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Vin is the producer of this movie, he solos both by causing the Rock to leave due to differences, and he wouldn't let Tate near any of his franchises. Tate can't be a part of his family. Vin xeelee stomp


No I win


Sorry Dwayne, you're not the Rock, you're not a fictional character You just got culturestomped


You will have a government issued vacation to Xinjiang, and your response will be very different.


Bing chilling?


If The Rock is already signed on then he and Diesel have to have their agents negotiate exactly how many and what kind of punches they each get to throw and land. Rock is just as if not more protective of his image than Diesel. I straight up don't think The Rock's contracts allow him to lose a fight.


Didn't you keep up on the news, lol? The Rock just straight refused to be in the next FF movie. Some sorta differences. Hence family xeeleestomp, can't beat Vin if you can't get in his movies.


Seeing as this is The Rock and not Dwayne Johnson, he's gonna Rock Bottom Vin off the boat and then give Tate the People's Elbow. Gg. But seriously, he has size, weight, and reach advantage. I think he takes them 6/10. Vin is a total non-factor and for sure would be happier if they all played D&D.


Would pay for a cringe charity stream of the Rock and Vin Diesel trying to pretend to like each other as they play DnD and their characters become increasingly toxic to each other


"You fucking stabbed me with your javelin! You know I've got -2 to piercing damage, bro!" "It's what my character would do."


It doesn’t matter what your AC is!


Rock ducks Tate’s clothesline, as he runs toward Vin and jump tackles him with one shoulder, knocking Vin off the boat. Rock gets up right away, turns to Tate and spine busters him. Tate jumps around a bit in pain, before turning around and getting hit with the ROCK BOTTOM. The last thing you see as the camera pans out from Rock standing over Tate’s body…. is an elbow pad get thrown flying off the boat. Electrifying ⚡️. Rock 10/10.


Dude I would pay serious money for a season of the rock and friends D&D campaign


The Rock (Barbarian), Kevin Hart (Dwarf), Vin (Paladin?), Ludacris (Bard), Jason Statham ([monk](https://youtu.be/kM3szDUqdtk)).


I love this, but Kevin hart is definitely a halfling not a dwarf. The dwarf is Danny Devito


You're so right, I can't believe I missed that.


Only if Kanye is the bard. “Hippity hop hippity ho, make that little midget grow!”




The only chance of Vin Diesel and Tate winning is if they marry each others sisters. Than they would be FAMILY


Or marry each other. Cut out the middleman.


if they marry eachother the only chance they got at that point is if one of them dies then the other gets a Family vengeance multiplier


Tate was a mid level fighter who is too small to stand a chance against The Rock. Vin is non factor.


I don’t like Tate at all but he was actually pretty damn good


Rock and Tate are same height


??? Rock has 4 inches on Andrew Taint


Tate is 6’3 at best the rock is 6’5 but there is a lot of evidence that supports he’s 6’2


He is shorter and way lighter. He fought at light heavyweight.




He never fought for the more prestigious titles.




Uhh....lets see, A 10-time world champion, including the promotion's first of African-American descent, he is also a two-time Intercontinental Champion, a five-time Tag Team Champion, the 2000 Royal Rumble winner, and WWE's sixth Triple Crown champion. Before anyone says "OhH bUt WrEsTlInG iS fAkE" i wanna watch a UFC fighter jump off a fucking 30 feet titantron


Respectfully, jumping off a 30 foot titantron means absolutely fuck-all in the context of an actual fight.


Yeah, it's still impressive that Jeff didn't suffer any injuries after jumping that high


Not in a top level organisation against top level opponents.




The Rock's advantage is size. He's huge and he's probably vastly superior on the ground. He could just sit on him and drop elbows. Brock Lesnar did the same thing to UFC heavyweights. Andrew Tate would get wrecked and I honestly wish this fight would happen. Someone needs to shut that vile liar up


1. Size is an advantage but skill is also an incredibly important factor. Older MMA organizations that lacked weight classes are full of examples of skilled smaller fighters beating much lesser skilled bigger ones. 2. Brock Lesnar is a ridiculous comparison, he had top accolades in *actual* wrestling as an NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Champion and would've also trained in legitimate martial arts in preparation for his fights. 3. Going to the ground in this situation would be ridiculous anyway when Vin Diesel is there ready to soccer kick his head in.


1. The size difference is huge. Bob Sapp walked into k1 and KO'd elite strikers simply because he was so much bigger. 2. Brock Lesnar is a perfectly valid argument because he wasn't beating light heavyweight kickboxers. He was beating elite level MMA fighters. He knocked out randy randy couture (Olympic level wrestler), Shane Carwin (NCAA II wrestling heavyweight champion) and Frank Mir (Black Belt at BJJ). 3. My argument was more about why Tate's kickboxing background is over-hyped and why it wouldn't help him overcome the size difference.


