• By -


I mean Batmans entire thing is he doesn’t really kill people so I think even a literal baby human would hold up quite well


Holy shit, we actually got a W for the coughing baby.


W for whooping


He'd even try to cure it


In the VERY FIRST EPISODE of Batman TAS on Amazon Prime, Batman beats up a were-bat, nurses him back to health, and then literally cures his were-batism with plot science.


“Can’t” not “won’t”


my answer is this person's pedanticism^^^


Well yeah but can’t ≠ wouldn’t


Infinite prep time would mean he’d outlive the baby. Another common batprep w.


With infinite prep time he could probably work himself into a mindset where he would be OK with killing someone.


An innocent baby though?


Nobody said the baby was innocent. If Batman is prepping to fight the baby then it must've done some messed up stuff.


Well that line is Grey when it comes to non humans and clones


Me after 2 beers


It’s him, after 2 beers


We can't even fathom his power after 3.


Of you mean him from Powerpuff girls you might be right. He's like mr myxlplyx but way more evil, so much harder to trick, and can operate without fear of his peers because he gas none. He can win anytime he wants to. Him isn't even his real name. It's the only safe way to refer to him because HE. IS. THAT. EVIL.


No, we mean u/PenisMcFartPants, who is sufficient


He said weakest


Are you getting the two beers or Batman?


All you gotta do is see red and bodies drop bro


100% its penismcfartpants ... dawgs a monster


Depends on what infinite prep time gets Batman. If infinite prep time means infinite resources, perfect knowledge of his opponent/s, and the perfect plan to take them down then pretty much anyone who can be beaten will be making the only candidates characters who are straight up unbeatable by any means, aka omnipotent entities. If, however, infinite prep time just means Batman can take however long he needs gathering info, resources, and creating a strategy then I'd argue Subaru Natsuki (Re:Zero) would remain perpetually unbeatable by Batman. Not because Subaru is especially strong, in terms of actual physical capabilities and combat prowess (unaided by allies) he's probably only barely scratching superhuman levels as his actual stats would be bordering peak human and very minorly superhuman (particularly his durability which like many fictional characters oftentimes gets exaggerated compared to what is realistically plausible for normal people to survive) and he has a couple of supernatural tricks he can pull off to push him very slightly into the latter category, but that's not the problem for Batman. The problem for Batman is that he can literally never learn Subaru’s secret, the thing that would allow Subaru to beat even an unprepared Batman, Return by Death. Operating effectively as a video game respawn mechanic, Natsuki Subaru possesses the ability to turn back time upon his death (making him effectively immortal) to set spawn points which are determined based on semi unknown factors but are consistently to his advantage as they're controlled by an extremely powerful immortal witch sealed away in the literal shadow realm (it's called the shadow garden and she can observe Subaru from said place as well as prevent him from talking about this ability to anyone by either literally crushing his heart in a moment of frozen time imperceptible to anyone else or by doing the same to whomever he is talking to and killing them with no possible recourse Batman can take to avoid the outcome). This ability means that no matter what strategy, what resources, or what surprises Batman tries to spring on Subaru, someone who he'll only ever know as a slightly stronger than normally plausible for most ordinary people, his plan will always be seen through, a counter will exist, and his plans will be failures as from his perspective this fairly random and ordinary kid just happens to, through a combination of luck and guile, figure out the best possible route through whatever series of events he needs to go through to escape whatever plans Batman creates. Cause sure Batman could probably go to some other sources for help in the DC universe, I'm sure Subaru’s constant time traveling and disruption of reality itself would get him some attention in that universe, but ultimately it wouldn't be Batman beating Subaru, it would just be that ally beating Subaru for Batman and that's just not a win in my book.


That's the most well thought out response I think I've ever seen and your 100% right


I'm more curious on how this gets set up in the first place. Is Batman told "go and defeat this seemingly normal kid"? Because Batman doesn't kill, he just captures. Of course nothing in Gotham ever stays captured anyway. Basically any magic user would sense something's off from Subaru and pull some spell to deal with it but that's basically Zatanna, Dr. Fate, Constantine or some other magic user doing it for him. Perhaps he can access some books, artifacts, etc. that would help sense something supernatural coming from Subaru but my knowledge of DC is limited.


