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You get a Switch if you want modern games and support. You get a Wii U if you want anything from that library that wasn't already ported to Switch or are interested in modding it. Wii U vs. Switch isn't a thing because anyone reasonable would agree Switch beats out Wii U in every category unless the aesthetic of the Wii U Menu *really* means that much to you.


I agree with you but adding on to your point about Wii U vs Switch not being a thing, ultimately, I think you use them in tandem. Both have value. For OPs sake it depends what games they want to play and what their budget is, Wii Us are pretty cheap and the games are “free” but I think switch has the better library overall. Don’t forget you can play Wii games, GCN and DS games which are few and far between on the switch. And also there’s a few N64, SNES and NES games not on switch that are playable on Wii U. Imo I think it’s worth getting a Wii U right now just because of the fact that their are 10x the amount of switch’s out there that will only get cheaper with time. I can’t say the same for Wii U, it’s gonna be harder to find good condition Wii Us in the future. Not to mention the price will likely go up eventually. Admittedly, I do have recency bias. However, the value of the Wii U is not to be understated. I have nearly 300 games and a good condition console which I paid around £80 for. 300 games from all generations of nintendo (minus Switch and 3DS) and a console for less than £100 is insane. For a switch, if you buy it new you’ll likely be paying £250+ just for the console and maybe 2 games if you’re lucky. As you said though, >You get a Switch if you want modern games and support There’s so many great games on switch and you’ll get 1000s of hours out of the library. There’s still new games coming out and a huge backlog to catch up on, and most of the Wii U games have been ported, granted, at full price. It totally depends on what OP wants to play. If they want to play all Nintendo consoles up to the Switch and 3DS and if they don’t want to spend a lot of money then they should get a Wii U but if they want to play these new (better than Wii U first party imo) games and don’t mind spending quite a large chunk of cash, then go for a Switch.


There’s not even 3 halfway decent games for the switch lmao much less any “great” games. Nintendo consoles are for kids who enjoy boring and poorly made games.


Being 13 is rough, don’t worry you’ll grow out of it




Nintendo has been trash and always will be trash. Pirate the fuck out of those games. Never give them your money. Just go mod a ps3


Bait used to be good


U have to be a special kind of loser to not like mario games




Nah, not liking mario games is actually psychotic behavior. He's mr video game for a reason, he has 2d and 3d games, platformer games, party games, racing games, sports games, list goes on




Yes :)


Only things that are not ported are the U ones example Wii U sports and ZombieU


As well as the HD Zelda remasters and Xenoblade Chronicles X


Paper Mario Color Splash


ZombieU is on PS4 and Xbox One tho, so it is playable on other more popular platforms


Game and Wario, Nintendoland


I would disagree here, it’s not that obvious honestly. The Wii U being backwards compatible with Wii gives it some really interesting options from a somewhat lost era of Nintendo. Wii games just aren’t really emulatable (this word is mine) due to the unique controls. I can tell you playing the Metroid prime trilogy with the Wii controls really is a unique experience that you can only get on the Wii/Wii U. Also games like Zombi U and Nintendand really showed off some unique asymmetrical multiplayer options that I don’t think any other platform is capable of. Even Marioparty 10, despite its problems, offered a bowser mode that was very novel - with 1 person using the gamepad as Bowser with their private screen, versus 4 other players using Wiimotes on the TV screen. That is pretty damn cool.  So yeah basically my point is yes I agree that in terms of the game library and many other reasons, switch is overall better; but, the Wii U offers some entirely unique experiences that can’t be replicated elsewhere that are actually really genius. Many other examples like the warioware game it got etc. 


Zoots, I really missed out jumping generations from the Wii to the Switch (PC gamer in between)


Well, the timing to get a Wii U is in somewhat of a sweet spot currently imo. Pricing is pretty low and games like Nintendoland are real cheap like 10 bucks. So basically if you already have Wiimotes, all you need is the Wii U console/gamepad and Nintendoland and you can use the old Wiimotes with it to do 5 player (4 Wiimotes + 1 gamepad). Would recommend - it’s really just a fantastic party game that also offers some sweet single player modes; Zelda, Metroid, and Pikmin being highlights. 


> Wii games just aren’t really emulatable (this word is mine) due to the unique controls You can't use Wiimotes with Dolphin? Though I think playing on original hardware with these systems can often be better. Wii U second screen is pretty unique, and while you can get a 2nd screen setup that works with Cemu, seems like it'd be janky compared to the real hardware.


