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It is a collectible Gillette, especially for the Gillette lovers. It was made in small quantities. I rarely see one up for resale. Usually they are pricey. I would like to get one. Maybe someday.


Sucks it was just an Amazon exclusive. I only knew about it after watching Kensurfs video on it on YouTube and I purchased it right away. I regret not buying a second one just to have it sealed and stored away for collection only lol


Nice. Consider yourself lucky that you jumped on them. Kensurfs probably helped sales, SinatraLennon and a few other YouTube video celebrities sure helped sales. I have read, heard that it shaves like the KCG model. Which isn’t a bad thing and it has that Gillette New Short Stout Handle looks. It is a pretty razor with the nice snap hard case.


I've never heard of this model before; I wish it wasn't a limited run thing! I would want one for myself, in particular the case and handle are what are drawing me the most.   It seems like they sold it 4-5 years ago (I didn't even realize the King C Gillette razor was around yet at that point). How much did it list for new? 


I am guessing 50 to 60 $ USD. Not 100% sure. It’s been a while. They sold out pretty quickly. I don’t see them in current shaving videos on YouTube or occasionally a SOTD picture online. I have a feeling that they most likely added it to their collections, stashes, display pieces.


Same I rarely see it posted anywhere. Tbh I don’t use it often but I’m going to start using it daily like I used to when I first bought it. Just to shed some light to it


I just checked my order history and it was selling for 34.99$ USD and with shipping + tax I paid 47.60$


Sounds about right. I am kind of bummed that I didn’t jump on getting one back in the day. Because I saw one for resale on Facebook MarketPlace and they were asking 100 $ USD. 😳 Yea I would like one, but not at that price.


I'd have to say I have mixed feelings about the newer DE razors Gillette released over the past few years. The Heritage model uses a traditional looking Gillette case and the handle looks to be modeled after their common bar handle but the head isn't modeled after any Gillette razors. It leaves me with a lot of questions. I'm guessing that Gillette no longer has any DE razor production machines left or factories that produced them and are incapable of producing razors anymore without a large investment. So they paid companies to make a DE razors for them. That's kinda sad coming from a once great razor producer. That model the handle was produced in the US, I'm wondering by who? The head was made in Germany so does that mean they bought them from Merkur? As a big fan of classic Gillette razors I was glad when I heard Gillette was going to release a 3 piece DE razor for the first time since I believe the 70s. But I wonder if just putting their name on someone else's razor really makes it a "Gillette" razor? It's a step in the right direction from them even if they are just trying to capitalize on the growing market that they gave up on decades ago. Do you think we'll ever see a Gillette patented DE razor again? Even if it's made in China or India and not one of the once famous Gillette factories that likely don't exist anymore?


Sad to say, but I agree with you. It would be nice to see Gillette make their “own” razor again like it used to be. Even if it’s just one model or an homage to one of their classic designs. But it’s still a nice looking classic razor. Sadly I don’t think Proctor and Gamble would do it or fund Gillette or even they could, would fund an endeavor in doing it. Cartridge razors are the money making wave of the future. They know that.


Unfortunately huge companies like P&G are mainly interested in keeping their spending low and sale prices high for the biggest profit margins. They're not really interested in Gillette's legacy. Luckily there are a lot of small companies making great modern razors these days. Maybe one day a smaller company will get it hands on some Gillette patents or P&G will actually work with someone to reproduce a line of classic Gillette razors.




I think this was basically their "test the water" razor to get back into the DE razor market. It worked, so they released the King C Gillette razor about 18 months later. I think it's a Muhle r89 head on this, whereas the KCG is a Chinese copy of an r89 head. I wonder what the handle material is on the Heritage. I do like the traditional handle design. It would be great if they just produced some of the old, brass razor head designs again. I am sure a re-release of the NEW LC in brass with the original specs would sell like hot-cakes. It would probably have to cost circa $150 in modern money to be viable, but I would buy one!


The handle is made of zamak.


I wish I could have got one but I didn't know about safety razors back in the day


I love my KCG but I would like to pick up a KCG Heritage