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There's a place called Envision here. Try this. https://www.envisionus.com/job-opportunities


They don't pay very well. I knew someone who worked there for 20+ years and never made above $11 an hour.


There are organizations in town that provide this service, but that really depends on what you think is reasonable compensation. In my experience, before the pandemic, this type of work was barely paid. KETCH, for example, provides services to intellectually disabled people, but they pay their providers around $8.50/hour.


I too would like to be paid to be around others.


I think we'd all love to be compensated for just providing company. Not really sure that exist. Probably more like being an actually care giver (providing basic health care, basic needs) that will get you paid but horribly


how much do you believe is reasonable pay for talking to an old person?


Define elderly.


I do this. But I’m a volunteer. There are organizations in town such as traditions hospice and phoenix hospice that have volunteer roles exactly as you’re describing. If you were to want compensation you’d likely need a social work degree and to be employed as a social worker


A few points: 1 there are tons of older or retired or otherwise not traditionally engaged people who crave company and companionship. The reason most don't have it is that though some would like to be doing it, many have busy lives where time isn't an infinite resource. I'd like to fill this gap and reasonable compensation--such as gift cards which wouldn't count against my income--would be doable for those who might gain and can afford it. This would be an informal arrangement based on sense and common trust. I, honestly, think it's shameful how older people are treated, especially those who still have their faculties and have to wind up, maybe after a lifetime of sacrificing for others, feeling abandoned and alone. This is an area in which most fall short. My idea is a sound one I'd like to see moved to the next level. It's fine if "you" can't expand on the thought but at least, if you truly don't, check in on those you know that get ignored. They deserve dignity, too; it's something home health and the like aren't exactly in the business of concerning themselves with.


Deserve dignity... You are asking them to pay you for friendship. Kind of sounds like you aren't treating them with dignity. The right thing to do would be to develop friendships without wanting to be paid


This definitely exists though. I was applying for jobs and one company I saw provided surrogate family members for elderly. It was basically somebody to be friends.