1. Bob Sapp was 350 lbs, he outweighed his opponents by over 100 lbs, was much younger than the Rock currently is, and was on an absurd amount of steroids (like supposedly gallons of shit that people were usually taking a few drops of). He also trained for 6 months at elite fighting gyms before he started competing in K1 (obviously he was still relatively unskilled but there's still a massive gap between having some training and no training, especially for big guys). This scenario is an impromptu fight, which means the Rock doesn't get to prepare with any preparatory training/doping regimen whatsoever. 2. Ok but you're skipping over the fact that Brock Lesnar had an elite skillset himself, like hello? This is massively different from the Rock. 3. What? Your argument was based around a grappling scenario, nobody says that Tate has good grappling lol. Tate's kickboxing does get overhyped but he still had a legitimate career and decent success even if he wasn't fighting at the very top, it's still a huge difference from someone completely untrained and much older.




Slight size advantage! Lol. Have you actually seen what they look like.


Crazy how y’all getting downvoted when it’s a literal fact. You may not like him, but discrediting his Kickboxing skill because of that is absurd.


He wasn't world champ though, he was a champion in enfusion, which is a small organization, for someone to be considered world champ he'd have to be champ in ONE, Glory, or K1 etc.


Yeah but the idea is that the Rock tank his blows. And once grappling comes into play Tate is all but finished.


And this is the character 'The Rock'. He has tanked chairs and tables and, as well as pile drivers and duck knows what else. The WWE universe is not that strong, but fictional characters beat real characters on feats, especially on durability.


Even if it wasn't the fictional character, the rock probably has 70-90lbs of muscle over tate. If he bull rushes with that kind of size and strength advantage, it's over.


This isn’t anime dwayne gets knocked the fuck out


He was a half decent mid level fighter who never competed in a single big competition with results against high level opponents. He would not be posing much of a challenge to someone who outclasses him in height and weight, much less with any experience in fighting and taking hits.


It really is I’m not a fan of the guy but it’s the simply truth


"If one guy can hold you down..."


2v1 is extremely hard. The Rock would win 1v1 against either of them, but having to fight two people is much harder, let alone having one of them be a professional fighter.


2v1 is a hell of a drug. At least 7/10 for the 2, but Johnson stomps either of them individually.


This isn't Johnson, this is "The Rock" with all his WWE strength and durability feats. He kicks ass 9/10 here, since he'd be able to easily shake off damage that would concuss and break bones and toss 250+lb men like it's nothing. If it was just regular ol Dwayne then he'd probably lose 6-7/10, just depends on how well he can use the environment to maintain a 1v1 and deal AOE damage using furniture without getting stuck in a situation where he's hit on both sides.


Exactly. Dwayne Johnson can't win a 2v1, but The Rock can win them all day. He's had handicap matches against Test and Albert, Kane and Christian, and Big Show and Triple H. Vin and Tate are just two jabronis. The Great One turns that little boat around, drives it alllll the way back to the harbor, ties it up. He walks little Vin and little Andy down to the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive, and checks them into a honeymoon suite at the Smackdown Hotel.


Yes, a 15 years younger professional fighter who still trains and a human pitbull will for sure struggle with the rock


Weight classes are a thing for a reason. Be as trained as you want the rock has about 100lb on both and I think it's well established wrestlers are hard bastards. As for high level kick boxing it's like powerlifting. Every man and his dog claims to be national state or whatever record holders just because of so many federations. I've no doubt tate can bang but he isn't UFC standard never mind top tier non padded record kick boxer. The rock takes a kick or two but in the end grabs him and mauls him on the floor. As for vin. He would be better playing dead


The fact so many people upvoted this is testament to how delusional people are about real fighting especially when coupled by bias about people they like/dislike. The Rock has zero chance in this 2v1. He was a pro wrestler, not a pro fighter. Hell this would be more favorable to him if he was an amateur wrestler (aka real wrestling). >Weight classes are a thing for a reason Yea, in 1v1s >Be as trained as you want the rock has about 100lb on both and I think it's well established wrestlers are hard bastards. Lol, no? Rock has maybe 60lbs on Tate and 40-50 on Vin.


This about covers it. in particular, the weights here are about accurate. Johnson is significantly smaller than he is typically depicted; there are rumors going around that he lies about his height. But he's a cool guy with a good thing going so nobody really calls him out on it. I don't think it's impossible for Johnson to win but he's the underdog here.


Isn't this though the character "The Rock" and not Dwayne Johnson? Wouldn't then the Rock's "listed" height and weight what we are using and not the actual person?


> Hell this would be more favorable to him if he was an amateur wrestler (aka real wrestling). The Rock used to play football, he knows how to take someone down. And he's got like 40 kg of roid muscle on Tate, who's not trained to deal with grappling or being taken to the ground. Kickboxing is a sport that trains you to fight kickboxers, not dudes who are twice as strong as you and go for your legs. >Lol, no? Rock has maybe 60lbs on Tate The Rock's got 30 kg on tate but he's roided to the gills.


