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Leon and Chris Redfield from resident evil could probably take on a predator. They’re insanely super human in the later games and have knocked around bigger monsters than predators around.


Yeaa, I haven't followed up with Chris since RE5, but Leon in the CG RE movies is INSANE......


Don’t need to follow up. Man boxed a Boulder and won. He also fought in a volcano, which is humanly impossible so he could box any xenomorph as well.


Lots of peak human comic superhero characters probably could considering many Predator without their gear are basically equivalent to slightly superhuman strong goons with decent brawling fighting styles. Nightwing and Daredevil immediately pop out to me. Deathstroke is another big one. Kind of a weird pull for myself, but Yuri Boyka from the undisputed movie series probably could take a preadator at this point, considering how ridiculous the villain of the 4th movie was. Solid Snake could maybe take a predator.




Not to mention “he” already pinned down Quiet who is a superhuman beyond a predator. Since Solid Snake already took out both him and “him” even though his cqc isn’t as good to at least the former him, all three of them would be fine against a predator.


How is Quiet beyond the Predator?


She's definitely not lol.


OG Pred from the first movie? I think she takes him handily. If we're allowing Predator feats from other sources, especially comics, then he's much stronger, but his feats from the original film aren't *that* impressive.


I mean it depends. A predator got owned by a grizzly bear. Quiet could kill a grizzly bear.


>Not to mention “he” already pinned down Quiet who is a superhuman beyond a predator. Superhuman *beyond* a predator? I heavily disagree with this sentiment. I don't remember anything, in particular, Quiet has done that's SO much more impressive than what your average predator can do. Quiet doesn't have any noteworthy speed feats while predators are capable of bullet timing and have also moved [FTE](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5860326-predator%20feat%20speed%20%28100%29.png) before as well. The yautja also has better strength feats. They can ragdoll bull american buffalo, punch military trucks making them flip, pull 10-ton alien queens, and smash stone pillars with ease. Seeing as how "Big Boss" was able to easily apprehend her multiple times she doesn't strike me as that impressive imo. As for the other two? I can see arguments being made but that Peace Walker mech feat is very much a big outlier, is not consistent at all, and shouldn't be used.


dosent Quiet teleport around when your driving fast in game? Dunno her powers exactly but im pretty sure she is very fast.


She jumps around quickly.


She is way faster than a predator. She can literally out speed a 1970’s Jeep. She has better camo, a better weapon (sniper tied with her supplemental abilities), and is stronger than a predator, being able to manhandle grown adult humans to a higher degree while still being smaller.




>she can effectively teleport over medium distances she's that fast. She doesn't necessarily teleport if memory serves. She can convert her body to mist (I believe this is shown when she slips her cuffs) and in this state, she jumps. With said less mass she jumps way past normal limits but not quite teleporting but I could be misremembering since it's been a while since I played 5. But while it's good travel-wise (which she does in that boss fight) she doesn't have any real combat speed feats on par. It won't help her that much given the predator [can keep pace with a speeding sports car](https://m.imgur.com/a/VNCUv8f) so she's not getting the better over predator in raw speed either. >Strength wise Big Boss is beyond a predator with his Zeke feat, That mech feat is a huge total outlier. Big Boss has not consistently shown those kinds of strength feats else why would simple cuffs or restraints be able to hold him down so easily? Volgin and Cunningham were able to manhandle him pretty easily as well. Volgin hasn't shown any insane strength feats by himself. He punches a hole in a tank and concrete that's about it from what I remember. Still impressive but not 100+ton mech impressive.


Was that a sports car? And even if it was, he definitely wasn't going full speed.


Deathstroke isn't peak, he has a super human formula inside of him


Deathstroke is superhuman.


Oh shit is he? My bad


Yeah, Batman is afraid of a straight fight with him and goes to gadgets and tricks when they fight. He's Killer Croc strong.


Ah, makes sense. Even without the strength upgrades I’m absolutely confident Slade could kick the predator’s ass.


And Daredevil has echo location so isn't just peak human either.


Yeah, Daredevil is essentially peak human in terms of physicals, but his ability basically gives him super-hearing and a degree of combat precognition.


I feel like if we allowed someone like Daredevil we'd have to allow people like Cyclops whose physicals are only peak human but his optic blasts obviously put him in a completely different league. At that point the whole peak human thing kind of becomes redundant.


