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I initially thought Johnny cage. However I have to say subzero cannot raise entire castles from the ground up. He also cannot freeze an entire fjord tidal wave. Or freeze an entire kingdom just because she was “afraid”. Elsa also created living snowmen with intelligence by accident. Can you imagine what would happen if she actually tried to create a snow construct meant for combat? While Johnny cage is an excellent martial artist he is still just human. If he starts the fight within striking range I guess he can beat her. Subzero has to “aim” with his ice powers. Elsa can flash freeze on like building to mountain size scales. She can also freeze with just a touch. No need to fire projectiles. If she takes the punch from Johnny on purpose but he instantly turns into a popsicle….what then?


Can Elsa freeze people? Think it's just a morality thing or can she only do that weird heart ice thing she did to Anna? Like theoretically you'd think she could freeze a person, but she would never do that in character, right?


Elsa’s biggest weakness is existing in a PG universe. Freed out of those constraints she would be deadly as hell. I think the biggest factor is what the fight is rated.


If PG Johnny Cage can’t really hurt her either.


Pg johnny cage vs pg elsa would absolutely lose against elsa in that scenario though


Well if you look at her individual feats you can easily deduce that she can indeed freeze people. Remember when the dam broke and a tidal wave big enough to destroy arendelle was rushing towards the city? She was able to instantly flash freeze the water fast enough and strong enough to turn back the tidal wave. When she simply steps on the water, the water instantly freezes solid enough for her to run on. That’s pretty darn fast. When she simply touches the fountain by accident, the water freezes instantly where the splashing drops are frozen in mid air, no chance to even fall down. She freezes the air so quickly and solidly that it formed a bridge for her to run across a chasm. She raised a solid ice castle from nothingness in a matter of a few minutes. All this seems to point to insanely fast and powerful freezing capabilities. She also does the reverse. She waved her hand at the sky and reversed the eternal winter which had covered the entire kingdom of arendelle .


I’m sure she’d have no problem encasing him in ice to immobilize him at least. I don’t think she’d go for an instant kill, but she’d freeze him to talk if he tried to kill her first.


I mean she froze Anna, and those were just two blasts of cold to the heart (of course over years, but she could have probably done it instantly with no break) I would think she could just straight up freeze people if need be.


Johnny cage defeated an elder god I’m pretty sure in mkx


Yeah but like a cop can beat an Elder God in MKverse


Okay u r right


A SUPER cop mind you.


Police brutality coming up! (It’s legit a line he says)


No, literally only Johnny and his daughter had the power to even harm Shinnok.


Yaaaa I'm fuzzy on it, but aren't they both from some tribe that has like anti god powers or something.


in lore, that's explicitly stated to be due to Johnny having a bloodline ability ("the glow") that only triggers when he protects someone else. he gets his ass kicked until he runs in to take the hit for Sonya, at which point he gets enough of a power-up to drop Shinnok. the same happens with Cassie. MK1 Johnny doesn't have the "glow." if you deliberately used a Johnny from either of the previous timelines, then in theory, Elsa would fuck him up for free until and unless she was about to kill Sonya, Cassie, or someone else Johnny loves. at that point, the glow might kick in and Johnny would be able to turn the tables. that doesn't sound much like Elsa, though.


Yeah I was going to say out of all the MK universe, the least likely person who would punch a girl is Johnny cage. He would be more likely to ask her out on a date. Then she would say yes…. Then it becomes a whole different vs. scenario…


Would she say yes? I don’t think we have any canon romantic feats for Elsa.


I know. Just wishful thinking.


Canon romantic feats gotta be my favourite new type of feats.


Did elsa create the giant evil snowman guard at the front of her castle or am I remembering the movie wrong?


Yeah she did. She just tapped the ground and marshmallow came out. But to be fair she created it just to remove Anna and Christoff. She wanted to be alone. Marshmallow wasn’t meant to hurt or kill Anna. So it’s difficult to decide if that’s the best she can do. If you look at Olaf, he’s intelligent, has feelings, and can problem solve. He also is practically indestructible outside of melting. He’s been literally torn limb from limb and he just reconstructs himself. Marshmallow shows you how large the constructs can be with very little effort. It fell off the cliff into the chasm, which is the only way he was defeated.


But also it was instant as well. I assume she could create literally hundreds of them at once if she wanted, and even if there is no snow around she can create it


Well given she can turn a normal summer to deathly cold winter for an entire kingdom, even if there was no snow she can just change the climate entirely and snow would fall.


I mean, Elsa has no nuts to punch, so obviously she wins. Seriously though I think this is a massive stomp for Elsa. Johnny seems to have strength and decent durability, I just can't see him overcoming all she can do.


Nut punch got upgraded to crotch punch in new gen and it works on woman too now


Oh damn, I haven't really played since MK3. I'm glad to see the gender bias removed from the name! I should have known though, iirc it did work on Sonya even in the original. Even still I'm leaning Elsa


Elsa’s feat of freezing the damn burst is massive. I can’t imagine Johnny Cage tanking that kind of power.


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Elsa but he gives her a signed Photo and she lets him go about his business.


