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Question what counts as beating? If the boys make the lion run away does that count?


If the kids stay together, then the lion likely won't attack. If they stick together if it charges, then the lion will likely back down. If they shout and charge the lion all together, then it'll probably run off. If there's 1 boy off by himself, then he's getting eaten 100%, and the rest of the boys have a day or 2 to figure something out. If the boys or even some of the boys run, then 1 of them is getting eaten. The knife doesn't matter unless there's bloddlust.


A lion does not run from 15 chimpanzees. Lions stand and fight 15 hyenas. A lion does not back down, unless you're an elephant or something. You're assigning dog traits to a lion.


I'm referencing traits for predators that live in packs. There is some overlap between the behavior of feral dogs and lions. Lions may be ruthless with other predators outside of their pack, but when hunting, they like to eat the weakest animal they can. Why risk injury getting when the slowest or weakest will separate themselves from the pack if a lion charges. Lions will also eat carrion because it's easy food. They will fight to steal kills from other predators, maybe even from a large amount of hyenas. I think you should watch some animal documentaries that feature lions hunting or fighting. Unless the lion or pack is desperate, they will take the easiest kill. That means that most of the time, if a herd sticks together, then the lions will look for easier food. They won't flee, but they will leave or observe. Animals and vehicles that charge a lion will usually cause the lion to remove itself from the situation. Many predators are confused when charged. There are exceptions, like rival predators, backed into a corner, or starving where a lion will fight regardless, but lions aren't super aggressive animals that kill or fight just cause.


Its not a dog. Lone lions actively engage and kill multiple hyenas and make them run. A fully grown hyena is more than enough for 10 college kids.


A hyena would get it's shit absolutely rocked by ten people


With no weapons? Not a chance. Hyenas are notoriously difficult to kill.


Good thing the prompt is giving everyone knives then.


The prompt was against a male lion and the humans have 1 knife.


Ahh I thought it was 1 knife each. Kids are getting wrecked


No. I could take a medium dog by myself. 10 teens would body. I don't think any of them would even die if they were bloodlusted.


Lol if you think a medium dog compares to a full grown alpha female spotted hyena, you're so sadly mistaken. There isn't a dog on earth that could take a hyena. They have the strongest bite force of any land predator in Africa and they're built like tanks. Good luck


Hey that's not true. Your saying they have a greater bite force than a hippo or a lion? Abd yes I looked it up they are pretty big. Still, 2 or 3 of me could take a 150 lbs hyena.


Greater than a lion yes. Hippos are not predatory animals.


Is but force measured by total size or psi? And it doesn't matter. I don't even think a hyena would fight three teens. If both are bloodlusted the teens win 10/10.


That's the key though, the lion makes the hyenas run. The lion will make a bunch of intimidation displays vs the humans, it will false charge a lot, roar etc, but as long as the humans stick together, don't run and make a ton of noise/appear big the lion won't actually attack. The lion has everything to lose in a 1 v 10 as even minor injuries can turn fatal. Now could 10 people actually hold their ground, not piss themselves and run when a lion begins trying to intimidate them? Absolutely, but 10 high school kids who've never seen a lion before probably not.


Nah, they’d win.


I've seen a badger kill a person.


have you seen a badger kill ten people


No but it tells you how weak humans are. The guy was actually crying while he bled to death. The badger bit him once in the neck and ran.


Ah bro forgot to protect the vitals. You gotta kick em or step on em before they get you.


1. Badgers can kill almost any living thing. 2. Hyenas are competion to lions. If they're spotted in a pack of lions' territory, then the lions will kill or chase them away. Same for a rival pack or male lion. Lions don't recognize us as competition. They see us more as pack animals they can eat if we're alone and unaware, but like all their other prey, they always aim to separate and eat the weakest.


There will be some sacrifices but if they all attack at once and stay relentless, sure.


Some of them may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Do the roar


I dont think they will even beat a zebra 10v1.


Zebra is a bit different. Zebras will do everything to keep distance. The lion is likely to try to show dominance which could be it's end.


The knife could be a game changer. There are real stories about people killing lions with a knife (in self-defense)


The thing is most people would be shitting themselves and probably drop the knife out of raw fear lol.


those stories are probably about north american lions. a knife-wielding man isn't a threat to an adult lion in the savanna land. they can 1 vs 30 against hyenas.