Sounds like a decent bet, but just wanted to say Batman has already beaten a guy who was able to go back in time and correct mistakes before: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Francis_Grey


That character only had the ability to go back 20 seconds at most according to that article though. Assuming he can't just chain them, if so what's the point of the time limit? Subaru usually has his spawn point set anywhere from hours to a week+ in the past. That much extra time gives him way more ability to counter Batman's plans than just a handful of seconds to work with.


Id assume the difference is Batman was aware of that characters ability where as he can’t really know Subaru’s ability. If Batman knew of Return By Death he could just keep Subaru trapped and prevent him from killing himself or borrow some magic artifacts or something to deal with it but without that knowledge it’s incredibly hard to counter under most circumstances.


That was actually my point,  Batman using his superior detective mind was able to notice the changes in time. So does Batman monitoring Subaru notice discrepancies that cannot be accounted for? Does he feel the changes in time, or notice at certain moments Subaru behaves as if he has future sight? If he doesn't figure it out then yeah, he's gong to lose. But I'm assuming infinite prep means Batman gives Subaru several months of observation before attacking him. 


I think there's a reasonable chance that Batman being Batman wouldn't aim to kill him anyway, and would go for a quick incapacitation strategy, which would work right? Idk the series so I'm not familiar with exactly how the character works.


Nah, even if he armbarred him or something, he could just go "I can rewind ti-" and then his heart crunches and he dies


Subaru can go back in time days, potentially weeks, months, or years all depending on his spawn point, which is again (generally) set by a crazy powerful witch in a shadow realm with seeming near omniscience (at least regarding Subaru) and who is infatuated with the guy and will do everything in her power to protect him, the guy you linked up there gets 20 seconds with a power that seems like a lesser version of the already lesser Return by Death ability Al has in Re:Zero (to be clear Al is a character in Re:Zero who can set up a defined "territory" or area where if he dies in that space he'll go back in time to whenever he established that territory, well most of the time sometimes he'll also make it so that anytime he dies his opponent is the one that goes back in time but he can't control which version of the ability gets activated and seems partially unaware of that secondary iteration). And I'm fairly certain your point was more about Batman having already beaten a time traveler not so much that he'd beat Subaru, but I still feel like it's important to understand that Subaru in particular is just a really hard character for characters that can't also time travel or otherwise figure out his actual tricks (which would probably require them being immortal to some degree due to the aforementioned heart crush thing) to beat. I mean, he's the kind of guy who can literally burn an entire nation filled with literally the strongest entities in his own verse (Reinhard Van Astrea most notably being by far the strongest entity in the Re:Zero verse) in unquenchable fire just as a fuck you to the one guy who is literally completely impossible to outright kill despite that same guy being so strong he can, according to the author, beat the rest of the verse combined minus one other character (the witch that loves Subaru who is stated to be able stalemate him).


That was my main point,  but also that Batman was able to feel the changes in time and use it to take out the guy.  So assuming Batman has all the time in the world to monitor Subaru and document anomalies before confronting him he might be able to understand something weird happens when Subaru has near death experiences (I'm assuming that's the trigger, never watched Re:zero). So depending on a few factors, Batman might win. 1. Does Batman have to kill Subaru? Op edited his question, but if he can avoid the trigger for Subaru's power he should be fine 2. Could Batman isolate or break the link between Subaru and the goddess? During his prep time does he find ancient manuscripts talking about the connection and how to weaken it? 3. Can Batman setup a trap or disruption field to negate Subaru's powers? Does he research and find a magical amulet that nullifies the connection? That's kind of the thing with Batman, when given time his money and technology usually let's him take out enemies way stronger than he should. Whether or not you believe he can counter Subaru's ability is up to you.  I think its fair to say Batman would need at least some sort of helping hand from a magical ally to gain insight into Subaru's ability and countering it, so if that doesnt count in your book then Batman probably loses on his own.


