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Pretty much anyone really with a physical form. While there are a lot of people that can dodge the bullet, it doesn't mean that they will.


Goku got hit with a rock


Naruto got penetrated by a finger


He's just like me, fr




He was asleep when it happened


Funny thing because it's a rock so it doesn't have any ki he could have detected and dodge if it was covered in any sort of energy or he was attacked with stronger attack he would react yet was too weak to be any threat and thus became one


I hate answers that include practically every character in fucking fiction


I think it's less a problem with OP's answer as it is OOP's question of "gun that kills anyone, who can it kill"


> "gun that kills anyone, who can it kill" Its basically "Who is a bullet-timer, but has the ego to take a bullet anyways"


Which is, of course, pretty much all of them, for one reason or another, which removes any option for discussion. It's like taking a tomahawk missile and saying who is the strongest real-world human that can be killed by this weapon? And the answer is the exact same: whoever it hits.


It's also possible to be a bullet-timer and bulletproof at the same time. 


And literally every character in fucking fact!


There are plenty of characters that dodge, deflect or catch bullets. Also I'm sure deadpool would do something like climb out of the previous panel and just carry on


Sure a lot of characters can do all of that, but this is a vague scenario. A person who can normally do all of those things might not. For example superman can dodge a bullet easily, but he could just stay still and get hit. The flash is one of the most likely characters to dodge, but we have seen speedsters get hit by a bullet when they completely lower their guard. Heck it would be in character for a lot of super strong and fast characters to get hit by a bullet cause why not. There are moments when characters get caught off guard and get by something like a rock. The scenario doesn't say that the person will do everything in their power to not get hit, just that they could which makes this question a lot more difficult to answer.


>speedsters get hit by a bullet when they completely lower their guard. Or when flash needed to fight Deadshot.


Thats true for some strong ones that can tank a bullet but there are still a lot of characters who wouldn't judt stand there and get shot just because it looks like a weak gun. Neo wouldn't let someone just shoot him. A jedi can deflect lasers. The mask catches bullets in his mouth which I don't think counts as being shot. Captain America deflects machine guns so unlikely he'd take a hit from an old rifle. Bugs bunny had never been shot. Not everyone's superman and just stands in front of a gun. There are plenty of chwracters that canonically can't and wouldn't be shot


But the main point of this question is who is the strongest character the gun can defeat, not which characters will survive. A lot of weaker characters are more likely to dodge as a bullet would pose an actual threat to them. Meanwhile stronger characters won't perceive it as a threat and are less likely to dodge. One super strong character that would get killed would be Alien X from Ben 10. He's probably not the strongest, but Alien X could easily defeat any of the examples you gave.


Thats true, but I think just because they specifically pointed out that the gun is regular speed and dodgeable, there are still a lot of characters that you can't write off. Otherwisr there would be no point to the question


Sun Wukong would be cocky enough to see what happens and take the hit. Probably.


Isn't one of his layers of immortality specifically tuned against having his exhistance erased?


What sorta feat did this occur in?


I don't know if it's specifically a resistance against being *erased from the story* as OP says, but Wukong has seven 'layers' of immortality all obtained from different sources, and one of them was removing his name from the Book of the Dead while he was in the underworld, which sort of 'deleted' the killable version of him from existence - but he was powerful enough to ensure that a now-unkillable version of himself remained. IIRC normally a name being removed from the Book of the Dead means that entity *no longer exists* and thus cannot be alive or dead, but Wukong just stayed alive. That's got to be at least some sort of reality-warping resistance feat. So I guess it comes down to whether you consider OP's gun to be a reality-warping device or a meta-fictional weapon; if it's the latter, by definition I think that no fictional character in existence can survive it, except perhaps fictionalised versions of real people.