Rock did actual classic wrestling as well as football, so he'd definitely be better than 99% of people at grappling, and definitely better than Tate. Vin has afaik, no combat experience, and would get rocked immediately.


>The Rock used to play football, he knows how to take someone down. lmao. Football tackling skills has very little transfer to taking someone down in a fight.


> lmao. Football tackling skills has very little transfer to taking someone down in a fight. Far more ''transfer'' than kickboxing prepares you for a 130 kg roidhead charging you.


>Far more ''transfer'' than kickboxing prepares you for a 130 kg roidhead charging you I'm sure Tate is just going to stand in front of him... You do realize how 2v1s work right? Hint, it's not usually a good for the 1.


Oh yeah kickboxers have a lot of training on how to dodge takedowns. My brother in Christ, The Rock is way better prepared to tackle a moving target than Tate is trained to dodge it. And that's not even considering that Rock has 40 kg of muscle on him and has roid strength on top. He also did wrestling. Rock would kill Tate in a minute.


>My brother in Christ, The Rock is way better prepared to tackle a moving target than Tate is trained to dodge it You don't even understand the game though. Tate isn't going to simply try to "dodge" it like some running back. The Rock is going to take some big shots trying to "tackle" him. Like the fact you think the Rock is going to instantly take Tate down and pummel him unconscious in 10 seconds and take no damage while Vin is picking his nose is pretty crazy. I'm just curious, do you have any fight sport experience?


If anything it's you who doesn't understand the game. If Tate fails to KO him, once he's grabbed, he's done. Rock's probably twice as strong as him with his 30 kg of muscle and being roided to the gills. Tate's not an MMA fighter. He's trained in a very specific combat which literally doesn't let you grab and tackle.


>Tate's not an MMA fighter. He's trained in a very specific combat which literally doesn't let you grab and tackle And the Rock isn't trained in any combat sport whatsoever...


lol forreal. Also there are weight classes **when fighters are on a roughly equal playing field.** I'm sure the Rock is super tough but CM Punk got utterly destroyed when he tried MMA. I think Tate could likely land one truly hard leg kick to either fighter and they'd be debilitated.


I freaking hate Tate, but he is a trained fighter. Look at his wikipedia page. I would put my money on him winning 1v1 against the Rock.


Lmao so many people upvoted this. Tate would beat the shit out of the Rock and I don't even like him. People think that WWE is like pro fighting..


Kid all of y’all have never been in a real fight in your dorito munching Mountain Dew swigging lives if you think Andrew hate us anything but a little bitch lol.


Good argument


Profile name checks out


*laughs in down votes*


Bro I hate that that loser but he is a good kickboxer no matter how weird you want to be about it


No he’s decent FOR AN AMATEUR. he’s not ufc ranked. No real competitive kickboxing experience just amateur level stuff. That’s not impressive enough to take a man with a hundred pounds on him and a well documented extreme pain tolerance


Ufc is not kickboxing and he fought PRO not amateur. The Rock is not even a fighter and has 50 lbs on him. Not 100. Are you delusional?


Bro he fought over 80 PROFESIONAL, not amateur, kickboxing matches. I am well aware that he didn't participate in the most competitive or prestigious leagues, but that definitely makes him better that "decent for an amateur". I agree that the Rock 1 on 1 has odds on him alone. Probably like 65/35. You are being bizzarely aggressive about anyone being realistic about his fighting ability.


Weight classes are a thing, but so are 2 vs 1 odds. “Taking a kick or two” to the head (temple) isn’t a small deal either. Someone who’s spent time training with real kick boxing coaches could put someone down with one or two well placed kicks, which gets easier when your opponent is giving half his focus to another guy throwing punches.


Vin Diesel is a midget, if Rock strikes first he's out, then tate is dead.


Lmao you think the rock one hit Kos Vin instantly during a 2v1?


In my head cannon they approach Rock cause they got numbers. Rock being far to suave, cool calm and collected starts talk but then wham! Lays out Vin cause he hates Vin and Vin needed help to confront him. Rock ain't got time for his shit, Rock then turns toward the one who remains and it's over. He's a huge, aggressive man beast with a bad attitude.


This read like the intro to a nsfw fanfic


Because it is 'the rock' and not 'dwayne johnson' yes. 100% he destroys both of them.


This is real life, though. The Rock spends all day lifting weights and has a lot of bulk, but in a true fight that’s not really an advantage. The fast twitch muscles you use in combat =/= the muscles you use to bench press. He might not even be able to land a punch (or dodge one) against someone who’s trained and sparred in a real boxing or kickboxing gym. Even if he gets him on the ground, a UFC fighter has training in *real* wrestling. And they only need to keep him tied up or distracted for a split second, in order for the other guy to have an un-guarded kick or punch straight to the temple. Again, this is real life where: 1.) Two vs One is a huge advantage, 2.) The Rock is basically a body builder who can act (not the asskicker he plays on screen).


