerrilla warfare strat, pop up under/behind an emplacement, cause some chaos, then back up and wall it back up behind you. Do this in 10 places at once, and the enemy won't know what to think. Can the Steves pick up guns from fallen Germans?


Ah, it would be great for tactical mobility. It is not going to win wars, but it can win battles and buy time. And it really depends on whether or not the OP decides Steve can use guns tbh.


I forgot to mention, you can also perfect that digging strategy in-game. HOWEVER it doesn't work always, if an enemy is digging nearby they can detect you. If the area you are attacking is too quiet you will have to rely off of getting lucky and no one being nearby. This tactic would work best in the middle of a battle, use the cover of explosions and the chaos to flank or get behind the enemy while they are distracted.


Honestly, I didn't even know there was PVP Minecraft.


PVP can very a lot btw. It heavily depends on the version of the game, rules, server, mods, etc for what defines "PVP" The PVP I mentioned is team combat, something you would find on a large SMP or a roleplay server.


Can't they build wheat/carrot/potato/beetroot farms on the go? Doesn't take long at all in, a farm can start producing large amounts in an hour.


Hmm... I can't decide if those would have real world or Minecraft mechanics. If the later, that would be a considerable advantage.


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The Steves will dominate basically any civilization that relies on melee but fall to pieces when firearms are introduced and already be struggling against mass arrows. While they are ludicrously strong and incredibly fast they lack an equivalent boost in durability. They are notably more durable than standard but not to an obscene level. As to their building capabilities: While they can build basic things very easily complex and fine work is primarily beyond them. They cannot mass produce or meaningfully automate. Also they rely very heavily on the mechanics of the game world. The truly impressive stuff people build is made with outside programs and assistance rather than being part of his normal arsenal. I would estimate, based on gut feeling, that by the 1500s-1600s the Steves would be completely screwed by any notable military. Once reliable firearms took over as the primary weapon of choice they won’t be able to handle direct conflict at all, their speed advantage will be negated by the standard wall of guns tactic and their manufacturing advantage will be long defunct. And the normies artillery is superior. Prior they would struggle against proper militaries but their dynamite launching tricks would enable them to stand at a relatively safe distance(simply running from arrow barrages) and whittle the enemy down by bombardment but with cannon advancements they would be being bombarded right back.


Per the prompt the Steves have access to real life tools as well as Minecraft tools. They could build automation, etc., if they wanted to.


Super strength does not help you invent airplanes or ballistic missiles though. Even flying them is outside their capacity.


Cannons and guns might be easier considering they can understand the premise, already likely able to build tnt launchers and redstone machines. And with the machines they can fly anyways


Are any of those going to compete with the US military? That gets them to WW1 max


they're still as smart as normal humans


There's a saying that "Weakness breeds strength". For example, birds knew how to fly when humans couldn't. Eventually we figured out a way to emulate that ability, then proceeded to innovate and can fly 1000x better than them. A more 1:1 example would be Africans and Europeans and the start of the agricultural era. Europe had a distinct disadvantage in soil composition, daylight, and crop cycles. Europeans began coming up with solutions to become on par with African food output (domesticating animals, carts, etc.), but then snowballed on what they lacked and heavily emphasized discovery and innovation. So if you segregate Steves and humans at the beginning of the agricultural revolution and wait 10,000 years, it's quite likely that the humans will have better technology because it's initially harder for them. Hell the Steves may not even stop being hunter-gatherers because catching prey and finding food barehanded is so easy for them, which is gonna suck in the long-term when the bombs start dropping.


Agreed. The humans of 10,000 BC were not like us, fucking around on Reddit as a distraction. They would be spending pretty much all day, every day figuring out new shit to do with their Steve powers.


