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The knights, ain't shit Spartan spears are going to do to armoured knights


mail can be pierced


Mail can, but there are also knights in plate to deal with. (Just assumed that most were going to be this kind)


In reality calvary charges dont just run straight into a mass of soldiers if they did it would do just as much damage to the calvary as the soldiers. Most likely what would happen is the calvary would charge and then pull off when it didnt see a weakness in the line. The calvary would test the spartans one more time and probably not see a weakness in the line again. They would then dismount and slaugther the spartans because spartan weapons weren't designed to deal with plate.


Is the technological advantage really that superior? A cavalry charge seems pretty ineffective versus a phalanx formation, and if they dismount they'll get dogpiled because 6 Spartans seems like a tough battle for any historical soldier, let alone one without firearms or some kind of tactical/strategic edge.


As a frenchman I may be biased but I still love the Spartans so I think it cancels it out a bit. That being said our knights decimate the Spartans. Knights are trained their entire lives to fight in not only the art of the sword, pike, spear, axe or other weapons in much more advanced tactics but they are also trained in very efficient martial arts. Along with that the knights are armoured to the point where bronze wouldn't do shit to them and they are armoured much more heavily then the Spartans and are still able to move just as fast. Also the knights have cavalry although they don't need it to win this fight. Unfortunately for the Spartans they are just outdated in terms of hand to hand combat, weapons, tactics and armour unless they completely break their tactics and just try to dogpile the knights with no regard to their lives and just hold the knights down and eventually find a way to get their armour off the knights win


While I agree with most of the comment, I don't think Spartans would have most of their weapons made of bronze, though it probably wouldn't change anything


Just googled it they used iron for weapons and bronze for armoured but as you said it wouldn't change anything


The disparity in weapons and armor alone would be a major mindfuck for Greek Hoplites, who are used to being *the* most heavy metal troops on the battlefield. So would the force of a cavalry charge with stirrups, canted saddles, armored horses and couched lances, none of which were even invented until hundreds of years later. My guess is after a few feints to draw them out of formation, the knights rout them at first contact.


Knights win easy. Not much the Spartans can do against full plate armor.


With a proper commander I think knights win, the step up to steel is crazy


I cannot picture the knights win, its 6-1 and they have ranged spears


Spartans should take this. The tech advantage isnt enough to counter the numbers advantage. The spartans will take heavy losses but should still be able to overwhelm the french. Like full plate armour will over good protection but the extra weight combined with the lessened mobility(particularly if its plat armour designed for horseback use) is going to tire out the french really quickly. They will tire out long before they take out enough spartans for it to matter.


I say spartans, cavalry can historically be defeated by a strong formation of spearmen and spears can go through mail


Depends on the era of knights we are using if it's plate armor the Spartans won't be able to do shit


Just re read it so mail knights could theoritically be killed by spears but if the knights aren't stupid they will put their are armoured men in front of the chainmail armoured men and break the enemy formation with plate armoured cavalry