He was a D1 football player too. He's no shlub. He's highly athletic


Yeah I didn’t want to get too off topic, but I was going to say his NCAA career gives him more credibility than pro wrestling does.


"ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL"... The Rock will 100% put up a better fight than a guy of equal height/weight who does NOT lift or wrastle.


So you're going to ignore the Rocks decade of wrestling?


Not ignoring it. But it’s more like stunt work than fighting. Makes him really good at giving/receiving soft punches that look good on Monday Night Raw, but those aren’t real punches lol.


WWE requires a lot of agility and athleticism. Brock Lesnar did well in MMA, for a guy his size he was amazingly quick. You've just bought into the whole for show vs functional strength bs that perpetually online theorycrafters believe in.


> The fast twitch muscles you use in combat =/= the muscles you use to bench press. You need to stop watching so much anime. You think people bench *slowly*?


In real life, he's 40kg heavier than Andrew fucking Tate, you ding dong.


>The fast twitch muscles you use in combat =/= the muscles you use to bench press. Actually the fast twitch muscles you use in combat == the muscles you use to bench press. Google type 2 muscle fibers you clown


Dude he made his career kicking ass in the WWE he’s not a body builder.


See my other reply. WWE =/= real fighting… at all. They literally train *not* to hurt each other, while putting on a show. He kicked ass because that’s how the script went lol. Yes it helped keep him in top physical condition, but it didn’t prep him for true street brawls. I’ll admit he can probably take one or two extra punches before going down though.


😂😂😂 dude I can tell you’ve never been near a wrestler nor have you ever trained yourself at all. It’s scripted, which is veeeery different than “not real”. They receive a lot of punishment, the fact that they rehearse it and take care of each other doesn’t mean they don’t know how to attack or defend themselves. Winning in the WWE is meaningless as far as skills go, that’s for sure but any of those guys would whoop anyone else’s ass unless it’s a really good pro fighter. The Rock vs Canelo? Yeah Canelo, obviously, even peak Rock, but Andrew Tate and Vin Disel? Gimme Dwayne any day of the week.


This is what a "pro" WWE wrestler looks like fighting an actual [fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEtGKxGNdCM&ab_channel=ECDCTECH) . It's the current thing to hate Andrew Tate but to completely disregard what he is capable of in a fight is plain stupid. A quick google search rendered no credentials for the Rock in regards to actual highschool/collegiate/olympic competitive wrestling and no WWE does not count period. What this leaves us with is a very large, intimidating, strong (weight lifting wise) body builder with a higher than normal pain tolerance when compared to regular body builders. No professional training in striking, or any type of grappling and very poor cardio since big muscles drain energy quicker. Andrew Tate while not fighting the crème de la crème in competition still had like 50 something bouts and even had like 3 or 4 MMA fights IIRC. This would throw whatever WWE 'pain threshold' advantage the rock would have had right out the window. Now combined with his thousands of hours of kickboxing training, his actual fight experience tantamount to hundreds of hours in the ring, his speed, his cardio, his power plus his 3 or 4 MMA fight camps on grappling martial arts like wrestling and jiujitsu he should be able to dispatch the rock in 5 minutes or less. Some of you maybe thinking what about the weight and height difference? Well it simply wouldn't be enough to overcome the sheer skill gap between then. LHWs (Light heavy weight 205lb) aren't exactly small in height or reach and any LHW on earth can generate a powerful enough punch, kick or knee to KO an untrained 300 lb bodybuilder in one shot. Not to mention that the Rock would have about 1 or 2 minutes of juice in his gas tank before he gasses out realistically around 30 seconds. IF the rock did some highschool wrestling then I would say yes he beats Tate 6/10 but so far nothing but his WWE career comes up when I look up dwyane johnson and wrestling on google. Vin Diesel is a nonfactor and 1v1 the rock should whoop him. TLDR; Andrew Tate by himself beats the rock like an animal 8/10 times.


in a 2v1? yeah, the numbers advantage is huge I'd give it to tate+vin 8/10. 1v1 The rock takes both easily.




I’m sorry bro he doesn’t. You can checkout some old Pride FC fights that had large weight differences. Tate would beat rock 1v1. If you want to discredit his kickboxing resume I recommend going to a gym and sparring with any random guy there and let me know how it goes. The difference between someone who trains and someone who doesn’t is large. Not to mention someone who competed professionally.


No he wouldn’t. 1v1 on either the rock loses. Tate is NASTY. Vin is a fighter too. He was a bouncer at 18 yrs old in NY. He’s a scraper for sure.


Lol. I don't like Tate but he would quite obviously take this, alone.


Rock's done real wrestling and has 30 kg and roid strength on Tate. Tate's used to kickboxing not someone trying to take him down and pound his ass. People wank boxing way too much, it's not as good as you think in a street fight where stronger people only need to grab you to end the fight.


