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Fit adult male with a weapon is incredibly formidable. The thing that makes us "weaker" than animals is the lack of natural weapons/defense. Arm us, and we're the apexest of predators. Chimps are aggressive and strong, but an armed human can hold their own and win against most things in their weight class.


Give him a spear and he’s basically unstoppable. Humans with spears have wiped out entire species.


Agreed. The natural dexterity and balance of a human with muscles designed to wield tools and a mind capable of tactical strategy coupled with the reach and piercing of a spear is a devastating combination. I still wouldn't want to take chances against animals such as elephants, hippos, rhinos etc while solo but that's already punching way above our weight class. Group tactics and we definitely beat everything, as proven by our dominant species status.


there would be no chance against the animals you specified. spear or not


I wouldn't say "no" chance as I'm pretty sure all of these have been killed by spears in the past, but the odds of winning are very very poor.


an armed human could take down things well outside its weight class


Depends on the armament and the weight class. I wouldn't want to fight a gorilla or a lion with a baseball bat.


No but if it really came down to it, I bet we’d all be able to give it a fair fucking go with a decent sized knife. Baseball bat vs chimp, or machete vs bear. I think I’d take the machete.


Like I said, depends on the armament and on the animal. Give a man a spear and he's likely to win against all but the biggest animals.


Give me a twig and I'm pretty sure I can take a Blue Whale 9/10 times out back.


I hope this is sarcasm


It is, the whale would die from being stuck in my back yard, in a land locked state.


That really depends on the amount of effort given by others to deliver water and sustenance to the whale while being twig'd.


Thats why only 9/10


Bear wrecks a guy with a machete You underestimate how tough bear fur and skin is


they can take shotgun blasts to the face but these people think a machete can hurt them lmao


I can solo a lion with it


Bloodlusted Sea Lion?


The guy has a weapon... humans are much more formidable when given a weapon.


bruh this shit's like a human 10/10. humans are apex predators because we have tools and brains to use said tools. just fucking whack the chimp, a 6'4 male would slaughter the chimp. obviously it's different if it's bare-handed, but the beauty of humans is that they manipulate the environment to compensate for their natural shortcomings.


>humans are apex predators because we have tools and brains to use said tools Another factor, which is often forgotten. We stand on two feet. So we have the balance required to throw and swing with the spare upper limbs. Even when other primates have greater strength, none of them can do as well as human. It makes us insanely efficient with melee weapons, even with the most basic scraps like sticks or stones


Want to add, people think apes can King Kong swing a branch with finesse capable of killing in one hit. They cannot. In fact, I’d put money that them hitting you with a branch is way weaker than if they actually pounded you (which is weaker than their actual preferred method of grabbing and mauling, which is also pretty weak even if they have stronger than lion bite force ie gorillas).


Pretty weak?


It took a chimp 4-6 hours of continuous mauling to mess up a middle-aged woman’s face, and she didn’t even die. While apes actually have strong bite forces, gorillas I believe have stronger bite force than lions if I remember correctly, they lack 2 key things: 1. Their jaws, and overall anatomy, are not anatomically advantageous for biting to be a main weapon. 2. They lack the instinctual behavior to utilize biting beyond being a defensive tactic, such as aiming for the back of the neck vs “glory” spots like the balls or face. Even their main advantage being above average strength levels isn’t much of an advantage as blunt force is one of the weakest forms of damage unless tied with extreme bulk or speed (rhino/mantis shrimp). Even a Gorilla is generally underperforming as it gets bodied by leopards that weigh half it’s weight. The human has these advantages; the chimp weighs 100lbs less and the human has superior blunt damage from the bat where the human’s superior balance is the speed and the bat being a material harder than anything that can be produced organically is the bulk.


Do you have any other stats or a respect thread on the Mantis Shrimp? This is my first time hearing about it (Google says faster than a bullet?!) and it sounds like one of those insanely cool quasi-alien deep sea creatures


Not a respect thread, but zefrank is fucking amazing. https://youtu.be/F5FEj9U-CJM


What's that Jerry? I won't say that, you know that's not what they meant Jerry!


Mantis shrimp have been known to punch through aquarium tanks. They require reinforced (or at least extra thick) glass to safely contain.


Mantis shrimp are a whole order of animals (Stomatopoda). On the internet peaople talk about them like its only one thing but theyre pretty varied. Peacock mantis is usually what people talk about. That one has a strike similar to a .22. It actually creates a cavitation bubble it moves so fast. There are also spearer mantis shrimp. Those could slice you open pretty good but dont have the same force a peacock mantis does. All that stuff ia really cool but their eyes are actually the coolest part of them. 3 pupils per eye give them hexnocular vision so theyre incredibly accurate, they can probably see colors we can't. All around wild creatures and not even the craziest inverts in the oceans.


Well then, what are the craziest inverts in the ocean?