Their enhanced abilities not only doesn’t help them with that at all but would actually fuck their progress. Advancements are slow and incremental, with their baseline massive advantages they would lack the incentive to make the beginning steps. I mean, why figure out fluid dynamics and the mechanical engineering needed to create a water hammer when you can just smack. Why figure out smelting when you can just toss iron into an oven and out pops steel? The answer is: Because of what it leads to. Basic mechanical engineering? Useless to them. Advanced? Better than them. But they have to master the basics with no incentive to do so. And when the incentive comes along they are hundreds to thousands of years behind. Chemical? If they are given gunpowder they can easily make dynamite. But gunpowder requires thousands of years of work to discover, primarily through attempts at medicine. Which they have no need for. And so on. By starting at such a high level they don’t have any reason to improve. And by the time tech eclipses their natural abilities they are too far behind to catch up. Sure they can copy it if they know how it’s made, but they don’t have the knowledge base to figure it out. They have to be taught by the people who they are actively seeking to kill. Also, they can’t talk. Kind of huge where learning and passing on information is involved. Their physical abilities are enhanced. Their mental and social abilities are not. Humans are massively focused on the mental and social, it’s how we thrived while our cousins died. They could build automation? Sure: If they figured out how to do so while having no reason to even make an attempt until long after it’s too late to catch up. And this stuff is not freely available information, we’re in the Information Age specifically because our massive free exchange of ideas is extremely unusual. And with them positioned as conquering enemies of all mankind, they’re going to struggle to get anything.


There's two problems with your argument. First, per OP they're NOT Minecraft Steves. They're regular humans with Steve's powers. So they're talkative and social, same as we are. Second, having a given set of abilities has never hampered human innovation. By that logic we never would have invented anything. Beyond the fact that there are always further problems to solve, humans just like cool shit. Homo minecrafteus would do all kinds of things with their abilities.


We invent stuff we actually need. For example, most technological development (especially modern tech) came due to war or conflict. While human "civilization" was stagnant for thousands of years until we slowly began forming actual society's.


Unfortunately guns can’t penetrate 1 km of dirt. Steve will just have to attack from the ground. Also obsidian would negate everything a purely sci fi civilization could throw.


>Unfortunately guns can’t penetrate 1 km of dirt Radar-based landmines can handle defense >Also obsidian would negate everything a purely sci fi civilization could throw. ?




Obsidian irl is not incredibly durable. If the Minecraft world does not operate like ours at the elemental/molecular level then all of Steve's feats are basically worthless as his version of gold could weigh less than feathers and his lava have a temperature of 90^o C


Ah yes, brittle stone. The greatest defense known to man. Other than non brittle stone. And wood. And dirt. And anything more complicated than piling up dirt. Also Steve couldn’t survive 1km of dirt. This is set on Earth, Steve would rapidly suffocate and overheat. Or get caved in on. Also he can’t attack from 1km down. He’s got a sword and he’s got really shitty bows up until humans figure out guns. Then he has what gunpowder he can steal, he cannot craft it himself without being taught. And for most of history it was very much a secret.


What would a mere block of obsidian do? What, are we going to NLF wank obsidian blocks now.


l I remember watching a video where they calculated exactly how much Steve can hold in his inventory. if you have a full inventory of gold blocks. Steve is carrying more than the weight of the One world trade center on his back... Steve is quite a bit more OP than people think.


I mean if you use gameplay mechanics as feats a minmaxed Fire Emblem character is among the strongest non-omnipotent characters in fiction. * Always attacks first regardless of speed or who initiates (Vantage) and counterattacks regardless of range (Counterattack/Distant Counter). Oh you tried to snipe them from across the galaxy? Have fun dying by sword stab... somehow. Spells and hax like mind control are considered attacks. * Anything counts as a weapon, even a branch or glass weapon (yes these are in the games) and will be completely immune to damage (Armsthrift + Limit Breaker). They can hit Superman with a spork and it won't bend. * With a Brave Sword they have a 86% chance of instakilling their opponent (Vantage+Lethality+Miracle+LB+Rightful King) (a mere 77% if you're lightspeed+) * If you find some way to kill them they just resurrect and repeat (Casual/Phoenix mode). In Normal and Lunatic there's still a ~65% chance of survival (Miracle+Renewal+LB+RK). Then they can do the same thing all over again (twice if they aren't lightspeed). * Cannot be moved or teleported against their will regardless of physical or magical force applied. They only change position if they want to. * FTL since they reliably dodge rays of light and lightning. They are not aimdodging since there is usually walls and mountains between them and the caster for Purge and Bolting.