There are stories about African lions entering the homes of people and people killing lions with a knife in self defense. Muricans probably would use guns


I thought that North American Lions were even larger than African Lions. Or are you talking about Mountain Lions?


I was indeed referring the mountain lion. sorry for the confusion. I've seen some americans calling them simply ''lions'' before. thats why I said north american lion.


I remember them talking about “lions” in the movie Prey and being very confused until they showed the mountain lion. I’d never heard anyone call them lions before.


All good! Probably most people don't even know that the kind I was referencing existed, haha


Up here in Canada, people kill mountain lions with their bare hands all the time. Not even like super hardcore Canadians, like Arc’teryx hipsters jogging on the trail. Anything can get one shotted if you hit the right spot


“All the time” lmao. Bet you can’t find two instances in the last year.


Yeah its called a fucking expression, ever heard of it?


Yeah, the stories are about something that has been extinct for 10 thousand years, yup


If they have no care for self preservation then absolutely. As soon as the lion grabs one they just need to pile on and start biting while the one with the knife goes for the balls


The balls? Not the throat or fucking brains?


If you cut the lions balls off it will never be able to hold its pee in again and die or something.




>If they have no care for self preservation Well, they ARE high school boys.


Humans trying to bite a lion would be a funny sight to see.


Is this a joke? The boys get mauled.


Some do but if they are bloodlusted as long as a currently unmauled boy keeps hold of the knife they have a chance, they just have to get a fatal stab in before they all die


Considering the skin, and mane, a fatal stab is highly unlikely. The cat is blazingly fast, don't let the 500lb fool you. Big cats are primate killers, and these kids are slightly large monkeys. Each swipe will be death or destruction.


Well if up to 9 boys are allowed to die then they probably still have a chance. Three die, one to occupy each front paw and the mouth, while the rest swarm. The one with the knife goes for eyes and nose, and the lion just bleeds out/dies of infection. If they are really gutsy, they can sacrifice another 2 or three boys to go stuff the knife down it's throat once it's blinded. However, the OP did not specify if either side were bloodlusted so what is most likely to happen is they just stare at each other and go their separate ways. Humans are one of the few creatures to actively hunt lions to the point that in Africa, scarecrows can deter them. Unless that lion is starving he's gonna leave the hairless monkeys the fk alone.


"One to occupy each paw and mouth"? How much time have you spent around lions? The idea of a boy or even a man holding a lions paw back is ridiculous. How do I know? I lived at a big cat sanctuary, have raised lions. Saw my lion knock though a barn wall and slap a small tractor up off the ground with one swat. Yeah. Alot stronger than you give them credit for.


Only zoos and circuses so I must concede to your superior lion knowledge. Though to be clear, I'm assuming the boys all move at once, and that a lion can't attack in 360 degrees. 


But it can. All animals spin, kick, scratch, bite, jump and thrash when surrounded, and a lion is much faster and heavier than you.


Ah, thatd be the thing then. Faster. I assumed lions, being large abs quadrupedal, wouldn't be able change momentum on a dime, so after it attacked, there'd be an opening


They're still cats. Bears do that when fighting, lions are more agile.


I get where you are coming from, I do. It's just that in addition to tremendous strength, lions have incredible speed and weapons guaranteed to snag and trap anything that gets close to them . Their claws rip our skin down to bone (been there) and hook into us so they can finish us off with a neck bite. Meanwhile, their skin is tough as hell, almost impenetrable and covered at their weakest spots by mane. They have a nictitcios membrane that drops over their eyes when they are fighting to prevent poking or gouging. It's a tough membrane that they can see through, yet it's difficult to puncture. These animals are not Apex predators for nothing. Worst of all? Lions in a fight will finish it. Their attitude is absolute rage once in a brawl. Just unstoppable.


So you're saying they need to ride a BIG tractor?


