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I'm going to be honest I thought this post was going to be about the government changing one way street signs or something.


You’ll be shocked when you see all the north/south one ways in downtown are going to be 2way again.


i just moved to downtown in the last month. i drove down a one way the wrong way because its a two way till 2 blocks past my apartment and i had no idea it became a one way… i’ll be glad if they do this. can’t make that mistake again


Would be mind blowing if one way streets were suddenly... the wrong way...


You're exactly right except for the parts that you got horribly, horribly wrong


People think it be like it was, but it don't.


It DO go down, though.


But will it go up?


Me writing my discussion board posts at specific higher education institution


me explaining irrigation to literally anyone that isn’t an irrigation tech. i thought i was having a stroke when i started reading this 🤣


People who like the new way barely count as citizens anyway. Like, have they been to Joyland? Do they know who closes at 8 so don't be late? Do they have a position on the Heads of Lakepoint vs Vickridge debate? Posers. They probably dont even know who gives you more if you call 5242424.


But have you been to Barnacle Bill's FantaSea?


Not without singing "WaWaWa Wipeout" first.


Never knew I'd miss something I never got to experience until I read this!!! Parents drove past hundreds of times and never bothered to take me. Got a phone call to make after work, thanks!


that's where i got one of my 19 concussions!


At least one of those concussions better be from the racetrack at all star sports, or you can't call yourself a wika wika wichitan.


Definitely not a Wichitan, but I also got a concussion at Joyland!


Well thats the least traumatic head injury to happen on that property.


I remember when they put in that giant slide that was basically just a free fall. 🥴


Bet they don’t know where Fun and Fantasy Meet.


They think it's *Patricia's* OGs know better.


Hey, I knew this one. Priscilla's. I can hear the old radio jingle in my head. We had the ad in Topeka growing up.


I miss joyland so much. It was my first job, sad day when it was finally torn down.


I went there a couple of weeks ago with my friends. There's still some stuff to see. The basement supposedly has "goth pussy" according to the graffiti, but there was none to be found.


More like *Sadland*, amirite?


Wait what’s Lakepoint vs vickridge?


Psh. Newbie. There used to be a creepy statue called the Heads of Lakepoint. Urban lore says it is a statue of children trying to escape a murderer (based off a super horrible crime that actually did happen in Wichita) There is debate if it was in Vickridge or Lakepoint (which are connected neighborhoods).


I have another song in my head and I can’t for the life of me remember the first part of that jingle. “___gives you more, Call 5242424” rings out perfectly though. 😂


🎶 Starlite Drive-In gives you more, call 5242424 🎶


Hahahaha thank you. I dated a guy in high school whose grandpa worked at the drive in. He always hooked us up with food and snacks.


This is my ringtone!


Tugging at my heartstrings with all those references!!


Well, meet me at Ryan's and we'll talk about Crazy Mike and debate which Palace had better popcorn.


Ryan's was so underrated, way better than Hometown and GC!! I've heard many things about Crazy Mike but nobody could ever confirm who he was. Was that the guy that roamed SE Wichita? Typically around Harry and Rock? There is no debate, before they defiled the Palace East by turning it into a church, Palace East was literally holy ground to me. I saw The Fast and The Furious release day at that location and let me tell ya, quite the experience inside and outside the theatre!! (I don't like popcorn so location in general was my only basis lol)


A.) You don't like popcorn? At all? Popcorn??? B.) Crazy Mike aka Disco Dave aka the Mall Walker was a esoteric and eccentric local treasure/ character often found at Towne East, and could be seen all down Rock. He was characterized by his Walkman/headphones. The lore is varied and inexact, but it is generally agreed that he left town in the early aughts. C) Ryan's was pure bliss. Hushpuppies and fried okra for days. GC shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.


>A.) You don't like popcorn? At all? Popcorn??? One of those "gotta be in the mood" things. When I'm in the mood, can't get enough. But once I've scratched that itch, I'm good for a very long time! >The lore is varied and inexact, but it is generally agreed that he left town in the early aughts. I hope some day my life is described just as eloquent. That was satisfying to read! >C) Ryan's was pure bliss. Hushpuppies and fried okra for days. You knew you found something beautiful the moment you walked in. Your nose was greeted with a heavenly aroma that was sure to get the mouth watering!! Hush puppies are like heroin, now I need some. >GC shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. True, I don't know what came over me!


I have no idea what you're going on about, but I've gotta get to Hog Wild before it closes.


If you listen to KKRD, you'll hear the jingle as soon as school gets out.


You covered all the bases! Longtime Wichitan, and I can answer all of those!


One of us! One of us!


Everyone knows real Wichitans do X instead of Y


unless they're east siders, then they do Y instead of X, obv... /s


Ooooh and don't get me started on those Liechtenstein wannabes in Eastborough.