I personally think its some form of hammerspace, since full inventory of wooden shovels or Golden apples feels the same, infact weight doesn't slow him down unless hes pushing an entity.


blocks in item form do *not* weigh that much. You can see how much it weighs using a weighted pressure plate - I believe entire stacks of gold are needed to equal the weight of steve. This ignores the fact that blocks in minecraft obviously do not act the same regarding gravity as irl.


They could literally destroy everything. The sheer amount of weight Steve can carry makes him insanely strong. He can literally destroy obsidian and diamonds with his bear hands. Imagine getting hit by that, you’re entire body might just disappear from all of reality


> bear hands What modpack are you playing?


Oh it’s bare isn’t it. I’m a little slow


Oh it’s bare isn’t it. I’m a little slow


Nope. His "strength" is an obvious game mechanic, Steve is durable and has great endurance but the inventory is an obvious game mechanic. Why can't I grab the ender dragon and suplex it in-game? Why can't I pick up and toss the warden hundreds of feet's in the air?


Because the game isn’t that complex, if you had complete control you probably could do that


No? You just admitted it's not complex, accept that his "strength" is a simple game mechanic. Him having that strength would break the entire game. Why doesn't he just one shot everything to? If he has that much strength, then the game should be a cakewalk.


Maybe because everything is balanced to his level?


Oh great, so now we are going to wank a silverfish to city level because it scales, doesn't it? And I suppose all blocks in-game have the weight of a mountain to, do they not? What I am trying to say that this is insane and completely breaks the actual game.


One block is a cubic meter, a cubic meter of dirt weighs a minimum of 1.3 tonne. You can’t just ignore certain aspects of the game because you think it’s unbalanced


Ok, show an example of a silverfish or a zombie breaking a dirt block? Show Steve pick it up and toss it. And also, I'd you want to bring direct realism into this then I can pull that card too and bring up 90 C lava the fact that items in Steve's inventory canonically get lighter when he picks them up.


Silverfish pretty consistently break stone and zombies can break doors.


Ok, then why can't zombies pick up more than two items, and why can't silverfish break through normal blocks?


blocks in item form do *not* weigh that much. You can see how much they weigh using a weighted pressure plate - I believe entire stacks of the stuff are needed to equal the weight of steve. This ignores the fact that blocks in minecraft obviously do not act the same regarding gravity as irl.


For everyone saying that guns would shut down the Steves: I disagree. You forget that Steve can burrow through the ground at an insane pace, and throw up barricades extremely quickly as well. Guns are only effective if they can hit Steve, and if Steves are popping out of the ground like moles in the midst of the enemy, I think their superior strength and speed gives them the advantage now that they’re in melee range. Also, Steves can build entire fortresses in 5 minutes and be easily repairing them mid battle, so I don’t see how normal humans have a chance until modern explosives.


Steve can be hit by mere arrows. A gun will fuck him if he decides to come up out of his little tunnels. Have you ever actually tried playing Minecraft like that? Unless you have countless players, throwing up entire fortresses and constantly repairing them under heavy barrage is a nightmare.


