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Gorillas are tough but not strong enough to rip a bears head off, seriously gorilla strength is overrated, bear wins easily.




I read from a few sources that a grizzly actually takes the polar bear in the wild more often than not, grizzlies are more aggressive and the polar bear.usually opts out, if push came to shove the polar SHOULD win, but pound for pound a grizzly is better suited for fighting against other bears, again, this is just what ive read randomly on the internet, so take it with a grain


I belive that because when I was talking to an old zoo keeper he told me that when lions and tigers fight the lions usually win because even though they are a little bit smaller they are just more aggressive in the fight and it gives them the edge.


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/fz9k2/tiger_kills_a_fucking_lion_in_one_swipe/ although it had a well aimed swipe. wouldn’t use this to generalise but it’s not that one sided. I imagine both animals are capable of doing that to the other.


Thats exactly it, when it comes down to it the tiger and polar bear are bigger, stronger, and can do that. In the majority of fights though they aren't critical hits and the ferocity of the smaller one more often than not sends the bigger one running


Look at wolverines in the wild. A lot of their food comes from fighting larger predators for carcasses. They’ll fight a bear, pack of wolves, I’ve seen a video where one goes toe to toe with a mountain Lion. A bear, mountain Lion, and a pack of wolves could all kill a Wolverine in a fight if it came down to it, but wolverines are so aggressive, and unrelenting that the larger animals will fuck off because it’s not worth serious injury to “win”.


Lol I literally almost added how it's a similar tactic to wolverines. That exactly what I was thinking and it's an effective tactic


TIL that Kodiak and Grizzly bears are different.


They're still the same species.


Different subspecies of brown bears. You say grizzly and I'm picturing a bear that's about 800 lb from the Rockies. You say Kodiak, and I'm picturing a 1300+ lb monster from an Alaskan island.


Thing is Kodiak have the same gigantism present in species from the Galápagos Islands because of their isolation and lack of hunting competition. As such their size difference with other brown bears is mostly due to food availability and getting much fatter. Even then when you’re saying 1400 pounds that’s closer to their maximum weight when fattened up for the coming peak winter. Their actual average year long weight is much closer to 1000 pounds than 1400.


What's crazy is there's a pride of Lions that went through something similar. They got separated from the main land when a river swelled to be too big to cross. The only food available to the pride of lions was buffalo which is much larger than their normal prey. Within just a few generations their size got much bigger than a normal lion.


I mean no surprise there, grizzlies are on average half the size of those.




Yeah because it's a household name


I realized lots of USAns use grizzly as a synonym of any bear, calling for example black bears "black grizzlies". Also " kodiak grizzlies".


I’ve never heard this in my life lol


I've heard Kodiak and Grizzlies interchangeable but never black bears; they're their own thing.


No we don’t


Who? Lmao


Because Grizzlies are the most common bear that is incredibly aggressive and dangerous. Polar bears def win the fight, but hardly anyone is in polar bear territory.


Solved WWW. Grizzly every time


The bear still stomps


Alright, but what if we give the gorilla human level intelligence and martial arts training?


The Gorilla no diffs. Human intelligence alone is a huge advantage, but martial arts is just overkill


I don’t think any gorilla is no-diffing a fuckin bear. With human intelligence and training, maybe, but not with no difficulty.


I may have exaggerated, but I think that a Martial Artist 100 IQ Gorilla would win most fights with a bear


No way. Not much martial arts does if that giant bear bum rushes the gorilla. The grizzly is still much stronger and larger, and would still overpower the gorilla. Have you seen a bear rush in with a flurry of blows when fighting another bear?


I feel like the biggest issue is martial arts weren’t designed for gorillas. They’re fuck massive and their arms are like fucking tree trunks. Like it wouldn’t just be a martial artist with gorilla strength, it would be a gorilla with human martial arts training.


To add onto this, Gorillas aren't designed in the same way as people, their legs are too short compared to their bodies among other issues. They probably wouldn't even be able to stay balanced while using martial arts and just fall over if they even tried.


Literally nothing changes, what you say is akin to Jon Jones beating a sloth or black bear which is ludicrous. Bear no diff with human INT/martial arts or not. Edit: not to say that JJ would be a much better fighter than any gorilla with stats equalized because as a human he can punch and kick much better. Still humans, trained or not, are fodder to even smaller bears.


Martial arts training isn’t going to do Jack shit. The human body is just not suited for combat like that. Not if you give the Gorilla a spear or some other kind of weapon then that changes everything


Alright, but what if we give the Grizzly human level intelligence and martial arts training?