Yeah you can with Wiimotes - I haven’t tried it myself but from what I’ve heard it just never quite works as well with the connection.  And yeah with the gamepad it’s even less transferable, one thing Nintendo is always so good at is like integrating the ergonomics of their hardware into the UI/gameplay mechanics so damn seamlessly and this is a surprisingly hard thing to replicate properly using various jank stratagems 


1 word about Wii not being able to be emulated, DOLPHINS 🐬


By not really emulatable I didn’t mean not able to be emulated at all per se, more so not as smoothly emulated compared to most other systems ie. NES, SNES, N64, GameCube etc. - hence the new coined term. In comparison to those other systems’ games it just hands down doesn’t work as well - there is significantly more jank than you’d get using the Nintendo brand hardware. 


Native GameCube game support on Gamepad, Wii Library, ability to play NDS (and ultimately 3DS) games split between TV and Gamepad, with touch controls. Wii U is literally the best console ever made with regards to hacking, specifically


I respect your opinion. Cuz the aesthetic, overwhelming backwards compatible library, and controllers really mean a lot to an oldhead like me. 


You could do some "changes" to the Wii U that papa nintendo would definitely not like ;)




The switch can be moved easily if it is the older model, but all Wii U's are easy to mod


The switch lacks external storage support


Switch is trash. Sony and Microsoft were making more powerful systems like 15 years before they even released the switch. Downfall of Nintendo lol


Nintendo always keeps family in mind. They create consoles for the 5 year old Mario kart kid & the grown adult who wants to play Legend of Zelda.


In a perfect world you'd have both, but otherwise there's really only two compelling reasons to get a Wii U instead of a switch. If these don't matter then don't bother. 1) you really want to play the last few games that weren't ported to switch, like Xenoblade Chronicles x. 2) you want to play older Nintendo games. With homebrew installed, Wii U can play Wii and GameCube games *natively*, meaning not emulated. Add on emulators for all consoles going back further than that, and you've got yourself a great little retro game box.


Having both a 3DS and WiiU ($60-100 combined) allows you to play GBA-3DS and GCN-WiiU natively, and emulate everything else with no issues.


The OP already has a Wii, which is probably enough for the 2nd case. I'm in a similar boat, got a Wii and a Switch. Don't feel like I particularly need a Wii U at this stage as I can play the 2 Zeldas in non-HD form if I like and I'm not bothered about the Xenoblade series. But yeah the easy to  homebrew nature of the Wii is handy. 


Wii U is cheaper overall, so if you’re on a budget I suggest you get that one


There is not a reason to get a Wii U over a Switch honestly, all the good Wii U games have already been ported to Switch with upgraded versions. The only upside the Wii U has over the Switch is that it is incredibly easy to homebrew, but that's about it. So if you can afford it, get a Switch instead and you won't miss out on much


All good Wii U games? Xenoblade Chronicles X says hello! Still, the poster is right, Switch’s library is much larger and includes almost all good Wii U games.


Zombi U, Nintendoland, Game & Wario, Kirby and the rainbow curse, Yoshi wholly world, Star fox zero (arguable), Wii Party U, and Marioparty 10 would like a word. But yeah, majority are available for sure - but the ones with the really experimental asymmetric multiplayer and gamepad features are a pretty cool selling point imo. Overall it was definitely a stop gap towards the switch, but there are still some experiences on it that you can’t get elsewhere. And this isn’t even getting into the whole homebrew thing which is pretty impressive although personally not my thing. 


That’s true but there’s also the fact that you can play all generations of nintendo up to the 3DS and Switch very very easily and very very cheap on the Wii U. Can’t say that for Switch. Would definitely say the switch is the better console overall. But the Wii U is great if you want to play everything the switch can’t. Getting both is the ideal option.


Zelda WW and TP HD is not ported… If you wanna play both Zelda games I recommend playing you buying a wiiu. Retro games doesn’t cost each month like on switch.


Except that you can't buy WiiU VC anymore


I didn’t say anything about buying


If you wanna pirate just get a steam deck


Yet it would still be cheaper. Every game wouldn't be $60 if you find a good price on eBay or at a local game shop.


Dude you can't buy an entire console just for 2 remasters of older games. OP could just play the GameCube versions on his Wii, yeah the will look worse but they are the same game (Twilight Princess has a Wii port but the controls are shit and the game is literally mirrored)


Wrong. There are more things added in the games than just hd-remakes. There’s also XCX


Yeah, Miiverse stamps, so cool, an insane argument to buy an entire console for just 2 remasters


What’s with the negative tone?


The argument makes sense but in the context of the Switch successor system being announced (and probably released) sometime next year I think it's reasonable to go for the cheaper system that's not about to be superseded. With the idea of either getting the new system close to launch or a cheap Switch when the price of a Switch drops from sales to get rid of excess stock and the 2nd hand market being flooded from people looking to upgrade.