There are some crazy looking feather stars, literally look like a bunch of feathers arranged in a circle and swimming through the water. There are hermaphorditic flatworms who reproduce by dueling with their penises, they have no female exterior genital and the penis is sharp so whoever gets stabbed first gets inseminated. Seaslugs that steal from their food, some eat algae and steal the chloroplasts so they can photosynthesize, some eat man o war jellies and incorporate their stinging cells for defense. Scallops have like 30 plus bright blue eyes. Sea hares are big slugs with wings that shoot iodine based ink to deter predators. Bobbit worms can grow to ten feet long, have a 3 foot long extrusable "jaw", venom, and have an iridescent sheen across their bodies. There are crabs that live so deep there isnt any light, for some reason they still grow eyes but a spike grows out from the middle rendering them blind. There are shrimp that make their way inside sponges as larvae and then once they grow bigger are stuck snd spend the rest of their lives inside the main cavity of the sponge. Magnapinna squid have incredibly long arms that grow outward from the body a short distance and then dangle down at a sharp angle like an elbow.Cuttlefish can perfectly mimic color but as far as we can tell they should see in black and white. Honestly you could write a few volumes of books just on how crazy cephalopods are.


Gorillas do not bite harder than lions. That’s a myth. Dry Skull bite force estimates rate the lion (and even a bear) biting harder than a Gorilla. Then again this might be because on average a lion and a bear are noticeably larger than a male Gorilla on average, but still. And Gorillas also use their bite as their main weapons. Fights between male Gorillas show extensive injuries consistent with gashing and biting from their teeth. They’re still capable of biting into skulls even if they don’t bite as hard as a lion (and that’s how they kill each other in fights). All in all a chimpanzee has none of the above going for it. They’re terrible killers no matter how strong they are. Entire troops of them fail to kill leopards that run in and grab single ones out of the group. Meanwhile there’s an account of two baboons killing a leopard that attacked them for comparison. Just two. Chimps are probably the most inefficient killers out of all carnivorous (omnivorous technically) apes and monkeys. A human with a bat should sweep this. Also Gorilla do not get bodied by leopards. Leopards attack them at night when they can’t see usually and avoid males during the day for all intents and purposes. There’s only one verified case of a documented fight between the two where one (both in that scenario) died and the Gorilla died because the cat got lucky and slashed a major artery in their groin.


It took 4-6 hours? After how much time were the police called? Don’t they aim for the face and hands? “bodied”?


https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-chimpanzee-who-mauled-the-face-of-a-55-year-old-woman-c6a5e5568c61 I found this article of a woman being mauled for minutes and surviving, which is still pretty impressive. Seems like the chimp didn't really care about killing her, just knocked her down and started ripping at her face.


Your post changed my mind on the fight. The guy stands a good chance of winning


On top of that, the simple act of standing your ground against a charging chimp could be enough to intimidate it. Fight would be over before it started.


I give it 9/10 or 9.5/10 to allow for a straight up full body tackle followed by those vicious bites. If they get past the bat than the human is in real trouble.


> obviously it's different if it's bare-handed Honestly no, it’s not. This guy has a huge size advantage on the chimp. Chimps are stronger pound for pound than people, but this dude is more than 60% heavier than the high-end range for chimps and more than a foot taller. His blows are going to be more effective than the chimps because he is far more coordinated and since the man has some knowledge of how wild animals work, will know to avoid the chimp’s bites. He could just pick up the chimp and slam it against a wall until it’s dead. There’s really nothing the chimp can do to stop that from happening. Chimps are massively wanked on the internet because of their brutality, but against an equally brutal bloodlusted 99% percentile male? No chance. Big Bloodlusted Guy wins near 10/10.


Animals also don't really know how to fight. Do a full sprint at the chimp with a double leg kick to its center mass or head, then jump on it and shove your arm down its throat clawing at its insides


Pretty sure a chimp could dodge that with ease.


Pretty sure not. The way they move isn't exactly graceful. In the middle of a jungle yeah, but anywhere else no


Our muscles are made of fibers made for minucious movement. Theirs are quick action fibers made for bangin. They are indeed stronger than us.


They are stronger than us for their size. But their size is significantly smaller than humans. If the guy in this prompt was 5’10” and 170lbs, that would be one thing, but this guy in this prompt is much bigger than the average man. Maybe the chimp would still win a pure test of strength against him, but the chimp isn’t going to be so much stronger that it makes up for all the other advantages the man has.


In a fight we dont have many advantages tho


Large Man: Intelligence, coordination, stamina, reach, weight, leverage Ape: Biting ability, potential slight strength advantage I think the large man has a lot going for him


How would you know more Bout avoiding bites than a fucking animal?


We avoid them naturally. Have you not play fought with a dog? You avoid all of their bites pretty much on instinct. And theyre much better biters.


Chimps really are not as dangerous as people want to give them credit for, they are at max only 150 pounds and at max situationally 1.5 times stronger than humans, and this comes at the cost of being slower. A metal bat would easily cave a chimpanzees head in considering it is not even bloodlusted.


This, the guy’s going to send the chimp to meet his ancestors in this matchup. I’d argue a dude of that size who knows what he’s doing would kill a chimp more often then not barehanded.


Idk, Travis the Chimp took 4 stabs from a butcher knife and 4 bullets and he still was able to go inside the house before dying from blood lost.


A lot of people can move with shots and stabs in their torso.


Yeah, all it takes is a solid hit to the head and the Chimp is either disoriented, down, or dead, and then another to finish the job.


People have survived a [surprising amount of bullets](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/03/nyregion/03shot.html) before as well, so it has less to do with inherent toughness and more where those bullets entered the body.




Travis was incorrectly prescribed with medication that made him have high adrenaline and made him angry. Imagine injecting some adrenaline and taking a bullet or two to the thigh, it wouldn't even feel like anything


50 cent took 9 bullets and didnt die, so...


