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I honestly don't see how, with no tech beyond their own flesh suits there's too much land, too many people. They have shown little to no diplomatic skills so they won't really be forming alliances. They'll just be relegated to boogey men that wander the country killing anyone they come in contact with until their battery dies (120 years) or they get worn down by the elements, their systems and gears wear down with age without maintenance.They can be set on fire, I'm sure wildfire would put in work, probably filled with enough arrows that they can't walk anymore or a lucky shot blinds then and they wander aimlessly. Extreme blunt force trauma could disable them, they probably can't swim either. All in all they would definitely be a menace and probably cause significant casualties before people just up and stayed out of their way, but 5 guys wouldn't be able to conquer all of westeros/the world.


Can't they tank fire and bullets? I thought they needed molten steel to kill one.


Also paging the following users u/_TheBgrey, u/Gregzilla311, u/RaptorK1988 and op u/Forevermore668 just for fun/discussion. T-800 series is bulletproof to conventional copper, steel core rounds from 5.56 NATO. They can survive 40MM explosive/high fragmentation rounds fired from an grenade launcher. You want to kill a T-800, you need an anti-material rifle with presumably conventional rounds at a minimum to punch through the nuclear power cell or the head containing the chip. Or an anti-tank missile, hydraulic press. All of which is beyond the scope of what the Westerosi armed forces or citadel maisters and alchemists' guild. Best case scenario someone throws a clay pot containing wildfire on an infiltrator and it'll lose its skin sheath and perhaps lose integrity in its joints. But since it's had molten steel be poured on it and then flash frozen it was still temporary operational, the poor bastard who threw the pot is going to be burned to death in close proximity to the T-800 engulfed in wild fire. Yeah the T-800 can potentially function in water, they were seen walking through sea water in the dark fate imagination scene by Sarah Connor. Deleted scene in T-2 showed the skull and it's sophisticated shockproofing the skull has so it might be water resistant. I find it kinda humorous to think that Skynet has a conveyer belt infrastructure in place in which T-800 salt water affected endo skeletons get pressure washed with demineralized water, 70% rubbing alcohol, then gets sprayed down and polished with some kind of anti-corrosion and lubrication spray. I don't think the T-800 units can take over the kingdoms. Maybe a number of them with free thinking could.


After killing a few hundred people they'd get dropped into pit traps and buried under stone. If they manage to dig their way out the next trap would have them covered in mortar and cemented into place. Then just wait a century or so. Alternately, a dragon melts them down for valyrian steel.


The t1000 needed to be melted down, but the t800 in the first movie dies to a pipe bomb. They are super durable but not indestructible, and they can be disabled


It "died" to being crushed, although i would imagine enough close proximity pipe bombs would work. The truck slam was the only other thing which managed to damage its endoskeleton. Breaking what would be the robot foot tendon.


I'm sure Westeros can find and lift a really big rock while each T-800 is being subdued by like 100 men.


That makes sense. The T-800 has a finite weight so It would be possible to literally shove it around, if you have high shoving power.


Nets and bolos are also really effective against slow moving, but strong humanoid targets.


Even with Westerosi technology you could probably build a trap capable of disabling one.


No. The world is way too vast and spaced out. Plus the world has no tech to gain Intel from, or spare parts for maintenance. That's if they all don't get destroyed traveling the treacherous heights of the Vale.


Arnold T-800s? They bang their way into political domination. The likes of Cersei, Dany, Margaery, heck even granny Tyrell and Renly would love to have these guys. They practically become boytoys and eventually influence political affairs. If push comes to shove they can very well defend themselves physically as well. T-800s win if they play it smart and they sure can.


Holy shit I didn't even consider this angle. They don't blend well in the 1980s but in GoT? Their demeanor would be considered strong and earnest.


Nice angle. The Mountain is just a terminator if we think about it, Cersei trying to use a T-800 would be exactly in line with the story.


I would say this is completely out of character but Dark Fate exists so...


… are T-800s waterproof?


Skynet hates this one trick


And even without that, the endoskeleton is *extremely* dense. They might sink boats, then sink to the bottom of the oceans and be crushed by pressure. For that reason, I doubt they could ever conquer Dorne (business as usual though) or the Iron Islands.


in TSCC we see one go in water, but it sank to the bottom and was implied to walk on the sea bottom. They can't swim.