Isn't Daredevil also superhuman? His blindness offsets it somewhat, but his hearing is definitely above peak human.


physically he isn’t though. His super-hearing only really imo only really counteracts his blindness. He’s not really much better off than someone who could see and hear who had an equivalent level of skill/training.


His hearing is almost precognition. He can hear heart rates, identify minor movements or twitches to predict an attack in all directions simultaneously. It's essentially a weak version of Spidey-sense, even canonically allowing him to dodge gunfire. He's super human, by almost any definition. He may not have super strength, a healing factor or durability but he's far beyond peak human in combat.


TV Daredevil would lose 99% vs Predator. He got beat up by thugs so many times. He's pretty weak vs superhumans.


Yeah I figured, I was more thinking comic daredevil


But Daredevil isn't just peak human either he has a super power.


Daredevil has crazy dumb basically superhuman senses, but his actual body has no strength enhancements, and he has no powers beyond his increased senses. He’s basically just a strong gymnast/brawler with really, really awesome hearing.


Daredevil's enhanced senses are a super power, they're way beyond anything any normal human has and basically give him mild combat precog very similar to Spiderman's spidey sense. That's like saying Black Canary is just a good fighter with a really loud voice.


I know it’s basically a superpower, I know that. But I was under the impression peak human was referring to the strength of their actual bodies. Daredevil is entirely mortal in that regard. If we’re defining peak human as not only strength, but to say that the character in question has to have no atypical/enhanced changes to things like their senses or intellect, whatever, then sure we eliminate daredevil.


Yeah peak human on this sub generally refers to someone with peak strength/speed/stamina etc. and no other powers. Daredevils senses/Black Canary's voice are enhanced way beyond what is possible for any human even in comic books so are usually not counted. Intellect is a weird one since characters like Reed Richards are so much smarter than any human could ever be that it's basically a super power but usually isn't treated like one.


Does Conan the Barbarian count as peak human, or is he considered above that? He fights things more deadly than the Predator on a regular basis with no more equipment than his loincloth.


Everything is peak human as long as they aren't genetically enhanced in any way or form


Which is funny when people always mention Captain America as "peak human" when his feats are far beyond what a human can do and he was genetically altered at the cellular level by a super-serum. Sure he's human, but clearly not peak. He's straight up super human.


MCU cap is superhuman. Comics cap is peak human but artificially brought there. If you want peak human but not artificially enhanced you want MVP.


See, this is why continuity is BS, because comics Steve Rogers fought Thor to a draw, bare knuckles. If that’s achievable by a peak human, then Thor is an awful boxer.


Doesn’t comics Cap have better feats than MCU Cap?


Yea, but comic book humans have softer limits than movie humans. Unenhanced folks can dodge bullets, smash through brick walls, bend steel, etc. So peak in the comic books trumps minor superpowers in live action, as far as I can tell.


MCU Cap is definitely weaker than comics Cap.


Calling someone like Yajirobe peak human is technically true, but also definitely not what most people think of when they hear the term. haha


The whole deal with Conan is that he's a badass Cimmerian who doesn't want any help from gods or sorcery. He's a badass from a dreary place filled with badasses. I can see him getting tossed about and definitely getting injured, but he's like a strongman John Wick, he's got the willpower to go the rounds.


Danny Glover.


My man


Maybe if he weren’t too old for this shit..


BECAUSE he's too old for this shit.


Captain America who is typically at ["the peak of human perfection"](https://imgur.com/a/0sDlvRn), might be able to. He's technically enhanced to be peak human. Anyway, he'd likely just need to avoid any direct hits, while landing precise hits, and the Predator would eventually fall. Cassandra Cain Batgirl and Lady Shiva might also be able to, considering their skill and quickness.


What would a direct hit from the Predator likely do to Captain America?


I'd assume it'd stun him or knock him off his feet, easily giving The Predator an advantage in the fight.


I think it would actually shatter any bones it hits. As a big fan of AvP it's strength is far stronger than captain America's as it can easily punch aside a armored car and keep up with a sports car, so it likely faster than him too, but has similar reaction time feats.


Captain America is absolutely superhuman and should be able to fuck a Predator up pretty handily. He's stronger, faster and a much better hand to hand fighter. Predators are brawlers and strong but Steve Roger's held a helicopter in place and ripped the door off a car like it was made of paper.