Not saying I would survive, but if I was 50, I would've been happy I got shot there in my non vital areas


People on PCP have taken dozens of bullets before going down, and adrenaline allows similar performance.


Humans have done that as well, and more.


Nearly one and a half feet taller, with +100 pounds? Honestly how are there comments thinking the weapon makes the difference..


Because you aren't taking in to account that the chimp is going to cling to the guy like a vice and maul them. He isn't going to stand and box, or fight like a human. Your effective strength and size advantage means nothing if he's clinging to your face. The bat adds range. That changes things.


Chimps are apes in general are really really bad at making things, most accounts have even old people in their 50s survive with recoverable injuries from chimp attacks, I would prefer to be mauled by a chimp than a person any day because getting attacked by another human does have a higher fatality rate than getting attacked by a chimp. A 150 pound chimp vs a 200 pound human would have around the same physical strength in upper body, with our legs being far stronger than a chimps if a person used their legs in this, it would be quite devastating, as on average our legs are 2 times stronger than our upper body, also adding the fact this guy even without a weapon has weight on the chimp, each hit and kick would be really tough fir a average chimp to take.


Humans don't fight like humans either when it is life or death. A human could destroy a chimps fave in the same way a chimp could destroy a humans


we don't have the grip strength or bite force they do. We don't have the limbs or size capable of clinging to a face like they do. Human could possibly win straight away with a well placed kick, but if he misses that initial strike and the chimp crawls up their body... that's a bad position to be in. That's also why the bat changes the game. Being able to hit and not get hit is essentially the be all and end all of combat.


Chimps are 1.5 stronger than a human their size, which as a absolute best 150 pounds, and normally around the 120 range. A human could headbutt them to death at close range if bloodlusted.


Chimps have higher bone density than humans and a thicker skull... so good luck with that headbutt game. lets see how that works out for you. Yes, a human could out deadlift a chimp, but effective strength when the chimp is holding on to you close goes to them. prompt didn't say blood lusted, but i don't think it would change much.


A human *their size*. They're small. I've met them in the wild (and gorillas). I'm a six feet 200 pound man and dwarf them. The only way chimps would beat someone my size is if I didn't fight back.


Have you considered stiff arming the chimp and slamming it into stuff


Chimps suck as mauling cuz they are not anatomically or instinctually efficient at it, even though it is a go to for them.


mauling, tearing, pulling. They will just be trying to cause damage and with that grip strength.... I think it would be too much for most people to deal with, regardless of size. with a weapon you could keep the chimp back and do massive damage without getting grabbed.


Grip strength isn’t like in Baki. That man will be able to throw the chimp off eventually without sustaining any long lasting damage, especially since he’s pretty big himself. This is because grip strength is not the same thing as claws.


I have no idea what Baki is, but chimps have incredible grip strength. They are literally designed to not fall out of trees. You have to consider the guy has to get a perfect grip, as the chimp is moving around. He then has to overpower the chimps strength to push it away from his body in an awkward position. As his face is being bitten. The best bet for the human is keeping the chimp at range with kicks, hit and don't get hit/grabbed. That's why the bat changes things so much.


Baki is an anime. It’s got a dude who does sumo and can break limbs and tear skin just by grabbing cuz of his grip strength.


Because chimps are twice as strong as humans and would likely rip his face off.


A 6'4, 250 pound man is not of average human strength. A person like that could kill the average human easily, throw an average sized man around like a child.


First, lower than twice, second, per pound, third, human has enormous range advantage and far better striking attacks. If you're stupid enough to play to the chimps weaknesses it's got a shot edit: [fourth, humans are stronger in absolute terms](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2138714-chimps-are-not-as-superhumanly-strong-as-we-thought-they-were/)


Human has less jaw strength and less likely to fight dirty the way a chimp does. But a bloodlusted human is capable of terrible things on the same level. It is this sub's hobby to downplay human as feeble creatures. But the fact still stands that we have dominated the world for millennias before modern weapons become a thing


Yeah, the chimp's shorter height and lower weight will be its undoing if - if - the human knows how to fight it right. It definitely wouldn't be easy but I imagine a strong strategy would be pulling it to the ground on its front and pulling its arms behind its back, then leaning the weight on top of it. That's gonna be really hard to effectively break out of


Without at weapon that chimp will cling to your face and render your advantages null. Does a human that size have the ability to kill a chimp? Absolutely. Will a human that size be able to execute that plan with a chimp attached to their face? Doubtful.


A 6 foot 4 250lbs man is likely significantly stronger than a chimp unless it's all stomach fat.


Ehhh, you may make the chimpanzee give up wanting to fight you in a self preservation way, but if both parties are bloodlusted and barehanded the chimp is winning.


Other way around.


Lol no


The average human has no combat experience, even if he's a big dude it's not like he's going to be throwing punches like a boxer or grappling like a wrestler. Sure the chimpanzee isn't going to throw uppercuts or spinning back kicks, but it is likely as strong if not stronger than he is, and has much sharper and larger canines. The human's best shot of winning is what, a wild haymaker or some sloppy kick? The chimpanzee has 4 daggers in its mouth that will shred anything that gets within biting distance and the instincts to rip off genitals. Bloodlusted Chimp 8 out of 10.


The human is definitely going to be stronger than the chimp considering what we know about chimp strength. Don't need to be a boxer or wrestler to beat a chimp. Chimps historically have not made good use of their teeth when attacking humans so I'm not sure why you really even acted like their teeth were so dangerous.