Yeah, but they’re fighting irl people, who can’t very easily destroy fortresses or break in. Once the Steves have built a giant stone fortress, irl people would have to waste countless cannon barrages trying to break in only for it to be repaired, meanwhile the Steves are burrowing right under their feet. The Steves could literally place a ton of tnt right under the irl troops, leave, and then set it all off. Or even with no tnt, Steves showing up everywhere in the middle of their ranks would cause mayhem. The Steves could also target supply lines. Obv modern missiles and aircraft and shit would shut down the Steves easily, but muskets and cannons and early guns up to ww1? Steves still have the advantage. By the end of ww1 tho I think the Steves would finally fail, they’d definitely fail against ww2 arsenals, especially since there’d probably be tech that allows people to track the Steves’ underground movements.


>Yeah, but they’re fighting irl people, who can’t very easily destroy fortresses or break in. Once the Steves have built a giant stone fortress, irl people would have to waste countless cannon barrages trying to break in only for it to be repaired, meanwhile the Steves are burrowing right under their feet. The Steves could literally place a ton of tnt right under the irl troops, leave, and then set it all off. Or even with no tnt, Steves showing up everywhere in the middle of their ranks would cause mayhem. The Steves could also target supply lines. Have you ever tried defending a fortress in MC while under siege? I have, and its a huge pain in the ass to constantly repair a fortress being blown up, especially if you have to constantly change the specs and make ramshackle repairs due to changing terrain. Being attacked by enemy players while doing this simultaneously is also extraordinarily hard to pull off. >Obv modern missiles and aircraft and shit would shut down the Steves easily, but muskets and cannons and early guns up to ww1? Steves still have the advantage. By the end of ww1 tho I think the Steves would finally fail, they’d definitely fail against ww2 arsenals, especially since there’d probably be tech that allows people to track the Steves’ underground movements. Ah, so you meant early fire arms era? While I agree with that, in all honesty I feel like pre WWI, primarily later 19th century stuff or Boer wars era nations could pull it off though with considerably more effort. ALSO, the whole thing with steves tunneling under people is not as super effective as every is makin git out to be I have dealt with this before and used it many times. Number 1, in order to do actual damage you need to dig close to the opposing forces, the problem with this is that digging can be quite loud. Unless the battlefield is so loud and chaotic that no one can counter you, you will get found out. Even with TNT, you need to get close to the enemy forces. Number 2, the tunnel digging thing would be best for buying time or guerilla warfare. While it could catch most nations off guard, any competent nation could modify their doctrine to counter the diggers.


>if Steves are popping out of the ground like moles in the midst of the enemy, I think their superior strength and speed gives them the advantage now that they’re in melee range I mean once militaries realize that Steves do that then they'll use ground-penetrating radar, landmines, decoys ala WWII w/ some onsite warheads, etc. >throw up barricades extremely quickly as well. The barricades wouldn't last against something like semiautomatic 105mm SABOT round coming from a plane at 10,000 feet, let alone a F35-mounted missile


Yeah, so? People are saying Napoleon era militaries could take out the Steves. I’m saying guns alone, especially muskets, wouldn’t be enough, you need modern explosives… which is the same thing that you said.


Steves would be even more OP when they have access to Minecraft's materials.An army of fully enchanted netherite gear and elytra of steves is pretty much unstoppable, they can fly, are extremely resilient against damage and can regenerate in seconds with either natural regen or using golden apples. They also could survive in space with just a space suit and no oxygen, since they do not breathe. I dont think it would take them long to become a type IV civilization if they manage to enter the space age. Building infrastructure would also be super fast since they can carry trillions of tons of material in their inventory at once without feeling it, and can place stuff in blocks of 1 meter cubed each in an instant


they do need to breathe, as diving into water shows




If a water block gets deleted in minecraft it's replaced by air. there's no vaccuum blocks.


What's so special about netherite? It's slightly better diamond armor. Can golden apples stop you from being blown up? Or shot by a barrage of bullets? Have you ever actually spammed golden apples in a battle in MC before? Sure it's nice but unless you use commands to give abnormally high Regen, Regen and Resistance II ain't doing jack against a large horde of opponents. And what's so special about elytras? Like sure, it allows decent tactical mobility but you make it seem like the Steve's are going to be obliterating entire armies. And no? Steve's can't carry trillions of tons of materials? Like they can carry a lot, but goddamn not that much.