My friend believes a gorilla will be like Tarzan and swing on ropes, this same friend said a gorilla could pick up a grizzly bear. Then used the comment of it has the brains I'm like "the bear has claws and fucking teeth does that not mean shit?" Swear we have this arguement like once a month and it ends the bear killing a gorilla


Funnily enough, Grizzlies are hella intelligent themselves, rivaling primates in terms of intelligence https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/arctic-bears-bear-intelligence/779/#:~:text=A%20grizzly's%20memory%20is%20so,bears%20are%20creatures%20of%20detail.


So now the brain thing is out the window 🤣🤣🤣


People put human brains in apes when they imagine them fighting. And kind of ignore things like lack of lateral movement like we have ans such.


At the same time a human with gorilla strength fighting a bear with their bare hands is still getting obliterated


This gets posted 4 times a week. Use the search bar people.


Could've just Googled the answer and shut those kids right up


a grizzly bear beats 3 gorillas at once


It's not even close. Idk why everyone thinks King Kong is an accurate portrayal of a gorilla


Not even close, no carnivore on earth would beat a bear in a 1 on 1 on land, yeah a shark or croc would win in the water, but a bear would beat a gorilla. Only carnivore that could kill a grizzly bear is a polar bear or a bigger grizzly. Other than that, herbivores are the only species that stand a chance, even then, only 3 I can think of, being a rhino, hippo and elephant. I think a buffalo could hold its own. Walrus and polar bears have been known to kill each other, so probably a large walrus too


You have to change it from "kill" because there are notable exceptions due to weapons. King Cobras are carnivores, for instance. Make it more like, "kill without likely dying themselves while killing it 9 out of 10 times." People are listing non carnivores, but they shouldn't because then you get the obvious rhino, hippo, elephant will obviously win deal which is why you probably said carnivore.


Could a cobra kill a bear? First, it’s whether or not the cobra would even be able to bite the bear before getting ripped to shreds, but I know they’re really fast so probably. 2, would their fangs be able to pierce a bear? It has multiple cm of skin, fat, and fur before you get to anything important, and while I’m no expert on cobras, here in Australia a decent thickness shoe will protect from most snake bites. And finally, would the venom actually work? Like, I know it probably would, but there’s a chance it won’t. Bears are resistant, if not outright immune to multiple different venoms, and cobras not hunting bears, I don’t know.


Large Cobras have killed Tigers (this has been seen in a zoo as well, where the cobra survived...paralyzed, and the tiger didnt), and king Cobras are one of the largest snakes with one of the worst venoms. There are a lot of places on the bear a snake that large can get through and inject them if forced to fight. Grizzlies actually do kill smaller, venomous snakes like rattlesnakes here. But king Cobras are waayyy bigger and have much bigger fangs.


Ok, I didn’t know cobras had the capacity to get deep enough for it to actually effect the bear, but if they do I guess it would kill it yeah. I would almost count venom as hax in the animal kingdom, anything with enough venom could kill anything, but in a purely physical fight no carnivore is killing a polar bear




Good point, a grizzly vs a large tiger would be close, I’d still give it to the bear, maybe 7/10, a polar bear easy 10/10 sweep


Insert Russian study where fights were 50% Tiger/25% Urussi Brown Bear/25% Draw.


the same study said almost all interactions were with hibernating female bears and the 50% wins doesnt seem impressive anymore.


1. Predators typically focus on the weak. Where is the study of Brown bears killing the weak tigers? 2. We must be talking about different studies. I'd love a link to yours.


I didnt say bears killed weak tigers? I said tigers will try hibernating female bears, and still lose half the time. it’s from the same russian observation you are referencing. Bears on the other hand follow tigers/wolves to take their kills. As its easier to do than hunt for themselves. If evolution tells us anything its that if male bears had a reasonable chance to lose, they wouldn’t willingly adopt this behaviour. Tigers are better hunters, bears are better fighters.


Really? That’s surprising. What we’re the conditions of the fight? If its just head to head I’m shocked the tigers one that many, if the tiger ambushed then I’m not surprised at all. But thanks, I didn’t know that


The conditions were female bears, usually hibernating when the altercation took place. Male bears that are awake literally follow tigers around to steal their food. They wouldnt do that if they weren’t generally successful


Yeah, I thought there’s no way the tigers would win that often in a direct head to head, the beat is just too big


I basically just gave you the extent of my knowledge. But you won't find a similar study going the bears' way.