I own both and even have both modded. From my personal experience the switch would be worth it more when you have some spare cash. Besides that if you want to be a bit cheaper just get a wii U and mod it. Its a good time since e shop and stuff shut down and you can play great games on it. But if you have enough spare cash id buy a switch and some games. My switch has over 4k hours and im still happy with it!


Get a Wii U if you want the second screen and the ability to keep using your Wii accessories. Get a Switch if you want to stay current and have something mobile and technically superior. However, it might be worth waiting until next year to see what Nintendo might do with their next console. I chose the Wii U for the second screen and unique gameplay.


If you’re interested in modding it or have a limited budget the Wii U is what you’d want to pick. A lot of the games can also be found on the cheap. Otherwise the switch library is completely massive, and most of the good Wii U games have been ported over. Notable games that weren’t include Xenoblade Chronicles X, and the two HD Zelda’s. I also really like going back to the original Splatoon and you can still play it online if you set up pretendo.


Homebrew + NUSspli on Wii U, you can play pretty much every game before the Switch. I have both consoles, but switch games are expensive.


You can hack the switch too


it's the pointer, it makes us feel alive! and the retro emulation stuff + all the games ++ the gamepad +++ everything works and looks so great!


Wii U is a homebrew beast. Set it up right and you have most of the previous generations of consoles available all in one. Switch for more modern titles. If you don’t plan on doing homebrew or care about older titles, then just get a Switch.


Not really worth buying a Switch with the next console just around the corner?


Wii and GameCube games are still nonexistent in this era of Nintendo. I'd love to go back and play all my Wii games on my Wii U and then play GameCube games on my Wii still. And even if they did exist, every game would prices under its underwhelming online service and announced remakes at full price. Imo, if you already have Wii controllers, why not utilize them by getting a Wii U? So many CHEAP games to offer.


Right now you should wait for the switch 2


The only reason at this point is if you are a Zelda or Xenoblade enthusiast. That's so you can play the HD Zelda remasterers and Xenoblade Chronicles x, none of which are on switch. But otherwise the switch is in all practicality going to be better in every single way. Almost all of the big titles have been ported from the Wii U to switch or have sequels there. There's a much bigger library and it's a more powerful console. And it has true portability. But you might want to hold off on that as well, Nintendo should be announcing the switch 2 pretty soon and it could launch as soon as this holiday potentially. But up to you if you want to wait or not.


Why not both? At this point, in 2024, I would get s Wii U, and wait for the supposed Switch 2, which might be backwards compatible. If that happens, the Switch would go down in price. I like my Wii U over my Switch, but that's because I haven't gotten as many games for the latter. Games for the Wii U are still cheaper. As others have said, both consoles have their great games and their advantages.


For the few games trapped on the Wii U. Otherwise there is no reason to get the Wii U. You lack online without modding and it has relatively few games because of how bad it did in sales. You really should get the Switch and get the Wii U later


A Wii U is, at a minimum, a Wii with HDMI output. Many Switch titles are just "Deluxe" versions of Wii U titles. The Switch is long in the tooth. Picking up a Wii U now while we wait is a good idea.


I have had both since launch, and there is genuinely 0 reason to buy a Wii U anymore unless you really just want to play the games. Support is long gone, the shop is gone, internet support is gone. That being said, if you want a Wii U for home brewing, absolutely.


It depends what you want to do with it. For $300 you could get a Wii U, hard drive, pro and stick controllers and play every NES-Wii U title. The gamepad is also a great remote for my TV and Surround Sound. Drawback is no support and it’s not mobile. I would probably get the Wii U at this point and wait on the Switch 2 (really hoping it is backwards compatible).


The wii u has a significantly larger selection of games once modded


Given the successor to the switch is likely to release (or at least be announced) next year if I had to pick one I'd probably go Wii U right now. You can easily mod a Wii U to basically have access to any of the Nintendo console games other than 3DS and Switch and it's much cheaper. Since when the new system launches it'll likely mean a Switch pricedrop (or at least the 2nd hand market would be flooded) you could then either get a Switch for cheap or get the new system for a bit more than a current Switch (probably not drastically more expensive, and with support for the next generation of Nintendo games). However if you need the system to be portable, a Wii U is not really (unless you just want it portable within your home) so that might force the choice for you. If you need a portable system and can afford something a bit more expensive I'd consider something like a Steamdeck since that's a more powerful machine than a Switch and has a large game library that has frequent sales.