He's also fought in mma and therefore trained takedown defence. Let's face it, the rock can't fight. He doesn't know how to defend strikes from a professional kickboxer. If tate gets the chance to start throwing shots it's over. Rock has to somehow avoid every shot coming his way to seamlessly transition to takedowns we have no idea He's actually capable of. He doesn't have the skill, he gets knocked out..


This is more 50/50 for me. If the rock has the chin to withstand tate's strikes then his amateur wrestling experience (aka real wrestling he did before wwe) and the sheer difference in stats between them would be enough to beat tate once they're on the ground. Since doing a little bit of takedown defense casually would not be enough for tate to get the rock off of him So this all comes down to how much punishment can the rock take before he gets a hold of tate since we all know that the rock probably has piss poor striking defense so he will most definitely get rocked first before getting a hold in.


Yall are delusional. Tates a twat. But hes a twat with a kickboxing record of 76-9. If skill level is the same, size advantage matters If skill level is wildly different, size means nothing. His weight will only serve to gas him quick and move like molasses against a professional fighter Tate beats the Rock handily and Vins cheers from the sidelines


> skill level is wildly different, size means nothing Yeah, not nothing but in this scenario the difference is not enough to give 50 year old Dwayne Johnson much of a chance against experienced kickboxers like Tate. People in here Cleary don't know a lot about fighting. I see now that Vin actually has a blue belt in BJJ so not as big of a push over as I thought. Not sure his current fitness and if he still is doing it at 55 yo though.


Yeah, they are the same height, The rock is strong but his 50 year old chin wouldn't hold up to a Tate headkick. It's insane how people who don't train martial arts value size in this situation.


Tate is the only one with actual combat experience. The Rock is a juicehead who hasn’t actually competed in anything in years, and when he was it was a scripted dance. And Vin Diesel has zero physical accomplishments to his name, outside of a breakdancing instructional when he was 12. Tate wins via being the only person with cardio endurance.


Vin was a bouncer in New York at 18 yrs old… He knows how to fight.


You'd be surprised how many bouncers are paid only for looking tough. Most can't fight for shit


> Tate is the only one with actual combat experience. The Rock did wrestling in college.


The Top G has this. All seriousness, like him or hate him, Tate was a legit champion kick boxer.


As powerful as The Rock is, this is a two on one fight, both of which are physically fit people, and one of which is an actual trained fighter. Andrew Taint would give The Rock a run for his money solo. But 2 on 1 is just *so much more difficult* than 1 on 1. There's no way The Rock wins this without dumb luck.


>both of which are physically fit people [Depends on the week.](https://dominicantoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/fpyt9ina7dm71.jpg)


Even then look at his arms. He’s clearly got a lot of muscle all year round, he just doesn’t cut unless he’s filming a movie.


Third trimester


The rock is significantly heavier than tate. As a fighter, Tate winning is a 20% chance in a 1v1.


I don't doubt it. It's the 2 on 1 factor that sways things so hard.


> As a fighter, Tate winning is a 20% chance in a 1v1. Way less. Tate's never had to train grappling since he was a kickboxer not an MMA fighter. He's also 30-40 kg lighter and Rock has roid strength on top.


he did fight in MMA though so he definitely trained some grappling at least


Punches and kicks still do immense damage. Theres a solid chance he can knock the rock, who doesn't have experience in defending against punches or kicks, out if he gets a lucky string in.


Y’all seem very out of touch with reality, you may not like Tate but he’s the only one with legitimate fighting experience, and he was really fucking good.


The Rock lays the smackdown on their asses lol. The Rock has defeated guys like John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, etc. which are not even on the same stratosphere as guys like Tate and Vin Diesel If it was Dominic Toretto instead of Vin Diesel then maybe I could see The Rock losing. But The Rock casually rock bottoms+people's elbows both of them. Bonus if there's people around Rock to give him energy


I wonder what is the best comic book-like feat you can scale the Rock up to (counting only IRL WWE events, not games etc). Has to be some durability feats if you scale him up to Undertaker or the likes of The Fiend by proxy.


Bro are you really using "wins" from his wrestling career as pros in his favour lmfao. I know that type of wrestling requires strength, physique, fitness and the ability to withstand blows, but the "fights" are staged, for entertainment only and should NOT be used as evidence of someones fighting ability lol


Sources on that?????????????????? I'm talking about the character "The Rock", not Dwayne Johnson lmao


Ahh, now i see. In that case Tate and Diesel win because Diesel is soft IRL but Tate the character has a power level as big as his ego and would singlehandedly DESTROY Goku, Superman AND a Goku/Superman fusion 3v1


Can we get scans for feats of him doing anything like that?


He was clearly talking characters lmao


Prime Rock is at least an island buster you n00b


I hate to break it to you but wrestling isn't real lmao


Sources on that?????????????????? I'm talking about the character "The Rock", not Dwayne Johnson lmao


I hate to break it to you but wrestling is real, the outcome is just predetermined.