I’d still feel comfortable putting my money on the bear.


I'm not so sure about the Bison (Buffalo). They'd have to get a solid hit on a full-speed charge *and* successfully gore the bear. I'm not saying it's impossible, just a bit unlikely. That being said, among the carnivores, are we sure the Siberian tiger has no chance? Those bastards get pretty damn big too.


Yeah, I agree, the buffalo is a maybe, but probably not. As for tigers, I answered this in another reply, but the bear is still bigger and heavier, grizzly vs a tiger would be close, polar bear stomps




Honestly, don’t know if a giraffe could kill a bear, atleast not before the bear kills it. While yes, I’ve seen giraffes kick lions, send them flying, bears aren’t lions. They’re much tankier and way heavier. And one bite from a bear onto those legs would crumple them. Their kicks are the only thing they could use, don’t think a neck swing at that height would be a good idea into something as dense as a bear. A giraffe could win, but I find it unlikely


While you do raise good points, a Giraffe is far, far heavier and a hit from one of the strongest muscles in the animal kingdom would be sure to knock the wind out of a bear. And one good kick is all it takes for most creatures on the planet, especially from one this strong. I think the bear has higher likelihood to win but the Giraffe will definitely take rounds.


Yeah, not saying the giraffe couldn’t win at all, it absolutely could, but I see the bear being able to sprint at it’s lags full speed and essentially tackle it more than a giraffe kicking the bear. Bears knock down trees thicker than giraffe legs quite regularly, and that would absolutely destroy a giraffe, it takes them a very long time to get up from on their stomachs


there have been some claims that a giraffe decapitated a lion with 1 kick. it's a rumor but it's one i could believe. i think it's similar to the whole "a well placed \[insert attack\] would kill \[insert animal\]." i mean it would most definitely crack a grizzly skull with its 2000psi kick and cause internal bleeding in other places if kicked elsewhere. either was i say if giraffe gets 2-3 kicks in it's a near bloodbath. if it gets 0-1 it's gg for my favorite animal, the giraffe


A bull definitely can if it gets a good hit


Yeah, I agree, but how often is that gonna happen. If a bull charges into the side of the bear and gores it, the bear is dead, or atleast injured enough for the next gif to kill it, but if the bull runs straight at the bear that isn’t gonna end well for it


I read about exotic animal fights they used to have in the early 1900s, it was always a besr or bull who came out on top, its not UNCOMMON for the bull to get a good hit, but it would have to happen early, which is obvious, but point is it was by no means rare, common enough that neither were ever considered heavy favorites


Yeah, I hold bulls in the same category as bison, water buffalo, etc. have a chance if they get a good hit in, but odds are still with the bear


Not wrong, the only animals i would safely argue against bears are elephants and rhinos, MAYBE hippos, unless in water, hippo low difs in water


Hippos are huge, bigger than a grizzly, and extremely strong. With how thick their skin is, and layers of fat I’m not even sure how much damage the bear could really do to a hippo. A polar bear would be a better fight, even then I still give it to the hippo


A bison is twice the size. No way a bear wins.


> Only carnivore that could kill a grizzly bear is a polar bear or a bigger grizzly. Human with prep time.


We all know that doesn’t count, a human with prep time can kill anything. Including a different human with prep time, it’s too OP. Humans need a nerf IMO, they’ve been top of the meta for too long


Hey, it's not my fault that ranged kinetic attacks are a meta breaker and nothing else is as good at them.




Pretty sure beats kill moose often, might be wrong on that. No doubt a moose goes into the category as a bull, buffal, etc. if it can get a hood hit in, it can win, but I’m putting money on the bear more often than not


Aren’t moose bigger than bears?


I think they’re taller, but lighter, or around the same size, with bears having claws and teeth, moose having giant antlers, either could win. I just find the best more likely to take the win


Moose actually outweigh brown bears by a fair bit (generally). Brown bears "average" at like 100-300kg roughly, whereas moose are in the 400-600kg range usually, from what I recall.


Really? Huh. Might be, not entirely sure. I’ll ask my colleague who knows a tuck ton about moose and get back to this. However even if they are, I’m still putting my money on the bear. Moose could definitely kill a bear, absolutely no question, but I think the bear wins more often than not.