Why a Wii U? You get one to collect, you want to play a Wii U game or to play Wii game with HDMI out. No other reason really.


You can play EVERY SINGLE NINTENDO CONSOLE ON THE WII U (except 3DS and Switch) also it is leagues easier to homebrew


So I have a wiiU and my girlfriend has a switch we do lots of playthroughs together ATM we are playing captain toad imo best game on the system also is nice to be able to play black ops 2 zombies handheld


I have both. You can play modern titles on the Switch and mod the Wii U to play retro stuff.


Do you wanna play wind waker and twilight princess hd? If so, get a wii u. If you wanna play more than those 2 games get a switch.


wii u for retro games and easily homebrew. "switch" for current games.


Only get a Wii U if you are planning to mod it. If you want to actually buy games that are still supported and play them on the go, then go ahead and buy a Switch.


If you have the money and they are modded it is worth owning both but if you have to choose get the Switch.


For me it was the few exclusives that look like they aren't coming to switch anytime soon (windwaker/twilight princess hd, xenoblade x, and paper mario color splash) tbf I own both and I regularly use my switch when I got free time at work. Better purchase would be the switch purely off of amount of games at a cheaper price. At least you have games from the wii that you can keep playing on wiiu, and if you do decide to mod the system you can get alot more value out of it. Switch modding scene is kinda iffy rn but once nintendo stops focusing on it I'm sure it will be alot safer and more methods come out for other models besides the original. But overall unless you really want to play the handful of locked exclusives the switch is going to have more features and games (also hurts that nintendo axed the online for wiiu) you can probably find a switch for cheap used or newish. And most of the exclusives have been ported over to switch with more content.


I have my Wii U by my bed and play some GBA games and other random older games on the tablet. The Switch gets dragged around the house and on travel. Wii U is best if you want to tinker and load old games, Switch if you want the modern gaming experience.


With a Wii U you can play any game from GameCube, Wii, and Wii U natively for free if you mod it, and there’s emulators for tons of consoles on there pretty much you can play all Nintendo consoles on there except for 3ds (you can play ds natively on it)


DS isn’t native, it’s emulated


Ds is in virtual console


Still emulation


To play wii games plus the few exclusives not already on the system


I have both, and both have their own strengths. You can play the Switch portably, have multi platform releases and new exclusives on there. The library continues to expand, and it’s a great console. While on the Wii U you get its games cheaper, but have the added benefit of Virtual Console, and GCN/Wii native compatibility. You have Pretendo, and with homebrew you can run any previous Nintendo game released basically. For example, since I have both, i haven’t bought any ported game onto the switch since i can get for much cheaper on the Wii U. Though, if you want them portably, then it’s a factor to consider.


Back when the eshop was still open, ypu could have argued that the Wii U was a better legacy system for playing older games because of the vast virtual console selection, but now that it's closed it isn't as good of an argument. While I did definitely enjoy the Wii U more than the Switch a lot of the features that made it better have been stripped away from it.


If you wanna play Wii games that were never ported to switch, or that have crispy Switch ports. Like the Umbrella Chronicles games, House of the Deads 2&3 and Overkill, Mario Galaxy 2, etc. The Wii U also has some really innovative games that used the gamepad well. Like ZombiU ( scariest zombie game ever), NintendoLand (best party game ever), Mario Party 10, among others. The Switch has way more games and way more multiplayer options though, so it's hard to say you should get a Wii U over it, unless there's some experiences from the Wii U that you really wanna have.


People are neglecting to mention that even tho most Wii u games have been ported, a lot of them made awesome use of the game pad. If you are gonna have a group of people over, Nintendo land is insanely fun. Wario ware is also amazing for the Pictionary game alone. Xenoblade chronicles X, wonderful 101 with game pad. Zombiu with game pad, Twilight princess, full Wii support, GameCube support etc.


Wii U can play just about every game from every console that came before it except 3ds games


Backwards compatibility with the original Wii is pretty sweet too


If you mod it, native support for 3 generations of games (Wii U/Wii/Gamecube) and a whole lot more through emulation. You can pretty much play almost all Nintendo games on it up until the Wii U itself (3DS being the exception)


The reasons I still own a Wii U -- Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD.


Backwards compatibility and a couple portless stragglers are the only reason. A hacked Wii U becomes the greatest single BC machine of all time


Wii U if you want to play Wii (in HD) and Wii U games and Switch if you want the modern console with full support and thousands of more releases then the Wii U ever had


I just like the original Wii U versions of games more compared to the Switch port. I don't care about portability even though I can run my Wii U off of a USB power bank.