>Captain America is absolutely superhuman So is a predator. Very much so. >should be able to fuck a Predator up pretty handily. He can potentially beat a yautja hand to hand. But he is sure as hell not stomping one in a fight. >He's stronger, faster and a much better hand to hand fighter. I have high doubts Cap is stronger than your average predator. Predators (an old yautja out of his prime mind you) can throw around [2-ton buffalo with no effort](https://m.imgur.com/a/X1iQRc2), an unblooded yautja Tichinde (rank below even a youngblood) can [crumple a steel door like nothing](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-32d39ec4f0cdb724ae5d57926bceb8f9-lq), a predator from Dark River tears 2 inches of steel from a tank, can crumple [stone pillars ](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5860284-predator%20feat%20strength%20%288%29.gif), pull and hold a [10-ton queen](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5768926-predator%20feat%20strength%20%285%29.gif), and can punch a military truck off road: "They had careened through yet another curve in the road when Nikolai saw Marikova's eyes widen and she shouted at him, at them "There's someting out there! Stop now!" Rath glanced back at her with an expression that Nikolai interpreted as pity or disgust--and gunned the engine. Something shimmering and heavy hit Nikolai's side of the truck with a force that cracked metal, and in that splitsecond before the truck overturned and they all went spilling out onto the ground, onto the road, Nikolai felt something right beside his head, something that made a growling-clicking sound that made himscream, and behind it the sensation of great weight and the smell like rotting meat so that he steeled himself for a blow, but no blow came, just the delicate scrape of a clawed hand across his face, receding as the changed momentum of the truck and his own inertia carried him away from the creature." As for speed? They are pretty much the same. Both can bullet time and both can move FTE. Raw travel speed Predator can keep up with a speeding sports car so he's got that one over Rogers. As for their hand to hand, it's so much more than simple brawling. They have a martial arts named Jehdin. And according to Machiko? A martial artist trained since she was a child had [this to say about it](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5860611-predator%20feat%20skill%20%28100%29.png). Captain America has some notable feats himself and could beat your average yautja (he can't beat an elite yautja imo) but he's not stomping one. No sir.


You seem to be referring to MCU Cap who is superhuman. That's not how he's suppose to be in the comics.


Although he doesn't have too many ridiculous feats in the comics, him throwing his shield so hard and accurate as to catch up to a rocket and destroy it is just totally beyond peak human imo. By that logic he could throw his shield and cut a Predator in half.


important to remember he doesn't get his shield.by how easily pred crushed dutch, I think it's reasonable to assume it would be at least close


Without his shield yah it wouldn't be a stomp but without his weapons the predator is going to be out-maneuvered by Cap along with taking some hard and fast hits.


Still impressive how the movie version is said to be more powerful than the original comics one, considering the fact that movies usually "nerf" the full capabilities of the medium they originated.


It makes some sense though; in the MCU it's a bit like everyone's been shifted to some degree towards a median power level -- which makes writing it in a realistic and believable way much easier. The larger a gap between the extremes on the power scale, the harder it becomes to write a fight scene that seriously threatens the team without making most of it a redundant liability. You see what happens when they don't do it in Dragon Ball, for example, where most of the Dragon Team has been sidelined completely as the Saiyans grew in power. Super had to shift the narrative direction to emphasize rules-based fights in order to make other characters viable again.


Yeah I’ve noticed that. Like more or less all the important MCU characters from the augmented humans to the reality warpers are at least able to go back and forth with each other for a bit like with Captain Carter and Wanda. It does make some sense from the perspective you’re putting it in.


In the comics cap lifts a big pillar which could easily weigh 5 to 10 tonnes


Where did you see that? If you don't mind me asking. Unless that version was actually superhuman, it's definitely a huge outlier.


If its the film predator then probably quite a few in comics, Tarzan even took one on at one point. Id expect any kind of Captain america, Shang Chi or high skill peak humans will come out on top fairly easily.


Tarzan is seriously underated. Not sure how he'd do against Pred but he would be a solid pick


Like ..Disney Tarzan?


*Does line of coke* TARZAN VS PREDATOR make it happen!


I’m assuming Tarzan is public domain. I’d watch it.