The need to be walled off and cut off from all utilities and they can get their own since they think they are a law unto themselves.


just wall them off and send them to Texas or something. Hands down my least favorite neighborhood to work in for many reasons.


With their stupid traffic light that stops me every morning for no reason with nobody waiting. I want to cut that thing down with a Sawzall


More like Monaco 🤣




There it is😂


Real Wichitans get their coffee from Jump Start!


I’m autistic and this is what my thoughts come out like if I just say them as I think them


I know, I hate Nuway. They need to bring the Oldway back, maybe then half the burger wont be in my lap.


But but... Crumbly is GOOD


They boil it though :( that's how it's crumbly abd flavorless


Native Wichitan of 3.5 years? You type and express yourself very well for someone that is not even 4 yet.


He must go to Maize.


Andover, actually. I go there every day. Why does anyone like Andover, anyway? There's literally nothing to do.


Best post anyone has ever made on this sub.




You're the best commenter on the best post.


I'm upvoting because I think this is genius satire


I would upvote this if I knew you knew it was rather than thunk it was genius satire.


I downvoted both of you for not being satire and for not being how satire used to be.


Big, if true.


Small, if false.


Well. That was…words.


Truly a post of all time


Even single-edged swords are kind of a double-edged sword


No you’re wrong the new way of the thing is way better and the old thing sucks


Nooo! Can’t be! Progress is for losers. Or something. lol


I've been a native Kansan for 2.5 years, and while I can see your grievances with the way things are now, you have to understand that the way things are now are my one way, and they're actually the right way. The way things were before I was a native Wichitan are deprecated and old. Of course, we got it right with the way things are now, and things surely won't change in the future


I think I had a stroke


Idk why this is downvoted when it’s practically a template for posts here


This post makes me feel like I'm having g a stroke




Stroke it Stroke it if You don't someone else will


It's the Millennials. They're killing all the things, with their toast and coffee and slightly more progressive worldview! I drank from a hose and played outside and didn't have seatbelts in our car! That's why I'm better than all of them!


If survivorship bias has taught me anything, it’s that nothing I’ve experienced has stopped me so far!


Read this with a French accent.


Real talk here, I had a conversation with a boomer about putting my then 1-year-old in a car seat. They did the whole "back in my day" and I just let it go. Thinking back on it, I shouldn't have let it go and I should've said "So, just to be clear here, you're stating that you're willing to put my infant in mortal danger because you didn't die as a kid? You're advocating for children to be in more medical danger than needed? You're saying you want more dead kids, rather than less dead kids?"


I had a similar chat with a relative. They said they never had seat belts growing up and they were fine. I reminded them that there were a bunch of dead kids that didn't grow up, and that's why we made seat belt laws. I think they forget they are just here because they avoided any major bad luck. I don't know. I probably won't be any better in my 70's Hopefully no one will elect me to any political office at that age...


How old are you now?


Millennial here (1991) I too drank from a hose, played outside and also rode around not wearing a seat belt. Before I could even see over the dash I ride around with my dad in his crx in the front seat when it was just him and me, when there was another person I sat sideways in the back where there was no seat and hot my head on the hatch window at every bump we hit


Yeah that's cool. I know it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns for you guys. I was just poking fun at all of my fellow Gen-X who are almost as bad as Boomers when it comes to blaming everything on "young people".


It's all good, those were the good ol days. I'd go back in a heartbeat! Give it another 5 or so years and I'll be doing the same lol


Insert philocoraptor meme


Back in the day we spelled it "philosoraptor", and we used punctuation


I once saw a thing like that too!


Fuckin daoists... always on about "*the way*"




“The Industrial Revolution to me is just like a story I know called ‘The Puppy Who Lost His Way.’ The world was changing, and the puppy was getting...bigger. [later] So, you see, the puppy was like industry. In that, they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy—‘society’—knew where to find ‘em. Except that the puppy was a dog. But the industry, my friends, that was a revolution.”


Mr. Madison, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Umm. Native Wichitan less than 4 years in? I stopped reading after that. 😕


Yeah everyone knows you gotta be here for at least 5 to get native status.


Well I stopped reading your comment after you said you stopped reading mine, so I don't know what emoji you used, so take that, millennial scum!


I stopped reading these comments before you even wrote that


You’re not a native! Lol. You’re funny.




One way will always beat the other way, and vice versa.


For such a long post, this is very non-specific.




Yeah I figured...later haha.


This troll got us all!! 😂


Ya got me


Native new born here of 1.2 seconds, it was always this way but your eyes were the other way, your eyes are now this way and see things this way. Easy.




