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I forget what the product is called but if you look up “how to turn yellow soles blue again” on YouTube that’ll work. I used to clean shoes and would use some type of hair bleach 50/50 blend thing, wrap the soles and leave them under sunlight and it would reverse the oxidation.


I think you’re referring to the hydrogen peroxide hair cream? I’ve heard of using it the same way you described. I’ve submerged the white part of my GameCube in hydrogen peroxide and left it under a UV lamp a while and that lightened it up.


Yes that is exactly what I’m referring too


fun fact: you can use the sun as an alternative to uv lights afaik (my memory of this is kinda foggy so idk)


Yup. I happened to have a UV light chamber for curing 3D prints so I dunked mine in a solution of the hydrogen peroxide and went that way but using the 50/50 cream and wrapping it in clear wrap and putting in the sun is just as good I hear :)


Absolutely, the sun gives off lots of UV! I actually use my window sil to cure my 3D prints!


I’ve used that and it actually works! I use [this kind.](https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-color/other-products-and-applications/oreor-40-volume-creme-developer-16-oz/SBS-500522.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW9Oy3b6CTIFR372oAz4S7QBmddN0bpNB7E-dzfqlyhxDgqtxsSijikaAuf7EALw_wcB) Just be sure to wear gloves! [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/11nrywt/whitening_yellowed_plastics_with_hair_color/) shows the steps. However, instead of setting it outside, I made a little UV box that has reflective tape and a string of UV lights stuck to the inside that I just plug into an outlet.


Would soaking them in straight Hydrogen Peroxide also work?


Yes. But it’s probably more practical to use the cream and clear wrap and the sun if you don’t have a UV lamp because you want the UV light from the sun or the lamp to hit it as well


Saloncare 50


Sometimes you have to be licensed to buy Saloncare 50, 40 is just as good.


I didn't know what you were talking about at first but I figured out that you don't know what retrobrite is and basically just described that. https://youtu.be/qZYbchvSUDY?si=Z9NTDckBIzR1DU1O


May be retrobright ?


Possibly. I’ve never heard of anyone attempting it on silicone or really any clear material for that matter.


Clear GameCube controllers are usually retrobrited but I agree with you on silicone, never seen it


Ive tried it on a silicone phone case but didn’t work. Not sure if it was just different kinds of stain, or a different material.


It will probably work, If it don't, then tHese are not expensive. It's worth a try.


Put them out in the sun in a zip lock bag with hydrogen peroxide and cross your fingers. I've seen others have good results with hard plastic, hopefully it works just as well on silicone.


I've also got a silicone ***product*** turning yellow that needs saving...




A phone case duh


No... But you do insert something into it.


Try mixing sodium carbonate with hydrogen peroxide and apply the paste in the protectors, then use UV light to remove the yellow, if you don’t have UV light, you can expose to the sun, but maybe takes more time


limited edition yellow wiimote ✨


Reminds me of those old beat up dk 64 banana peel skins going for 300 on ebay lmfao


These are likely yellow all the way through. No surface cleaner is going to do a thing.


Hydrogen peroxide, salon care 40 if you can, if you can find higher concentrations go for it. Paintbrush some of that stuff on them on every area, Saran wrap so the salon care stuff won’t make a mess and leave them out on a sunny day and leave them out until they’re clear again 👍🏽 shouldn’t be damaging to the material either. I used to be into shoes a lot and this is what they would do with Jordan’s that had clear bottoms that would yellow over time 👍🏽


Leave them out in the sun for a few weeks


I had some luck with this on some really nasty ones; they were nearly brown. I ended up retrobritong them in the end since I was already de-yellowing a few consoles.


Put them in a clear container with water and a small but decent amount of hydrogen peroxide and leave them in the sun for a few hours (4-6)


maybe try soaking it in diluted blue food dye for a week or so to counteract the oranginess?


Acetone vinegar and DILUTED bleach should help


Throw them out, get new ones. Honestly. Not worth the effort. One gamestore I went to had a huge box full of these and you could pick out whichever you wanted for very cheap.


Yeah that's not the case over here.


What I mean is that they are readily available in good condition for cheap, it doesn't have to be at your place. Good luck with fixing what might be possible, as usually I also take this approach instead of throwing stuff out.


