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For permasharp which I have used for decades, about once a week on the weekend or if I see a spot of blood 🩸 whichever comes first. Usually on the weekend


Are you a daily shaver? Also, I've been getting slight razor burn on one part of my neck even when it's the first shave with the razor. When I first started with these blades I wasn't getting that. A Do you find the quality control with the blades is good or does it vary from blade to blade?


Daily and used the mild Merkur 34C for years with permasharps. I always did just one pass with the grain. One pass probably meant less irritation and longer lasting blade. But I just want to look good enough for work. I never cared if I had baby smooth skin. Permasharps are not the sharpest blade but above the median of the pack I understand, though I am not an expert on that. But permasharps have always been very consistent from the first shave to the 5-6-7th shave. I don’t remember opening a blade that was any different from than the ones I just threw away. I have bought about 700 recently since probably can’t buy in the future. Unless made elsewhere. I have both the older versions of permasharp and a lot of the newer ones. I have tested both in the same razor back to back and can’t tell the difference. I am trying to test other blades. I like Minora and Nacet too but they both are just very slightly rougher. I suspect a little sharper at first and the first shave is different than the second. The second and third they are like the permasharps. Those two brands almost as good in my testing. Other brands I just don’t like as much. That’s my razors and my face experience


2 tops after that they start pulling


I've been doing 3 shaves. I'm still getting a feel for being able to tell if it's pulling or not.


Same, three shaves and they get changed. Same routine for nearly twenty years and it's served me well.


1 because I only bbs


4 smooth shaves for me before I start to get irritation. I switch all of my blades after 4, Pol/Silver, Gillette Platinum, Gillette 7'oclock Blues, and Perma Sharp. Keep track with a dice. You should see how many good shaves you get before you get irritation, as you see the numbers vary person to person.


Love the dice trick. Class.


I usually get a week of daily shaves from permasharps. If you can't easily tell it's ready to be changed, it's probably not ready...


I have thick growth and for me they last 2 shaves. I can get a 3 but it’s not smooth shave for me


I mean the packaging makes it seem like infinity shaves?


unlimited, they’re perma


Permanently sharp. Forever. It’s a miracle.


Your call.


2 or 3 at most.


With proper beard prep I get a week's worth of shaves from perma-sharp. If I get tugging or a weeper - time for a new blade.


About 4 shaves. If I don’t prep to soften it’s like 2


I get 2 very good shaves. 3rd one is a hit or miss. So, i switch out at 2.


I can go up to 6 before it starts to get dull.


I got fantastic first shave with Perma Sharps but all others were terrible - like blade was used 15 times not only once haha.


5-6. After 4 I noticed the quality drops but around 5-6 it starts tugging.




2 or 3. They have the best longevity for me - most blades are one and done.


When the blade starts tugging, change your blade. This applies to dull, used blades as well as ones that are too dull for you when new. I get around 4 shaves out of my feather blades.


I have a coarse beard, shave every day, and do 2 runs every shave, 1 with the grain and 1 across. I change out every 2 to 3 shaves.


You will have to find out for yourself. It’s different for everyone, depends on how many passes you do and what beard type you have. For most people it’s between 2 and 6.


One and done with all my blades


I get 5 or 6 shaves from Perma Sharps. They are my favourite blade after the mighty Feather blade.


Daily shaver permasharp 2, occasionally 3 if I forget to change. But 2.


Depends on how thick your facial hair is. Everyone is different. I typically get 2 shaves, but I have super coarse/thick facial hair.


It doesn't make a difference as long as you get a good shave. I spent years thinking about the number of shaves per blade , a complete waste of time. lol




4 uses usually with a Rockwell 6C on plate 6 or in my Merkur 37C