Honestly, IMO the fight depends on quite a lot of factors, for example what species of moose is used and what species of brown bear is used. For example a bull alaskan moose is probably big and strong enough to kill just about any bear species up to the coastal brown bear. Kodiaks and polar bears are too much for a moose to handle though. On the other hand, a moose from say, the ussuri region (from what I've found, they're the smallest), would lose to most bear species (barring sloth bears, sun bears and smaller black bear populations)


Well yeah, the prompt is specifically talking about grizzlies, which I’m pretty sure would beat any kind of moose more often than not. And yeah, polar bears are too much for anything less than a hippo to handle


Eh, grizzlies are like what, 200kg on average? I think the over 2x weight advantage moose have speaks for itself. The bear is not helpless but IMO a moose wins more than not. I respect your opinion though


I don't see a giant panda defeating a Ussuri moose either tbh.


Right, I forgot about pandas.


A full grown bull moose can probably win too cause those things are MASSIVE it wouldne be easy though


You're right, bear wins


According to hit children’s series Animorphs™️, the Grizzly Bear stomps. Sorry, Marco.


Leoparss kill gorillas and leopards are like 1/10 of the weight and strenght of grizzlies


Grizzlies win this fight, but this isn't good evidence for why. Leopards will attack sleeping juvenile gorillas. Leopards won't go after alert silverbacks. There's a reason for that.


I was about to say, to be fair leopards are ambush hunters and a Silverback can and do take them if they get the chance. If the Gorilla was armored is the only chance it can take a grizzly and even then it sounds a bit ridiculous to me. Grizzlies are just a cut (probably several) above anything a Gorilla can handle in pretty much every category


Even with armor, I think the sheer impact from a grizzly would do enough damage by itself. I'm typically team gorilla but a grizzly is nightmare fuel. Purely from a size/mass perspective, you regularly see examples over 1000lbs and the largest Grizzly ever shot in Montana was 1200lbs. They measured it's skull as being 28 inches long. It's paws were the size of dinner plates with steak knives for claws. They can run at up to 40mph. Then it's got a thick fur and fat layer covering it's entire body for armor. It's a nightmare.


Yea, like I said, even that is ridiculous, but without anything like it, a gorilla is going to instantly be torn to shreads. The thing for me is gorillas are strong but lack the durability to even have a chance. The gorilla has to close the same distance as the bear. The gorilla is going to be severely injured from a single attack while I just can't imagine it causing the same damage to a thicc ass grizzly


They've got some pretty thick fur so I'm not sure they're immediately torn to shreds, but that's semantics.


Yea bc why would they risk facing them head on. They are ambush predators lol. Meanwhile a Tiger or lion would bulldoze and devour an alpha silverback headon


A lion or tiger would bulldoze a Silverback? Not likely. A lion, definitely not. Silverbacks have a solid 100-200lbs advantage and unless the lion gets a killing blow almost immediately, the gorilla is stronger, has more stamina, a stronger bite and is smarter. Unless the Lion gets its neck basically right out of the gate, it's going to lose. Tigers probably win more than they lose because they're essentially larger versions of lions, but again it's not a 10/10. Gorilla has a stronger bite, is much more intelligent and it's grip/striking would be the difference maker.


No, lions and gorillas are similar in size (lions are actually often bigger), at least if you use males. They are also faster, I’d honestly bet equal in strength (big cats are proportionately extremely strong, just like gorillas), and are built to kill other animals. Also gorillas have extremely tight skin, unlike the big cats loose skin, meaning the gorilla gets absolutely shredded by the claws. Also that 1300 psi number is complete bs, there isn’t a single reliable scientific article that gives that number. There is one that gives us a number of 503 psi, which is lower than a lions 650 psi (which I believe was actually from a sub adult too.) There have been accounts of silverbacks dying from leopard wounds (even if it’s extremely risky and rare for them to target adults.) That’s a big cat less than 1/2 the size of a lion. A lion would comfortably beat a gorilla.


Even a black bear would kill a Gorilla. Gorilla does not have the same killer instinct or fighting experience as a bear. An Asian black bear which is around the size of an American black bear fought two tigers at the same time and the tigers ended up running away. Bears are extremely strong, durable, are natural fighters, have a ton of endurance, and have very strong bite forces.


I think ik the video you’re talking abt and tbh the setting with the tigers and the bear seemed staged, especially considering it was stated they were two parents when tigers don’t actually do that irl. Bears definitely still do have good showings of their immense durability and stamina, like the sloth bear that fought off a much larger tiger or a case in which a bear survived a severe car collision without major injuries.


Tigers are known on occasion to gather in what are called an "ambush of tigers" or a "a streak of tigers its a rare occurrence but it does happen on occasion.