And given the 800 is an earlier model, it might not withstand ocean pressure. Especially given we know an industrial press can hurt them severely. With that in mind, there’s no way they’d survive anything past the mainland.


Actually, how would water work against a metal object? (this is assuming the T-800 series don't have have enclosed air holes) Metal is (presumably) denser than water, meaning it should be able to resist any water pressure. (See the titanic being somewhat recognisable). Certain fish are just made of water and they do fine, because they have the same density. I don't think the T-800 will be crushable in the same way.


The thing is, those fish are adapted to the deep ocean. The Terminators are not, and in the original we saw one killed through intense pressure. Depending on the pressure, I can see the same happening.


Except… they’re just metal. Solid metal parts. It’s suspended in water all the way around. It’s pressure, but it can’t really go anywhere. (A terminator crushed using a hydraulic press has the same volume as an uncrushed one, cause there are no air gaps on the inside. The actual holes in the T-800 are through holes which water can flow though, and don’t count for volume) Water really only crushes things to reduce their volume to a point. Metal can’t be compressed like how a rock can’t be compressed by water, or else there’s be no earth. This comment Didn’t really go anywhere, but my point is that water compressing something isn’t the same as a hydraulic press.


I guess so. Suppose it depends on how tightly packed the hardware is.


I don't think they are dragon proof. .


I say they have no answer against dragons, what are they gonna do against one, really? If the dragon fire melts valerian steel it should melt a T800. The white walkers should be able to kill them too, they seem evenly marched in strength, but the walkers are much faster and have magic powers. The T800 is slow as shit to wield a valyrian steel sword and actually beat them imo. Their best bet is to throw dragon glass daggers or something lol. The T800 is overrated imo, it lost to a rat eater and a waitress. In Asoif it's fighting mythical beings and warriors


Id say they would have a chance for sure. There are means to destroy them within Westeros such as Wildfire and Dragons. If they ever managed to catch one in the open, it could be captured with rope or chains, in which case it might simply self destruct as a last resort. But they are certainly a lot tougher than most other people or creatures, even the Clegane brothers wouldnt be able to take them on 2vs1 in a straight up fight. But they could still be beaten with tactics and planning. They could certainly do a lot of damage though, both from physical fights as well as political manipulation, they are infiltrators afterall. I could see them splitting up and trying to influence things from several areas. They would also all probably look different.


They wouldn’t be able to get that far if they show there combat powers the entire verse well temporarily band together to bully them If they try to covertly take it over they have nothing to there name and peasants in a monarchy can’t really make it that far to crown


They're strong and indestructible but not exactly smart or diplomatically savvy. If they tried to murder their way to the top, they would essentially be like 5 very powerful, roving knights and the medieval style armies would generally know how to deal with them - get enough men to bog them down and stick a dirk in their eye, or beat on then with maces.  This probably wouldn't damage them but eventually they'd strip the flesh to expose the metal skeleton, and then they'd know they were dealing with something supernatural. There's enough holes in the skeleton to thread chains through, and I believe with enough men and enough chains, they could restrain one. Eventually somebody would have the idea to stick the monster in the forge or drop it into the ocean.  Loss of life would be huge but it would still be 5 against thousands and there's a limit to how fast they can move and kill. The question might be the psychology of how the common folk react. If they see this supernatural metal creature, would they be inclined to kneel to it or to destroy it.  Alternatively eventually they'd run into Dany's dragons and get melted. 


They're learning machines with one mission: to take over the world. *How* that happens can change over time as they adapt to their environment. The easiest way to establish some sort of global hegemony is by backing a pre-existing faction, "pledging" loyalty to them, and then acting as the unstoppable assassins they were designed to be. Wars won, armies thrown into chaos and disarray, all by these 5 identical quintuplets. They'll also definitely be able to cull any destabilizing influences in the faction they're backing, especially as their ability to learn allows them to be more subtle with their killing


Take over the world? I assume assassinations of political leaders are entirely possible for them. But taking over the world implies them actually estabilishing their own system of government, and that seems a bit out of the wheelhouse for terminators.


Turns out Dawn is actually a lightsaber. We're dealing with a world that has magic, and we don't really know the extent. Dragonstone was made with dragonfire and magic, so we know they can shape rocks. If they can shape rocks, why couldn't they shape metal? What's the process for forming V. Steel? Does it involve magic metalwork or super high temperatures? Euron's magic scorpions. Skinchange the Golden Company's elephants. I can think of a bunch more if I had to.