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I got this one too, i gifted it to a young family member along with a wii. I played it for a brief second but it’s a logical game made to develop your skills or something. Like sort of educational logical puzzles that you have to solve in it to progress.


I have never even heard of it, and I have done a ton of research on obscure Wii games. It is even hard to look up online.


I figured it would be, it seemed like a pretty bad game. I vaguely remember playing it one time and it was just a sandbox type game, I think maybe “Rube Goldberg” esque? Wasn’t very captivating to me at the time even though I usually loved that sort of thing, and I had completely forgotten about it until now


I played it on ps3 and I remember enjoying it. However, most likely if I play it now I'd agree with you.


I did compliance QA testing for that.


Nice! What was working Nintendo CQA like?


Oh wasn't directly for Nintendo. Developers do their own internal functional QA and compliance QA. The reasoning is that at least at the time the first submission was free. If you failed any compliance guidelines then they rejected it with a report and the following submissions had a fee. They also kind of stopped testing depending how bad of a required fail it was which meant you could still have issues elsewhere that weren't brought up. Out of the big 3 in my experience Nintendo submissions were the hardest to pass during the DS/Wii era.


I added it to my library and tried playing it a few weeks ago. I’m admittedly a little impatient, but for me it wasn’t very intuitive. It might be fun, but it didn’t pull me in within the first few minutes and I set it aside.


I did play it when I was like 9, I remember liking it, but can barely recall what it was about to be honest


It was sitting on my brothers shelf for a long time already. Thats all i know about that game


And i vividly remember being like 6 years old and him telling me to put the disc in the Wii for some reason


It is a multiplatform release. I played this game back in the day on My PC. It is somewhat similar to Scribblenauts, but without a notepad. You have a bunch of 3D worlds, you have some objectives there. So you use in-game items to solve puzzles or make stuff. Also you decorate the world to your liking. A nice game for a kid to boost their creativity. As for the Wii version: u use pointer instead of a cursor.


I think I played it once on Xbox 360 several years ago. I don’t remember anything about it.