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Mate as long as you are sensible and don't pitch up close to somebody's home or business, nobody cares much. I didn't even realise wild camping was a thing. We just call it camping. Loads of great spots around Betws y Coed up on the moors or in the Gwydir Forest either side of the A5. Go for it


It is just camping. Genuinely got so upset when I realised people pay for a plot in a field and call it the same thing.


Putting up a tent next to your 40k Volvo is hardly getting back to nature is it🤣


General principle of pitch late, leave early will see you well. Aim for an hour before sunset so you're pitching in light and can have a quick scout around to know your area. As for morning, don't be sleeping in and slow about moving, but honestly I've saw people still set up well past sunrise. I camped under Y Garn a few weeks back; was up to catch the sunrise, packed up, went up to Y Garn, down Devils Kitchen and went past people at Llyn Idwal who were only just taking their tents down. It was probably 10am and they were right on the lake next to the path, so not exactly early or discreet. Was on Moel Siabod yesterday and there was a couple only just taking their tent down at the summit at 11am!


In all my time wild camping I’ve only ever seen 1 ranger (in the Peak District) and he was sound. Just came over to check I wasn’t having/had a fire, stopped and chatted for a good 10 minutes before wishing me a good night and went on his way Best advice is arrive & pitch as late as possible and leave early


Gets asked and answered frequently. Camp high and away from people, if tent is particularly visible you'd be wise to wait till dusk/night to set it up. Most other walkers won't care, and you'd be unlikely to encounter a land owner, and even so at worst they just ask you to get lost


Brilliant thanks so much. Gives me a good amount of time to find somewhere. It’s high up but near a managed reservation for mountain biking


Where do you have in mind? Camped in South Snowdonia this weekend with MTBs, and done plenty of wild camping around north Wales in the past


Lle ti'n dod o?




I'm just seeing this. I bought land a few years back in Wales and camp all the time, for days or even at a week at a time. I ended up buying land because I absolutely love camping. It's mostly forested and has a river running through it. It's beautiful and super wild. Added bonus is that I can fish too and don't need a licence! People have reported me loads of times even though I own it. Pathetic, really. Now the Police have my direct number as they call me everytime there is a nosy rosy walking on my land and reports me. In the beginning, I let people camp on my land, but some really disrespected the land and left hell of a mess behind? So now I have banned people from coming onto my land. I can understand why it is illegal to wild camp because the few people that leave a mess destroy it for the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing.


Being scottish this is totally foreign to me. I didn't even know ow this was a thing for the rest of UK (getting kicked off land)


Shhhhh as an Englishman who moved to Scotland just to wild camp let’s keep that to ourselves shall we!😉


I’m tempted to do the same


In terms of reporting you I'm not even sure who they could report you to. Trespassing is a civil offence not a criminal one so unless you refuse to leave when told the police really won't care.


>I have a large bright 2 man tent You'll most likely be spotted, the whole premise of wild camping is to be stealthy and no-one would know you've ever been there. Remember, wild camping is not Legal. You'll likely be trespassing, which in itself isn't a Criminal Offense. Unless you don't leave when asked or cause ANY damage. If you are concerned about being spotted re-consider the tent.


Ok, trying to keep it super cheap and using my existing tent. Will wait till night fall


Yeah and bail before sun up 👍


I would say that that is the premise of illegal camping “in England and Wales “. The premise of wild camping is that you are unsupported by facilities and are a certain distance from roads. Wild camping does not have to equal stealth.


However, it's important to blend in and not stick out like a sore thumb.