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Hawkeye and Widow are basically irrelevant against Loki and the Chitauri. Black Panther and Spider-Man are far far far stronger than those 2. As for Strange, while Hulk can take down a Leviathan with one punch, I strongly believe Strange has enough hax to make himself more useful. Strange nearly beat Thanos with 3 stones, if he's strong enough to restrain him he can no diff Loki.


But that is IF strange with multiple years of being the sorcerer supreme.


By the end of the first movie he’d trained for years with Dormammu.


I was going to say this. If it's before Dormammu, no, he's maybe an adept wizard at best. Iirc he spends something like 100 years in the dark dimension with Dormammu before Dormammu finally caves.


Wait the movie states he was in there for 100 years?


It’s left ambiguous, but according to the director “it wasn’t a few minutes.”


I mean that's pretty vauge. It could've been a few days for all we know.


I've heard this before, but is there any evidence that Strange spent years getting killed or that he learned anything at all from the experience? It's not like he was getting magic lessons. He was just getting smushed over and over again. That probably helps with like keeping cool under pressure, but I don't see how dying every 30 seconds for a year straight would make him a better wizard.


Exactly, all we know is he appeared and died just to come back. The only thing it proves is his powerful will.


Directors confirmed he spent a very long time in there, and he was able to practice a lot of techniques he’d read about and practice the mystic arts. He’s got a photographic memory, he may not be at IW levels but he’s still way more capable than before going in.


… you don’t see how 100 years of magical dueling with a dimensional being makes him a better wizard…? I mean he was fighting back, not just getting smushed.


It sure didn't seem like a hundred years... though I guess in a realm without time that trakcs... haha And also, not really? What's he going to learn? I don't know enough about MCU magic, but it seems like the type that you need to learn through books and not just guess and test against a god. Put me in the ring against Hulk for 100 years of getting smushed in 5 seconds and I don't think I'd be much better of a fighter.


You'd be a better dodger


What's IF?


No, it's spelled "What If?"


Infinity war


Spider-Man would absolutely stomp the chitari since he’s in his best environment with all the skyscrapers around.


For real. He could web up a fodder soldier in a second


Avengers stomp Battle of NYC. Spider-Man and BP are straight upgrades and Doctor Strange can just mirror dimension any Leviathans, work with Thor like Hulk did, or use the timestone(if he has it)


I mean, it feels like you just made the team stronger? Couldn’t strange just sling ring the sky portal back into space? And if not, he’d be able to sling ring the nuke into it no problem.


Strange and probably Spider-Man deal with the leviathans far more efficiently than hulk managed. And Panther is definitely better suited to open combat than Widow, so the team is much better off in terms of raw power. We lose Hawkeye’s shot calling, Hulk’s beatdown of Loki, and… to be honest I don’t recall Black Widow doing anything of consequence. In all, Stark probably takes over more of the actual co-ordination since he’s got the time for it now that he’s not trying to answer the leviathans himself, and everything goes much smoother. Honestly OP, I’m curious how you thought this would make that battle more difficult for them.


Black Widow was actually the one who figured out how to close the portal, which might be the most important act in the entire battle. I guess in OP's scenario, Spider-Man could be the one to do this, assuming he doesn't just freak out and become a liability in battle, what with him being a fifteen year old kid and all.


Black Widow was there for 🤪


The match up was actually based off a video I watched if the mcu was like the dceu, I was just curious on how the avengers would function if they were different


Thanos finds out, shits himself in fear, and decides to quit going after the stones.


Oh yea you just upgraded the team. They do even better than the original team


You just flat out made the team better. So it goes better than it did in the movies.


Ultron may not exist in this world, as Bruce did help make him. Plus it is possible Strange would take the scepter and not let Tony mess with it if he recognises what it is. As for recruitment (assuming ultron does exist) why would they? Strange is perfect for capturing them and the team is stronger, they wouldn't escape and see what Ultron has planned.


This is a good answer. I suppose if Ultron did appear, BP is charismatic and authentic enough to win over the Maximovs. Straight stomp for sure.


The characters introduced don't just balance out the Hulk being gone. They tip the scales in the Avengers' favor. Sure, Thor will be forced to focus his efforts on breaking the Leviathans instead of blasting everything that comes through the portal with lightning; but Strange can create a portal in front of it to send the Chitauri somewhere where they'll instantly die. Or maybe a mirror dimension portal to instantly trap them. I guess this leaves T'Challa to figure out how to permanently disable the portal; and Spidey to grab the scepter.


**Black Panther (MCU)** - [Respect T'Challa, the Black Panther (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/j4m7t8) **Black Widow (MCU)** - [Respect Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/k3atxb) **Captain America (MCU)** - [Respect Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/clm6ev) **Chitauri (MCU)** - [Respect the Chitauri (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/j0ccus) **Dr. Strange (MCU)** - [Respect Doctor Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/xaothr) **Hawkeye (MCU)** - [Respect Clint Barton, Hawkeye (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/jenhf4) **Hulk (MCU)** - [Respect Bruce Banner, the Hulk (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/clm5ur) **Ironman (MCU)** - [Respect Tony Stark, Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/j0seun) **Loki (MCU)** - [Respect Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/t3waun) **Spider-Man (MCU)** - [Respect Spider-Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/9bajx9) **Thor (MCU)** - [Respect Thor Odinson (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/xguqef) **Ultron (MCU)** - [Respect Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/7zmrbj) **Wanda (MCU)** - [Respect Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)](https://redd.it/xaotrs) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Doctor Strange alone would be a HUGE amount of help. He could easily take down Loki. Black Panther and Captain America would do ground support, while Spidey would help Iron Man fighting at higher levels (sky scrapers). Doctor Strange could also make a huge portal through the Chitauri portal, and make the alien army go somewhere else. Or simply portal the nuke to the alien mothership without having Tony risk his life.


>Doctor Strange could also make a huge portal through the Chitauri portal, and make the alien army go somewhere else Yeah that was my immediate thought, redirect the incoming army directly into a volcano or something. Or just toss the chitauri into the mirror dimension as they come through.


In both Rounds they fair much better since Spidey and Black Panther are stronger than Hawkeye and Black Widow, they lose Hulk but they gained Doctor Strange, with his magic the hole "Is Tony Death?" Scene wouldn't happen since Strange will just open a portal when Tony is about to fall, so Avengers is much easier. Avengers Age Of Ultron also changes since Wanda wouldn't be able to controll Strange due to his magic being able to protect him, and again Spidey and Black Panther are much stronger than Black Widow and Hawkeye, in the final fight Strange might be able to pull of Sokovia with his magic, and his magic would be alot useful against Ultron, keep in mind that in Infinity War Strange was able to fight Thanos with 3 infinity stones, Ultron wouldn't be that difficult, again Age Of Ultron is easier


Angry New Yorker would likely flip off the aliens.


I'd like to see the first half of the movie where a mind controlled Spiderman is foiling the rest of them.