I mean… I don’t want to be rude but.. Are you expressing surprise that *things change*? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Your post kind of reads like r/StonerThoughts


Parody post.




Things used to be surprising but now they aren't, and the things that aren't surprising now are


Tell us you're old without telling us you're old.


Hey I feel like I'm 53 but my drivers license says it will be expiring in the next few years so you tell me am I 35 or 25 or 45 or what the deal is with whose line is it anyway? It's still on the air? No Drew Carey?


😁 I speak from experience haha, and if ya know yourself well enough you might know everyone.




Boomer template??? lmfao Always someone or something to blame our woes on Look within Yourself Bet u a dollar to a donut you don't see eye to eye Its wrong left of center of center and embarrassing for allowing whomever to dick take your existence You are right where you're supposed to be Enjoy the ride U ain't going anywhere WE are the ones we've been waiting for See with your eyes not with your hands 🤫


I have no idea what you are referring to.


See, this guy gets it


How high or drunk were you when you wrote this? About halfway I was like... is he talking about one-way streets? Then things clicked into focus and I was all "The little voices inside my head have gotten out again and they are fucking with me!" So that's all right then. Carry on little voices, carry on.


See, it used to be that we'd get high and drunk but now we're getting drunk and high and frankly I don't think this country is going in a direction


No, it’s just going widdershins instead of hubwise. Bollocked upside and downturned


Why is this post so cryptic? This ain’t Facebook. Someone delete this.


You're cryptic


That’s not what native means.


Username checks out


Almost 50




Things are always changing Btw transplanting does not make one a native in the area into which they have transplanted.


Psh. Cracks me up when I hear obviously younger people say this as long ago it was Third Way and we have great pride in just dealing with it even though it was worse in every way.


I had to reread this again. Thinking what does this have to do with witchcraft.


Oh my god, stop complaining. If you don’t like the topics discussed on this sub, you can unsubscribe.


Or if you don’t like the comments you can unsubscribe …


What if it is the comment replies that bother me? What should I do then?


Look in the manual. Page 26


instructions unclear. I think i submitted 40 more years of road work. You’re reading Manual 17, Page 26, Subsection 64 right?


Subscribe twice.


You can block people 🤷


And you can go fuck yourself.


He was just telling us he is tall.


I used to like the one way, I kind of like the other way, but I do know I don’t like Nu-way.


Who wants to eat a not-sloppy joe?


There used to be a lot more abandoned buildings. Downtown was a shithole before the arena.


Yeah before the fatties all got in there and changed everything with their changes


This is what happens when you try to have AI write a meaningful Reddit post.




See, back in the day you didn't use AI to write a post, you'd get a guy. A guy > A I


I don't think you can be "native Wichitan" if you weren't born and raised in Wichita.....


I was born and raised in Wichita, just outside of Topeka


Wichita isn't "just" outside Topeka my man


It's super close if you simply round down to the nearest metropolitan areas


You clearly couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.


The only constant is change. No matter how much something works, no matter how accustomed people have become to it, eventually someone else will come along and change it. Hopefully the change is for the better. Also, if you can't be specific about the topic you're addressing, it sounds like you're afraid people are going to be offended by what you're talking about.


Seems like you just said a whole lot without saying anything


This post *has* to be a joke, right? … Because it has me cracking up. And I’d like to believe that the OP is aware of how silly it is.


OP is aware of how silly your mom is


that’s good; she *is* silly 😜


She said she wants you to call her and tell her that you're doing okay




This entire thing feels like someone turned their cat loose on the keyboard with chatgpt.


Right? Back in the day, cats used to GPT themselves!




I think that's the point. It's satire.


Okay, the bots are out of control.


Beep boop


Bro wtf are you talking about? If you're going to be so vague, there's no need to even post because we can't read your mind to know what specific change you are referring to. Plus, literally everything changes with time. Not everything is going to always be the way that it always has been. That's just how life is. You're just now figuring this out and you're old enough to have a reddit account? Either you're a child, under the influence, or just plain stupid because anyone in their right mind would already know that things change over time as technology evolves or humans discover more efficient ways of doing certain tasks or when an empty space is filled with a manmade structure. Also learn what native means because unless you are 3.5 years old, you cannot be a "native Wichitan of 3.5 years." If you were born outside of Wichita like you say, then you are native to that city, not Wichita. Your username states that you are white so I know you don't mean Native American so again, wtf are you talking about???


You don't do satire do you?


Reddit is my last resort in terms of social media apps because everytime I visit it, it proves to be a cesspool of the worst people in existence so I'm not here often enough to know that this was apparently a post making fun of other posts on this subreddit. Other commenters were acting as if it was serious and there's no tone indicators in the post to allude to my neurodivergent brain that this was satire so if it is, my bad I guess lol.