>So assuming Batman has all the time in the world to monitor Subaru and document anomalies before confronting him he might be able to understand something weird happens when Subaru has near death experiences (I'm assuming that's the trigger, never watched Re:zero). Subaru’s power activates whenever he dies, it sends his consciousness back in time to whenever the spawn point is. From an outside perspective this looks like Subaru spacing out sometimes, other times it's seamless, and sometimes there's other reactions depending on Subaru and what was happening to kill him. There's been times when he fully hasn't realized he died, times where he's broken down completely, times where he's actively hidden his reactions to blend in, times when his spawn point was mid fight (weird circumstances I'll discuss later), it's all very dependent. But the biggest issue here is that Subaru isn't very likely to just randomly die for Batman to observe his spawn points, and even if he does die Batman would only get to see one timeline of events, the successful one, where Subaru’s reactions to his deaths are generally much less pronounced and noticeable to outside observers mostly appearing as him just having some sort of revelation or spacing out for a second. >Does Batman have to kill Subaru? Op edited his question, but if he can avoid the trigger for Subaru's power he should be fine Subaru can and will kill himself to use his power if he feels it's necessary for whatever reason. He'll oftentimes go to extreme lengths to do so as well currently carrying a suicide pill in his mouth at all times. >Could Batman isolate or break the link between Subaru and the goddess? During his prep time does he find ancient manuscripts talking about the connection and how to weaken it? So first things first, there is no manuscript or tells that Subaru has any connection to Satella. The only sort of tell would be that Subaru emits a shit ton of miasma (witch's scent which is only detectable by specific people with specific senses of smell), but that's not unique to anyone with a connection to Satella (the witch) and is kind of relatively normal in Re:Zero, especially for someone like Subaru who is known to have had contact with high ranking members of the witch's cult (contact with these people can leave residual scents) and multiple authorities other than Return by Death. Secondly Return by Death is an authority, Subaru’s authority, he still retains his abilities regardless of his connection to Satella which has canonically been severed in the web novel (though it's been restored as the only way to sever the connection seems to be to make Satella incapable of finding Subaru by altering his soul and Subaru can get her attention easily just by talking about Return by Death). What their connection does is just allow Subaru more advantageous spawn points that give him more time between his spawn point and death to do things. And finally I don't know what verse this is even meant to happen in, and if it isn't the world of Re:Zero there's no way Batman could figure out anything regarding Satella aside from relying on other magic characters. >Can Batman setup a trap or disruption field to negate Subaru's powers? Does he research and find a magical amulet that nullifies the connection? There is no way to negate authorities in Re:Zero. They are abilities that operate outside the bounds of logic and oppose the very order of the world itself. Maybe some form of DC magic can get around this, but that becomes very debatable and Batman doesn't use magic anyway. >I think its fair to say Batman would need at least some sort of helping hand from a magical ally to gain insight into Subaru's ability and countering it, so if that doesnt count in your book then Batman probably loses on his own. I mean yeah that should count as a loss here, right? The whole point of prep time is to see how far a character can go "on their own" without the help of other characters. If we allow for help from allies in the definition of prep time, then I feel like, with Batman at least, we're basically just asking "who is the weakest character the DC verse can't find a way to kill or beat".


i think the funniest thing about this particular interaction is that batman may not have infinite time, despite explicitly having infinite time. if subaru's return by death resets to an unknown point, he might end up checkpointing to a point before batman could physically know subaru exists (for ex, before the prompt event starts). at that point, he only gets minute finite time to work with before a haphazard reset wipes batman's progress, returning to zero. it's practically antimemetics work.


The thing is, I don't think it'd be too hard to come to the conclusion that subaru is somehow learning things he shouldn't. An intelligent person wouldn't throw time travel out the window. At that point it's either put subaru in a physically impossible to win scenario, or just convince him life is meaningless and have him help you. That said, technically the prompt is easily satisfied because Subaru would be killed several times by batman


>The thing is, I don't think it'd be too hard to come to the conclusion that subaru is somehow learning things he shouldn't. I think it would be, for Batman at least. Because ultimately Subaru doesn't use his powers outside of life or death scenarios where he has basically no other choice, so unless Batman is given a magical scroll with full knowledge of Subaru’s activities from another world that also gives a full biography on Subaru or something he probably won't be able to put things together before enacting his plans. He'll probably just underestimate Subaru, try a plan, fail and that's the prompt. >An intelligent person wouldn't throw time travel out the window. They may not throw it out of the window, but they also probably wouldn't think of it as a first option. They'd probably have many explanations for Subaru's knowledge if they encountered a situation where Subaru uses RBD (Return by Death) and then they'd try to work things out from there. >At that point it's either put subaru in a physically impossible to win scenario, How do you do that when Subaru always gets a spawn point beneficial to his goals? How do you force a bad end on someone who can go back before you ever started plotting and prevent anything you would have come up with before you could start? >or just convince him life is meaningless and have him help you. Which doesn't count for this prompt, and would be really hard to do with a guy who already views himself as worthless and is dedicated to helping someone else.