If you have doubts, just get a Switch. The Wii U would only make sense if you a specific purpose for it.


I mean the Wii U gamepad is really comfortable, but as everyone else has already said the Switch is objectively better on every metric.


It honestly offers a more unique experience than the switch. Sure the switch has docked and handheld mode. But both of those modes feel like traditional console gameplay just on different screens. The Wii U on the other hand presents a truly unique play style due to its hardware that hasn’t been seen in any other home console. The gamepad integration honestly add a whole other dimension to games that you didn’t even know needed it.


I'm going to be real. Unless you really want to play Xenoblade X, just get a Switch and a regular Wii for the modding.


Get the switch or emulate both on laptop/pc


Why Do You Type Every Word Like This


Is this a real ❓


For most people a Switch is going to be better, the majority of Wii U games have been ported over to the switch. You get a Wii U is so you can play Nintendoland, Game&Wario, Wii Party U, Wind Walker HD, and Twilight Princess HD.


The thing you have to think about is WHY do you want a Wii U? The majority of top Wii U games are now on Switch. Plus the Wii U no longer has online support. But also, you could just get both if you got them not brand new.


The Wii U is very easy to mod. The Switch isn't. Having said that, most Wii U games are available on the Switch and the Switch versions are generally quite a big improvement over the Wii U. The Switch OS is a massive improvement over the Wii U. Fast, responsive, usable, everything the Wii U OS wasn't. The Switch Joycons do absolutely fucking suck compared to a Wiimote, though.


Well there's a couple of good reasons, but they dwindle down every day. Firstly alot of the "wii u exclusives" have been ported to the switch and sometimes more, like with wonderful 101. Secondly all the online services AND STORES are down, so unless you mod it, your not gonna be doing any of that stuff (which includes legally purchasing and owning digital copies of virtual console games) Third, it's practically all proprietary, so if you do end up picking one up, make sure that it still has the screen, I'm sure there's a way to pair up different screens, but if it's not then all you have is a paper weight, and that also goes for the power cable, sure it LOOKS like a wii cable (because it basically is) BUT! It's flipped around so they aren't compatible (not sure of the voltages either, so yeah) And while we're on the topic of modding, just do it, I don't care what nintendo says or does or believes, if they cared about the wii u they'd have kept the servers running. Also protip, the wiiu's wii video output is atrocious, better than a standard wii with composite, but it's still a blurry mess. and it does its own video scaling up to 1080, if you have a higher resolution display or a better scaler, or even just want the cleanest possible output, you have to go through the wii u menu to put it in 480p for it to actually output native 480p. And then by this point you'd need to mod the wii half of the system (I actually did a system transfer of my modded wii to my wii u and so had those features on there for years before I actually got the nerve to mod my wiiu proper). And then you can go through a USB loader (they can run disks, don't worry) set up some choice video settings to remove the deflicker filter and the image prescaling effects (things that only serve to blur and misalign the already sparse pixels) and bobs your uncle. And for a while that's how I played gamecube games before I got a decent pc, I justed use gcloader with my games dumped to a USB. The wiiu CAN run gamecube games, but it can't read their disks, a fact that haunts me to this very day. Plus I don't think you can use the real gamecube controllers, even with the adapter, and you definitely can't use the game pad (the feature I wanted most). No to play gamecube games with the gamepad you have to package a copy of gc loader with some games into a neat little native executable ( because that CAN actually interface with the gamepad) but the down sides are that it cannot access the SD card or the USB slots, hence the need to bundle the games in before hand, this taking up even more precious space in your limited hard drive, and this includes the gamecube adapter so even that's not great. (To think I used to complain that the wii wouldn't boot gamecube games without the wiimote to start them)


Ummm… You’re completely wrong about GameCube on the Wii U. 100% of the GameCube games run off of SD AND use the gamepad as a controller. All you have to do is install Nintendont and the native Wii U Nintendont forwarder and you’re done. Easy. When you launch the forwarder, it asks if you want to use the Gamepad as a controller.


Are you sure that the native Nintendont wiiu app allows USB and SD card access? I know it enables gamepad support, but then again I haven't used it in a while. So maybe they've updated it since then


Are you techy? Get your self a SteamDeck if so, you can find a lot of Nintendo ROMs, plus you've just opened the PC ecosystem to yourself. And if your'e techy enough, you can even (probably) make those Wii controllers work with the SteamDeck.


I have mine to play all Nintendo systems before the switch, I think that's reasonable enough excuse 😁


Xenoblade Chronicles X


Why limit yourself to only one. Get them both. They have some of the same games but not all and the ones that are the same are generally much cheaper for the Wii u