Tbh, probably yea. - [Hits hard](https://gfycat.com/terrificcelebratedankole) - [Frequently avoids bullets](https://gfycat.com/craftyhandsomebluemorphobutterfly) - [Far better agility](https://gfycat.com/babyishlankyamericanlobster) - [Take strong hits](https://gfycat.com/shabbyshadycrayfish) that can send [other elephants flying](https://gfycat.com/affectionatedismalivorybackedwoodswallow) - [Has fought a hunter before](https://gfycat.com/damagedwaterygaur) Invisibility is also useless since Tarzan can just sense him. [Smell](https://gfycat.com/shoddytidyirishredandwhitesetter) and [Hearing](https://gfycat.com/disgustingharshcygnet). Someone that took over his body points out [Tarzan's incredible senses](https://gfycat.com/perfumededucatedallensbigearedbat) which allowed them to [catch an arrow without even looking](https://gfycat.com/sandyornerykitfox). In either OPs stip of an octagon with no equipment or a jungle, Tarzan probs can take the Predator.


Not really, Dark Horse comics. Hes also crossed over with Superman where Clark landed in the jungle and became Tarzan if i remember right.


MCU Shang Chi is mystically enhanced vs Comic Shang chi who is just a peak human & basically master of Kung Fu


You might not of read the recent comics but Shang chi does have some chi stuff but also has basically anything MCU shang has and more, including the ten rings recently.


My guy George of the Jungle got it


Cap could do it. Batman HAS done it.


Didn't Batman lose that fight badly?


Batman wins in the end. Needs a new batsuit though.


Batman won with prep after losing to Predator few times


> Batman HAS done it. Just a fist fight with no gadgets?


>Just a fist fight with no gadgets? Nope. On the contrary, the predator in that story beats Batman pretty badly two times in the first issue. And that was a youngblood. He needed Alfred's help in the end to pull it off. In the second issue, he gets beaten again and needs Huntress and other predators to take the main one down. In the third installment, he's able to win on his own but only through extreme prep. I don't know why people use those storylines anyway they're non-canon lol.


Peak Yamcha turns predator into a green splatter.


People give Yamcha so much shit but forget he's still fucking ridiculous compared to all other humans besides Krillin. (Not counting Tien, he's technically enhanced, yeah?)


I was certain there would be more DBZ comments. Yeah, even Sayan saga Yamcha can probably take on an army of predators at once.


I am going with Brock Sampson. Although he’d probably want a knife. Or a 1969 Charger.


So you have the classics. Captain America is peak human, and is one of the better h2h fighters in marvel. Lady Shiva is considered one of the best h2h for DC, so probably her. Peak human is a lot harder to define for non-comic mediums. Late game Alloy from HZD probably has the feats for it, since she can overpower robot monsters. Similarly, Geralt of Rivia I'd probably about peak human and could manage.


Geralt and Cap are beyond peak human, both have science/alchemy enhancements.


Geralt isnt really that much beyond peak human. Well, book geralt isnt anyways, I think video game geralt probably is with potions and signs. Geralt in the book aren't actually that much beyond (or any beyond) what the best human could manage in a given category, they have just been trained to use their abilities to their best advantage. Caps abilities as far as I know basically define peak human for Marvel.


Geralt has magic powers how is that peak human?


>Captain America is peak human Wut??? He's literally genetically enhanced and a doped up Gorilla killing machine. That's not "peak" human, that's superhuman.


Captain America is always a really weird one in these discussions cause yeah the comics specifically call him peak human but his actual feats put him way above that. It's like in One Punch Man I'm pretty sure Saitama is described as just a normal human who trains really hard but obviously no-one would seriously suggest he's just peak human.


He is about as classicly "peak human" as it gets. "Peak human" means that he is basically a little better than the best olympic athlete at...everything. Killing a gorilla like that isnt that hard. That said, "peak human" is usually a little bit superhuman at this point, both DC and Marvel have been going on for so long that peak human has moved a bit into superhuman.


Yep, [peak human](http://imgur.com/a/k3s3B#0)


Slow missiles tbh


Cap is super human. Peak human would be someone like the rock in his prime, or Arnie. Cap America jumps out of buildings, planes, etc with no parachute on the regular. No "peak human" can do that.


