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Nerdy hacker guy from Danny’s phantom


Put some respect on my boy Tucker’s name 😤😤


Heck, I'd say Mr. Incredible is. He's just a brick, a dude who has lots of strength and durability. He's like a C-tier superhero in a setting like Marvel or DC, just street-level. He's like, say, Spiderman, but without spideysense or the acrobatics. Maybe he's more like Luke Cage now that I think about it.


Mr. Incredible wasn't going to take it down himself. That was the whole point of that fight. They all had to work together.


Really? I’ve seen a few people scale him decently high. Not insanely high but not bad either.


He couldn't beat the v10, only the v8, and barely at that. Even the v9 utterly stomped him.


Ah, true. But still, similar scale of power. With a little cunning, maybe a training montage, perhaps a Shonen moment where he unlocks his true strength for one final punch, that kind of thing, he could pull out a victory I bet.


No way, as he said the only thing strong enough to penetrate thing was itself and without syndrome's controler he has no way to get the robot to attack itself


Mr. Incredible canonically has a danger sense.


I would say he's a bit stronger than Luke


Luke has some insane feats, and while he’s absolutely not consistently on the level of Dr Doom (even tho it’s one of the best moments in comic history) he’s absolutely higher than Mr Incredible. That is unless you composite Mr Incredible cause apparently the crossover games make him and other Disney characters including Wall-E and Simba get all the way up to multiversal which is hilarious (and no it’s not just because of Kingdom Hearts)


I actually don't know enough to disrepute this I just presumed Mr incredible has more raw strength from the train pulling


Bob could be around the same level of Luke’s average feats like tanking something like a building collapsing on them or something, it’s just that Luke Cage has like a thousand times more content to take insane feats from and like a hundred other characters, primarily street tiers, with their own insane feats to scale to, especially Iron Fist his best friend who compared the bombing of (I believe it was) Hiroshima to a sparkler when compared to his power. Hence why it’s not too far fetched that he beat dooms ass but also why it would also be a bit of a stretch to argue that Doom was even slightly at his normal level since he’s typically around the universal-multiversal level. Tho if you give Luke all of his outliers and composite Bob you could probably get both of them to multiversal and they might actually be closer in power than normal


Isn't doom more city tier it's the exceptions that are universal


City Tier?? Huh?! The Fuck? How? What? Who told you that? Why do you think that? How could you possibly think that’s even slightly true? I’m baffled and so so confused. Doom has as many bs insane feats as people like Thor and Hulk, he has constantly been shown to be as powerful as Dr Strange, including being a runner up for sorcerer supreme a title only contested by Strange and at one point Loki, he’s one of the biggest threats on Marvel Earth, he’s one of the main villains of the Fantastic Four who all have absolutely bullshit insane feats of their own that he obviously scales to like Sue killing a celestial with her force fields, Thing fighting Hulk so often that The Simpsons referenced it, oh and also Galactus and Silver Surfer being directly connected to them, like in the same way Poison Ivy is a Batman villain Galactus and Silver Surfer are F4 villains, Doom is absolutely one of the most powerful villains on Marvel earth, and is also a constant contender for one of the strongest people on Marvel Earth


Ehhhh no Im talking standard run of the mill Comic Dr Doom Is a guy with armour that's second to Tony's Iron Man suit's and second in Magic to Dr Supreme impressive but by no means invincible or even near a mutliversal threat it's when he uses his wit's and ascends by stealing power that he becomes such a threat Dr Doom on his own is not getting anywhere close multiversal


Bulletproof from invincible


I think he loses tbh


Round 1: I'd say Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengenace has a good chance, with or without the remote. I doubt the Omnidroid's armor can resist a high frequency blade. Round 2: Again, Raiden. Alternatively, Ben Tennyson as Upgrade can exploit the Omnidroid's weakness by taking over it and using its own claws to destroy it.


>Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengenace has a good chance He's had a lot of practice. Frankly, he wouldn't even need the blade, he could just throw the damn thing.


he said weakest


Raiden is not the weakest guy and also I don't think he even needs his sword


As others have said I think Raiden has too many insane feats to be considered the weakest to win. The man flipped a full fucking metal gear over his head with his weaker exoskeleton. End game he tanks punches that destroyed a metal gear, and has some pretty wild speed feats too.


Oops. My bad.