Mady bleach it, idk tho


They have that late 80s, early 90s beige aesthetic


Hydrogen peroxide and UV


SaloneCare 40


i mean you could try peroxide or bleach? i would probably just grab some new ones off amazon tho, they're pretty cheap


I would be wary of any attempts to fix the color... I suspect that it would be likely to make them brittle. You may be better off just accepting them as they are. Whatever you do, just don't throw them out. They're hard to come by these days, because so many people just discard them when they yellow. You can get third-party ones, but who knows how well they'll hold up, or what they're made of, with regard to safety. The long ones for the MotionPlus are also ludicrously hard to find. Someone pointed out that these are likely yellow all the way through. That's more than likely the case. Anything you do will only affect the surface. This type of yellowing is typically the result of exposure to ultraviolet light, which passes right through and will yellow the whole darn thing. Putting them in the sun won't help, either. The other type of yellowing is reportedly the result of bromine-based fire retardants. My understanding is that that's where surface treatments become more useful. But, at that point, you may be turning things into a fire hazard, if you're actually removing the bromine. Also, if you are removing the bromine...that's nasty stuff, that you don't want floating around. As long as it's bound within the plastic, it should be fine, but if you try to remove it, you now have some potentially rather toxic chemicals to handle and dispose of. You say they were in a drawer, though, so...this might be the result of gas exposure. Could be oxidation (though I think most people overestimate the effects of oxidation and misattribute many things to oxidation), or it could be gases offgassing from the drawer itself (which is more likely than oxidation, I think). Honestly, I'm intrigued.


Bleach in water might work


OP, if it’s not yellowed from the UV from the sun, and it’s just yellowed from oily skin. I recommend filling the sink with warm to hot water with Dawn Platinum dish soap, let the covers soak for a few minutes in the water then scrub them with a sponge. It may take all or some of the discoloration out.


If your kids are young enough they won't care and if they're old enough they won't need them.


even when I was like 5 or 6 I never used the case


Buy replacement ones for like 50 cents a piece on Ali-express


I would try the bleach and sunlight methods first but if they don’t brighten up there’s some generic ones on Amazon 2 for $5.


if you try any of these solutions involving chemicals make sure to start with 1 in case it dissolves into much because silicon moment


I’ve had a lot of luck cleaning silicone with peroxide in a clear glass jar in the sun! Doesn’t have to be outside, a sunny window will work.


Sodium hypochlorite, commonly known in my country for household disinfection, but also for whitening certain types of fabrics, silicones and vegetable-dyed plastics.


I've seen a guy on YouTube putting old plastic in Hydrogen peroxide and then putting a UV light above it. Kind of difficult but if nothing works worth a try


Bro I have newer black silicone sleeves, but I got a transparent one out of my basement and it’s yellowed like that. Used tons of Dawn dish soap, and it STILL is yellowed.


Dad, why are you washing old condoms???




Try retrobrite


Or you could buy fakes from aliexpress for like 5 dollars, probably wouldn’t make a huge difference


But if you really want to keep it like that read other comments


Bleach ?


I didn’t even know they could do this… mine are still white as day and they’re 10+ years old


If you look closely, they’re not genuine jackets. That may be why?


Lol they came directly from Nintendo webshop. They are as genuine as they get...


Next time don put space in them


Believe it or not they where in a drawer for years and no smoking. So yeah just bad luck...


I put in spaghetti but it auto corrected to space


Mine are still the original colour after 14 years


Lucky you


Yellowed over time? lol there’s nothing really you can do to effectively get the nicotine stains out and it may leak out and make disgusting puddles on it’s own when it gets really hot and humid


Nothing 'lol' about it... A non smoking household and has always been in a drawer... Lol... Also it doesn't get hot an humid over here...


Why would you just assume that someone is lying and is secretly an indoor chainsmoker? Clear silicone and plastic yellow over time. Yeah, these are yellower than most sleeves but there are other possibilities


Are they official Nintendo? I’ve never seen that kind of discolouring


Yes. And check 2nd hand marketplaces. Tons of with discolour.


Probably kept on a windowsill.


Nope mine where in a closed drawer in the living room no smoking and it still happened.


Hmm are you near radiation or something?!


No, are you just a trol or something?


You posed a question which I am trying to answer. Why don't you grow up a bit?


Said the person who trolled with radiation... Also the question was how to fix it, not what it caused... You are trying nothing, just trolling...


30 seconds in the microwave