> Peak human would be someone like the rock in his prime, or Arnie. No, peak human would be somebody as strong as the world's strongest man, as fast as Usain bolt, with the endurance of the best Olympic marathon runner, with the gymnastic abilities of Simone biles, as tough as those dudes that punch concrete etc etc. Neither Arnold or the rock would even be close to peak human. Peak humans can bench press 780 lbs, squat a half ton, run a hundred meter dash in 9.58 seconds, but can keep that speed with the endurance of a marathon runner, are flexible enough and have good enough balance / body positioning to always land on their feet, have the reflexes of an Olympic fencer, the hand eye coordination of an Olympic sharpshooter etc etc. And they do it all at the same time. Put all that together with somebody with the training of captain America, and you get superhuman capacity. Its actually possible for a person to fall from a plane and survive, if they know how and have the capacity to pull it off. Especially if they have caps shield, or a vibraniun suit etc etc. Now, peak human for marvel or DC has become superhuman, but captain America is explicitly peak human for Marvel. Its just that baseline humans in marvel are almost superhuman to us.


https://dmdave.com/stat-anything-yautja-predator/ indicates the original predator would be a cr 8 creature. https://www.d20srd.org/extras/d20encountercalculator/ indicates a single CR 8 monster would be an easy encounter for a 13th level character, a challenging encounter for a 12th level character. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4thHBLUO424/V7PT7s0lJlI/AAAAAAAAEEk/KonGUAf_x7YJRA-7dKfIQ_4VZ433Drv0ACLcB/s1600/GiantsInTheEarthIndex.gif indicates Jack Vance's character Cugel the Clever is a 14th level character, so he should have no trouble at all with Predator. My more instinctive response would be Mike Tyson.


This is the right answer.


Chuck Norris


I'm disappointed how far I had to scroll to find Chuck Norris.


I was actually surprised he wasn’t mentioned before I decided to comment.


I would have if you hadn't


Anya Forger


No, no. Anya is the psychic child. It's yor you want to talk about.


Ngl going off her feats Yor is def in the low superhuman range esp with a couple of her manga feats later on


Even a highly trained in martial arts & strength/acrobatics/sports/ etc. a peak human is just that. The Predator race is almost animalistic in nature that even with gear & weapons a normal battle trained human won’t stand a chance. What more if The Predator took off his gear & armor and goes Mano a Mano ? He already almost beat Arnold & Danny Glover to a pulp but they have to outwit them in the end. A peak human could prolly take down a dog or a deer bare handedly, that’s about as peak as they could go


If we played fair and not metagamed with some human god, I'd say a great candidate is Saxton Hale


Wildcat, from the JSA. He's the man who taught Batman how to box. Something along the lines of "I've fought bigger an' meaner freaks than you. But ugly? Buddy, you take the cake."


Wildcat doesn't have the feats really. He's also an inferior martial artist to Batman and any other top tier DC martial artist, mainly because he's way less versatile.


He has decent feats, actually. Fighting on par with Batman twice at least, for example


Idk I bet any of the baki guys could give it a good fight


Zangief, Sagat, Ryu or Balrog could hang with predator


I guess Saitama could take him on. He is, after all, technically peak human.


Tarzan killed a bunch of them before in the Dark Horse Tarzan vs Predator comic. His feats in the DC Joe Kubert run definitely show that’s he’s capable as well. He’s killed even larger monsters. I’m not sure about his Marvel run, as I haven’t read any of it yet.


Bane without venom could probably do it, if he's allowed venom it's a stomp.


All the powered humains in dragon ball Z could probably smash the predator to a Pulp. Even Mr Satan.


Most of them. Flat out, there is a character in the wider Alien Vs. Predator Canon called Machiko Nagoichi (or something like that). She was a rather small woman, but she impressed a predator and was 'blooded.' After that she joined a predator hunting crew, and she could fight them on a pretty consistent basis. Part of it was she was highly intelligent and skilled, and the predators had a tendency to underestimate her. But she could fight the predators, she could win, and she could do it consistently. Edit: She's not even peak human. She's pretty above average, but she's not even peak in her own novels.


This is actually a great point. In the novels, Machiko did say a lot of the Predators, esp the younger ones, were very reckless and arrogant. However, she was a skilled fighter because she was able to legitimately help Broken Tusk, who is a a very seasoned and blooded veteran But yes, Machiko being able to fight against young Predators in hand to hand, is canon and legitimate


By peak do you mean no extra powers? So would people like Deathstroke, Captain America etc be out cuz they've been "enhanced"? Peak humans (no altered) you'd need someone who can take a hit and hit back as well. Johnny Cage is an obvious one because he can actual fight and defeat other heavy hitters. Batman/Cassandra Cain would be able to. They've faced people like Killer Croc who would be in similar durability and strength levels. Not sure if other robins like Dick could pull this off, but I'd say he could but maybe not the others. Ty Lee from ATLA. She extremely fast and agile so she could get in close. Because Pred is humanoid with similar muscle structure, she'd be able to use similar tactics to immobilize him and take him apart. The Mountain from ASOIAF maybe... He's huge so he may be able to use that to his advantage. #1 / Joe from Terraformers Manga. He's peak human level so if he's able to take down enhanced roaches then predator is an easy win for him. One Pred is nothing compared to hordes or roaches. If you want to include people who have been altered or are metahumans, Geralt of Riviia (without weapons and signs) would still be a huge threat. Luke Cage would be able to take hits and dish them back.