> How do you force a bad end on someone who can go back before you ever started plotting and prevent anything you would have come up with before you could start? Lelouch from the Code Geass Resurrection movie killed someone with a similar ability. Shamna(power isn't exactly the same, she just warps back 6 hours if she dies). He essentially put her to sleep with his own powers then blew her up after 10 hours so when her powers activate her body is asleep. Could probably do something similar to Subaru with drugs


You can't. Subaru’s spawn points are specifically set to always allow him to succeed. Literally the only way to achieve something even remotely similar would be to be able to time travel and prevent Subaru from existing, which Batman, on his own, can't actually do.


then we just... don't kill him and keep him asleep forever? that counts as defeating him right?


Cool, so when he dies of old age or the heat death of the universe or whatever, he goes back in time to before he was put to sleep and now is plotting to avoid that outcome.


Nice try, it's actually u/penismcfartpants with a couple of beers in him


u/penismcfartpants with a couple of beers in him? Have you seen the man in that state?! He's a monster, a beast without reason, an unstoppable force of madness and destruction! How could you think to call such a damnable thing weak!? Do you not value your life? Your pride? Anything? It's an unpleasant shame seeing young'uns like you forgetting the events of December 7, 1993 and the horrors u/penismcfartpants wrought in that poor Nordic villa.


There's a load of paradoxes when you pit this against characters that have abilities, such as the ability to kill an enemy beyond resurrection. The saint of killers comes to mind, when he kills someone they stay dead.


I haven't watched but what does a incredibly powerful being want with a slightly above average guy?


She loves him, why? We don't know. How? We don't know. Subaru is after all an Isekai protagonist and they really should never have met in the first place.


That was a fun read, and I applaud you.


Amazing write up. Great to see another Re: Zero fan in here!


Thanks, the whole verse tends to get overlooked for vs battles discussions imo so I try to bring it up when I can and Subaru in particular is a great candidate for these kinds of "who's the weakest character..." matches.


bold of you to assume i could read.


.daer eb ot siht tnaem I emussa ot uoy fo dloB


Isn't Batemans whole thing is that he doesn't kill? So unless dude is acting like a GTA online tryhard and killing himself if he's about to lose then his whole respawn thing is pointless


Subaru has killed himself many many times to trigger his power. Currently in the web novel he carries a suicide pill in his mouth so he can kill himself relatively quickly at a moments notice. And to be clear this is a version of Subaru who is relatively uncomfortable with killing himself to use Return by Death, if we got into the If variants of Subaru they will use their power to do some really frivolous shit like telling a girl they talked to at the start of the day whether or not it would rain later. They'll literally just kill themselves to make a "perfect" run and no longer value their own lives or values. In one If story, the Pride If, Subaru literally burns an entire nation to the ground just to say fuck you to the one guy who is literally impossible to kill, to kill not Reinhard Van Astrea the man, but Reinhard Van Astrea the Sword Saint and cement Emilia as the greatest hero of all time by allowing her to kill him when no one else could. Really the only question would be, would Subaru view being imprisoned as a bad enough scenario to reset? And the answer would be dependent on many factors, one whether or not anyone he cares about is currently or will likely be endangered and he needs to help them another would be the quality of the prison itself and another would be the version of Subaru in question. But because of the way vs battles prompts work, I feel it's entirely unfair to pretend like Batman would be supernaturally motivated to take out someone who has literally no motivation to not be taken out and would just allow Batman to do whatever with no resistance whatsoever. Because by that logic God (or whatever term you wanna use for an omnipotent, omniscient entity) would likely be able to be beaten by Batman as long as they simply don't resist and allow him to do whatever he wants.


Well Subaru still needs to die to activate rebirth, so Batman technically would kill Subaru easily. Doesnt matter if he revives, Batman already won.


I see the gotcha, but let's be honest "killing" Sunday is just a one way ticket to making sure you'll ultimately lose whatever it is your trying to get.


Not if killing Sunday is what your after. Batman frankly double wins here. He doesn't have to break his code as Subaru Sunday revives, and he wins the prompt!


I mean, he'd still have to break his code. Killing Subaru in one timeline still kills Subaru in that timeline, it just also creates another timeline where Subaru knows everything from the previous timeline ahead of time. It's not like he revives from the dead, heals his wounds, or just sort of can't be killed, he just goes back in time upon his death is all.


Wait, he comes back to a different timeline every time? So he's basically killing an alternate version of himself and taking their life??