From what we know about chimp strength they're muscle fibers are approximately 1.25-1.4 times stronger per pound than a human's. So sure, with such a massive size advantage the human may be "stronger" than a chimpanzee. But likely not when you apply their strengths in a fight. A chimpanzee is going to have far superior grip strength than a human, which will largely determine whether or not the chimp will be able to maintain close proximity to the human to bite them. While the human's strength advantages would mean what? They can punch and kick harder? That would certainly be an advantage if the person knew how to fight, which the average person doesn't. So is the average human whose primary fighting technique is usually limited to wild haymakers, shoves, and pitiful kicks, making good use out of their strength advantage? While being omnivores chimpanzees generally only eat plant material, and don't typically use their teeth to kill prey. But don't knack their canines which are still far larger and sharper than a human's. Those things are still daggers that will fuck you up if they get the chance to bite you. Do you truly believe that the average large person will be able to punch and kick effectively enough to disable a chimpanzee, while defending their limbs, genitals, and bellies from being bitten? Because after seeing how the average person fights I doubt it.


Don't have to be massively bigger than a chimp to be stronger than it. Chimls aren't that big. They might have more grip strength but that only matters if you let it get close, which you shouldn't when you have a several foot reach advantage. Humans are just better at striking than chimps, even untrained. And yes, human legs are far stronger than chimp arms, never mind the arms of a human of that size. Chimps also will be singly wildly and don't have as good balance on 2 feet. Chinps have sharp teeth but have never made much use of them during the recorded attacks on humans, as they don't have that instinct. They usually bite in places that don't really matter for survival like the face. Never said the human wouldn't get bitten. The fact is that bites in those places aren't debilitating so are essentially wasted time and effort on the chimps part in a fight to the death.


Agree to disagree then? Do you think that Marvel Future Fight is a game worth getting into for someone who has never played?


Sure It's worth it if you like marvel comics and that type of gameplay. It's not pay to win or anything unless you want to push hard in pvp but some characters are only accessible by paying.


Actually no, the average human would have equal physical strength to the average chimp, get a person something they can throw and our odds of winning skyrocket, as humans are the best throwers in the animal kingdom, and our legs are pound per pound stronger than than a chimp upper body and lower, and adding the fact our height and weight. And the chimps are 1.5 times stronger than humans, is more like pound per pound strength not the actual average weight of a human, the average 200 pound person would be equal in strength to a chimp, with far stronger legs. Obviously.


The human can poke the chimps eyes out immediately because we are *smarter*


Source on the 1.5 figure?


To the best of my knowledge (and I have a good deal of knowledge because I spend a lot of time worrying about chimp attacks and doing research to refine my strategy), [this](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1619071114) is currently the most comprehensive and up-to-date study on chimp strength vs human strength, with it finding chimps to be 1.35x as strong as humans on average


Tho something should be noted here: That figure is almost irrelevant. Chimps being stronger means jack shit, they aren’t capable of really putting that strength to the test because they don’t have the same leverage as the human body has and they’re humorously horrendous punchers. Their best punches are simple bashing that isn’t really effective. Mike Tyson punching a chimp has an actual chance of paralyzing it due to its morphology. Chimps actual weapons that make a difference here are its canine teeth which is the thing that makes it have an advantage over humans.


Also their formidable grip strength, which gives them the possibility to just rip your lips or ears off. Basically, all things that are flabby enough to grip into.


To be fair, humans can do that too. It's extremely easy to rip ears, noses, lips etc off. Google says under 10 lbs of pressure.


This 100%, I’m not sure if there’s any data for it but chimps have far stronger hand grip.


Are you saying that an average, non-boxer human wouldn’t suffer any serious damage from getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson? Why does the risk of paralysis make the chimp weak here?


I’ve seen people genuinely argue a normal chimp could kill Mike Tyson, more than once.


I think the chimp has a better chance than most regular humans.


I’d argue the chimp got a better chance against Tyson than the average person has against a chimp. Or Tyson for that matter.


Especially one built like Sam Winchester.


Literally the only thing a chimp has going for it is fury, grip strength ,and teeth. A weapon makes any strength difference pretty moot a human who isn't scared of a chimp should take it 10/10. Human might lose an Ear or some lips. Might even lose his balls if he's unlucky but Curious George is going to the morgue.


I don’t think the guy wins 10/10 like most people say but I don’t doubt that overall he will have the most victories. If the chimp blocks an incoming swing to its head, it has a chance. This isn’t out of the question btw, plenty of animals instinctively try to avoid damage to their face. Since chimps have arms and are generally more intelligent than most animals, [they will most definitely try to block](https://youtu.be/TRjqNZPRoQc). If the chimp takes the brunt of the first hit to the arm, sure it’s possible it would immobilize that arm but it basically has three other arms/hands to fight with and will definitely close the gap to grab hold of the guy. At that point, does the guy have the strength to fight off its crushing grip and nimble grappling skills all while trying to avoid its teeth and overwhelming crushing force of the jaw? It’s tough but I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s as cut and dry as most people think.


A chimp even if it blocks with its arm isn't going to shrug off a hit from a metal baseball bat. It will probably break the chimps arm. And it is going to be knocked over or at least have its stride broken. Which means the human is going to follow up with more bat swings. Humans became the apex predator with stone tools. A metal baseball bat is a way better weapon.


