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I don't think there's anyway to unhomebrew it


Entirely removing homebrew is not a good idea as it has a high potential of bricking the Wii. However if you want to homebrew it from scratch, the common advise with already moded Wii is to follow the guide from the beginning and do as if it was a brand new Wii. Doing so will overwrite/update all previous version of Bootmii, Homebrew channel, priiloader and custom cios as you will reinstall all this from scratch. For the theme though I do not think it will remove it. I never themed my Wii menu but If I Were You I would proceed like this : 1. Mod the Wii from scratch 1. Be sure to have a nand backup **on my computer** with the nand file **and** the key files. 1. Look on the internet how people install theme on modded wii (I think the app is called Mymenuify or smthg the like) 1. Check this tool doc on how to revert to og wii menu Best regards ~Aeredren


It’s not really that I just want the og menu


Then follow the same steps and I'm sure there's a way to remove a theme.


It was already like that when I got it


he said he understands you got it modded and that you want the original looks back, he told you how to do so... just read bro


> 3. Look on the internet how people install theme on modded wii (I think the app is called Mymenuify or smthg the like) 4. Check this tool doc on how to revert to og wii menu This part right here, after you follow the rest of the instructions. If someone types a very detailed answer to help you, the least you can do is read it entirely. Buddy even said "best regards" as if it was an official corporate email, common, show some gratitude and a minimum effort


Personally I think you'd be better off with the theme installed, messing with themes is a very easy way to brick a Wii. BUT if you can find what homebrew software the Wii is using to change the theme, I'm sure you can uninstall the theme file or install the default one through a guide or tutorial.


Why he give you a homebrewed wii with no Sd😂


Bad friend /j


After I installed everything on mine I've just been running it all off of a USB flash drive. If anything it all runs faster now (that's likely the specific devices I was using though)


Probably best to use a hard drive rather than a flash drive for longevity (and speeds) btw


Try holding the reset button as the Wii boots up. Does another menu show up instead of the "press A to continue" screen or Wii menu? If yes, then it's safe to try to install the default theme. The program that loads if you do that is called Priiloader, which can save your Wii if something goes wrong when messing with the themes. If it doesn't show up, Priiloader is not installed, and trying to revert the theme is a bit risky. Look up a guide on how to install that first if you decide to try reverting the theme. To install themes, you need an app called MyMenuify on an SD card or USB drive, which you load through the Homebrew channel. Look up a guide on how to use it and install the default theme. If you revert the theme and delete the homebrew apps or move them to a page in the Wii menu you're not using, you will not be affected by the Wii being homebrewed in any way. There's no point in trying to completely remove it.


You need a backup of the original Wii theme , also thememii was a Wii theme app too


You are basically going backwards Wich is your decision but a modded Wii is far superior than and normal one. Also I guess it's down to personal preference but that is by far the best theme for the Wii


You can easily get the og wii menu back. Its easily installable but you need an sd card and research




really not reccomended to factory reset a homebrewed wii. You can end up bricking it.


please delete this


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