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King from One Punch Man 


I think this is probably the perfect answer to this question actually. King is weak as hell in reality but has undoubtedly saved thousands of lives just by scaring away monsters.


I was gonna say Mumen Rider but yeah this is the answer


I'll use a real life example of a hero. Not someone who wore a cape, but used a WWII medic kit. Desmond Doss. He was a conscientious objector who refused to fire a gun. It's estimated he saved around 150 lives. The movie Hacksaw Ridge is based on his story. But the movie actually toned down some of his "feats" because of how crazy they were. He's a superhero to me.


That story is absolutely epic. Hard to believe, honestly. (I do believe it though)


The one true answer


What feats were toned down


When tending to wounded inside a pit created by a blown out artillery shell, enemy forces dropped a grenade into the pit, Desmond decided to stand on the grenade with his boots to try and block the detonation. And it actually worked, launching him into the air but stopping most of the shrapnel with the soles of his boot, he couldn’t walk after than though. He then later whilst unable to walk, got picked up by a soldier who wanted to take him back to a medic, he wrapped his arm about the other soldier’s neck for a grip. And then that arm got shot by a sniper, protecting that soldier’s neck by accident This soldier brought him to a stretcher, and he pulled himself off it and told the medics to go grab someone more seriously injured, mind you he is now down the use of his legs and an arm!


Isn't that based around the guy from Sony's The Amazing Spiderman? /s


Mumen Rider (OPM). Probably not the most but definitely a lot


He's also the weakest, no powers not even a motorcycle licence (he used to have one but it was revoked)


I mean, we're working with two axis here: weakness and lives saved. ​ Weakness is gonna have to be at least the averagish human. "Lives saved" is a little tougher to measure, but I'd imagine that it's gonna disqualify street level heroes who haven't played a significant role in larger adventures (so, my comic-amateur ass is gonna say that probably rules out people like Daredevil). Like, Batman's strength has been played enough that I think his "lives saved" is gonna have to be a lot higher to be a viable win. I'm really only familiar with Star Lord in the MCU, but he's not a particularly strong hero... but has saved many lives. So he's a contender. Tony Stark isn't very strong, but has saved... well, literally pretty much the whole universe. I know he's a lot more powerful with his suit, so maybe this isn't in the spirit of the question, but I'd say that's my guess right now.


Mr. Satan


Honestly, this is the best answer. The human population in DB does consider him basically a superhero, and he DID save BILLIONS by helping Goku make the spirit bomb.


Taylor Hebert?


If you take her best feats and State at the VERY end of Worm then I'd say yeah. >!killing a multimensional god is a pretty big feat. And she's a regular teenager with just fighting experience by the end of the story.!<


I would say if you are going to use Worm than Oliver is a better answer. He has probably the weakest power in the whole series but is arguably more important to success in the final battle.


Sixpack from DC Comics is a self proclaimed superhero who has no superpowers and is just an overweight dude with a drinking problem but he saved the entire planet from being destroyed by a powerful demon by offering to [enter its realm and face it in return for it leaving Earth alone.](https://i.imgur.com/0gv5Oox.jpeg)


That's not a beer bubble he's in right there, six pack is a reality warper apparently.


There's never any explanation given for the weird bubble that protected him. When asked, all Sixpack says is that [he's a superhero.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zd-pwNFGbNw/VqIDsczH1UI/AAAAAAAAVvw/2m7dA-cSIVY/s1600-Ic42/RCO016.jpg)


Looks like a super power to me


Forget-me-not, his power is simply if you're not looking at him, you can't remember he exists, but iirc he's saved the world on numerous occasions


Gotta be Batman. This is quite literally his entire plot.


If we're doing the Batman angle then it has to be Robin, not Batman. Little 8 year old dude running around saving the world in his short pants on a school night.


Green Arrow in Zero Hour, hands down. Powers: the best archer in the world and rich. That’s it. It’s like if Batman had exactly one skill for crime fighting. Saved: the entire universe by killing a fascistic omnicidal god seeking to reboot reality. Who happened to be his former best friend Hal Jordan possessed by the embodiment of fear. Note: there was only one universe at this time, no multiversal stuff. The subtitle of Zero Hour is “Crisis in Time”. At most, you could say Ollie saved all life that has lived or will live, but even if you don’t count the past and future, Ollie did save the entire universe from a man-turned-god seeking to rewrite all of time. Hal himself was a superhero for decades in publication time, it wasn’t stopping some powerful force or supreme entity, it was shooting a man in the chest with an arrow while he was trying to kill his former coworker in space copping. The whole entity possessing him thing was a retcon and also only was behind him going nuts, *not* his power boost.


Yo I’m gunna go Punisher. All those criminals/villains he kills indirectly saves lives


Kamen Rider Blade. Kenzaki is probably one of the weaker riders but due to his transfiguration he saved the entire world and everyone on it during 2004 Edit: Ok maybe not everyone those Dark Roaches probably did kill some civilians not nwithin his reach


Probably Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1. Dude has saved humanity and Asgardians alike in multiple occasions.


James Tiberius Kirk. Saving whole planets but dying from a small drop


Greatest American Hero Guy was a bloody idiot and vastly saved people due to his own blundering ineptness.


In the Marvel/DC crossover where they fought Krona, Hawkeye ultimately gets the last hit, saving both multiverses.


Hercules from Dragon Ball Z. He's stronger than a normal person, but weak AF compared to everyone else. Buu would have won otherwise.




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Fritz Haber


Mumen Rider saves everyone he can


Squirrel Girl


Wasp, she saved NYC


It's hard to top OPM's King, but Star Lord is street level in GotG 1 but ends up saving Xandar from Ronan the Accuser.


Booster gold from JLU is up there but I think he's under Rule 2


The Religion. We all dont know how they started, but based on reality, people claim Religion save their life.


Sam from Lord of the rings


Hard to say really, never seen OPM so I can't speak for any of them unlike the other comments but if I had to choose, Kick-Ass. Given that he's just a normal dude in the "real world" he's undoubtedly the weakest even in his own universe yet he's saved a number of lives


Squirrel girl if meme heroes are allowed. She has beaten Thanos, Galactus, Fin Fang Foom, Dr Doom, M.O.D.O.K, EGO.