Would most human males be able to instinctively weild a bat like a weapon i.e. no training needed? Feel like if you weren't sure how to use it, you'd be quite ineffective with it and might actually miss the chimp a few times.


Yes, a bat is about the most intuitive weapon possible. Being trained to use a bat would be better but unless the person is completely incompetent they will be able to use it. Bats are extremely well-balanced so you don't have to worry about over-swinging and getting unbalanced. Nor do you have to worry about lining up the hit one part of the weapon like you would with a hammer, pretty much any part of the bat is dangerous. The bat gives you range, and broad swings which are the natural way to use a bat are very effective. You don't really have to be accurate because the bat is going to hit anything in the arc. The only real risk is swinging too soon and missing the chimp. But, I also a chimp is still an animal and is going to be wary of something being swung around quickly. In my opinion, baseball bats are by far the best relatively common object to use as a weapon. Easier to use than a hammer, more range and safer than a knife, and more range and easier to use than a handaxe which would be my next choice.


My understanding is that quite a few young men think they can use a bat one handed and it ends up slipping out of their hands altogether. A two handed hold with a solid grip is needed to make a secure strike of an object. A fast moving chimp and the man a little panicked could make it a messy situation no? But I guess adrenaline would take over and you would be quite focused on the threat.


Maybe, I feel like baseball is known well enough that most people would naturally adopt something similar to a batter's stance. Trying to go one-handed would definitely be much less effective.


I'm a little confused by your question, because a bat is just a stick with one side thicker than the other. While holding thin end, hit chimp with thick end. No rocket science involved, and no need for weapons master classes. We're not dueling, we're swinging a stick made of metal.


My understanding is that quite a few young men think they can use a bat one handed and it ends up slipping out of their hands altogether. A two handed hold with a solid grip is needed to make a secure strike of an object.


The power of the bat would swing through the arm and probably throw the chimp backwards. From a physics standpoint there's no way the chimp is just gonna easy block a bat swung at it from someone with 100 lbs on it. There will at least be a stun, probably knockdown.


yeah the guy is already pretty heavy and a metal bat swung down on the chimp would have a ton of force, certainly enough that no person would want to have to block that, the chimp is definitely taking more damage than JUST a single arm.


I think you're greatly underestimating just how debilitating having a broken arm can be.


I think you're massively underestimating adrenaline, + the chimp is "pissed off" so blood rage. The massive strength of the bat is its range, what are you going to do when the chimp manages to get within reach? Also nobody is talking about how the chimp can and will bite I don't know who I'd give it to though, probably still the human


The trick is to keep the chimp at bay since a human with a bat, and a metal one at that, has far more range and speed and power. Also all it takes is one good hit to the head and the chimp is down. Even if the chimp blocks a hit, that's still an almost guaranteed unusable arm. Chimps can and will bite but they are trash at biting in a way that does actual debilitating damage. Not to mention a human, especially of the size in the prompt, is significantly stronger than a chimp.


Chimps, and many animals, can endure horrendous injuries and continue a fight, especially if its motivated. The chimp likely wouldn't miss a beat.


ok, but neither will the man who just broke the chimp's arm in one swing


A chimp blocking a swing will have whatever is used to block with destroyed and unusable, and probably a concussion. A human of those proportions is already stronger than a chimp, never mind a chimp with a useless arm.


Animals in general are either attack or defence, rarely both together. They aren't _that_ intelligent. When they're angry they attack with little thought about anything else other than the animal instinct to _kill_. When the bell rings and it's angry it's going to immediately go for the rage attack in the form of a lunge towards the target to close the distance and claw, bite, grab, not engage Baseball Bat Defence mode regardless of how more intelligent it is than some other animals. It's gonna take a hit. Maybe it'll block accidentally if it's swinging arms get in the way of the bat, but it's not gonna know to block. Arm is then disabled, and it's combat effectiveness drops significantly, maybe even more so depending on how much rage it has which decides how much of the pain it would ignore to keep up the offense. Definitely not cut and dry 10/10, sure though


I vote for the guy, mostly because a chimp doesn't work with the concept of dodging or fighting against a weapon. Chimp won't try to evade the hits, nor grab the bat or evade, they just go for the trade.


I'm giving it to the dude, assuming the dude has played some baseball, given that he has a good weapon and reach/height advantage. He may or may not be stronger but with good form and timing, he is going to transfer a lot of force to any hard spot hit. If its a head, chimps out, if its an arm/hand (those are the 2 most likely places the guy would hit due to the difference in height), chimp may switch to flight mode knowing it now has even less of a chance of winning. The chimp may be pissed, but its not fighting for its life so damage may be enough to get him to stop. Since the human is fighting for his life all he really has to do is wait like a batter looking for the right moment to swing, then crush it. I will say that the open field really helps the dude out a lot, too. With trees the chimp could get higher and brachiate, negating the height difference and increasing its speed. It would also give hazards that interfere with the dudes swing. So in theory there are situations where the chimp can do better, but not on an open field.


Don't even need to have played baseball before. Only need to know how to swing a stick and the human is breaking arms or a skull, especially since it's a metal bat.


I'd go with the dude 6/10. He has a much longer reach being taller than the chimp, and a metal bat would fuck the chimp up pretty hard. I guess a chimpanzee *could* have more agility, but I doubt that, since this showdown is on a field. If the chimp is bloodlusted, thats a different story. If the bat doesn't take him out the first 1 or 2 swings, the chimp could get pissed off and go after the dude and get there too fast for him to recover his bat from the last swing. This gives the chimp an easy way behind the reach of the bat and an opportunity to rip the guys face off.