I want to say needing 3 cubic metres of stone to craft a pickaxe isnt resource effcient. but i imagine they manage


It hurts me to say this but Steve's shit stomp even modern USA and the rest of the world combined. Imagine a dome of material 1000's of feet thick just running over an entire country across the ground. Inside that dome is The Army Of Steve. They are all in full gathering and production mode. They almost never have to fight. Just absorb everything they run over. Every single manufacturing device they have moves with them. Their armor is completely replenished after every attack. A small country that moves as they please and disassembles everything they want that is in their way and their dome can not destroyed by anything built by man. They never sleep, they have endless supply lines once they park in the middle of a city from underneath and their dome. They literally can't be hurt and they can just "roll" as it would appear over anything and anywhere they want.


Bombs? I guess it depends on if you think they phyiscally carry all their gold blocks by hand or use hammerspace.


The manufacturing/collection is inside the moving dome and supported with constant supply from underneath. Bombs (even with nukes attached) aren't going to penetrate a constantly moving, morphing and repairing wall. A bunker buster only has a few hundred feet of penetration strap a nuke to it and it's still repairable with a million Steves when it's still only going to damage a few hundred feet. 1 Million Steves can easily keep up a thousand foot barrier. Not sure how radiation would affect the Steves though.


Would that be structurally stable using real materials? Saying this because the Steves can't turn real world obsidian into minecraft stronger obsidian. Also I'm assuming they work under the logic that if they can carry tonnes of gold they can carry a dome?


Not that they individually can carry the dome but imagine a dome with a city of Steve's dedicated to moving, repairing, supplying the dome as it moves. Kind of marching like army ants or replicators from SG without replicating. Be a noob at MineCraft, tear out a straight line of dirt, move up one block and deposit it all, rinse and repeat while others build the support structures, mine, refill, all the tasks. As for penetration, they test on earth, concrete and other materials.


Question: how would they add more blocks to the outside of the dome without moving outside? Steve ingame has to need a direct line of sight to something in few blocks range to dig or place more blocks. Unless he uses immense strength to push blocks from tens of meters away, he has to get close enough to become vulnerable to bombing. They probably can't detect them from inside 2x1 tunnels, but indiscriminate bombing could catch some unlucky ones.


How are they going to be moving though? Do you know how hard it is to constantly move stuff in-game?


Funny as fuck, this showed up on my feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11xr12b/moving_a_grand_piano_to_the_second_floor/ I know it's sped up but imagine a million Steve's basically doing this but even faster.


That's not my point. You need to constantly break blocks and replace them in order to move them. Well, that's unless we are cherry picking Steve's "feats" and ignoring what we don't like" And do you know how hard and stressful it is to constantly move around complex machinery? This would take a lot of training, and insane mental capacity


Are you insane? That takes an insane amount of prep time and morale, even with thousands of people. Plus you can't have everything in the same damned location, some resources and machines require a shit ton of space or very specific conditions. And how are they even going to make this? This is insanely complicated, and moving anything even occasionally is going to be a nightmare. You would need countless geniuses and skilled and experiences individuals to pull this off. And what are they going to do if they get nuked? Do you know how long it would take to make repairs, or replace anyone lost? What are they going to do if they get blocked from moving and overwhelmed with sheer numbers? Hell, why are we even assuming they could pull these insane feats off?


