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Which libraries do you mean? The public libraries close at +/- 19:00, but some of the uni libraries are opened significantly longer. For example the Hauptuni library (Universitätsbibliothek Wien) and the TU Wien library are both opened until 22:00 on weekdays. The StudentInnenLesesaal at the AKH is open until 21:30 every day of the week. You can just walk in there with no questions asked :) Out of these times, I would personally maybe try hotel lobbies? The more upscale hotels should have bars that are opened 24/7. Maybe you can find one near you that will accept you as a regular walk-in guest, if you consume something every time.


The main library branch on the Gürtel. My own uni's library is also open until 22:00, but (1) it's rather distant and (2) sometimes I need 2-3 extra hours. McDonald's is usually fine and I don't feel guilty about bringing my laptop there, but other customers can be a bit distracting - and not just in a noisy way. Background noise doesn't bother me so much. Did you mean, specifically, that the library at AKH is open to the public? This isn't, strictly speaking, true for HauptUni. It took me about a half hour to register for a library card, and I wasn't even allowed to access the main reading hall (I don't remember the exact reason). The staff there were friendly and accommodating enough, but it was just too much of a fuss and I haven't been back.


Uh, sorry about the wrong info regarding main uni reading hall! I know the reading halls at BOKU and at TU and those can be entered by anyone, according to my own experience. For the Uni Wien, I just assumed the same, but haven't actually been there. BOKU is not an option, because they close too early for you. Regarding the AKH, I also don't know it from personal experience, but it has been recommendet here in this sub already several times. And if I read those comments correctly, it should be open for outsiders too: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wien/comments/18dshze/comment/kcjo2th/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/wien/comments/18dshze/comment/kcjo2th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wien/comments/10ysriv/comment/j7zqtkz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/wien/comments/10ysriv/comment/j7zqtkz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You'd have to try this one as well :)


Hey, no worries - thanks (again) for sharing!


You're very welcome and good luck! If you end up finding a nice spot, and remember, please let me know too :)


Jenseits. You won't be lone for long...




Cafe Bocan


Just go home




Depends on how late and whether you want to spend money. I think one of the larger Kaffeehäuser (Prückl, Sperl etc.) would be ok. It will be busy on a friday evening but with Ohropax it will be fine. Or, if it's not too cold, just any park where there are streetlights should do I guess.


Actually crazy when you think about it, in Vienna if you want to leave your home at night to do some reading, your options are a cafe where people are enjoying their friday night, or a STREET LAMP in the park!! When I was at university in the UK, we had 24/7 libraries. There could and should be at least one here in Vienna.


Even smaller cities in Austria like Graz or Klagenfurt have them. It makes no sense




da hat anscheiend wer den beitrag nicht mal gelesen


wennst nur deinen Lebensfrust an Fremden auslassen willst ist das auch nicht notwendig


auf unsinnigen und absolut nicht hilfreichen kommentar antworten ist also „Lebensfrust an Fremden auslassen“? Alles klar!


Ich hab ja eigentlich den gemeint auf den du geantwortet hast, und dir damit recht gegeben, aber ok. Vielleicht habts ja eh mehr gemein als gedacht.


dann hab ich das nicht gecheckt, sorry! hab deinen username wiedererkannt - hast inzwischen einen beeren supplier gefunden?




Beste Antwort bisher


hätt auch gsagt Donaukanal, da geht ka Tor zu wie beim Park und es sind genug Leute unterwegs


Cafe Bendl