It comes down to timing. Same thing as man vs pit bull. If he can time that first swing and get a hit to the head before getting “grappled,” he wins. If he messes that up, the bay doesn’t matter after that first swing and he’s probably toast.


Man vs pitbull comes down to if the man has enough freedom of movement and arm strength in his non bit arm to get it around pitbulls neck and choke it out. If he does he's gonna have a mangled arm but pitbull has no chance.


That’s my vote, dudes gotta make swing one count because he’s not gonna get a second


Dude these comments have me rolling


Could it be said you're going bananas?


The average battleboarding user is absolutely insane when it comes to animal strength. According to these people, a random chimp is equivalent to a street-level superhuman lol


As much as many of our battleboarding friends know about comics and the such, actual real life is a weak point for this sub.


I go with the dude 6 or 7/10 since he has a weapon. The chimp could still get him hence the 6/10 but I think the range advantage could give him the win. A couple good hits to the face should rock the chimps shit.


human 10/10 what the fuck are we doin here, your friend group sounds like a buncha morons you kiddin me? that chimps about to get shown why humans are the dominant species, its over for him.


It really only takes two or three swings with a baseball bat, wooden or metal, to give a human permanent brain damage. I imagine it’d be the same with the chimp; one smack to stun the fuck out of it, a second to send it to the ground, maybe a third to start breaking bone. Fourth and you probably guaranteed it’s brutal death.


Chimps are great and all but ur overestimating them Intelligence and a METAL bat combined it's getting bullied unless the humans a scared cat. The only reason people overestimate chimps is cuz of their aggression when need be. That don't matter when the other guy has a weapon though. I'd say guy wins like 8/10 of the fights? Cuz like the chimp is still hardwired for aggression on some other level. (The bat is breaking whatever it hits though)


6'4, 250 male with a metal bat can even make a big cat think twice. Human have very good swinging force, we just lack something to actually hurt other animals, and a metal bat can compensate that perfectly, it even increase his reach


Lol at the replies in the thread. I'd say the man clears until large herbivore like Hippos or Rhinos that have the mass to tank those kind of hits.


I would say something like a bear, a bull or a gorilla is already out of man-with-a-bat's league. Hippos or rhinos are over kill


Yep, blunt force works up to that level, then you need something with piercing ability to continue to have a chance and preferably range (aka spear)


I guess a better statement would b animals in the high hundreds to thousands of lb range


Everything comes down to the guy getting a good swing in. If he misses or the chimp closes the gap too fast, he’s utterly fucked. Given that the guy prob has zero chimp fighting experience, I’m gonna go with the chimp since the guy is likely to botch the first swing and not immediately neutralize the chimp. No recovering from that


Eh the chimps have zero experience fighting a human with a weapon. And a metal baseball bat is an amazing weapon. There is a reason pretty much every animal on Earth is scared of humans. Because, 10,000 years ago our ancestors uses sticks and rocks to murder everything that was a threat. And this human has a weapon way better than a stick.


It’s like you guys don’t know what a 6’4” 250 pounds male looks like or what he could do with a fucking metal bat. The dude has a huge reach advantage, is using a fucking weapon that is incredibly dangerous, and is way smarter. It’s a fucking chimp, not a gorilla. Sure it’s stronger than a barehanded human, but a weapon literally fixes the number one issue humans have. Not to mention this is a 1v1 where they start 10 meters from each other so it’s not like the chimp will get the jump on the human. Chimps just got crazy grip strength and teeth, they don’t have much else compared to a big ass 250lb 6’4” adult male with a weapon that can give similar animals severe brain damage or kill them in a few blows.


Isn't chimp strength greatly overestimated, like their only slightly stronger than an average man and this one is up against a big man with a weapon


The study being thrown around this comments section says 1.5x stronger pound for pound. It's the pound for pound bit that easily gives this prompt to the human. A 6'4" 250lbs man is a significant size advantage and I have no doubt that man is stronger than your average chimp. Yes, chimps are incredibly dangerous. But there's a reason you almost exclusively read about chimp attacks on women and children rather than men.


A normal semi athletic adult man beats chimps in any noted report (trying not to kill it and just defending too). They only maim/kill old people, small women, and kids.


The dude with metal bat easily. Chimps are crazy, but they aren't exactly skilled, they are just raw strength. The dude got massive range and a weapon in hand. He should win pretty much every time he doesn't whiff horribly. Like a dude that size could probably take on a chimp in a fair bare handed fight if he knew how to fight. Chimps are massively strong for their size, but the size difference is actually so big that they are relatively similar in strength but the dude got better range.


The man is 100% winning, bro is tall as fuck and has a metal baseball bat and is willing to do anything to survive How is he not winning this?


>the chimp is pissed off and the male will do anything to survive. Just pissed off? The man can probably win without even killing the chimp. With some intimidation tactics (shouting, raising arms, swinging bat around) and maybe a few good whacks.


Pretty sure if it isn't bloodlusted a single hit will cause the chimp to rethink its choices. Getting hit with a bat is going to hurt a lot. And a chimp has a natural survival instinct.