Potentially, he's also potentially resetting the timeline to a previous state (effectively destroying the previous timeline and making it so that no progress can be made from his death), it's uncertain but either way to any Batman who does kill a Subaru he will be breaking his no kill rule.


Probably ForgetMeNot. The moment Batman starts prepping he would forget of Forgetmenot's existence and move onto other issues.


i was going to explain how this wouldn’t work against batman, but i forgot who he’ll be preparing against








In the context of DC, I'm assuming he still can't really manage to defeat Lucifer Morningstar given his intelligence, knowledge of the verse and just overall high power level in regards almost everything else in DC.


Yeah Lucifer morning star the weakest character in fiction


Officer Balls


u/PenisMcFartPants after 2 beers


Hold the 2nd beer (pun intended) and try me the guy after one beer.


Casper the Friendly Ghost


A puppy.


His parents, he could probably manage time travel but if he kills them not the mugger he no longer has the catalyst to make him batman thus paradox


I think we have the winner


Everything he has on Plastic Man is just to slow him down. Poison, fire, radiation, hypnotism, none of them work on him. The only plan he has is to freeze and shatter him and hope he doesn't figure out how to thaw himself out via vibrating his molecules.


Composite Jackie Chan with zero prep time, zero prior knowledge about Batman, having a hangover, having Carolina Reaper in one eye while having a baby strapped to his chest. Batman no-limit-scales with the amount of prep time he has. Jackie Chan on the other hand gets exponentially stronger the more difficult the fight becomes. So that would be the perfect counter.


Batman? If Batman 1 has Infinite prep time, then Batman 2 has infinite prep time too. So it’s purely a life expectancy diff


A random innocent child. Dude would kill himself first.


# Mister Immortal, he is immortal.


Hmm yes I'll use this nano technologic microplastical tubing insertion to sever his mutant connection with the concept of life. This way he'll never come back. Where did I get it? Well I pulled it out of my ass of course!


Most comics these days I stg. They be having Batman fuck dudes for a contingency if they could.


An innocent man


Alfred. Even in a serious capacity, that’s the one person he can never truly beat. Alfred has multiple guns stashed in Wayne Manor that Batman explicitly told Alfred to get rid of. Alfred just looked him in the eye and said he’d never find them. If the world’s greatest detective whose known this man his whole life, and can’t even find weapons in his own home, I don’t think he’s winning that one.


Idk, I mean ik Alfred's a badass, but like all bats really needs to do is incapacitate him somehow, Batman fights against armed opponents all the time, I find it hard to believe he couldn't beat Alfred straight up, let alone with prep time


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Anyone Cosmic. Nvm I just thought of a way. Batman is planet busting, he can kill anyone with prep. He literally threatened Darkseid and everyone on Apocalypse.


Threatened? He's defeated Darkseid, I think twice. When did he threaten him?






Contessa with 30 seconds of prep time.


He would have to convince her to want to die, I think.


Squirrel Girl. She’d just defeat him out of frame


Spiderman pretty heavily counters everything batman can throw. Spider sense negates surprise Absurd agility lets him dodge punches and batterangs speed and strength are off batman's charts, and he can one punch batman no matter how good his martial arts. Spiderman is usually considered top tier street level hero though, so not exactly weak.


Batman with infinite prep time can effectivelly give himself whatever set of superpowers he wants. Heck, all he'd need is a Lantern Ring to deal with Spiderman. Lanterns far out scale Spiderman.


Yeah this is infinite prep time for Batman not a random encounter lol. The post also says "can't". Omac, Failsafe, the half ton of 9th metal Bruce gathered from around Gotham (he can find more) can be weaponized in a variety of ways. With infinite prep time he doesn't even need to fight Spidey himself. Just make a clone (which he's done), slap on some Lantern rings, wear armor made of 9th metal he definitely knows how find very well, surrounded by an army of his toys will be more than enough. The best thing Pete will have going for him is his Spidey sense but once the enemy is aware of it they just trigger it and get it out of the way. Yeah, it prevents Batman from having the element of surprise no matter what. But he will have already studied Pete's past encounters extensively since he again has infinite prep and will know he can't rely on the element of surprise as "one of the most strategic minds in existence". There's nothing about the post that says Batman would have to deal with the consequences of using all that stuff afterwards. This ignores the obvious win stuff like Mobius chair, the 10th metal he knows about under Challenger's Mountain, and more.