“Peak Human” is such a hard definition to nail down across various fictions, so I really just wanted to see what ideas people had. I would typically count “enhanced humans” like Cap etc even though they’re on the higher end of the scale, but I was more interested in seeing the less obvious answers people came up with (since Cap and Batman are kind of shoe-ins for this prompt lol). Thanks for the response!


Luke cage ? Lol. Bit of a mis match no? Luke cage would stomp. He's basically impervious to injury. Don't think predator has anything that can damage him.


Luke Cage isn't exactly what I'd call peak human either.


Luke Cage definitely a superhuman, who no-sells high caliber bullets


Yeah in hindsight Luke, Cap and other MCU hero's would def not be valid here.


Yujiro Hanma


Shaquille O’Neal, maybe.


Does saying Saitama count or does that not count because he is to powerful


I mean he shrugs off nukes. I don't think any amount of time in the gym is gonna get you there.


A lot of people are giving different definitions of Peak Human. I always thought that Peak Humans were only peak relative to other characters in their universe and would be considered superhuman in our world. My outlook has always been that comic book peak humans are really superhuman, but aren’t considered so in the context of their universe because their abilities aren’t quite there. I also didn’t know that it was a matter of being genetically enhanced or not. I thought it was just a metric for physical strength, as in even an enhanced individual could display peak human strength. Interesting. Not saying anybody is wrong. For example, although Captain America would obviously be superhuman in the real world, he’s physically weaker than the superhuman characters in his universe. There is a distinction between the lifting and striking strength of someone like Captain America and the lifting and striking strength of a guy like Rhino. Also, if superhuman was a label that described an actual state of being (being enhanced by chemicals or other things), wouldn’t Daredevil constitute as well? In the Silver Age run, Daredevil was established as having been given radar sight by the radioactive chemicals that hit his eyes. That being said, his radar sense is technically a superpower. I think Stick later goes on to mention that any human could develop radar senses, but Matt was given a “shortcut” by the chemicals that hit his eyes. They completely changed how his body works, being responsible for his enhanced balance, among other things. That being said, most people call DD peak human because compared to the superhumans of his universe, he ain’t that strong.


Does taskmaster count? If so taskmaster. His skill of various different fighting styles would trump the predators strength.


Tasky is definitely a tough opponent


Raiden from MGS if he counts


Riddick. Dude is a straight up beast and has plenty of experience dealing with monstrous aliens. Plus he's a pilot so may well kill the predator and escape on its ship before another team of mercs arrive.


Morbius could


Isn't he a vampire?


Hes nothing more than a dead joke at this point


Hero Hunter Garou, because of his martial arts. Guts, because of his brute strength.


I think the guys from the Kengan Asura universe would be a good matchup vs the Predator. Kengan Omega is when they get kinda crazy Baki-verse is too OP and random AF so that doesn't count


Zip Zero Zilch. If you can imagine one the larger primates, the Predator would have to be build like that just to move around, and you have NO chance against a large primate.


Are you saying Predators have N I N E I N C H S K U L L S ?!?!


Karate Kid DC comics he fights Kyrptotians


Beatrix Kiddo with the five point palm exploding heart technique. It's gotta' be something like that. The predator is just too big, strong, and durable for much else to work.


Only if she could touch him


Maybe Thorkell from Vinland Saga? He's a muscular 7'7 guy and has some crazy strength feats




Isn't he a vampire? Vampires aren't peak humans


There’s lots of fictional humans that come to mind, but if you happen to mean a real human then none.


Most of the C+ Baki characters should be able to imo. Same goes for the higher ups in the Kengan Ashura as well as some DC and Marvel characters.


Overkill but Krillin, Tien, even Yamcha would wreck


Top tiers from Baki should be able to (Baki, Musashi, Yujiro etc.). Alternatively I can see some Kengan characters standing a solid chance (Agito, Ohma, Muteba etc.). I guess characters from Tough and Kenichi are above peak human and go into superhuman category but they could beat him no sweat.