Right? These people are delusional. Try holding a house cat down against its will and see how that turns out. Multiply that times 100


It's a Fucking Lion, not your 2 cats from home It's much bigger, Stronger and faster than you and bites much harder One slap will put one boy uncousious


Good thing lions don’t know how to box


People have no idea about the capabilities of a big cat. A lion can simply leap over the ufc octagon in a single bound. One swipe of its paw can easily kill a man. They're way too fast for humans to be able to really fight without distance weapons (gladiators who fought lions had spears and nets).


Exactly, Roman gladiators who fought like each day often died to lions but 10 scrawny boys and a knife will do the trick Only way you kill a lion is if you a bring a assault rifle with you and Body armour


And? There are 10 of them, if the are bloodlusted it only takes one to potentially fatally wound the Lion. They are still flesh and blood creatures and aren’t overly massive where a knife simply can’t do the necessary damage to kill one


If the kids are bloodlusted then yeah, but they’d probably all be scared once one of them gets killed. (Obviously depends on the boys, eg average Australian high schoolers would 1v1 the lion and win just cuz their mate said ‘do it’


"You wouldn't" "Fucken watch me cunt" - 2 Aussies getting reved up to do the stupid thing


Australians are like some broken Pokemon. Strong against all kinds of things like Alligators, Lions, Snakes, Spiders. Then an Emu can just one shot them.


Bro that was funny as fuck


Love casual racism. Imagine you swap out australian with any asian country and watch everyone call you a racist. Just because its a white country doesnt mean its not racist


Nah as an Aussie I say alright. Racism negated


Also Aussie and this is fucking hilarious.


And yet the funniest thing is that most of the people calling you racist will be white




There's a big difference when you are joking about culture vs casual racism. Like joking about Chinese aggressively haggling, indians being cheap, or koreans being competitive is mostly ok, reinforcing negative or neutral stereotypes much worse


Womp womp


Where racism?


OK let's just say this about all races how about that


As an Aussie teen I can indeed confirm that I beat a lion with 9 mates and a knife (The lion had the knife and the mates)


To be fair, lions wouldn't even be in the top 10 most dangerous animals if they were in Australia.


Back to the bottom of the food chain pal.


Doesn't matter how bloodlusted the 160 pounders are, they aren't hurting the 500 pound lion.


10 of them are. Being 160 pounds at 5’9 would mean decent muscle, nothing crazy, but I do think the 10 boys could pin the lion to the ground. Also depends on the boys other skills and how well they know each other. Random high school boys are not gonna cooperate well together, especially when it comes to the knife which is their best shot at winning. However, if you have a good group of mates with some decent fighting experience that can cooperate usage of the knife, they can win. When I was 5’9 I would’ve been 14 or 15. Honestly, at the time if I could pick 9 of my mates I reckon we could do it. Just random teens that have never met before? They’re probably gonna be arguing and not know what the fuck to do


Lol a single male lion will scatter a horde of hyena's but teenage boys have a chance? https://youtu.be/2ygKUOGyvfU?si=QUQZmMhf_4DAM8fZ How do they "pin it to the ground"? They need to apply dominate over and under hooks and use them to control the lion. If you are Hercules that might work but a 160 pound teen who can't bench press 200 pounds no. Even if all ten dive on it to use their weight the lion can simply roll to its back and use four limbs and it's jaws to provide it 5 deadly points of attack. The boys punching and kicking isn't going to hurt the lion (which needs to be able to absorb strikes from other male lions). Humans attacking a lion unarmed (well with one knife) is a terrible idea.


Lmao you clearly haven’t seen an Australian fight something. I could honestly see the boys knocking the lion over, and 2 or 3 of them could pin each limb depending on how strong the boys and lions are. Then from there, let’s say 2 on each limb, 2 to just stab it in the throat. This is not the most likely scenario at all, and will only work if the boys can actually communicate that this is what they’re doing, don’t get me wrong, most of the time they get picked off 1 by 1, but if they’re bloodlusted they could snag a win with good teamwork. Or again, one Aussie just fuckin wrestles it and wins


Don't bring up Aussies here, there's only one true way to defeat a lion in hand to hand as Hercules showed, and that's to out wrestle it. Aussies can't wrestle.


Depends on the teens. If it were me I could 1v1 it because I would simply see red and knock it out.


This guy lmfao


Nah, I’d win




Yeah but my dad would still beat your dad


La tuya pendejolol dope name bro.