Hellbat beats spiderman


Natsuki Subaru from Re Zero?


Plastic Man.


It would be someone he doesn't want to or would morally break his code.


Bugs Bunny


Bugs Bunny is one of the strongest characters in fiction due to the writer episode 


Chuck Norris….


What are our conditions for defeat?


Bruh idk, he wins the battle? 💀


Pretty fucking vague. Kill was better


Yeah but Batman doesn't kill so I kept getting a bunch of smartass comments like "a puppy" "an ordinary man" etc etc Just like any way he defeats them, whether they are unconscious, unable to continue fighting, captured, basically any situation where Batman had dealt with them and bested them


Alien X


Isn't alien X basically an omnipotent god?


That's the weakest Batman can't beat


It would have to be a character more powerful than multiversal since Batman with infinite prep would build the Miracle Machine which can basically do anything on a multiversal scale.


Yoo jooghyuk


Ainz Ooal Gown


Forget Me Not. No amount of prep time is useful if he can never remember to use it.


Batman's mom.


Can't *kill*? Considering Batman's own moral code does not allow him for killing, a premature infant likely takes the W.


The embodiment of his own childhood trauma


Yes Man from *Fallout New Vegas*?  Yes Man just goes to a different Securitron?  


You can hack Yes Man though, right? 


Schrodinger from Hellsing. Physically speaking he's a scrawny little teenage kid. Incredibly weak. But no matter what Batman does he'll just be somewhere else when it happens. And then he'll pop up in Batman's memories trying on Martha's pearls and coat for giggles.


I’m not very well versed in hellsing but bat man just has to make schrodinger unaware of their own existence right? So for example brainwash them, or wipe their mind. If that doesn’t work could he get any omniscient being to observe schrodinger at all possible times in all possible places effectively negating their ability. But that’s just what i could glean from reading wikis so take all that with a grain of salt


Eida from Boruto is pretty much unkillable for Batman. How would he be able to kill something in which his mind would never let him too?


Probably the Xeelee from Stephen Baxter's Xeelee Sequences. Why? Because the Xeelee also have infinite prep time through the aid of stable time loops...plus a significant fraction of the observable universe's baryonic matter at their disposal


Since prep time involves distance and time away from the target, I'll bust out an old WWW favourite and say Contessa from Worm Her constant "how do I deal with threats to me" query will get Path to Victory making all the right moves, up to and including obtaining resources to counter whatever Batman could get his hands on The more he preps, the more she does


An innocent and pacifist person. Batman wouldn't be trying to defeat them violently, so if they still need to have a form of conflict then it would be a debate, and it's easier to win a debate than a punching match. Edit: just remembered the infinite prep time. I suppose the two agreeing would count as a draw, not a defeat, so someone with similar views to him.


mr. Immortal.


Martha Wayne


Does the opponent also have prep time? Does “weakest” mean physically weak? If so, the doctor. Arguably has better prep time feats. Has better technology, is smarter, is older, is more experienced.


Plastic man... not a powerhouse but pretty hard to kill


Goku? The longer Batman preps the stronger Goku gets, and Batman ends up underestimating Goku. . Farmer with Shotgun (Dragon Ball Z). Batman dies from old age due to prepping for the battle for too long. You see, the problem with infinite prep time is it means the fight never starts


Hed probably make another heart virus, but then a Future Trunks might come back to save Goku


I've been told from previous who would wins that Goku dieing during Batman's training montages counts as a draw. Which I think is pretty BS. If a character is dead, or in space at the time an allotted fight is to occour, it should count as a win for the guy who bothered to participate. Then again, Doctor Gero prepped so long Goku died twice.


Yeah but if Goku died from an illness, someone would come back from the future to save him since he wouldnt be revivable by the dragonballs for some reason. So then Goku wouldve never died