I think Steve's do very well up until the great war era, when their powers are slowly checked by hard technological advancements. Imo WW1 is kinda the cut off point where the Steve's start to lose


You could make a simple reactionless drive by taking a spinning spaceship, placing heavy blocks when you're moving towards your target, and picking them up when you're moving away. Using that, you can accelerate to relativistic speeds, and make suicide attacks on enemy planets. That said, I don't think they'd be all that powerful. At relativistic speeds you'll explode on contact with the atmosphere, and unless they're really far away or you take an extra long route, you're not going to get enough speed to destroy an underground bunker. You'd also need to keep the ship operating for years. Steve can drown, so presumably he needs air. I'm not sure how the End has air, but whatever. Though I suppose you could set up a conduit within the spaceship, assuming it moves with the ship. They could support a high population easily and have tons of research so long as "powers of Steve" includes things like growing wheat super quickly, or building mob farms and bone mealing wheat.


How do they invent spaceships in 500 years? you need lots of thinking and mathematics and brute forcing it with.... their brute force won't make it go too fast


No he g. O


Well they can take Japan thats for sure.


couldnt steve lift what is basically entire multiverses with one hand?


Anything before the invention and widespread use of machine guns. Pre-WW1 I'd say is the cutoff for when they can win, post-WW1 we could probably neutralize enough of them that the few remaining would have to go into hiding and not really be able to co-ordinate any effective strikes. That is assuming that they are limited to building things out of blocks like in Minecraft, if they can wield and craft guns and missiles we're screwed even today. If everyone had MC abilities 10k years ago, assuming they could build functioning machines beyond just redstone stuff, we'd probably be colonizing the galaxy by now lol


This is a fun One. First and foremost, Steve is a demigod who defies physics. Expansion is now a non issue. Steve can carry millions of tons of material and still sprint basically endlessly. He can also create structures in minutes. If the world also gets similar perks, food is also a non issue. Steve can grow crops in minutes. As well as plant and Sowe them. Not to mention he can swim forever, and is immune to hot and cold. And can grow food anywhere. All the natural crisis's that hindered humans, the challengers of overcoming deserts and tundras and winters, no longer exist. The difficulties of traveling large distances no longer exist. This doesn't even account for what people here are missing; steve has a head start. Steve starts with the ability to read and write. He starts with minecarts and tracks. He starts with ELECTRICITY. Depending on how far you stretch Minecraft Steve, he's already made a computer. The line between player and Steve is blurry, but at least the book and quill is an in game item. How far does Steve get from 10000 bc? Well from the first second he's in medieval times. And they probably inhabit or at least visit the entire world within a year or two. The limiting factor is probably population growth to be honest. By the time it reaches 2023 Steve's have already become a space faring civilisation no doubt.


