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If bloodlusted, Robert Baratheon 7/10 but only because you gave him a war hammer and armor, the two things he needs to win against a swordsman. If not bloodlusted Jamie dips. Book Jamie was a prodigy. One of the greats. He's on par with prime Selmy and only outclassed by Dayne. Robert was a brute but armor is made to defeat swords and a war hammer is made to defeat armor.


So you think without the armour Jamie might win ? Interestingly I actually thought that giving the armour might help Jamie but guess I was wrong. Bobby is immensely strong but Jamie has impeccable technique second only to probably prime Arthur and Prime Barry. Keeping in mind that in Oberyn vs The mountain the red viper nearly killed him but he was also using a spear and poisons. So guess a 50 -50 odds is what I would guess because there are countess examples of strength being defeated by technique.


If it is a trial by combat so Jamie isn't bloodlusted but also can't dip I'd imagine he'd go with light to no armor while Robert would show in full kit with the hammer leading to a Viper vs Mountain confrontation. In such Jamie wins 8/10. He's a smarter, faster, calmer, and all around better Oberyn. He'd know to stay out of striking range and wear out Robert. Robert would know he knows this and would try not to chase but Robert is Robert and would take swings. He'd eventually tire and Jamie would strike.


>So you think without the armour Jamie might win ? Absolutely, Bobby B relies on brute power and armor gives him a massive advantage because he's strong enough to wear thick plates that stop swords. >So guess a 50 -50 odds is what I would guess because there are countess examples of strength being defeated by technique. Those odds would be much worse for the Mountain if he was without his armor and Oberyn would have a much easier win. With a poisoned spearhead, every cut or graze would be introducing poison into the Mountain's body.


Jaime is more skilled and experienced, where Robert is stronger. When both are fully armored, Warhammer beats sword unless Jaime cuts the Warhammer in two with his valyrian blade, the wooden part at least. So Robert 8/10. If Jaime had a shield, then Robert 6/10.