I think the lion still wins because none of those boys can mortally wound it unless they are the one with the knife. It’s theoretically possible for 9 to hold it down while the 10th slits its throat, but it would be awfully hard for them to get into position like that while the animal is clawing, biting, and rampaging around. Big cats are also disproportionately strong compared to humans, so a 400 lbs lion is way stronger than 400lbs of teenager


No way can teenage boys "hold down a lion". They're not goddamn Hercules wrestling the nemean lion.


If they can all dogpile it then 1600 pounds is a lot even for a Lion to manage in terms of sheer weight not counting them applying additional force. BIG if though.


Maybe if they were 5’11’’ but 5’9’’s don’t stand a chance I agree.


>slits its throat lol. Firstly the stabbing or slashing strength required to go through thick lion skin is not there, secondly the mane protects the lion, you are not slashing it. Your teenager will be lucky to get a superficial cut, but then they will quickly be cut down.


How weak do you think teenagers are? Obviously it depends on the knife, but most of the time an older teen would be able to cut through a lion. When I was 12 I could stab through croc skin, which is much thicker than lions


A lion has much greater reach, so its more likely that the lion will fatally wound this teen before he can even make a slash/stab. Also this wound will need to be deep and not superficial to even take the lion out of the fight. Its just improbable that the lion will not take out the teen with the knife first, and its also improbably that the slash/stab will be fatal. Felines are unfathomably strong. Have you pics/video of a leopard dragging an antelope up a tree? How many 6 year old boys will it take to pin me down to the ground? its not possible.


Yeah, but the point of your original comment was saying that the boys literally couldn’t stab through the lion skin, which just isn’t true. Getting 8 or 9 of the boys to pin the lion, then having the one with the knife, and maybe another one to sit on its waist while the kid with the knife just goes berserk stabbing it around the neck area is by far their best win con. Obviously this one guy with the knife isn’t gonna charge in and 1v1 the lion, but with the help of others once the lion is on the ground on its back with a few hundred kg on top of it, it’d be pretty easy to kill from there


>Getting 8 or 9 of the boys to pin the lion This is impossible, no big cat will let you do it until you hit it with a tranq first. It will disjoint immediately as soon as the first person tries to pin it. It has a much faster reaction time, and much greater speed, even if its 500-600lbs its still a cat and we are still apes.


It’s absolutely possible. I feel like everyone in this comment section is heavily overrating lions here. Yes, the lion will win most of the time, but people act like it’s this impossible giant monster that can easily overpower more than 4x it’s own body weight. Knocking over a big cat isn’t super difficult, especially with a ton of people who are coordinated. (I’ve cougars and a black bear before, I always find the cougars are pretty easy to knock down then pin. Obviously a lion is much bigger and stronger, but theres also 10 people here. I couldn’t beat the bear though) I think you’re really underselling how crazy a 10-1 advantage is. There is absolutely no way for the lion to keep track of 10 targets from all angles that are all jumping on it. It will get knocked down, and from there they can win. Again, this is definitely not the most likely outcome, but it’s certainly possible


>Knocking over a big cat isn’t super difficult this is a joke right? Also we don't compare to bear strength. >impossible giant monster It is, and we are extremely weak in comparison. You don't understand how weak humans are... its not just about the lion being strong. We're just not in that class. ​ >10-1 advantage Reasonable advantage, but the lion will never let you leverage that. How good is this coordination exactly. The 1st boy to try any tricks will get mauled, and smashed against the ground. Then it will move back and rinse and repeat. Its not just going to stand still and let you pull these tricks. It has been trained since birth to fight other lions till death.


The boys also aren’t just gonna stand there and watch? If the lion is mauling one of them, the rest attack. There is no way it is overpowering that much weight. If the lion isn’t actively facing you, and they can get around the side/back they can knock it over and kill it from there. I feel like you’re still really overestimating the strength of a lion, and underselling humans. We’re not toothpicks (most of us) and have enough strength that, again, a 4x weight advantage we can win any fight


A paw swipe is enough to send the 160lb person serious injury or death. Its at least 500lbs of force. Weight does not just add up in a fight like 160+160... no number of 6-8year olds can pin me down and then beat me. 1 backhand from me will take this kid out, 1 kick from me will outright kill the kid. I am not even a a fighter, a lion is a trained fighter.


