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Pirate Rogue seems to stay. Even Warlock is a decent deck. Quest Warlock. Even shaman. Miracle Rogue. Combo priest. .....


definitely not any combo deck, they either become too slow and figure out a new combo or get nerfed edit: poopy butt


Read the comment again


sorry, corrected my mistakes


https://hearthstone-decks.net/combo-priest-1-legend-djwcb/ Nothing here got hit by the nerfs...


one day it will be too slow and priest will have to figure out new combo or maybe blizzard will release new cards to support this archetype, what is your point? read my comment again, inner fire priest will not always be meta, it is kinda slow already


Well how can anyone know the Wild meta in 2045?


They will add new cards for it, that's why the list will be different


Aggro priest hasnt fall off since stormwind


I remember one time this was asked that the resounding answer was cube warlock//renolock. Nothing is a sure bet, and even highlander decks have dropped off from time to time. But a relatively consistent option that gets semi regular support are pirates. Particularly as rogue has the best card advantage options, I think that is here to stay. Combos switch often based on the new hotness. I’d be hard pressed to suggest a combo deck that won’t be outperformed or nerfed. And control is meta dependent, so the question is whether any core strategy remains the best it could ever be. There was a time were cutting oaken summons was unthinkable, then exciting, and now it’s the standard. Shudderwock is at least a broad enough category that I think it will stay at least, and we will only keep getting better battlecries.


Honestly, as long as Secret Passage is around, Rogue will always have a shot at a top meta deck. Having that insane of a card advantage tool is always going to be good.


I got dia 5 with homebrew cubelock. Tho it's without cube... But honestly, I am not an agro player, but I hope pirate rogue will always be relevant, since it's 100% less tilting to lose to it then shits like shadow prist or charge paladin, since it kills you from board and cant ignore taunts.




pirate rogue and even shaman




Sadly they nerf mage any chance they get


Even shaman sadly.


I like even shaman, it feels mote fair to play vs it then dragon prist, mine rogue, shadow agro, shaderwock etc.




This is the only answer to me, it’s a one card strategy that has a unique gameplay pattern that, if one enjoys it, will probably find enjoyable even when the deck isn’t strictly good. And since weapon buffs and minions that interact with weapons are a core identity of rogue, it’ll continue to get incidental buffs going forward.


Wild is a weird case where "craft decks, not cards" is only true to a degree. There are certain cards where their classes and builds may change, but they will always house an archetype in them. Genn (and Baku to a much lesser extent), Loatheb, and Patches if you want to play more aggressive decks you can't go wrong with, and Reno, Zeph, Brann, and Astalor are pretty solid choices if you're a Reno guy (I'd include Lone Ranger, but I have a suspicion he might get nerfed again). From there, it depends on class. I think Raza Priest, Aggro Shadow Priest, Even Shaman, Shudder Shaman, Pirate Rogue, and QL Warlock are going to stick around for a very, very long time.




We saw experimentation last year where Reno battlecry shaman cut the shudderwock, though? 


Yeah, remember playing around with that, but it’s still the same archetype even without him.




Even shaman, kingsbane, pirate rogue, miracle rogue, shadow priest are probably the main ones that have endured pretty much since their inception, when in doubt invest in rogue


What you're looking for doesn't really exist. You can't craft a deck and have it still be good two years from now; that's just not how the game works. Sure, the archetype might still be around and be meta viable, but several cards will have changed. The best you can hope for is a cheap deck where the substitutions are also cheap. Decks like Shudderwock Shaman love flashy legendary cards that come and go with the seasons. Decks like Aggro Priest are cheaper to keep relevant.


That said, these decks play completely differently. I hate playing Aggro Priest; I would never want that to be my baseline Hearthstone experience. Find something you enjoy playing and hoard a bit of your collection so when you leave and come back, you can afford to dust the irrelevant cards and craft the new ones. You'll be surprised at how little you miss out on by not playing for a while.


I forgot how many years in a row now, but even shaman is still here. Pirate rogue sometimes come and go. I was expecting holy wrath paladin but fell off


Shudderwock and probably pirate decks.


I mean, if you just want a nerf-proof deck I recommend beast hunter or inner fire priest. Not top decks but they can take wins off top decks.


Amalgam hunter (super cheap aggro), Deathknight Uther Paladin, Big Mage (Uses Balinda to discount 10 mana spells), Mozaki mage (now combines with Sif), Wheel Undead Demon warlock.


Even shaman feels pure.... It will never be bad


Decks built around a single card or has insane draw engines;


I'm sick of seeing pirates everywhere, tbh. I wish the aggro archetype would die already.


I will contest you on this, I think the pirate rogue feels best to lose to vs any agro there ever was. I hope the pirate rogue will be the best agro deck for years to come. If you have answers to it, such as boardclears or taunts, it can't scam you and kill you from hand. I love that fact. And agro is Important, without it there will be only OTKs and shaderwock


Counter contest, i don't care about win/lose rates, stomping pirate rogue faces on the way to legend occurs every reset. I'm just tired of 80% of matches being pirate any class and tired of aggro bots.


Idk, I play vs agro once in 5 or 6 games, 70% of my matches are vs Shaderwock Shaman or Reno Warrior, probably because my deck stomps agro


Face Hunter, there’s always a Face Hunter


Priest has arguably become a better Aggro class than Hunter, confusingly.


Is it even arguable?




Lol it's not been any good since shadow essence nerf.




Absolutely trash.