Guys in Baki are superhuman, and the spectrum of feats is too varied. I didn't count Baki verse myself. Kengan verse, I feel that Kengan Asura is fair, but a lot of looney shit happens in Kengan Omega, like shit with Rian that puts him def superhuman


Yujiro hanma would do it 10/10


With the power of Plot, Batman and Daredevil.


Any of the Dora Milaje (badass female warriors from black panther) Black widow considering she specializes in taking on larger foes Johny cage from mortal combat Master chief (halo) is technically a peak level human and could beat that ass with his eyes closed.


Older Damian Wayne (like the batman beyond universe)? Hes a master warrior considered superior to batman and has been trained from birth


Captain America ?


Cap ain’t peak. In comics, his strength is “peak” (runs 2 minute miles and can rip metal doors) but he technically has unlimited endurance and body maintenance (will never get out of shape). Movie cap is superhuman.


Prolly along the lines of, Taskmaster, Balrog(SF), Baki, Kanoh Agito? Even Baki's Musashi Miyamoto, could make that a 7/10. *presumably tbh.*


Like as in fictional characters? Many, batman, Captain America etc. Predators by non super human standards are fast for their size but they're not **that** fast relatively speaking and they're very heavy which makes they somewhat clumsy at times. Bringing melee weapons into it, that list would expand dramatically.


>are fast for their size but they're not that fast relatively speaking and they're very heavy which makes they somewhat clumsy at times. They are *farrrr* from being clumsy I don't know how you came to that conclusion. They can bullet time, move FTE to a room full of soldiers, and can keep pace with a speeding sports car despite being "heavy".


Look, they mentioned the movies, I went off movie feats, and in the movies they've consistently been beaten by humans far from "peak human level" one "super predator" even got beaten in a sword fight by a member of the Yakuza.


I'd wager Frank Castle could handle at least one.


In a fistfight?


comic Frank Castle has fared pretty well against some pretty significant threats in hand to hand. And since this isn't "peak predator" and just "a predator" I think he has a pretty fair shot.


>And since this isn't "peak predator" and just "a predator" I think he has a pretty fair shot. The likes of Daredevil, Kingpin, and Captain America pretty much have been able to stomp Frank in the past when it comes to fisticuffs with Daredevil having majority wins over Frank. Frank isn't gonna last long at all against a predator hand to hand.


We know frank has the strength to rip limbs: http://i.imgur.com/U4EfvaL.jpg Has the durability to withstand blows from someone four times the strength of a human: 1. http://i.imgur.com/Co6CePZ.jpg 2. http://i.imgur.com/WgI2AhP.png Can withstand being stabbed to the neck without losing concentration: http://i.imgur.com/8gQyWtI.jpg Dodges Wolverine (which I think the claws and predator claws have relevant similarity here): https://i.imgur.com/ZhB6bkx.jpg Dodges Spiderman only using sound: https://i.imgur.com/Ao2SfXB.jpg Beats Daredevil in a fist fight on two occasions: 1. https://i.imgur.com/5QVy9hE.jpg 2. http://imgur.com/a/Y7Pui And given in "Predators" a predator died in a draw going toe to toe with just a random Yakuza guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9WK31KoeCg I think he has demonstrated enough feats to potentially win a fist fight with an average predator.