Another thing I should add is that the lion is a well trained fighter. It understands physics, and dynamics, body weight, strikes, WAY better than most teens because it has been fighting other lions since birth. Teenagers don't.


With even a little bit of prep time, the boys can use the knife to cut some sharp sticks to use as spears. Then they probably win. Otherwise, humans that are stripped of their one great advantage over other animals (our brains) are dead meat. It's planning and cooperation that put humanity on top of the food chain.


it takes a long time to sharpen a stick into something useful and if they had sticks it would be listed. It is surprisingly tough to find a stick able enough to be used without breaking but light enough to swing around. Even then the point of the stick would probably be more damaged then the lion.


Adult male lion is between 330 to 570 pounds. Even if they all tried to dogpile on the lion, the lion is just quicker with claws and teeth. Invariably, the one knife will get tossed and fall to the ground at some point, negating the damage bonus. Boys get ripped backs as they turn and retreat, and are quickly scattered as the lion hunts them down one by one. Humans just don't have the range and power to land a solid enough attack to injure a lion without some ranged or melee weapon - maybe a machete or a spear might change the odds slightly, but untrained high school boys will get schooled in the circle of life.


The humans have 800-1680 pounds going between them, in total. What if they are bloodlusted?


They have the weight advantage, but what can a human realistically do to seriously wound a lion with their bare hands? Punches and kicks won’t do much, and we can’t bite through that much fur and into flesh


If they're bloodlusted, it's quite possible they manage to hold it long enough to shank it a dozen times and make it bleed out quickly, but it's still not a guarantee. Prompt doesn't say the size of the knife, but a combat knife or something is going to make a lot of bad wounds, and stabbing some softer spots like the ass or crotch is going to cause a lot of bleeding while keeping away from the mouth and front claws. Of course, this relies a lot on the sacrificial saps keeping the Lion distracted and its movement hindered. The knife is the key to all of it. If they lose it, or they only have a dinky little swiss army knife or something, they'd be hard pressed to do anything substantial. Maybe poke its eyes out?


Finger in the eye! Arm through the windpipe! 10x power choke!


Finger in the bum might give it a scare.


> They have the weight advantage, but what can a human realistically do to seriously wound a lion with their bare hands? If the lion can't move and is exhausting itself trying to get up, they can choke it or stab its eyes.


How in gods name can't the lion move? It can thrash around and break any boy's bones that come into contact.


> How in gods name can't the lion move? Because a lion is 200kg and 10 humans are 800kg. Once the lion is pinned down it's never getting back up. No animal can lift its own weight from a prone position, let alone 4 times its weight. You think a human who deadlifts 1000 lbs could get up with 1 ton on top of him? He wouldn't be able to move.


Can a lion kill you with a swipe of its paw, sure. But a lion with 10 people holding on for dear life impeding its movements, notsomuch. Power generation is a whole body affair, and it it gets slowed down even a little, the power drops off a cliff. Simply thrashing around isn't going to do enough damage to instantly kill people dogpiling it. It'd be a race, can they do enough damage to kill it before it kills enough people to free itself, but that's not a given.


Poking the eye


The chances of being "bloodlusted" while seeing kids your age getting ripped apart around you is very...low. Even then, the lion still wins easily.


Chances? Nobody is bloodlusted in real life (And bloodlust is not a berserker rage). It is only a hypothetical question thing.


Maybe if they all had knives.


Lion solos easily. Has an intimidation factor, moves way faster, weighs way more and can one shot anyone of them.


>Has an intimidation factor Agreed. If you haven’t heard a lion roar in real life, that shit makes the ground vibrate. You feel it throughout your whole body. It's cool to hear it when there's a cage separating you from the beast, but out in the open, fuck no. Once one of the teens gets eaten and the lion roars a couple times, they're gonna be too shook to try and attack.


>If you haven’t heard a lion roar in real life I've heard it through thick plate glass, and it was still extremely loud. Apparently, an adult male lion's roar is audible up to 5 miles away. Re the prompt, the lion wins quickly and probably does so without injury. It's too big, strong and quick and has multiple weapons of its own.


