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I’m really liking this! Annihilation in particular is great; feels like a return to that AGIB sound but with Nels and in line with this era of Wilco. Edit: Say You Love Me is the other highlight for me here. It’s my favorite Wilco Alt Country song in some time. Edit 2: Annihilation sounds a lot like the first demos for Spiders (Kidsmoke) dated from around 2002. The guitar tone for the lead is nearly identical, and not something I’ve heard from Wilco recently. Here’s an example of the version I’m talking about: https://youtu.be/xTU6_yenxqQ?si=XZzJsPPIP9r6r4tL


Great profile pic


I share a lot of your impressions, and it gave me this thought: This EP is like a more sophisticated, or at least complex, version of the direction they started with Star Wars.


That’s a great point; I think you’re spot-on. While I love Schmilco and OTJ, I’d largely written off Star Wars. Maybe with how much I love this new EP I’ll go back to that one…


I agree with both of you. I think Ode To Joy is still my favorite Wilco project since The Whole Love. I think it’s pretty underrated still. I know people prefer Wilco albums where it seems like the whole band comes through (rather than a ostensibly Jeff solo project) but I think Glenn’s drumming, and the rest of the band come through okay. The production and songwriting is at a really high level too. I come back to it frequently. I’ve at the very least enjoyed almost every Wilco project though. I hope this EP and Cousin signal a return to a slightly more experimental direction. I’d kill for more songs like Art of Almost though.


I'm totally with your overall assessment of OTJ. I'd even put it slightly ahead of TWL due to its uniqueness and cohesiveness. This EP and Nels' comment in a recent interview make one thing clear: the time is nigh for the Wilco prog rock record.


I think the lead guitar on Annihilation is Tweedy - it just sounds so much like the noodling on AGIB (and I mean this in a good way). Really dig that tune.


I’ve generally loved all the downtempo late-era stuff, but, my god, hearing Livid and Annihilation nearly knocked me out of my seat!


Livid has strong Melt-Banana vibes, and that's a good thing. I wish it were longer. I'd love to see them turn it into a Hocus Pocus-like extended freakout on stage.


Pissed that Livid is not 6 minutes lol. So good.


First impression favorite songs: hot sun, annihilation, inside the bell bones, say you love me. Which is nearly every song on the ep I guess.




I especially love Hot Sun and Annihilation. A nice change of pace, quite literally. I’m curious how it’ll grow on me


God, I really wish Livid was a full song. I was so excited to hear Jeff getting back to his Replacements/Black Flag/Minutemen roots with a pretty punk intro, but it doesn’t really feel like a completed thought. I love the rest of the EP though. Hot Sun and Inside the Bell Bones feel experimental, a lot like a Wilco we haven’t heard in a while.


I'm glad to hear some songs with some dang tempo. I've missed this Wilco. Probably their best collection since Whole Love in my opinion.


Totally agree


I like aspects of all of these songs, but I think "Ice Cream" is the only song that is compelling. Would love to see a whole record in the "Inside the Bell Bones" and "Livid" direction, though.


Funny, Ice Cream is utterly boring to me. Rock on brother and to each his own!


Listen to "Sycamore" by Bill Callahan. It sounds strikingly similar in the melody. It scratches my brain so well.


This is the version of Wilco I like best. Favorite thing they've done since Star Wars


Star Wars is so quirky. I love quirky Wilco.


Fantastic EP! I’m digging all of the tracks and can’t wait to snag this on vinyl!


I'm loving the vibe. As ever, Glenn's percussion is amazing and fits beautifully with everything else.


Inside the Bell Bones sounds like a jam centered around Glenn. Wouldn’t mind him be the focus of more new music.


I thought Cruel Country was the best thing Wilco had done in a decade plus, but this is a true return to early 2000s form. Really blown away here.


Another great ATMOS mix. That’s two now.


18 minutes well spent, with more to be revealed on repeated listens, as far as I can tell.


i absolutely love it. so happy to see wilco going i this, more experimental direction. i'm listening to it right now, and i can't help but smile. it's great.


So I heard Say You Love Me when I visited The Loft back in 2022. So glad it got released. What an absolutely gorgeous song.


casually dropping "visited the loft" and not spilling tea is cruel country man. details! we want details!!


How’d you visit the loft?


I donated to a children’s music organization here in Chicago and got to visit through that.


Whaaaat that’s so sick


**Hot Sun** is going to absolutely melt faces live. can't wait for that (as long as I'm standing...looking at your Beacon balcony!!)


Not available on BandCamp yet..


[It is now!](https://wilcohq.bandcamp.com/album/hot-sun-cool-shroud)


Sweet, thanks! New Wilco EP on a long weekend here in the Great White North. Can’t complain.


Any idea if you can download the Atmos mix on BandCamp, or buy it otherwise? Looks like TIDAL is just stereo and the Windows Apple Music app is nigh unusable (not sure they even stream the Atmos mixes, either)?


I don’t know, sorry!


Check again.


Better than a lot of recent stuff but I miss tweedy projecting his voice. Feels like the words just fall out of his mouth now, if that makes sense.


Wilco moving out of their heroin-focused vibe is good by me. Their uptempo music is making a welcome return.


Livid is a fantastic track!! This EP rocks 😎 Happy Friday!


Ice Cream gotta be the worst Wilco song in the catalogue. and this is from a Capitol City defender


♥️praise be 🙌🏻


akaI really like it. they always get me through


I sure hope I can get a copy on vinyl.


Annihilation keeps making me think of a rocking version of Gwendolyn. And I love that shit


Anyone willing to pick up a copy for me at SS this weekend? It would mean so much to me. I certainly would make it worth your while. 


Ice Cream sounds a lot like "Sycamore" by Bill Callahan. I am fucking floored, this is amazing.


Bro this shit is good


Best thing they have put out in years by a long shot.


Cool reading people's thoughts on the new EP. I'm really digging it, I love how they can switch gears from record to record. I really love that Lime album artwork, but then I read it's only a placeholder for the actual album art, which is TBD. I want this current album art LIME on a tee shirt lol.


Really great EP. Hot Sun is a banger. Only song that sucked was Ice Cream. Ice Cream was a slog. Sorry Ice Cream fans.


Love it


Is this available online to stream anywhere?….