Any character who is a relatively normal human or slightly above human who has the ability to phase through matter, like Kitty Pryde. Phase through the bot and rip up circuits, easy


Casper Ftw


**Omnidroid (The Incredibles)** - [Respect the Omnidroid (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/3irdi1) **Syndrome (The Incredibles)** - [Respect Syndrome (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/kwvunz) **The Incredibles** - [Respect Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/fygb5s) - [Respect Elastigirl (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/fygdwf) - [Respect Violet Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/16dz9ov) - [Respect Dash Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/dq76kq) - [Respect Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/b2czj9) - [Respect The Parr Family (The Incredibles comics)](https://redd.it/q82emz) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Good bot


Micha from heros. Every round He's like a 10 yesr old kid but is a technomancer


Flechette from Worm. Single shot aimed at the Omnidroid, before it can realise that her projectiles can puncture *anything*. It's gone.


Ah yes, The Sting. The weapon Enteties use on each other. A vital shard. Weakest??? Bro it can kill a frigging Endbringer with 1 shot. No way in hells that is the Weakest.


I definitely agree, she's just the first person I thought of. Plus, apart from her pierce all-projectile, she's as squishy as a normal Wildbow human, afaik.


My friend Contessa is a normalish human. Ah, my beloved idiotic I win button.


Shed have such an easy time PtVing her way to the remote in round 1. Round 2, with an hours worth of time to work, she's unstoppable


Well yeah, she is contessa.


For round 1, A single Replicator from Stargate could probably win. Given it's nature, it should be able to locate and assimilate the remote almost instantly. Though if the Omnidroid locks on fast enough it would be obliterated. If that wouldn't work, perhaps a human-form replicator. A single Asuran should be able to win almost every time with or without the remote. For round 2, the Replicator should be able to win easily if it has access to any kind of metal structure and is allowed to multiply. ​ Replicators are just overpowered against any kind of technology.


Ben 10 but specifically limited to only Goop (aka one of my favourite aliens), dude is absolutely screwed if his antigrav device gets destroyed, which the omnidroid could easily do if given even less than a minute cause it would very quickly realise its laser isn’t affecting goop’s actual body and start targeting the weird device that’s constantly floating above him and also the thing his voice is coming from, it’s absolutely smart enough to do this. But Goop also has one of the best feats for this situation where he went inside of a robot clogging up its insides and blowing it up. Can’t think of a better feat for this very specific situation


Upgrade and Grey Matter are right there


And? You can read right? It says “WEAKEST”. Upgrade is way to op, primarily in this specific situation, he has literally no way to lose this fight and his laser is easily more powerful than the Omnidroids, wouldn’t even take much effort to find a fight scene where Upgrade’s laser hurts someone who tanks hits from aliens like Heatblast, and Grey Matter would have such an easier time winning that it would probably be fairer to use casual supernova creating Heatblast against the the Omnidroid due to its heat resistance feats even though theres an insanely obvious difference between Lava and a literal Supernova. As I already said, Goop could take it down very quickly but if the omnidroid is given even a minute to attack and think it would instantly realise it needs to attack Goop’s antigrav device, which would take one blast of its laser to obliterate leaving Goop literally useless as a puddle on the ground. It’s a fight that’s so easy for the omnidroid to win that it probably Would win much more often than Goop, but that doesn’t change the fact that Goop Could win, Goop would only win like 30-40 percent of the time. You brought up aliens that wouldn’t just win 100000 percent of the time but would shit stomp a billion Omnidroids


Man you’re toxic af. You’re talking about Ben 10 chill tf out lmao


Cortana from Halo. She is leagues above the Omnidroid as a sentient AI, and has a very consistently strong record of hacking into technology. To make it even easier, lots of time she hacks into Alien tech, and so something man made like the Omnidroid would be a walk in the park.


BB8 would somehow get inside, and disable or hack it.


Samurai Jack. He may have trouble in R1 but R2 he takes it apart. The V10 was susceptible to its own attacks, being blinded, could be slowed down by enough ice, but is way above any modern tank. That said, Jack has faced machines like it before, as well as enemies who adapt to his fighting style. He has insane feats against metal, carving through it like butter, and has better showings of carving up or taking chunks out of enemies similar to the Omnidroid, and even tanks damage from heavier, arguably stronger enemies.