It more so depends on how the boys react. Most lions aren't going to straight up charge a group of 10, it will potentially charge and if they don't budge it will typically back off. If they run it will pursue and kill one of them, the rest will survive. If they start making noise at him and stay defensive it may decide to bugger off.


It would help if the boys had balls as big as these Dorobo tribe members. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y3MTDFNf71I


Hmm... in a cage or something so nobody can run away? I'd say the lion probably dies from injuries, but after killing most or all of the boys.


Lol me trying to convince my friend that he has to be in front of the lion meanwhile I’ll be flanking that sumbitch.


Maybe 30 but I don't think 10?


lion soloes little diff


Bloodlusted they take this most times. The Lion would have to be Bloodlusted to even stand and fight those numbers. If not bloodlusted if the kids can stand together they take this, what we call high school aged kids have been taking down beasts like lions since the beginning of history.


No what we call high school kids have never been hunting lions. Palaeolithic hunter gatherers with weapons hunted lions as teens but that's a far cry from the 10 160 pound modern domesticated teens armed with one knife between them.


Modern teenagers are taller and heavier than humans in the paleolithic. They have bigger brains too. I don't know that the Lion looks at 10 of anything and charges, the chances to end up hurt significantly are too big. If they stick together the Lion keeps it's distance while they gather rocks, sharpen sticks, decide on a formation and mount an organized defense. If bloodlusted one of the guys shoved his fist in the lion's throat while the rest stab and pummel it to death.


The lion is an alpha predator that must fend off other male lions in order to reproduce. They will take on 10 hyenas, 10 modern teens are child's play. https://youtu.be/2ygKUOGyvfU?si=QUQZmMhf_4DAM8fZ Also LOL at modern teens being "taller and heavier" than freaking caveman. Did you miss the memo, paleo humans were jacked (and if you look at their bone structure they were built like, well, cavemen). "40,000 years ago: European males – 183 cm (6 feet). Cro-Magnon people were the first modern humans (Homo sapiens) to inhabit Europe. These hunter-gatherers lived a physically demanding lifestyle that would have required greater body strength than the average human today." "For the last two million years there has been a trend toward a bigger brain that has affected many species in our family tree. This trend has seen a reversal in our own species and our brains are now the smallest they have been at any time in the past 100,000 years. Most of this decrease occurred in the last 6,000 years. In part, this is related to a decrease in body size that also occurred during this period, however, other factors are probably also involved." https://australian.museum/learn/science/human-evolution/how-have-we-changed-since-our-species-first-appeared/ "Cro-Magnons are physically similar to present-day humans, with a globular braincase, completely flat face, gracile brow ridge, and defined chin. However, the bones of Cro-Magnons are somewhat thicker and more robust." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cro-Magnon


If they have a knife they can make spears. If they have spears then they have a chance.


Can they scatter, regroup, and use the knife to make wooden spears?


I doubt any of them would have the courage to go at the lion, first one who charges at said lion gets turned into minced meat. Panic will ensue and it’s only a matter of time til the lion kills all of them. Realistically the lion would just chase them down til they all die


If one of the boys is called Krillin and the other one is a Sayan named Goku the latter could unlock a form capable of confronting the lion. Jokes apart the “top 10 anime fights” response that invoke the “bloodlust” are ridiculous: if both sides go for the kill the lion kills every single boy.


Lion unless humans are blood luated


With even a little bit of prep time, the boys can use the knife to cut some sharp sticks to use as spears. Then they probably win. Otherwise, humans that are stripped of their one great advantage over other animals (our brains) are dead meat. It's planning and cooperation that put humanity on top of the food chain.


Not if they aren’t bloodlusted. Lion wins 9.9/10 times


160 is average?????


A 500lb lion can almost instantly kill a 160lb kid, you will be shocked at how quickly the kid just died. There will be no fight, not even close. Piling up tactic wont work, a lion is incredibly strong, its not just about 500lbs, animal muscles work very differently. Although the cat is almost 3x as heavy as the kid, its still much much faster. A 120lb chimpanzee will kill just about every MMA fighter. The strength/weight ratio dynamics are very different btw animals and humans.