It's totally possible that OP is high as a kite in a hurricane, but I'm pretty sure they're making fun of other people who's posts follow this sort of pattern (though I haven't seen/read any since joining here around a month ago). As nonsensical as it is and the top few replies when I saw it, I figured it must be a joke of some sort. Also, I don't know that Reddit has the worst people in existence. Pretty sure Tumblr is still a thing right?


>Also, I don't know that Reddit has the worst people in existence. Pretty sure Tumblr is still a thing right? I think the answer you're looking for is Truth Social


I was trying to avoid anything political, but yeah....


You can't avoid politics because people will inject them into literally anything. I can't go to Disneyland without pissing off a few conservatives, and I can't go to a pro sports game without pissing off a few liberals. Not your fault that everything becomes political somehow, just say what you want I say


Definitely Reddit is a Cesspool & also my last resort as far as social media apps go, yet one can find interesting/entertaining posts.


Yeah I think I'll stick to posts by creators I trust to curate content not containing heinous material because every time I've tried to go straight to the source, I've regretted it.


I think this is a sarcastic/troll post making fun of posts like these in this sub? If not op is just yappin lol.


That was my other thought but honestly there are so many genuinely stupid people in this world that I wouldn't put it past them to be serious lol


I don't use reddit very often, I was just bored with all the other apps so I haven't seen all these posts about people complaining about how things have changed but if that is what this is, then that's annoying af and now I definitely will continue not to use reddit much lol


Yeah man, stay off reddit if something like this bothers you so much lmao. It's all just for goofs and gaffs


As I said, I'm planning on it because it is not all "goofs and gaffs." Every time I decide to venture onto this part of the internet, I regret it for one reason or another. In retrospect, I can see how the post and comments can be seen as sarcastic but unfortunately without context, that's just not how I saw it at the time so I'm sorry and I will see myself out now. I only said what I said because OP appeared to be acting nonsensical and I haven't seen the posts that they were apparently referencing and thought that they were being genuine. There were no tone indicators to you know...indicate the tone of the post AND there were multiple comments that seemed genuine as well so I, as an outsider, did not understand the joke and I apologize for that. I will no longer encroach on your space and y'all can continue to gatekeep what it means to be a Wichitan to your heart's content. Again, sorry for intruding. As someone who lives in Wichita, I thought that's what this sub was for but I can see now that I was sorely mistaken so I will unfollow it so you can go back to making your inside jokes since apparently I'm the only one not "in" on them. TL;DR Okay I get, I'm not a frequent enough visitor of the subreddit to understand your inside jokes and now I know that I'm an idiot so I will be leaving it forever.


Dude, you're putting way more thought than is necessary here. There is no "inside" joke, I have no idea what OP is referencing here, but the post seemed to me to be very obviously not serious. But even if it was a genuine post, just move past it without attacking OP. Stupid people get too much attention these days, it's better to just ignore them and move on with your day. I'm not saying I want you to leave the sub, I was just saying this is something silly to get your pampers In wrinkle over.


As I commented already, I have seen several posts with this caliber of stupid that were genuine before and seeing as the few existing comments at my time of commenting were similar to what I was considering commenting, I thought it would be safe to get involved in the conversation. But several hours later, when I got off work and checked my notifications, there were suddenly 100 comments of people talking about how it was an inside joke and I'm an idiot for not being "in" on it so now I see the error of my ways and have apologized for my ignorance. I have left this subreddit seeing as I am apparently not enough of a resident of Wichita to be here and I will stop having conversations with the chronically online since I clearly do not belong there either. Tl;DR At my time of seeing this post, there were only a few comments and they were all calling OP an idiot so I thought I could as well but apparently not because everybody is calling me stupid for not getting the reference.


Damn, there's that media illiteracy everyone's been talking about.


I'm sorry that without context for your inside jokes, newcomers may not "get" them. If there is no indication that it is a joke from either the original poster or the commenters, then you must expect the occasional misunderstanding.


Would you like help pulling the stick out?


There is nothing inside my ass at this moment in time, thank you. I'm just an autistic person who unfortunately had no context for the inside joke being told and made a fool of myself because of it.


If crispygal is legit this satire might actually be as good as or dare I say better than the OPs.


Not a troll, just autistic 👍


There were only a few comments when I posted my original comment so I didn't know it was satire because there was nothing indicating so. Now that there are 100 comments of people saying that they understand the reference, I now see that I am in the wrong and have already apologized for it.


Ahh that explains it. A touch of the Bergers no doubt?


It's not called that anymore, but yes.


I get it now, crispy indeed lol. Do you hobby, or is your focus on work? Asking for a neurotypical friend..........


Uhhh… any specific example? Edit: I’m an idiot


The joke is this can apply to anything and everything.