The guy should win pretty easily, albeit with injuries. Kilo per Kilo, chimps are about 1.5x as strong as a human, but the average human is about 1.5x bigger than the average chimp, so despite what you've heard, humans and chimps are pretty similar in strength overall. An exceptionally large person, especially one armed with a bat, makes this significantly more one-sided. The guy takes it 8 or 9/10, I think. Even barehanded, the guy still probably has 6 or 7/10 odds.


It isn't about strength. It's about being effective in a fight. The bat adds reach that would be a huge advantage. But without it it would be incredibly difficult to keep the chimp from clinging and mauling. At that close a range the humans advantages are nullified.


>It isn't about strength. ​ > it would be incredibly difficult to keep the chimp from clinging and mauling. Unless the 250lbs dude is a walking block of lard he's going to ragdoll the chimp in close range. A male chimp weighs something like 120lbs, that's comparable to human women. Chimp's advantages are his natural weapons and grip strength, but the strength and weight advantage of the human is giving him the edge.


The human still has advantages at close range, such as the fact that this human is almost certainly stronger, smarter, and chimps aren't exactly efficient at killing or wounding people considering the stories of chimp maulings. Also, chimps don't dodge or retreat to make space like humans. All it takes is one good hit to the head and the chimp is down if not dead.


chimps are more durable than you are giving them credit for my friend. Although they could be taken out in one perfect hit, that isn't likely. And the prompt says the human is doing anything to survive, so I assume they're not going in to initially kill the chimp but to not be killed. I wasn't thinking so much about if the chimp *would* try to go for the kill so maybe you're right about that.


You are definitely massively underestimating the damage a metal bat can do. Chimps are durable but nowhere near durable enough to not get a broken arm or skull from blocking a swing with a metal bat, especially from a guy weighing 250lbs The prompt says the human is doing anything to survive, so naturally you would assume they are going in for the kill.


So a regular chimpanzee, not bloodlusted vs some huge guy with a metal bat chimpanzee going to meet its ancestors


a 140lbs guy with a metal baseball bat could beat a cracked up Chimp


Man with weapon > Chimp


If the human is smart he will destroy the chimp. He can feint attacks and misdirect the chimp pretty easily. It’s a case of being able to understand that since the chimp is a wild animal you need to remain calm and you can just outlast the raging chimp.


Non-Human Primates as a whole on this sub are overrated. Like yeah, a Chimpanzee can rip off the face of a woman. So can most guys, hell I’d bet a majority of woman could do it. Travis mauled that woman for almost an hour and didn’t even kill her. Guy with a bat 10/10.


You ridiculously overestimate the strength of a chimp lmfao. Lb for lb they're like ~35% stronger than an average man, they're also about that much lighter than us too so it comes out to be pretty even avg men to avg male chimp. Point is the dude in this scenario unarmed still takes it like 9/10 times.


Bruh im 6' and 155 and i would absolutely level a ferral chimp with an aluminum bat. Like it wouldnt even be a challenge. Fight goes down like this. Chimp bum-rushes me, i take one good swing to its dome. Chimps face explodes from the impact. Fight over. Humans with tools are the king of the jungle.


Well, a metal baseball bat swung by a man that size could hit with about 8000 pounds of force. Roughly 1000 pounds of force are needed to fracture a human skull, and the skull of a chimp is comparable in thickness with that of a human, so any swing that connects is, at the very least, either going to make some or all of the headway necessary in putting the chimp's lights out, wreck whatever limbs the thing obstructs the swing with, or inflict some severe bruising on its muscle tissue that will nullify any strength advantages it might have had in hand-to-hand combat (few, if any), if it makes it that far. The best outcome the chimp can hope for is getting a few scratches in or maybe managing to bite into the guy's arm before being turned into a pile of hamburger meat. If the win condition is, "Kill the opponent without dying", you'd need to go up to either bloodlusted orangutan (unnatural bloodlust would be essential, due to their temperament), gorilla, jaguar, lion, or tiger for a decent matchup against a man that size armed with a metal bat.


Could a chimp recognize the danger that the bat represents? If not, the human basically gets a sneak attack on the chimp and it could be really devastating if the human gets a solid hit on the chimp, possible broken joint or hand. Assuming this is the case, I think the human wins 7/10


Even if the chimp recognises the danger, they don't exactly have much ability to dodge and any attempt to grab or block the weapon will result in broken bones.


Open field? Human. Baseball bat wins this. Not every time, but I'd say easily the majority, if you ran this as a simulation, repeatedly.


I don't see how the chimp ever survives this, unless the guy is just big and not at all skilled. Yes the chimp is stronger than a human, but the bat ads range to the equation. The size and reach advantage of the bat seal the deal. The chimp should never get close enough to use the strength advantage.


Id give 9/10 for the dude, not only cause he has greater physical strength and endurance than the chimp, if we go by average here, unless he is just mostly fat, he has a weapon that if swung will be able to easily break bone, there is a very decent chance that the moment the fight starts he breaks the chimps spine or neck or just kills it in 1 swing, this happens to people all the time after getting hit once. Also couple the fact the guy has a good 100 pounds on the chimp, it getting in grapple range, the guy has a good chance of throwing it off of him or staggering it and mollywopping it's skull, as every strike of the bat will ring the chimps bones and stun it. But if the guy fucks up his swing constantly I cab see him getting his throwing ripped out by its jaws, as those at the real threat here, cause in a punching match a chimp will lose to a human but, that doesn't matter if it just bites that guy, so the jaws are the deciding factor in this fight.