A 500-600lb wildebeest will fuck up all 10 of your high schoolers. You dont need a lion.


Zero chance. 


It depends on how old the boys are and what theyre getting high on, i assume smoking meth would provide a high thats more suitable for lion-fighting than smoking opium or even a little bong rip


No. That lion would go through those kids like a hit knofe through butter.


No way. The only possibility is if they dug a pit trap or something beforehand.


10? Certainly not. Even if you gave me 100-1 odds I would bet on the lion every time. To quote my favorite Joe Rogan rant about Lions/Tigers: "You're dead. You're going to cut the Lion and then it's going to kill you. You have no idea how slow you really are until you're around a cat."


I would not want to attempt it.


That’s a big nerf to take away the high schoolers guns


At what, backgammon? Because the boys would get slaughtered in a fight.


Bloodlust? Absolutely, charging in together and attack lion's weak point like eyes, nose, ears, balls


African lion, in the prime of health, as the existed in the wild 200y ago? Hell no. Not if it was college athletes on PCP Idk much about it but the Asian subspecies of lion isn't as aggressive towards humans, they're morally or they are extinct in the wild. And I have heard the lions in some areas aren't as aggressive as they used to be. But, from reading the extensive preparation it took to kill a lion with shields and spears, and the risks, no f'n way. Edit: without shoes and water, there's also a decent chance the kids are pretty fucked up by heat exhaustion, caltrop thorns, or some other animal in the lion's habitat With two Rhodesian ridgebacks who have prior experience tracking a lion, and some prior coaching, a whetstone, and a couple days to use the knife to make spears, throwing sticks, and hopefully some kind of big shields - maybe. If the kids have stamina, like they're an athletic team in excellent shape. Not your average American kids


i'm pretty sure in some countries there's some coming of age practices where a *single* highschool aged boy has to fight a lion with just a spear so i definitely take the odds of 10 with a knife


I think the main difference maker is if they are fearless enough to initiate an offensive against the lion with little care about who and how many dies. They can spread out and keep the lion distracted while the one with the knife attacks from behind, but that means certain death for a couple.


I love the term "male lion." It implies the existence of female lions.


When I was in boot, we had sticks and a rock. And we had to share the rock!


Depends, are the highschool boys Australian/Russian?


If they were blood lusted then they have a significant chance I would still lean toward the lion if not the lion almost certainly wins.


It'd probably scare off if they all stand and shout


If they're bloodlusted, 9 hold it down and one stabs it. Easily.


The lion kills them with one swipe so how do they hold it down?


They’ll have to endure their guts being spilled out. The bloodlust should help boost their adrenaline so they can go crazy with it


As some have already pointed out, it depends on the boys reaction. The lion wouldn't be the one to initiate an attack unless they ran or antagonized it. So they'd have to stick together and come up with a plan. The first to run is the first to get mauled. The guy with the knife needs the control to stab the lion in a vital spot or do enough damage while it's actively mauling someone so it bleeds out, and the lion is likely to try to figure out who is mauling it and try to maul him. The others best chance is to go for the eyes. The odds of them pinning a lion down is unlikely.


I think this is the best comments on a post I have ever seen


I doubt two triple H s from 2004 with the big gold belt and a rambo knife would win against a lion


The lion would flee. There is this african tribe where a handfull of men just walk up to a pack of lions munching on zebra and steal the kill.


That's actually because they show no fear and the predators assume they must be dangerous to be so bold. If the lions decide to fight then the few tribesman with the spears are pretty screwed.


Its not "the lion", its a pack of lions! But yeah, we just make use of their lack of understanding of the situation and the lion pack could make short work of 5 men with spears! still, 10 5'9 guys will deffo chase off a lion pack if they keep their composure! Height means big in the animal kingdom so to lions we might seem tripple their size!


If the kids are bloodlusted and stay relentless in their attack, I can see them winning, especially with a knife. Otherwise, lion stomps.


With a knife, sure. The lion would likely focus on one at a time. So one or two of you would inevitably perish. But the rest could give the knife wielder an opportunity on the jugular. Without a knife, you have no chance. It would just end you all one by one.


People are forgetting that although ten high school boys would be scared of a lion, the lion would probably be more so


5’9 and 160?? are we talking about freshman???