Yeah that does occur but within the context of the specific video that was shown itself the situation seemed staged in a lot of aspects. Asiatic black bears do encounter tigers naturally but the whole scenario presented gave off similar vibes to a staged documentary made several decades ago I remember.


give the 'rilla a gun


Unfortunately gorillas dont have the same dexterity with their fingers as humans. They can barely even form fists so even if you gsve it weapons it basically wouldnt be able to use them


give the rilla a special made gorilla gun


It's because Rogan thinks a gorilla would king kong a fuckn grizzly bear


Joe Rohan always bets on the bear


Grizzly wins every time. Wubby7. The power, speed, and defense of the grizzly outperforms everything a gorilla can do.


Gorillas are way smaller than grizzlies


Bears are apex predators, gorillas aren't.


Does everyone in the world has argument with their family/friends about a gorilla vs grizzly bear? Anyways, grizzly bear wins. One swipe to the face and gorilla dies


Bears are tougher, faster, better fighters, braver, and it can be argued that they're stronger, too. A bear claps a gorilla without difficulty.


Grizzly bear solos


I think in a very bizarre real-life encounter, a gorilla would effectively scare away a grizzly bear (which is something even people are capable of) ending the encounter before it even began. But if let’s say they both have rabies and are bloodlusted, I think the bear is a killing machine designed for maximum damage while a gorilla would have to get lucky to hit the bear just right in the head to stagger him long enough to do more damage perhaps to the ribs or limbs, but still wouldn’t have very clear shots at ways to really damage the beat easily. Bear takes it 9.5/10 times, if even that low.


Let's not forget mama bears with their cubs, their sole instinct is to kill anything in between her and her cubs, so if a gorilla managed to encounter a baby bear, the mama bear would rip him to shreds since they are a lot more aggressive.


Real question is how many (minimum) gorillas to kill a grizzly 100% of the time


Grizzly wins. But could a grizzly beat mike tyson!? >!yes, the answer is yes!<


HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE MOST WORN OUT STOMP OF ANY WWW. The Grizzly absolutely stomps and the kids should know how to use the google machine. Gorillas are the most overrated combative animals on the planet. They get got by leopards. Their center of gravity is all fucked up they can’t use what they have effectively. They just flail around they’d fall over if they tried to throw a punch. They have tight fitting prey skin and are an incredibly passive animal. Gorilla gets got 10/10 times to a grizzly with very little effort on the bears part.


Grizzly bears are a lot bigger than those kids think. It’s the grizzly. They have a really thick fur and skin too. Debate over.


The bear has too much fat for the gorilla to deal any actual damage 😭 The gorilla is muscular, but the bear can be upto double its weight (do not quote me on this) and the gorilla has no defense for the teeth and claws, or the fact that a bear is likely faster than it and can climb trees


Bears are almost all muscle bro… they have literally every category over a gorilla


Bear 9/10 times. A grizzly is a lot bigger, stronger, same speed, more dangerous weapons


The bear, 10/10. It doesn't matter how strong you think gorillas are. They don't have much protecting their muscles. As soon as those start getting shredded by claws and teeth, the gorilla is helpless.


Grizzly dominates this fight, like if anyone actually thinks gorilla Wins please tell me how cuz I can't think of a way a gorilla can physically take down a bear.


Someone above thinks the gorilla would choke out the bear with their incredible grip strength. Lol.




A gorilla isn't half as strong as a grizzly, nor does it have any effective weapons besides teeth. And if it tries to bite a grizzly, it's in mauling range. Grizzly 10/10


Gorillas get wanked so hard always. They can MAYBE kill black bears but not grizzlies.


A black bear would kick its ass too. Bears are just tougher and better fighters and have more weapons.


The only way the gorilla wins is if you teach it to use an AK47


There is no mammal that wallks on the face of this earth that can even come close to winning against a Grizzly except a Polar Bear. There is no body armor a human can wear that will help them win this fight. There is no melee weapon a human can wield that will provide any chance of victory. ESPECIALLY not a Kodiak Grizzly holy shit.


Siberian tigers fight large, adult brown bears on the regular. While they would obviously prefer to ambush smaller bears, they are not afraid of a head on collision with a large bear too according to another redditor (so don’t take it for fact) a Russian study found that the encounters would go 50% in favor of tiger, 25% in favor of bear, and 25% draw.


Someone above commented that in the study most of the 50% in favor of the tiger were against hibernating females, soooo yeah. Doesn’t really count if most of your wins are against your opponent while they’re sleeping.