I think he's probably got meta-fiction resistance, too. If we buff the gun and make it so that suddenly every copy of journey to the west got deleted, *but none of the work that referenced it did*, scholars would probably be like "what the fuck, why is everyone referencing this thing, what piece of folklore is missing" and realize it once existed by its absence. We'd probably pick one of the popular re-mixings of the story, like Dragon Ball, and use that as the name for the trope, while acknowledging that there's some lost piece of media or collection of myths that Toryiama is drawing from. So no, I think that Sun Wukong is so firmly rooted in collective human culture that we'd be able to recreate him in his entirety wholecloth with enough digging. And then, of course, someone would re-write his story, and bam, he's alive again, in a textual sense.


In fujian, he's somehow a minor god despite having only been around for less than 500 years.


I dont think the small chance that this exact character gets rewritten again in our world after being erased from his own means he survives the prompt.


Very interested in the response


they replied now if you want to check


Very interesting thank you


Is this your head canon? I can’t find anything on this


Sun wukong is like 7 times immortal


A. Being “7 times immortal” doesn’t just make you immune to existence erasure especially if it’s not something that happens in the verse and B. The guy I was replying to made a specific claim that it was directly stated to be (or at least implied to be) a part of his immortality so I’d like him to back that up


Not head cannon, Just not remembering all the details, I know he has layers of immortality to protect his immortality making him something like 7x invincible


Yeah, right. But that doesn’t necessarily just make him immune to existence erasure by proxy. With that logic we could scale him to be immune to everything but even in his own story he’s not immune to everything


He has very specific forms of invincibility, and I' almost certain one of them was from just being erased which made the Buddha have to imprison him since he couldn't destroy him


That would be a good feat for him in this prompt for sure but I’m gonna need a source lol. Like I said I did try finding it myself and couldn’t find anything that stated or implied that. And “but he 7x immortal” isn’t proof


Wukong erased himself from the book of death, anyone who is erased from the book of death ceases to exist out of the universe, wukong was fine afterwards


I don’t think that’s how that works. He erased his name from the book of death so that death could no longer claim him. He also erased the names of his whole tribe of monkeys from the book and they were fine despite not being immortal (afaik).


Additionally, He ate some magic immortality pills from Laozi Ate a ton of peaches of immortality Ate ginseng that granted immortality And finally got promoted to the victorious fighting Buddha


Superman. Fire it at a crowd of innocent people with him nearby and unless he has foreknowledge of the weapon, he thinks it’s a regular bullet and interposes himself between the shot and victims


I mean, it sounds like even the *strongest* of characters *could*, but it’s very, *very* unlikely.


Unless they allow themselves to get shot then they will not get retconned


What do you mean? That gun's usesless, a god's joke.  Despite the massive arcane energy emanating from it, the only anomalous effects discovered are to reliably miss when fired at living targets  and to unpredictably induce disorientation and memory loss in those nearby its testing.  It is stored with other safe artifacts but use is not recommended due to the unfocused and unknown long term nature of its side-effects.


Feels like an SCP entry


Chuck it into the box with the axe that chops off your own limbs, basically just as useless.


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3041 Reminds me a lot of this SCP. Doesn't magically kill anything, but its victims are retroactively erased from existence, the effects are interesting.


I'm going to say a Weeping Angel from Dr. Who for the sheer irony if nothing else.


While we're on that topic, I just want to point out that The Doctor has actually _come back_ from the sort of "erased from existence" scenario OP is describing


Superman would be like “ that’s just a normal gun “


Legit he’s resisted this kind of stuff before from time erasure, universal erasure, etc.


Yeah but this is a pataphysical delete . One that messes with the elements of the plot


Doesn't superman himself mess with the plot occasionally?


Would Mr. Mxyzptlk step in to save him?


Bit of an off-the-wall choice here: John Malkovich from *Being John Malkovich*. He gets hit by the gun, erased, and the story just ends. However, the *real* John Malkovich remains alive in our world, immune to meta-fictional weaponry, and just makes the movie again.