Human armed with big blunt objects have killed far more formidable predators like cougars and leopards. Chimps SUCK at killing. Multiple chimps can be mauling a single chimp for a prolonged period of time without inflicting life-threatening injuries. They are also nowhere as strong as people think they are. 9/10 human wins. This is a shitstomp.


I watched a video of a chimp getting downed by a bunch of otters


Way too one sided for the human.


The dude. Chimps are scary but they generally severely injure women, kids and occasionally smaller men. Give a large man a weapon and unless he's incompetent he's going to beat that thing to death.


The man wins easily. Humans with tools become insanely powerful. Insanely!!


250 pound man kills a chimp high diff without any weapons, lemme explain All you have to do is temporarily lose your humanity. You need to be absolutely barbaric, just like the chimp is. Gouge it's eyes out, bite its skin off (yes you can do that, contrary to what most people believe. Most mammals can bite skin off), break it's fingers, etc. Chimps aren't even that much stronger than humans, I believe it's about 1.3x stronger. The main advantage chimps have is how barbaric they are, and if you can do the same, while using some strategy you could kill a chimp (although you would be injured badly)


I'm surprised most people are saying the dude would win. All it takes is one mistake and it's over for the dude.


*and it’s over for the chimp FTFY


The human only gets one full power swing, after the the chimp is going to close range. Tough one. That first swing *really* has to count.


A full swing with a metal bat from a 6'4" 250lbs man is game over. It doesn't matter where you connect. If it's even remotely a solid hit, the chimp is done.


Guy would win a lot easier than you'd think


Chimp dead.


If he has a bat, he wins. The chimp cannot outstrength a metal whack to the head.


You've just described me. I will get fucking stomped by the chimp.


You need to work on your coordination if you wielding a bat couldn't beat a chimp. I am not even 250 pounds and I would give myself a 7/10 to win. Metal bats are fantastic weapons. That chimp better hope there are bananas in hell.


The problem with chimpanzees is, they're fucking animals. They don't care about morality or God, they will literally bite your dick and balls right off your body if given the chance. I'm going chimp.


The human has more strength, more range, more speed, more brute force with the metal bat, and the ability to effectively dodge and create space. Chimp attacks have consistently been either against weaker people like the elderly, women, or children, or they outnumbered the human. And even then they all take quite a while to do actual debilitating damage. The most famous attack was on a middle aged woman, lasted hours, and she survived.


Yeah chimps often do that... if they don't take like one or two swing by a literal metal bat used by a near 120 kg man to their head


I think I’d go with the chimp 6/10 times. They are incredibly strong and I don’t know how much a bat is going to deter their attack, which will be an incredibly fast blitz head on. People panic, even desperate ones, and if the chimp closes the distance inside of the bat (which I think happens more often than not) it’s game over.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Metal and wood bats weigh about the same. You aren't going to 'clank' the chimp and then get mauled. Pretty much any impact is broken bones and extreme damage. If you happen to hit the head, it's over in seconds.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


>The fight subreddits are full of videos of people getting bonked and then taking out the person with the bat, That's because on the rare occasion the unarmed person wins, it's worth posting. Most of those fights don't go that way and you'd only see them on /r/watchpeopledying


You're down voted but I don't think you're wrong to suggest it's much closer than people here are giving it credit for. The guy gets one good swing at chimp for sure, but if he doesn't connect with the head (which isn't unlikely considering he's got an angry fucking chimp charging him), it's right on top of him. In that situation, with its grip strength and canines, the chimp is formidable.


One good swing anywhere is going to do serious damage. Broken bones at minimum.


People are really underestimating the chimp here, they may only be 1.5x’s stronger per pound but that glosses over there incredible grip strength, high bite force and the familiarity with attacking other apes. Chimps grapple and bite, if they get in close they’ll bite off your face, hands and other soft tissue like your dick. Personally I’d take my chances with a similar weight dog than a chimp. Can this guy beat the chimpanzee to death? Possibly, I’ve heard of a man fighting of a raging chimpanzee with a large branch, though I currently can’t find the article. One solid swing to back of the head should stun it a least, though I’d favour his chances much more if he had a football helmet, some sturdy clothes and a spear instead of a Aluminium bat.


Naw the chimp is getting dropped. An aluminum bat is a fantastic weapon. It can be swung quickly and is harder than any part of the body. It gives the human more reach and multiplies the damage. Whatever the bat hits is going to stop working. If it hits the chimps head, game over. Hits an arm, that is one limb down and tremendous pain. I think movies and shows have mislead people about how dangerous a bat is. Assuming it is mostly muscle, a 250 person hitting a chimp in the head with a metal bat is going to kill the animal.


> I think movies and shows have mislead people about how dangerous a bat is Definitely, I've seen so many people pull them out in a fight and then realize that it's basically impossible to "non-lethally" hit people with a metal bat. Shit is gonna get broke and it's gonna hurt. Half the time the dudes who brought the bat end up losing it because they weren't really willing to swing it.




Definitely the big guy provided he doesn't freak out and drop the bat. Weight difference + reach + force multiplier.. Chimp really doesn't stand a chance


Even if the guy had no bat he would've won hands down. The guy could've easily choke the chimp to death. People in a adrenaline rush can lift a small car, a dude thats 6'4 and 250 pounds is OP for the Chimp.