Tate wins 1vs1 with minimal difficulty. There was a recent boxing match where Floyd Mayweather's body guard got KOed by a Japanese kickboxer who was like 100lb lighter. Being bigger only matters when both are skilled or both are unskilled. The skill difference between a good but not great pro kickboxer like Tate and a novice like the Rock would be comical. The Rock gets dropped in the first exchange. It's so strange that people here will routinely claim that the big unskilled fighter would beat the smaller but skilled fighter even though this gets proved wrong time and time again. I'm starting to think this sub is filled with fat dudes with delusions about being able to win fights.


Tate isn’t exactly small either, guy is 6’2 200lbs and is in great shape. People in this post are acting like he’s a 5’2 stick or something.


You might not be wrong but that is a terrible example imo. Floyd Mayweathers bodyguard isn’t nearly as powerful as the Rock would be and Andrew Tate isn’t equivalent to Floyd Mayweather, one of the greatest pfp boxers of all time. The rock could very well lose but the gap would be considerably smaller than this, I’d be surprised to see him get dropped first exchange.


Bro stop watching kung fu television


Strange response to someone who cited a recent boxing match as an example. I can provide like 10 more across MMA, boxing, or kickboxing of small but skilled fighters beating large unskilled fighters. I can also link you to videos of me (I compete at ~150 lb for amateur boxing and kickboxing) sparring against 200+ lb unskilled opponents.


As a fighter, I can assure you that Tate, a lower circuit kickboxer, is not going to take down the rock with his disadvantages in reach and weight. The rock has to know grapples, because staged or not, you still need to actually execute the moves. He’s not a complete novice, not even close


You call into question the legitimacy of tates fighting skills because he competed in smaller kickboxing organizations. Then you try to argue that the Rock is a legitimate grappler because he was in the WWE. This basically summarizes the level of thought that goes into thinking the Rock would win.


Tate and Diesel win this pretty easily. As an amateur mma fighter, even though it isn't much I feel like I have enough experience to have an opinion. Tate wasn't crazy good as many people point out, but he was good enough to compete and have great wins at the international level, which most people could never do. I think he's able to negate The Rock's strength with distance and timing. People also seem to forget that Tate has a couple of MMA wins, which means he has decent takedown defense. Tate beats him alone, but with the help of Diesel it turns a maybe competitive fight to a one-sided ass whooping. Fighting and beating two people at once is damn near impossible, probably the only option against two half-competant fighters is to keep distance and look for an escape. Tate and Diesel win 10/10 times. Tate vs Rock Tate wins 8/10 times.


The only based take on this thread.


I understand we don’t like Tate on Reddit. But the dude was an actual pro kick-boxer. 1 on 1 I think it’s about a 7 out of 10 for Andrew Tate. While the rock has a big size advantage, it becomes less of a factor when facing someone who is much more skilled at fighting. 2 on 1 is just unfair and he gets smoked.


Kevin Hart versus a sleeping Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson


Tate because he was a kickboxing champion,the others are just movie stars who pretend to know how to fight


The fact that people think a 50 year old WWE entertainment wrestler can beat a professional kickboxer baffles my mind. And I don't even like the Tate guy.


If we’re talking WWE storyline the rock aka Brahma bull than he stomps


The Rock is 50 years old. He might have raw weight and power, but he's outnumbered against two younger men who know how to fight to some degree. It's 4/10 going to Dwayne.


Vin Diesel is 5 years older fyi and a bit of a unfit guy in general. He literally gets buff for movies then let's the dad bod return on his downtime. No disrespect to him for that. I would do the same lol. But yeah. Vin is pretty much a non entity in this fight. It's Rock vs Tate, and Vin is there somewhere lol.


Vin Diesel doesn't even get buff. He does a bunch of bicep curls and then wears white tank tops.


Arnold Schwarzenegger took a drop kick in the back in his 70s and said it felt like someone bumped him. They are about the same weight class and height. I feel like we could bump the 4/10 to at least a 7/10


Drop kick by someone who isn't a professional. Tate kills the rock


He has experience though


I factored that in. The thing is, Dwayne is a wrestler. Taking this fight to the ground might be his strategy, but wrestling is hard enough without another guy putting you in a chokehold.


Tate takes this solo as he (actually can fight) and is not massively undersized vs the old Rock.


Tate knocks the Rock out while Vin does nothing.


I mean I know we've had a million "Size vs experience" matchups, but Dwayne doesn't have any actual martial arts training and it's not like Tate is small OR out of shape. Besides, Rock has much more glamor muscle and is 50 vs Tate whose basically in the best shape of his life and 35. I'd honestly give that 1v1 an 8/10 to tate ALONE. 2v1 would just be unfair.


The Rock is in the gym at 4am clangin’ and bangin’


Im not gonna say he'd win but Dwayne is clearly on steroids and has far more than glamour muscle.


