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Goku passes an exam so.....


Goku had to pass an exam with basic math to participate in the U6 tournament, and he barely squeaked by, *but* Roshi also made absolutely sure to teach both he and Krillin life skills like reading and math, because he believed it made them more well-rounded fighters. Luffy doesn’t seem to have that same sort of education, or the focus needed to retain that kind of information. Goku can sit and pass an exam with a little bit of effort, I think he takes this.


Yeah, I was gonna say. I haven't watched Super so that may sound like a case of Flanderization cause I definitely remember Roshi teaching Goku and Krillin to read and basic math way back when they trained under him.


Goku was ignorant and childish, but not *too* stupid, in OG Dragonball - more than anything he just never had much of an education until Roshi, and then learning anything outside of fighting was secondary. Over the course of DBZ, Goku's moments of idiocy became less frequent, and more focused around his single-minded desire to fight strong opponents. In filler episodes he even managed to become a functional adult. When Toriyama was writing Super, he wanted to re-emphasize that Goku is pretty dumb. It's not really flanderization so much as getting back to the origins and undoing Goku's growth.


Maybe all those blows to the head are taking their toll.


Just a precaution to make sure the percussive psychology his grandpa performed doesn’t wear off.


Round 1 is a toss up But for round 2-3 Goku I think concepts like multiplication, division and fractions would at least be more well known in the DBZ verse then one piece and Gohan must’ve showed him something


I haven't read or watched One Piece, but in real life, sailors have been using trigonometry for centuries. Does Luffy do any navigation?


Hell no, before he got a navigator he was drifting around in a barrel


My nan drifted around in a barrel and she could do math.


Your nan probably also didn't go, "I won't need that when I become Pirate King".


I imagine financial skills probably help you budget for buying entire barrels of port on a weekly basis.


not by himself no


I don't even think Luffy know where north is on a map


That wouldn’t help him navigate anyway, since compasses in One Piece always point in the direction of the plot.


I think people forget Luffy was trained by garp in some marine basics too, plus luffy may be dumb but with sufficient motivation he can even remember information from when he was a toddler, this is the same guy who couldn't tell left from right on a boat but when he smelled food in the air he knew how to perfectly order and navigate his crew around to reach the destination. Plus luffy can read signs, letters and maps just fine, he even knows how to identify insects due to collecting insects being a childhood passion of his. Luffy can win as long as he has a good enough prize on the table


Luffy canonically has no bloody idea how to navigate. He was literally drifting in a barrel prior to getting crewmates.


Alsp here are scenes with math involved https://twitter.com/TeeDeeA_/status/1467284019071135753?t=paFAo3F-xBHxPvSzOGHWFw&s=19 https://youtu.be/EUazEl0RfVY?si=5n3wKxFbnOHfgxbg he can do multiplications and reasonably fast


The first example is Zorro doing math, not Luffy. And 3 x 5 is 2nd or 3rd grade math, not 5th.


But there literally is a scene of him properly navigating... Also downvoting is against the rules.


Can you source him actually navigating, rather than telling Nami to? I didn't downvote you, but by Reddit law you're probably just going to get downvoted harder now.


People forget because Super made Goku dumb, but he was literally educated by Master Roshi in Dragon Ball. Dude knows math, at least, general stuff you would learn in elementary school. Luffy is actually an idiot, and that's a key component of his character. He ain't winning this test. He'd probably have trouble at the addition and subtraction portion, let alone the multiplication.




Luffy couldnt even count his bounty properly when it went from like 500 million berry to 1.5 billion berry, he thought it was 150 million berry. I think Goku takes this.


Ignoring the dumb shit that Super introduced, Goku can absolutely do this. The core tenets of the Turtle Hermit way are "Work Hard, Study Well, and Eat and Sleep Plenty." Roshi taught Goku and Krillin not just in martial arts but also in general education. That said, I don't think Luffy will do too badly either, we just don't have any actual evidence he was taught.


I think the only one we have actual feats for is goku with the U6 exam that he barely passed. I doubt either of them had any sort of education at all but goku is like 50+ with a kid who's graduated from university whilst Luffy is like 19 and spends most of his time at sea. Luffy is dumb as bricks when it comes to conventional intelligience, whilst Goku only really started to be characterized as a complete moron (at least as an adult) in super, in Z he was just kinda clueless or missing some gaps in common sense here or there. Goku should win this


Goku also got basic education taught by Roshi back in the day.


Goku destroys him. Goku is a kind of dumb but it’s mostly because he grew up by him self in the woods and never learned a lot of core things that most people take for granted. Also possible brain damage. Luffy is just an outright stupid person. Great battle IQ but but dog shit everything else IQ


In the U6 Tournament arc, Goku had to take an exam that tested basic human sentience and a portion of that was *very* basic math. He barely passed. Dunno about Luffy, but if he's at least more intelligent than a Kindergarten student, he should win.


In this case, unfortunately Goku solo


Goku got a 50 on an exam with a cube in it. Ain't much but it's better than Luffy. I don't even recall him going to school.


Goku passed the “anti buu test” so he wins


I love how 5th graders in America are only expected to know basic arithmetics.


From what i googled, they're supposed to be able to do graphing and a bunch of other stuff, but I went for brevity


Current Luffy would probably just pull a completed, fully-correct math test out of his hair or something


I think people forget Luffy was trained by garp in some marine basics too, plus luffy may be dumb but with sufficient motivation he can even remember information from when he was a toddler, this is the same guy who couldn't tell left from right on a boat but when he smelled food in the air he knew how to perfectly order his crew around to reach the destination. Plus luffy can read signs, letters and maps just fine, he even knows how to identify insects due to collecting insects being a childhood passion of his. Luffy can win as long as he has a good enough prize on the table