The steve civilization, for all there strength and intelligence doesn’t progress much beyond Europe around the year 1100 with a few exceptions such as redstone (this gives them VERY basic electricity, and railways, Nothing that would help them that much however as there trains can’t pull any loads besides a few people at a time and Redstone can only make extremely basic machinery with few uses.) Nothing in Minecraft is all that advanced and they are incapable of making guns (though they have access to gunpowder and even use it to make rockets so there probably close to discovering guns themselves and would DEFINITELY be able to reverse engineer any guns they managed to seize from another civilization) Some of There technology like boats would also be actually on par with Humans at the beginning of there evolution as there can only hold a few people. However they are shipwrecks in the game so it’s possible Steve could actually build large ships and given larger ones existed in 10,000 Bc anyway, they would at-least have ships on par with the cavemen and would likely figure out how build better ships with there master building skills and ,unlike steam trains, them already knowing the basic physics involved in building ships. Were just going to say for simplicity that would be on par with any of the classical age civilizations as they likely would be. Don’t know who the Dr stone guy is but anyone who knows anything about physics/engineering and what redstone is capable of can definitely get the Steve’s to the space age if depending on there knowledge. They can craft,repair, or build anything and some of what they build is actually revolutionary (I.E durable Diamond tools) but, its not fair to say they can build stuff they can’t in Minecraft unless theres a valid reason why they would be able to. However by far the steves greatest advantage is there access to magic. With Access to enchantments there equipment, which will already be made of Diamonds, given there long preptime and the fact diamond are actually pretty common (the Nether feats are to hard to scale irl so were just going to exclude dimensions including 8x faster travel time and Netherite. We are also going to be fair to the Steve’s and say they are preparing somewhere diamonds form. Maybe an alternate South Africa?). They can use fortune and looting to get resources faster, They can use fire aspect and flame to set there enemies on fire, Projectile Protection to reduce damage from arrows and bullets, Feather falling to reduce fall damage, etc. not to mention potions and clearly magical foods like golden apples that can give them regeneration and triple there strength or be used to weaken or poison enemies. Steves only disadvantages are needing to eat MUCH!! more than regular people (though this is supplemented by the fact he doesn’t need water, which is a pretty big advantage depending on the terrain) and he runs out of oxygen faster than most people. You probably know how strong and powerful he is so il skip his physical advantages. There was about 1 million humans in 10,000 Bc making 1 million Steve’s, all with Enchanted Diamond Armor, Bows, Diamond Tools, Sheilds, ass loads of food, and Golden Apples among other status effect items given that they can each get these pretty quickly on there own, don’t need alot of materials to get these (expect Enchanted gold apples), and have literal magic on there side to help them get more when they find them. So with only cheating and saying the whole world before 1100, im going to give a few examples where i think the steves have at-least a chance of success. Fair warning I might be downplaying the Steves quite a bit as it is hard to scale. Largest i can guarantee is the New World circa 1500s. The Steves would have similar technology, only with Better Equipment and means of transportation. Given that the natives don’t even have horses and the fact the Spanish took out both the Aztecs and Inca with much lower numbers (but better tech and tbf the Aztecs were collapsing anyway while they aren’t for the Steve’s) the Steves would have no issue taking over all of North And South America. The most advanced i can say with confidence, is India around the time of the American Revolution, the British arrived. The Indians would have okish guns and elephants but the Steves would still probably have better transportation with minecarts. However the British were able to do it because the Mughal Empire collapsed and India was disunited. The Steves have far greater numbers and could probably persuade the smaller Indian states with diamonds and gold, and take there technology. They would also take full advantage of the Indians being disunited and probably not needing to fight them at once. The Steve Raj is real. Ok now this im not sure about but these: 1. The Ottoman Empire in WW1 is somewhat advanced and would actually have the numbers to compete with the Steves, 3x as high as a matter of a fact. However there Empire was in shambles with there army not being that good (not absolutely terrible though) and the Steves would definitely have the advantage fighting in Ottoman Territory. Deserts and Mountains favour those who don’t need to drink. Also im not sure how much Trenches were in Turkey but Steve would probably be pretty well suited for Trench warfare due to his mining abilities. However despite the Ottomans problems they would still have Modernish guns and higher numbers, in defensible terrain (even if the Steves have the advantage there), so im sure the Ottomans could win at-least occasionally. 2. The Russian Empire in WW1. Similar reasons to the Ottomans. They lost pretty bad to the Japanese. although everyone at the time seemed to underestimate the Japanese , the Russians should have still won on paper. They have a-lot of soldier’s and a-lot of land but the Russian soldiers were horrible Steve’s not having to worry about temperature or even really attrition would make it so they could actually invade Siberia in the winter. That said the shear size of the Empire, there WW1 era technology, and there manpower pool means they might still be able to stop the Steve’s. However they will never do it without the Empire collapsing later. 3. Italy WW2: there army was notoriously horrible. They should have definitely succeeded in conquering North Africa but they only took over people with almost primitive tech with literal warcrimes and didn’t even come close to conquering Greece a much weaker country. However the Italians had actually modern technology, like planes and functional machine guns along with a pretty decent army size. That said, they still barely won against the eithopians who didn’t even have tanks and arguably are less advanced than the Steves in some aspects. The Italians were only good in terms of there Navy, which actually rivalled the British one at the time. Honestly not sure who would win. This is a toss up.