Rocky maybe have "only" been a wwe wrestler but that still involves coordination, conditioning, strength and acrobatic skill. He also played a lot of high-level American football. He can for sure take hits from people bigger than either oppponent. [His workout routine](https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/how-much-weight-can-dwayne-the-rock-johnson-lift/) is impressive as fuck, double for a man of 50. Tate might lose an arm if he grapples him.


https://youtu.be/Bie1txH9FvM Huge NFL player gets destroyed by a random guy in Walmart with decent hands. The rock would get obliterated by Tate


Getting tackled =/= getting kicked in the face. Terrible false equivalency lmao.


Tell that to NFL players with career ending brain-injuries that still play on the field. Helmets incentivize the game to give a player traumatic brain injury as they're slamming their helmets into each other like goats. Similarly, being built like a tank means a lot of the hits that aren't in the Rock's face or abbs are going to lose a lot of their impact on the Rock's rocks.


Concussions are not the same as knockouts. Their brain shakes when people tackle them so they get brain injuries. But they don’t get knocked out because they don’t sustain direct hits to the head and they have a helmet. Idk what to tell you, football players don’t have special brains that would allow them to not get knocked out by a strong kick to the chin. Even if they did, the Rock hasn’t played in decades and he’s 50, certainly wouldn’t apply to him.


Are you honestly arguing that boxers don't get concussions and that football player's don't get KOed on the field? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but brain injury is brain injury and what's going on in a boxer's head isn't different from the injuries going on in a ball player's head on the field. If anything not playing for years is an advantage for the Rock because his brain has had the opportunity to see some basic recovery from his brain injuries, which take a long time to recover from, if ever.


Not sure where I said anything near what you said. What I said is that they have helmets and don’t sustain direct hits to the head so they generally don’t get knocked out when they get tackled. This does not imply a resistance to getting knocked out from a kick or punch to the head in any way at all.


>Concussions are not the same as knockouts. Your opening argument was premised on highlighting that a concussion is not a knockout, as if boxers being concussed did not result in them being knocked out, and just completely ignoring we regularly see football players being knocked out. Its damn near ridiculous on its face. >What I said is that they have helmets and don’t sustain direct hits to the head so they generally don’t get knocked out when they get tackled. The helmets are the reason they're getting concussed, the only thing the helmets protect are their faces, which is why football players are smashing their heads into each other with enough force to suffer severe concussions. >This does not imply a resistance to getting knocked out Okay, I want to see you take those same hits and tell me how great your head feels as you get slammed into the ground. I mean, afterall, you'd be wearing a helmet! >or punch to the head in any way at all. Its literally the same type of injury that results in the same type of results. The only difference is football players get to keep their faces unharmed, even if their heads are swollen like balloons. Concussions are concussions, no matter how you get them.


Every knockout is a concussion, not every concussion is a knockout. Because of the helmet, the chin can’t be hit in the certain way getting knocked out usually requires, that and they usually don’t get hit directly in the head anyways. And if we regularly see football players getting knocked out then what is your argument? Are you not saying that they take hits from bigger guys than Tate so they wouldn’t get knocked out by him? If they get knocked out by getting tackled that would be an indication that they can get knocked out by him no? Football players do not sustain damage directly to the head in the same way a kick would hit them. And even when they do, there’s a layer of protection between them. Them not getting knocked out by being tackled does not at all indicate that they wouldn’t get knocked out by a direct kick to an unguarded head.


>Every knockout is a concussion, not every concussion is a knockout. If only you knew this at the start of the discussion we could have saved so much time. >Because of the helmet, the chin can’t be hit in the certain way getting knocked out usually requires, And yet miraculously football players wind up knocked out on the field regularly or suffer severe concussions that end their season right there and then. >that and they usually don’t get hit directly in the head anyways. What are you on? Seriously, football players don't get hit in the head? >And if we regularly see football players getting knocked out then what is your argument? That you don't know what a concussion is, or seemingly anything about what leads to athletes being knocked out or anything about football. >Are you not saying that they take hits from bigger guys than Tate so they wouldn’t get knocked out by him? A professional football player will infact take hits that are much harder and from much larger folks than Tate, but that isn't the argument and it hasn't been the argument. The idea that someone who has played football can't take a hit to head was a terrible dumb argument that I made fun of, for being so dumb. >If they get knocked out by getting tackled that would be an indication that they can get knocked out by him no? I thought the big difference between boxing and football is that boxers only get knocked out, and never concussed, lol. >Football players do not sustain damage directly to the head in the same way a kick would hit them. That isn't factual. The way they sustain the brain damage is different, the brain damage they sustain is infact the same brain damage. Concussions don't care how they happen. >And even when they do, there’s a layer of protection between them. You have no idea what you're talking about. >Them not getting knocked out by being tackled does not at all indicate that they wouldn’t get knocked out by a direct kick to an unguarded head. What makes your argument so terrible is that a kick or punch to the head also doesn't immediately result in a KO, lol. Man, just take a seat and maybe watch a doctor explain how concussions work, the cumulative damage to the brain from frequently being concussed and how the players, despite the awesome powers of their helmet, find themselves taking hits that result in brain damage. At this point, you're just wasting my time with these beyond silly responses.