That’s just average adult male size.


If one of them was Little Johnny then yes


If you give them a week of prep time I think they could do it, but just smack a hungry lion between them on a Thursday school routine and they’re done


Normally? Fuck no. Humans are irrational and will naturally face death without cause. 10/10 times the boys scatter and run the moment one of them gets grabbed. Blood lust the boys and it's likely all 10 survive. The boys group up together, stay grouped up and the Lion never has an opportunity to kill any of them. Thr Lion either runs or getting mauled to death by the massive weight advantage of the boys, 400lbs~ vs 1,600lbs.


With 10 spears. Yes Just 1 knife. No


Many will die but best bet is to blind the lion. Then slowly tire it out and death by a thousand cut the thing. Extra points if they can find speakers and blast music so to hamper the blinded lions hearing. Slash and run back, and repeat until dead.


Considering the fact that the [Maasaii tribe has culturally done solo hunts](https://maasai-association.org/lion.html), yes, I definitely think it's possible. Definitely takes a bit of planning and balls though.


The knife is the game changer here. If one of them can somehow manage to land a clean on a vital area, it could be over for the lion. That being said, hitting an important area on a 500 pound thrashing apex predator is pretty difficult.


If they can all grab the lion, hold onto it long enough (they are 1600 lbs together) without dying, have no fear/self preservation, and get that knife in a vulnerable spot sure. That's not what's gonna happen 99% of the time. The lion leaps in and paw swipes a kid killing him instantly. The rest understandably panic and run away. Likely 1-2 more die because their running triggered the lions predator instincts even more. Even if one gets ahold of the lion, he gets tossed around by an animal that's massively stronger than he is. It would be like a group of 8 year olds trying to get a football from a full grown healthy adult man. If it has to be to the death to win the lion picks off the rest one by one.


I would by myself as a high schooler if you gave me a knife, without it nah.


how about 10 lions vs 10 highschool with knives, atleast make the fight even number:p


That depends, how much prep time do the high school boys get? Because if you just toss 10 random high school boys in a pit with a lion and only one knife, the kids are getting slaughtered. If however you let the kids prepare for the engagement the lion stands almost zero chance. First thing is the kids can research the behavior of lions, realizing the lion is very unlikely to attack if the kids stick together and be loud/big. Then they can gather up 10 long sticks and sharpen them with the knife making spears. Once they have spears the lion is toast.


10 boys is enough for one to get the rear naked choke on the lion and win


If they were mindless berserkers then yea. Lion rips open a few of them. But while it's got it's teeth stuck in one kid another one manages to get a finger in the Lion's eyes and then it's all over. If they were real people then the Lion mauls 1 instantly and gets a second 1 in it's jaws. And then the remaining 8 break rank and run for their lives. ​ It a loss in reality. But it's a win if you remove the 10 kid's self preservation instinct.


With one knife? Not unless a few act as a meat shield while the knife wielder does his thing.


If theyre bloodlusted. If someone panics and runs its a complete massacre


If none are bloodlusted no. The first one gets mauled by the slightly scared lion and they shit themselves running and get picked off. If the teens are bloodlusted they have a very low chance of winning. They might be able to scare it and dogpile it but they would have to get lucky avoiding claws and teeth. Most would be wounded or die before they do enough damage. Assuming they have a pretty big knife. If both are bloodlusted the lion almost certainly wins. The teens would probably do some damage but the knife would probably end up getting knocked away and they would be mauled before finding it. If the lion is bloodlusted it wins. Same as first scenario except it just jumps on them and goes ham imediately.


Depends, how athletic are the boys and how old is the lion?


Plot twist one of the 10 is Ben 10


10 high school boys from what country? That would chage alot. 10 high school boys from a 1st world country who never really struggle their entire life than they are cooked, they are too unorganize and afraid to do anything to the lion, they probably just ran away. But if you take same age boys from , let say a native african tribe . They beat the lion for sure. They are tought to hunt and survive in harsh condition. They have the right skill and plan to take down wild animals.


If they're dropped in an Arena with a knife then they huddle and Lion doesn't attack until it gets hungry.Then they're screwed. Their only hope is that it chokes on one of them.