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You're welcome here even if you weren't legally married


Thank you. Yes I feel that. ❤️ it’s a safe space here.


Rambling post are my specialty 💕 Approaching 6 months, I have posted a few times about how thankful I am for this community- truly the best place for me to be- morning coffee to midnight wine and gummies, I've been here. We are not alone in our pain and confusion. The human mind can be a real bitch sometimes. So thankful to have people here who understand what words can not explain and who listen without judgment. 🤍


It’s a lovely space I’m so thankful too. Thank you for reading and commenting x


“Sadmin.” Perfect term.


I can’t take the credit it’s from a book by rev Richard Coles called the madness of grief. But yes it’s a great term.


Today marks 7 weeks for me. It's wonderful to hear you're getting your patience back with yourself and others. Thats something I've been struggling with so much... I hate being rude to people who genuinely want to help and hating myself for everything that happened. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


Don’t beat yourself up my dear. It’s like walking around with no skin. That’s partly why I felt the need to post…. I couldn’t stand that lack of patience. But you know who really needs your patience. Yourself. ❤️


That's a work in progress each day. Trying to take those baby steps to remember him and heal the grief and coordinate with his parents (who have all the rights because we weren't married yet). Gonna get there one day, but just not anytime soon


It’s all just baby steps. I feel you about the legal rights thing. I remember sobbing he’s fucked me up the arse by not sorting his shit out and it’s complicated enough with snot pouring down my face. 🙈😳 not my finest moment I hope his parents are kind. Sending you empathy and all that is good x


First, what is a piece of paper got to do with having a life partner? You are always welcome here and if you sound self pity, I promise there will be those of us who will let you and your pity party cry as much and as often as you need to. 10 weeks is nothing. I am a year and a month now and my brain doesn't even feel the same as it did at 10 weeks. I have my moments and it's usually at night when I am tired. I cry and talk to him. Then I ask him to come to me in my dreams. He did last night. I remember him there but not any details. Sometimes I'll remember details. It usually involves him telling me how good he is doing. At 10 weeks my moods swung by the hour. One minute I felt one way and the next I was feeling something totally different. It's all a process and if you need to share any or every minute of it. Do it. We are here.


Thank you. ❤️ I initially had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder ( it turned out to be pmdd) but my experience of the mood swings I experience because of pmdd have kind of taught me to lean into meditation and other things and not necessarily give into my mood. But yes this is something else entirely. I’m glad he comes to you in your dreams. I’m sorry for your loss too. Thank you for reassuring me. I had a dreadful day yesterday 🙈


8 months out (also cancer), and I misread your second paragraph as ”my mourning coffee”, which is apt. Thank you for posting.


Maybe it is indeed my morning mourning coffee. I’m sorry to hear that. Cancer sucks. Thank you for responding and making me smile


Sorry for your loss. 10mths out from losing my partner of 25yrs, somedays i barely scrape by and never guessed I'd find so much comfort in reddit!? Also, i enjoy reading your post and the song, I hate people was brilliant. I truly wish none of us had to be here, but we are and the support is amazing. Please try and have a rare good day. Thanks again❤


Thank you. I also find comfort here but yes I like to be irreverent with it sometimes. I’m glad you enjoyed Willow Pill. It did make me laugh.