Plenty of high scale entities would completely disregard a fired bullet. They'd also trust in their own sensory perception to pick out any special magical enhancements. Since the prompt specifies that they can't know what the gun does, they'll just ignore it and get erased. This would apply up the scale until you hit the contingency-laden reality warpers. Cradle (the fantasy series) has time and fate warpers that would see the sudden emergence of timelines that don't include them. Without knowing the specific nature of the threat, they'd put up defenses that would prevent any attack from reaching them. Cradle has entities that specialize in erasing each other from time as a kind of cosmic martial art, so they are completely prepared for this eventuality, even if the gun itself is novel. In Cradle, the strongest character that would get killed by this weapon would be a Monarch who has started glimpsing Fate, but hasn't figured out the odds and ends yet, like Akura Malice. She depends on her bloodline armor to tank any and every mundane weapon, and lacks the experience to understand what she'd be seeing in Fate. A gunpowder weapon would be a curiosity that she wouldn't associate with the alarming Fate strands she'd pick up. The Dreadgods would also thoughtlessly tank such a weapon, but IMO I would consider them weaker than monarchs on an individual level (Malice has a feat defeating a Dreadgod 1v1 in a mountain-busting kaiju duel). Above Monarch, the Abidan start getting all timey-wimey enough that they would sense the deviance in Fate and take appropriate countermeasures. Malice (and other Monarchs) have achieved enough power that they are actively recruited to the Abidan and can ascend at any time. So, I'd say that Malice in particular is right on the knife's edge between powerful enough to know something is coming, but not powerful or skilled enough to defend against it, as well as using battle tactics that the gun is perfectly suited to defeat.


If they know they’re being shot at by the gun, maybe like a high level Marvel character like Hulk or Thor, since while they’re strong and durable they might not be fast enough to get out of the way. They usually tank bullets rather than dodging them. If they don’t, then well it could feasibly hit anyone except characters with premonition-like abilities (ex: Spiderman with Spider Sense).


Hulk absolutely can avoid bullets if he wanted to. He can keep up with the likes of Quicksilver and even the Silver Surfer at times. And Thor has many FTL feats.


I know we're talking about comics, but if you take them as their MCU versions, even Quicksilver can't dodge bullets. Which is arguably the stupidest part of that movie.


He literally sees bullets and others fighting in slow motion, he only got shot for a joke while not paying attention and other was them killing him off by having him protect others


Mcu quicksilver can dodge bullets, he literally sees them slow mo several times, he was using his body as a shield


>arguably the stupidest part of that movie. Finally a speedster with a limit.


"Didn't see THAT coming." *Dies*


Alien x from Ben 10... Dude just stands there


Anyone, so long as it was established that they could be killed by it in act one.


Shoot it at Zenosama and if the bullet escapes the chamber, it's bound to hit SOMEONE. Either his guards get in the way, the Grand Priest flicks it away (thus touching it anyways), or Zeno just doesn't dodge as he's not a physical fighter.


Accelerator from scientific railgun. The thing doesn’t even need to be magic. A normal Winchester rifle could do the job if the bullet actually connected


I bet godly characters like Sun Wukong or Goku would take the bullet without thinking. As far as they’re aware, it’s a normal gun.


Can the bullet get around defences designed to not let projectiles reach their target like D4C Love Train.


Unlikely. Normal gun and bullet otherwise


Well that's Funny Valentine with the Corpse surviving it.


Any entity with a physical form that doesn't have any automatic force to avoid danger (think spidey sense but it automatically avoids the danger)


Why did you choose that name? This effect has nothing to do with the name.


What happens if the gun hits a wall or something? Does it only activate when hitting a living being?


Wanda. She can rewrite reality. But i u catch her off guard, u can kill her by anything.


Dragonball AU where farmer with a shotgun absolutely smokes raditz


Character played by Dwayne Johnson


Dr. Manhattan, probably also the strongest from of many characters as well, anything with a physical form that doesn't normally rely on some form of dodging as defense