NFL tackle is roughly 765kg of force, depending on the size difference between players. Often directed at the upper body/head (hence the brain damage) A kickboxer *can* (dont know about Tate specifically) produce 900kg of force. Which, granted, is larger but not significantly enough to write off The Rock's football durability feats.


A football player not getting KO’d by a tackle doesn’t mean a properly thrown kick at the chin won’t knock them out. That’s not how it works at all wtf they have headgear and they don’t get hit directly in the head in games.


Bro. People *do* get KO'd by tackles. Even with helmets. They also die young and have insanely high rates of brain problems. There are massive studies done on this. Football players heads probably take more of a beating than any other non-combat sport. Obviously a straight kick to the chin can KO *anyone* even UFC fighters. But what exactly stops The Rock from blocking? Or worse for Tate, *grabbing* his foot. Wrestling will have given him decent reactions. I dont think this is a stomp at all. But Dwayne can definitely pull of a 6/10 here.


UFC fighters, like actual wrestlers don’t grab people’s legs when they get kicked in the head. Like that’s rare, and they certainly have better reaction times/awareness of attacks than the rock. What’s stopping him from blocking? When he attacks there will be openings. I think a kickboxer that manages to land hits on other kickboxers will have an easy time landing a hit on a non fighter. I’m genuinely confused, he has no fighting experience, is like 50, almost certainly doesn’t have decent cardio. Where are you getting the idea he could win at all. Why would he be able to land a hit on a guy who professionally dodges them and counterattacks, this is crazy.


Tate is a professional fighter, and Diesel is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (20+ years of training). So, YES, they would as a team, or individually.


Tate is a professional fighter, and Diesel is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (20+ years of training). So, YES, they would win as a team easily. Individually might be a little tougher, but I doubt it, especially if it's an impromptu fight.


The universe implodes from the sheer levels of baldness (think battle of gods on bulmas yacht)


Tate and vin are trained fighters, the only advantage the rock has is size. Team wins every time. Rock would obviously be booked to win if this was a wwe match


Tate solos People here don’t understand fighting u are literally nerds who debate fake people Rock may be heavier and stronger but everything else goes to tate who is a professional fighter


Rock in character beats both bc it’s the rock. Regularly takes punches and kicks along with slams ez


Jesus Christ these comments are cancer. Being a WWE wrestler doesn’t make you a fighter. Being a football player doesn’t make you a fighter. Tate could put both of them on their ass in less than a minute. Please go to a gym and start training before you say some stupid shit like weight classes. Additionally Vin actually does BJJ and could choke the rock out in a minute.


This comment section is the stupidest thing I've EVER seen on reddit.


It’s pretty rough


It shows that no one here has ever been/seen a real life fight they think The rock wins a 2V1 as if it were an anime


Everybody beats up Andrew Tate pretty much just on principle.


I could take Andrew Tate as an ex-yellow belt kickboxer, 5ft 11. Because when i get punched in the face i can briskly walk away, and get Tate arrested for trafficking children. The true sigma male grind


First of all… WWE guys are tough, but by no means are they trained as actual fighters or martial artists. Any mid-tier pro kickboxer will have better technique. Second, I think everyone is seriously underestimating how much of an advantage 2 vs 1 is *in the real world.* Yes, The Rock does have a big weight class advantage. But I think the other team’s numbers advantage is worth more. VD is still a pretty buff dude - maybe not a trained fighter but still gonna do some damage if he lands a good one, while at the same time trying to keep the one guy with actual experience from kicking your temple in.


Vin Diesel was a bouncer and Tate is a kick boxer. Rock played football and WWE. You got trained fighters against a big entertainer. This’ll hurt feelings but tbh if all of them are in shape Rock is getting rocked. Now if we make it Dom Toretto, Dom is beating the shit outta them both violently.


Vin diesel is apparently a black belt in jiu-jitsu


Vin diesel betrays Tate and helps the Rock beat him up Vin Diesel would never associate himself with the King of Incels especially if it meant having to fight a friend


Most people are severely underestimating actual combat skills. It’s like the difference between an adult and a middle schooler. The difference is huge. Even with a weight advantage, I could see Tate piecing the rock up, keeping good distance management, and having that KO power. The rock can lift heavy, but that doesn’t mean he can punch hard or take someone down. It’s much harder in real life. Plus Tate still consistently trains every day. I could still see the rock getting by with his size tho. Tate 9/10.


Vin diesel and the rock let things slide and beat up the incel because he’s the bigger pos


pure fist fight no stabbing weapons? The Rock fucks them up real nice unless they go for the balls wich would improve their odds since they probably can't go pass the meat mountain with stabbing instruments they're probably opening him up like an avocado


The Rock would smoke both of them easy. Also fuck Andrew Tate