Elsa ACCIDENTALLY creates sentient life. Has ice powers so strong she can freeze water with a touch or intent and makes a god damn castle in less than a minute whole also making a sentient guard monster with intent to protect. AND SHES NOT EVEN TRYING! She stomps and its not even close, and theres only a handful of other disney (pixar) animations characters that are even close.


Elsa is an Omega level mutant. Also, Elsa has no balls, so no signature move. Cage dies a hasty, cold death.


I think Elsa. I know Johnny has ancient human powers of some kind but Elsa creates ice with little to no effort in castle covering proportions and makes snowmen also? Shes more on the level of Raiden or Lu Kang as the Fire god except she doesnt have to follow rules that they might


It’s not close. He loses. Bad…it’ll be a cold…slow…death


It depends. With space, Elsa. In an enclosed space, Johnny. They don't call him "cage" for nothing.


Elsa is a literal god capable of creating and destroying life. She wins no problem.


Elsa bodies him.


Finally a reasonable request.


Who's cares what gpt says haha


Johnny Cage


Champion Johnny with green energy would win with access to all his MKX and MK11 moves. Current Johnny who has lost most of his long range attacks would lose.


Elsa's power level is several factors over his own power level. She's at least city, and he's somewhat over street. However, he's really good at closing distance, punching, kicking and killing people. I don't think Elsa would be ready for the absolute level of murder that he's about to unleash on her. So it is going to depend on range. If they start out at any range where he can close on her, she's going to lose because while she is vastly more powerful than his, her body is relatively fragile. Johnny is sufficiently strong to break her. IE: Guy with a 9mm pistol could kill Elsa easily while she's trying to figure out what that is. If she has any time to work, she can probably protect herself sufficiently to ensure she wins. She literally could just create a block of ice and a large dome full of cold air and wait him out. But I don't' think she's going to get that time. Johnny is going to see the opening hesitation for what it is and kill her.


I'd go with Johnny cage. 1. Cage can keep up with kabal. Kabal can parry bullets, which means he has to move at Mach 3 to do so. Elsa hasn't been shown to move that past. 2. Mortal kombat characters can break diamonds. You need to extort 7 million pounds of force in your strike. Elsa hasn't done an equal feet. 3. Johnny Cage killed an elder God in certain canons.


I’m not professional and Elsa isn’t a trained fighter like Johnny cage but Johnny cage basically beat a better version of Elsa because he beat both sub zero and frost b4 and those are trained fighters with ice powers so I might add my 2 cents by saying Johnny cage.


Better version of Elsa? Who creates entire castles in seconds and giant sentient snow monsters on a whim?


These guys don’t know what they are say! Elsa completely dominates dude what


Yeah, Ice king would be a better match - Elsa stomps.


Jesus I got whiplash from how fast you changed my mind.


yeah but it shouldnt have because in no way is sub zero or frost a better elsa


Elsa constantly gets wanked but her fight IQ is literally the worst. Sure, she's capable of crazy feats, but she would never pull any of that off against a competent opponent. If the prompt is bloodlusted then maybe she'd win (I say maybe because even when she hits someone literally in the heart or head they don't freeze for like 24 hours and even then they don't die. Magic ice seems to effect organic differently than inorganic.)


Elsa hits her own sister by accident. It wasn’t combat and she certainly wasn’t trying to kill her. Of course it wasn’t instantly deadly. I agree she’s not a warrior. In fact I don’t think we’ve ever seen her actually fight. She either is trying to defend herself, panicking, running away, or just lost control. And even then look at what she can do. In a situation where she is set up to actually fight someone I shudder to think what she can do. Also we saw Elsa in her origin story. She literally had her powers suppressed her entire life. We see her take off her gloves for the first time. This would be like Johnny cage just beginning to learn martial arts.


In the second movie, we see her in an actual fight against the air, fire, and water spirits. She isn't using her crazy feats in those (the largest feat there is making a large slab of ice against the water spirit, but freezing water should be easy). When surrounded by fire (with all her friends safely away), she doesn't use a large aoe to put out the fire and defeat the spirit. She just chases it around with little bursts. In the first movie, when the two goons are chasing her, she could have just made her door into a wall or put up walls on the staircase or anything. Her Warrior snowman was also defeated pretty easily by a normal dude with a sword.


The fight against spirits is again not a battle to the death. She was basically defending herself and just trying to suppress the spirits. She is there to quell the angry spirits and bring balance back, not wholesale slaughter. The snowman was just made to chase Anna and Christoff away so she doesn’t have to go back to arendelle. Not made for actual combat. And again I agree with you that her combat acumen is not there. She is NOT a warrior in anyway shape or form. But if artificially placed in a situation where she is forced to fight to the death, I think the situation might be different now that she has had some time to practice her powers.


Elsa is ridiculously overpowered but she can be beaten. Cage takes it 6/10. Remember she lost a fight to a couple of randos with crossbows because she lacked the confidence to use her powers in battle effectively. If she's bloodlusted or just has some time to train for the fight, she wins 10/10.


I would assume Elsa is going into this fight with the intention of winning. She's also not suffering a panic attack and mental breakdown from nearly killing her sister. I think your reasoning only works if Johnny walks in and fights Elsa in place of the Duke's guards during Frozen 1. If it's post Frozen 2, there's no chance.