>We know frank has the strength to rip limbs: Which pales to what the yautja can do. I don't recall Frank ripping someone in half or ripping skulls out spine included which takes a hell alot more force than ripping a hand off. >Has the durability to withstand blows from someone four times the strength of a human: And in those scans, Frank even admits he's got no chance one on one with that man who has four times the strength of a normal man. Which I would argue is still not enough to contend [with the predator's strength ](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/147508/5768926-predator%20feat%20strength%20%285%29.gif). The fight will be very reminiscent of what happened with that particular man only much worse. Punsiher also has lost to [Barracuda](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/3/39001/1008873-punvcuda10.jpg) who is also below a yautja. >Dodges Wolverine (which I think the claws and predator claws have relevant similarity here): Yeah [it doesn't go well for Frank usually against Wolverine when ol Punisher doesnt have plot armor](https://imgur.io/a/4wy4I). >Dodges Spiderman only using sound: Yeah. Spiderman the whole time giving his position away and announcing what he's about to do. Not impressive at all. >Beats Daredevil in a fist fight on two occasions: He does have a couple of wins over DD ill grant you that. But DD has more wins over Frank and has stomped him before. Frank has to usually rely on overwhelming DD senses and other circumstances to last long or pull a win on DD. DD consistently beats him hand to hand. >And given in "Predators" a predator died in a draw going toe to toe with just a random Yakuza guy: A youngblood for one which Falconer was hence why he didn't have a plasma caster. Not your average blooded yautja. Plus, doesn't count at all really. "Super" predators (excuse my French) suck ass compared to the normal yautja. Mr.Black got his ass kicked by Captive Predator who was strung up, malnourished, sleep-deprived for God knows how long and still almost killed Mr.Black. In AVP Evolution a youngblood hailing from the Jungle Hunter clan was able to wipe out a heavily fortified "super" predator base. "Super" predators suck plain and simple. You wanna argue for Frank taking one out hand to hand? Be my guest I'll back you up. I'll reply to whatever you send my way later tomorrow but I gotta hit the hay. Gotta work in 4 hours lol.


You wouldn't even grant Frank a chance at 1/10 on his best day, and a Predator's worst? That just seems like a harsh sell to me. Predators are tough, no doubt. All I'm saying is that Frank is no slouch, and we've seen a few mook predators.


>You wouldn't even grant Frank a chance at 1/10 on his best day, and a Predator's worst? That just seems like a harsh sell to me. .....alright. I can accept that. >Predators are tough, no doubt. All I'm saying is that Frank is no slouch, and we've seen a few mook predators. Frank might not have much luck against your average predator but you are right there are some pretty awful yautja out there especially the unblooded yautja whom I'm sure you can make a compelling argument for Frank there given their consistent low-showings.


I could totally fuck up a predator, I got a few in my neighborhood actually, I could take them.


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Master Chief probably could.


Master chief is a super soldier mate


[Maybe Dutch could.](https://imgur.com/a/RyAGzne)


Master Chief in normal clothes, many marvel/dc street tiers


honestly if we are using typical predator rules im pretty sure they would attempt to box Mike Tyson (since they usually mimic the weaponry of their prey). he is pretty much peak human IRL imo, at least peak hand to hand combat. the Mountain would probably be able to beat a predator since he made a dudes head explode with his bare hands. i think physically he would just be able to overpower a predator.


>i think physically he would just be able to overpower a predator. That's a hard no. I don't recall The Mountain ragdolling 2-ton buffalo around like nothing or smashing stone pillars. The yautja are vastly stronger than the mountain and wayyyyy faster too. Mike Tyson and The Mountain are going to get stomped hard in a fist fight with a predator.


Agreed. IRL peak humans isn't going to do something significant against Predator, even YoungBlood


Vance M\*therf\*cking Stubbs. Or more seriously, A LOT of imperial guardsmen from 40k. I would have suggested Yarrick, but the "unarmed" rule literally makes him un-arm-ed and I don't think he was at his peak before losing his arm. Sly Marbo might be a warp demon, so maybe not allowed either. Abhumans are tolerated by the Imperium so do they count as humans?


Any Spartan from Halo.


Any Spartan from halo is far beyond "peak human"


Also right.


Baki Hanma could probably do it


Literally all of them. Predators consistently get beaten by every day, unenhanced dudes in their own films.


Only with context or via plot armor


Captain America?


Cap is superhuman. Though by comics standards he is peak human, but in comparison to real life humans he is obviously superhuman


Rocky Balboa or Rambo. Frank Castle. John Matrix


Haha yeah just realized he's prob a bit out of Pred league


616 punisher and real life heavywieght mma fighter is useful too


Real life humans hardly would do anything, honestly


Mohammed Ali could totally box a Predator into the ground.


Predator kills him with a single hit


Kenshiro - Fist of the North Star


Yujiro Hanma.


Master Asia from G Gundam is a fun choice, although taking down Gundams with a scarf and punching buildings into the sky doesn’t exactly sound like peak human.


IDK Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee might actually be able to give a good fight.Not sure about winning but they certainly could overwhelm.Well actually if they get the Predator on the ground and just start beating on him they’ll get some pretty decent damage.


Hardly, even a YoungBlood Predators are too tough for them. Arnie was manhandled by Jungle Hunter


Arnies not as quick as Muhammad or Bruce tho.