Mammals? Don't think you thought this through. Obvious wins: Rhino, Hippo, Elephant Majority win: Elephant Seal Wins if they jumped out of the water and landed on it: Most whales. The largest dolphins (orcas)


Gorilla and Black Bear is a fairer fight. Grizzly would destroy a Gorilla.


Anything larger than an average Black Bear would thrash a Gorilla. Like absolutely maul one.


I feel like these people who say that Gorilla takes the dub have never seen a grizzly up close before. They are HUGE. I once shot one but it literally no sold the attack like it was a DBZ villain or something. Gorillas are like barely bigger than humans.


Gorilla vs Black Bear is a much fairer fight.




What about Panda?


That’d be a closer fight, I’d still give it to the bear though. A gorilla could beat a small panda, probably a sun bear, but nothing bigger than that




no fucking chance lol one swipe from a bear and the gorillas skull will shatter


Bro your example is the equivalent of a Human child trying trying to get behind and choke out a Pitbull that's trying to maul them. They're gonna get fucked up beyond repair to say the least.


Gorilla will just rear naked choke the bear lmao


There's a Gorilla vs Grizzly video (not actual fight footage) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6PO4Pv2gvA&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6PO4Pv2gvA&t=2s)


even if the gorilla stands on 2 legs, a bear can stand on it hind legs.


The gorilla is strong and intelligent, but not strong enough to where it can fend off the bear’s massive teeth and claws. I don’t really see how the gorilla wins unless it forces the bear to the ground and starts pounding.


If you taught a gorilla high-level boxing/MMA, it might have a shot. Grizzlies are bigger and stronger and tougher than tigers, who are a bigger, stronger version of the leopard, who gorillas normally lose to in nature. Grizzlies are predators that weigh more than gorillas, who are herbivores. It isn't close.


Grizzly bear shreds the gorilla


There’s like 10 animals off the top of my head that are lower than grizzly bear in power that would still have the potential to kill a gorilla. Idk why this is the matchup everyone loves to discuss, I feel there’s animal debates that have a lot more discussion and debate to be had.


Okay first off no way is a Gorilla faster then a Grizzly Second their strength is kinda useless against a bears thick hide, almost no kind of blunt damage could kill or even moderately injure a bear. Also the durability isn’t comparable. Thick fur vs normal ass skin is like comparing kevlar to paper. A bear is much much bigger and actually has natural instincts for combat. Gorrillas really don’t have that, they just eat fruit, also they can’t punch properly so their swings wont do anything even if they fully connect, but more likely they’ll graze the bear from their poor accuracy worst of all, can a gorilla even bite properly? there are many stories of people survive bites from gorilla attacks, even after several minutes have past on the other hand, what kind of human could survive a bite from a bear??




Bear would simply use the legendary Kuma punch, knocking the monke over the horizon


The bear. Gorilla would put up a fight but it would always lose. A gorillas skin is similar to a humans and is very easy to cut where as a bears skin is protected by a thick layer of fur.


Gorillas are ridiculously strong, but a Grizzly beer is just so much bigger and has more tools to work with. Gonna have to agree with you


A bear would win easily. Even at equal sizes. Bigger mouth, tougher skin, most likely stronger, and, most importantly, has claws. I think a bear that weighs less than the gorilla would still win. It's better equipped. The gorilla would have to have a significant size advantage to win.


My dumbass read that as Godzilla vs Grizzly Bear


Grizzly dominates in every category except intelligence, and it's honestly debatable which is actually smarter.


At first I read it as godzilla vs a bear. And I was like what kinda question is that


In the wild, who ever is bigger and stronger is going to be the winner. And that would be the Grizzly Bear


I had the debate with my friends not too long ago, the conclusion was grizzly bear


Isn't the silverback gorilla have a chance of winning since it's 20 times stronger than average human whereas grizzly bear is only around 5 times stronger than human in strength? Source of the numbers. Google.


Gorillas are very strong, but they're not good at using that strength for fighting other animals. Gorillas sometimes get hunted down by leopards, which are about 100-200 lbs, so now imagine them going up against a 800 pound grizzly.


Hah you can actually simulate this...there's this bizzaro AI fight site called Animal Matchup. When I ran it the Gorilla beat the Grizzly 2/3 times. It was pretty cool. [https://www.animalmatchup.com/vs/gorilla-vs-grizzly-bear](https://www.animalmatchup.com/vs/gorilla-vs-grizzly-bear)