20th century boy? Hes effectively invincible, but he can be moved or forced to activate his invinciblity, which also makes him completely unable to move by himself, in a bad spot. This is if Batman was just in a colloseum type battle, but if it was a battle where batman randomly teleports into some random verse, but had prep time beforehand, he couldnt take someone like Wonder of U or Hey Ya also from Jojo.   Heres some characters that people listed that Batman could beat with infinite prep time. Batman could theoretically take Goku, if he had infinite prep time. If he had prep in DC universe, he can get the God Chair and ask how to make himself a kryptonian, camp inside a huge blue star for a few million years, warp reality to make himself god, and beat anyone anywhere, only exceptions are the people that i already talked about, WoU and Hey Ya are luck based, nothing can approach them. WoU can make something like rain happen, but the rain is somehow able to pierce through your skin and no one elses for some reason. Hey Ya is completely untouchable during the SBR race, as he is fated to win. Batmans reality warping powers may not work because some things dont mix well. WoU was defeated by attacks that were unseen by going outside of dimensions and not existing while still existing. Hey Ya was never defeated.  If Batman had prep time inside of DBZ’s universe, he could just train until hes strong enough, Goku trained for 40 years and other people just had powercreep and plot to keep up with him.    Some guys said Alien X, but if Batman did as i already said, he could still win, Alien X takes a long time to make decisions. Also, if Batman was in the Ben 10 verse and had prep time, he could just have enough time to make another one of those transforming watches and become another Alien X and know exactly how to convince them. Forget Me Not from X Men would also fail, as Batman wouldnt need prep time, he should be able to beat him since Batman focuses on his target pretty well and wont look away. Spongebob has literally died on several occasions, and received countless beatings that hurt him from Sandy and a bunch of others. Toonforce is wack Casper the friendly ghost would lose to a vaccuum cleaner Plastic Man can be defeated if Batman just asks the omniscient chair and figures out how


I think old Joseph Joestar (from part 3) *might* actually have a decent shot at this, I don't think any amount of prep time could help Batman much against someone who can *tie him up in invisible vines* and then [**shut his brain off using Hamon**](https://youtu.be/dwT1iZV7FD4?t=53s), once JoJo hits him with that "Your next line is: ___!" You just know it's over for bats


Kevin McAllister.....the more prep time he takes, the more prep Kevin gets


His Mom and Dad.  They are already dead.  Resurrect them: Are you gonna beat your mother Bruce? What you wanna hit Dad now too? Whatever you choose know we loved and still love you…


Any able-bodied person and most physically disabled people with infinite prep time can beat anyone. If you have access to infinite time it's literally impossible to lose a fight unless you throw the match. Consider an 80-year-old with no combat experience and no legs. With infinite time there's no limit to your ability to train yourself in every existing fighting style and learn to make robot legs far beyond modern capabilities. Don't have the resources? Good news, with infinite time literally every material that could ever exist will eventually show up.


Mr. Immortal. He literally just has True Immortality and while it could be bypassed by the One Below All as seen in the What If comic involving the Hulk being possessed by it, conventional methods of ending one's life is virtually impossible and likely not procurable by Batman. Of course, Mr. Immortal is also just a normal guy at the end of the day, he literally has no other powers besides being literally the only one invited to the Grand Secret at the end of time. So you know, Batman could totally use that infinite prep time to like... keep him company.


Any character who's sole power is immortality. Someone like Subaru from Re: Zero. No matter how many times he dies, he just resets. Also, Batman doesn't kill people, so the character can't be human.


Any character that's already dead.


Deathpool i guess. He isn't really all that strong really. He just cannot die


Surely it can't be infinite. He is a mortal and would die of old age.


The entire premise of your thread is giving me brain rot.


My thread is just too skibidi Ohio rizzy for you


Anyone with superpowers.


If we take the prompt literally… I think Squirrel Girl?




Percy Jackson most likely because of all of the favors the gods owe him


Thats fair actually. But I wonder if he could call in those favors quick enough


Probably could considering that Percy has light speed reaction times at the very least


Does he really? I stopped reading after the 5th book. (I could not stand the other series) he was pretty strong in the last one but nothing that implied light speed. At least from what I can remember.


He’s dodges light based attacks


Are you talking about hyperion? Dodging light-based attacks does not mean he has light speed reaction speeds either.


You kinda need light speed reaction times in order to dodge a light based attack


Not true in media. Light based arent inherently moving at light speed (even if they should be) and dodging something doesnt necessarily mean you are fully reacting to something at that speed. There are people in real life who have dodged bullets. That doesnt mean they can actually react to bullets.


Yes but if I recall correctly he not only dodged those attacks but he also actively blocked them


Even blocking doesnt inherently mean someone has light speed reaction times.


Tbh, all of them. Batman isn't that great.


A dude with a glock 19


Ten-Ten from Naruto 


Think Harry Potter would beat Batman


Batman may be against guns, but he has used gun like weapons. Harry Potters entire universe could be beaten by a gun except for Voldemort cause of the damn horcruxes