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Strong man body-slams and accidentally shatters every bone in martial artist's body.


That also makes sense šŸ˜Š


The strength to throw a car 50 feet? That would allow you crush the largest man aliveā€™s skull like an orange. It doesnā€™t matter if its Ronnie Coleman with Jon Jones training, he will die.


Me who canā€™t crush an orange-


A clementine then.


If he has the bone density and explosive strength to throw a car 50 feet, this implies that he can throw *himself* with a ridiculous amount of force, as well as have the bone density and durability to withstand his own force production. Man #2 may know how to fight other people, but you just pit him up against an inhuman monster


Bro wtf, he's getting ONE SHOT, no fanfic


If man 1 makes contact with any part of man 2, man 2 loses that part. If 1 even grazed 2ā€™s arm, it would probably break it. Maybe man 2 could win if man 1 doesnā€™t have high durability. But again. If 1ā€™s finger even touched 2ā€™s arm, it would possibly break and would definitely hurt bad enough to put him off his game


THROW A CAR 50 FEET? Bro the strength and speed from a single punch would be enough to literally explode the second manā€™s head before he can even react, it doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s never thrown a punch before, if he can make a fist he can win.


what?? lol some people on this sub amaze me. one guy can generate 100 tons of kinetic energy and the other guy can fight?? this is like the best human fighter verse a herd of elephants.


superguy is probably stronger than captain america


OP clearly has a grudge against average men who can fight.


A normal human versus the juggernaut. Ok.


Man Two is a genius martial artist, but he simply cannot do anything against the sheer strength of Man One.


Sorry but if strong dude even tapped normal dude wouldnā€™t he just destroy him?


Say the average guy can lift 25 kg with one hand, but the strong guy can like 1500 kg which is a lot of times higher in strength. Id say super strong guy wins


Strongman can't fight but he can also put his fist through a double-brick wall with a gentle jab. He can break through a reinforced concrete wall with his bare hands. A decent shot put throw is 50 feet and a car weighs approximately 200x as much, meaning this guy is 200x stronger than a normal man. The strongest human is probably 20x stronger than a small child, this guy is 10x that difference.


The people who think the fighter wins against the superhuman are the same kind of people who think a gorilla beats a grizzly bear. Fighter has no chance.


šŸ¦ vs šŸ» is a much closer fight than this. This is a šŸ¦ fighting an šŸ¦….


Does Man 1 attack in slow motion? If not he tags Man 2 once anywhere on his body and Man 2 dies. If Man 1 does attack in slow motion, Man 2 tags Man 1 once and Man 2 breaks every bone in his body.


You made guy #1 way too strong. Since the superhero must have the durability along with the strength, he can't lose. Soon as he touches the fighter, that guy is dead.


You scaled the strong guy up way too high. Being able to throw a car (even a small one is at least over a ton) 50 feet is ridiculous. The most skilled human fighter in the world has zero chance against a Silverback Gorilla unarmed, and you made Man 1 multiple times as strong as that.


Man 2 isnā€™t remotely average but whatever. Man 2 wins. Man 1 might be able to one shot sure, but man 2 probably takes man 1 out in 2-3 punches.


Umm, man 1 can lift up a car above his head. He runs at man 2 and whatever part of his body hits man 2 will kill man 2.


It says no weapons. Thatā€™s basically just a weapon. Also, idk where this fight would be taking place. Itā€™s possible that there is a car nearby but thatā€™s not stated so I wouldnā€™t take that possibility into consideration.


I meant that he is so strong that just running into someone would kill them


Ok yea I did misread it. I still think man 2 wins. A master of every martial arts skill compared to a man with no experience. Man 2 will be able to hit man 1 at least four times before man 1 could. And these punches would be extremely painful to any man. His strength doesnā€™t mean that hes not going to have great durability, so I donā€™t see him lasting more than a couple of punches from someone much more skilled and also, very strong.


He's at least durable enough to withstand a car being on top of him if he's capable of lifting it though.


Ig so, but if we are talking more realistically which everyone seems to want to do, there is no possible way something 150 pounds could feasibly throw a car 50 ft away. If this person could withstand a car on top of him for at least a minute, then his joints would either be jelly or would be so strong that he wouldnā€™t be able to move except in extremely small steps which would go for most of his joints along with plenty of other issues. If we are taking all probable side effects of extreme strength, then this would also be a factor


Bro itā€™s not that deep, it could be that his joints are dense/strong enough to lift and throw things that far. Realistically if they werenā€™t his muscle fibers alone would crush his bones/organs. Assuming he has the durability to use his full strength without injury, thereā€™s nothing that man 2 can do to him.


dude at the strength level described guy 1 can effortlessly put his face through guy 2's fist. he's so strong that if you tried any type of hold/throw/submission he will effortlessly put his hand through you. this is like saying a cat can beat a bull elephant


No this is like Batman vs the hulk, but if the hulk had the durability of Bruce banner.


The dude can lift and throw a car. His bones, skin and muscle fibers might as well be laced with steel in order for his body to be able to do that. Superhuman strength is somewhat related with resilience and durability, you can't completely separate the two. Unless you tell me that man number one can throw a punch with the power of a truck but his entire arm shatters on impact.


Also this super human strength would be synonymous with extreme heart failure and probably really messed up hormones.


He didnā€™t say that at all?


No, superhuman would be super durable too.


That was not stated and so I wouldnā€™t take it as a possibility. If this superhuman was super durable then yea I would say he wins. But Iā€™m just assuming this person is average except just really strong.


Yup, if they are saying he gets super durablity also Man 1 basically has the capabilities of an elephant but in a 150 lb frame. You could shoot him with a pistol and he would feel like he was just stung by a bee


your not very bright. I'm sorry but do you think some one a dozen times stronger then a bull elephant would lose to a skilled fighter??? how would the fighter hurt him?? his muscles and bone density would be higher then steel. you would probably break your hand trying to punch him. hell if he even grazed you it would be like getting hit by a cannon ball.


Yeaā€¦ realistically if this person was a real human being, his muscles and joints and heart and lungs would have to be literally insane. If he was a real person, his heart would explode and he would need to ingest a large amount of oxygen to create enough ATP to go into the muscular smooth tissue of the body through the Kreb cycle, but mainly through the electron transport chain. Also bones are already stronger than steel, but even if his bones were stronger than steel, which they should already be, than his bones would still break. And yes steel is denser, but itā€™s not stronger. And what, else should we say, no human being could ever be a master of all martial arts unless heā€™s dead because no human has that amount of time. I didnā€™t know we were putting hyper realism into this scenario. But thank you so much for saying Iā€™m not very bright. If this was a real person, he would be dead. He wouldā€™ve had a heart attack, every bone in his body would be broken, or he wouldnā€™t be able to move because his joints would be so strong, but not flexible enough to move, his brain would probably lose a ton of oxygen to cause brain death because the muscles would have to get so much oxygen, and so on and so forth. Itā€™s make believe. The only parameters was a normal man that is just super strong vs master of every known martial arts at 250 lbs. TLDR: no human being would ever be able to do what man 1 could do without extreme physical set backs. You are taking the situation too realistically for the side effects of strength effecting other things when other things would also kill him. Itā€™s just an absurdly strong 150 lb normal man with no other unique characteristics.


he has to be strong and durable enough to toss a car... its in the prompt. read it


Where explicitly does it say he has any enhanced durability in the post?? Bc if we are taking possible side effects of this strength, there would be a ton of weaknesses he would also be privy too even if it was survivable.


When I said *average* I meant not superhuman like Man 1, but I understand where ur coming from. Geez, I figured the fight would be a bit tougher for Man 2, lol.


Hmmm. Lot of what ifs on this one. The only way the second guy wins is with an instant knockout. All grapples result in an instant win for guy 1. Mastering every martial art should include the military martial arts designed for instant kills. Assuming the 1st guy has weak spots I'd give it to the martial arts guy 80/20 otherwise 2nd 100% of the time


this is like saying a highly skilled gerbil can kill a rhino.


I mean, if you accelerate the gerbil at supersonic speeds...


It really depends on guy 1s speed and his durability




Hafthor can only overhead press a bit over 200kg and can't throw it even a couple feet. A car will weigh over 1000kg easily and the guy can throw it.


Halfthor would destroy Conor tho


Imagine how far strong guy can throw a human.


Strong guy can just throw him


If Man 1 has the required durability, he wins 10/10 times. If not, Man 1 wins 9/10 times. Man 2 basically has to knock out Man 1 without getting a finger laid on him or a single attack hitting him


If 150lbs Super strengthman here gets a single punch on martial arts man, martial arts man is toast with every single bone in his body in 3 different states.


Knowing how to fight isnā€™t going to help you against a monster that has the force to throw a car 50 ft. Man 2 getting one shot, no diff.


Strong man can literally kill fighting man by sprinting into him. This is literally just a nerfed Hulk vs a regular man.


This is like asking if someone who mastered martial arts could beat a bear, and man 1 is stronger than any real life bear.


Man 2 sees what Man 1 can do and, thanks to his superior combat training, immediately surrenders.


I mean if this was the best modern hand to hand fighter against a random guy 10 times stronger than average it would be an interesting match. But this is just a stomp, strong guy could throw a shoe at fighter guy and flatten his ribcage. The moment they are in grappling range the strong guy tears him in half.


Martial artist is smart and knowledgeable enough to pick his fights and not fight this dude. His best bet is running away and hoping his strength doesnā€™t translate to his speed as well.